Epigr. 1. To a Friend that ask'd me, Why translating so many Epigrams, I made none.
Ep. 2. To the same.
Ep. 3. On a Counterfeit Stoick.
Ep. 4. On Philosarcus.
Ep. 5. On the like.
Ep. 6. On the present State of the Nation.
Ep. 7. On Prodigus.
Ep. 8.—His Disciples came by night, and stole him away, while he slept.
Ep. 9. On Aristides.
Ep. 10. On the KING.
Ep. 11. On Diogenes, and a Fop.
Ep. 12. On an Olympick Victor.
Ep. 13. On Ralf and Ciss.
Ep. 14. On Alexander and Diogenes.
Ep. 15. On the KING.
Ep. 16. On Caius.
Ep. 17. The Virgin Martyr'd.
Ep. 18. The States-Man.
Ep. 19. On Jesuits.
Ep. 20. On a groundless Confident Wooer.
Ep. 21. To Julius.
Ep. 22. On Procula, old and amorous.
Ep. 23. On an affected Person.
Ep. 24. On Balbus.
Ep. 25. On Cotta.
Ep. 26. To Fabius.
Ep. 27. On Naevia.
Ep. 28. On Demetrius.
Ep. 29. On a Blockhead Serving-man.
Ep. 30. On Phryne, accus'd before the Athenian Senate.
Ep. 31. To Silus.
Ep. 32. To a Friend.
Ep. 33. Martial, Lib. 2. Ep. 86. Ad Classicum.
Ep. 34. Englished.
Ep. 35. To Plancus.
Ep. 36. To Paulus.
Ep. 37. On Lesbia.
Ep. 38. To the Great.
Ep. 39. On Maevius.
Ep. 40. On the Ungrateful.
Ep. 41. On a Hanger on upon the Court.
Ep 42. On the same
Ep. 43. On the Rich and Covetous.
Ep. 44. On the habitually Vicious.
Ep. 45. On a Coward Enemy.
Ep. 46. On Sin and Sorrow.
Ep. 47. To a Friend, to whom he sent the foregoing Epigrams for a New-Years-Gift.
Ep. 48. On Epulo.
Ep. 49. On Paula.
Ep. 50. To those that sink under Evils.
Ep. 51. On Lelia.
Ep. 52. On Ignorant Undertakers.
Ep. 53. On the gay Ladies of the Time.
Ep. 54. On a Gentleman-Beggar.
Ep. 55. On Severus.
Ep. 56. On our Philosophical Atheists.
Ep. 57. On the Cruel to a Dumb Creature.
Ep. 58. On a tatter'd Gallant.
Ep. 59. On a weak Poet.
Ep. 60. To a Friend.
Ep. 61. Gutta cavat lapidem—
Ep. 62. On the same.
Ep. 63. On Quintus.
Ep. 64. On the same.
Ep. 65. On an Idle Person.
Ep. 66. To Sylvius.
Ep. 67. On a Father and his Son.
Ep. 68. On Fulvia and Silvia.
Ep. 69. On Cloe.
Ep. 70. On Fulvia.
Ep. 71. On the same.
Ep. 72. On Posthumus.
Ep. 73. On Thais.
Ep. 74. On Galla.
Ep. 75. On my Censurer.
Ep. 76. On Balbus.
Ep. 77. On a Debauchee.
Ep. 78. To Laurentius.
Ep. 79. On Sextus.
Ep. 80. On a Court-Parasite.
Ep. 81. On a decay'd Beau.
Ep. 82. On Dissolutus.
Ep. 83. None do their Duty.
Ep. 84. To Festus.
Ep. 85. To the same.
Ep. 86. On my Debauch'd Reader.
Ep. 87. To Sextus.
Ep. 88. On Mens Folly.
Ep. 89. A Reflection on my self.
Ep. 90. To Rufus.
Ep. 91. On the Great.
Ep. 92. On Miss Nell.
Ep. 93. On Silvia.
Ep. 94. On Amarillis.
Ep. 95. On a vain Talker.
Ep. 96. Men Praise the Young.
Ep. 97. On Miss Nell.
Ep. 98. Miss Nell reveng'd.
Ep. 99. To Albinus.
Ep. 100. On Cloris.
Ep. 101. On Oxford Friends.
Ep. 102. On an Unhandsome Woman.
Ep. 103. On a Noble Person.
Ep. 104. On Bassus.
Ep. 105. On the Envious.
Ep. 106. On Rodia.
Ep. 107. To a Noble Wife.
Ep. 108. On Regulus.
Ep. 109. The Grove.
Ep. 110. On a Gentleman-Apprentice.
Ep. 111. To the Vertuous.
Ep. 112. On a Solemn Blockhead.
Ep. 113. On C. O. being very Ingenious, and dying Young.
Ep. 114. On a Hector.
Ep. 115. On various Readers.
Ep. 116. On Mrs. Steward Howard.
Ep. 117. On Clodius.
Ep. 118. On the same.
Ep. 119. On our Church-Writers.
Ep. 120. On Chillingworth.
Ep. 121. On Dr. H. Hammond.
Ep. 122. On Dr. E. Stillingfleet Bishop of Worcester.
Ep. 223. On Dr. Patrick Bishop of Ely.
Ep. 124. On the Froward.
Ep. 125. On the same.
Ep. 126. To Atheists.
Ep. 127. To the Poets of the Time.
Ep. 128. On the Pope.
Ep. 129. A Simple Papist, and a Missioner.
Ep. 130. To Admiral Killigrew.
Ep. 131. To the Muses.
Ep. 132. To Linus.
Ep. 133. To the same.
Ep. 134. On a Fair Maid.
Ep. 135. On Goodness.
Ep. 136. On Philodoxus.
Ep. 137. On the Pope.
Ep. 138. On Bellarmine.
Ep. 139. On the Saints of the Church of Rome. In Dogg'rel.
Ep. 140. The General Lover.
Ep. 141. To Sillius.
Ep. 142. On the World.
Ep. 143. On Sextus.
Ep. 144. To the Generous.
Ep. 145. On Bibulus.
Ep. 146. On Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury.
Ep. 147. To a Christian.
Ep. 148. On Rufus.
Ep. 149. On a Lady's Musick-Book richly bound.
Ep. 150. On Sobrius and Profligus.
Ep. 151. On those that provoke Trouble.
Ep. 152. On Frances.
Ep. 153. To Proclus.
Ep. 154. On Claudia.
Ep. 155. On old Lamia.
Ep. 156. On Scipio Africanus.
Ep. 157. On a Sordid Person.
Ep. 158. On a feign'd Friend.
Ep. 159. On a Besotted Epicure.
Ep. 160. On Dionysius.
Ep. 161. On a Male-Content.
Ep. 162. On Dr. Rugely, robb'd and wounded.
Ep. 163. To Marinus.
Ep. 164. On Dionysius.
Ep. 165. On my Nice Reader.
Ep. 166. On Sin.
Ep. 167. On the same.
Ep. 168. On Madam Pen.
Ep. 169. On a little Boy.
Ep. 170. On Rome.
Ep. 171. On Sylvia.
Ep. 172. On a Lyer.
Ep. 173. To Proclus.
Ep. 174. By way of Dialogue between the Author and his Friend.
Ep. 175. On Atheists.
Ep. 176. On Romances.
Ep. 177. On Demas.
Ep. 178. On the Anxious.
Ep. 179. On Laura.
Ep. 180. On one who Translated some of Martial's Epigrams.
Ep. 181. On Theonina.
Ep. 182. To Fabius.
Ep. 183. On Crispus.
Ep. 184. On a debauch'd Wit▪
Ep. 185. To Priscus.
Ep. 186. To the same.
Ep. 187. On the Guilty.
Ep. 188. On an old Dotard.
Ep. 189. On a Dishonest Shop-keeper.
Ep. 190. On a Drunken Quack.
Ep 191. On the Spreaders of False News.
Ep. 192. The Invitation of a Friend.
Ep. 193. To Priscus.
Ep. 194. To Publius.
Ep. 195. To the same.
Ep. 196. On Criticus.
Ep. 197. To Marcus.
Ep. 198. On Linus.
Ep. 199. On the like.
Ep. 200. To Quintus.
Ep. 201. On an Atheist.
Ep. 202. To the same.
Ep. 203. On a Lady Painter.
Ep. 204. On the Enamour'd of false Beauty.
Ep. 205. On the Wicked.
Ep. 206. On a Coward.
Ep. 207. What is Sweet.
Ep. 208. On the Upstart Great.
Ep. 209. On a conceited Person.
Ep. 210. On Cotta.
Ep. 211. On my Censorious Reader.
Ep. 212. On the same.
Ep. 213. On the same.
Ep. 214. To Marcus, on Maevius and Cloe.
Ep. 215. On a mistaken Epigrammatist.
Ep. 216. On Veterator.
Ep. 217. On an Ungrateful Visitant.
Ep. 218. On the same.
Ep. 219. On a Debtor.
Ep. 220. More Cupids than one are blind.
Ep. 221. On Hedon.
Ep. 222. On Sempronia.
Ep. 223. To Fabius.
Ep. 224. On an old Amorous Cockscomb.
Ep. 225. On the same.
Ep. 226. To Fabius on Livina.
Ep. 227. On Thais.
Ep. 228. The young and old Schismatick.
Ep. 2 [...]9. The Reflection.
Ep. 230. On a Disgrac'd Courtier.
Ep. 231. On Lewis XIV.
Ep. 232. On a Bad Poet.
Ep. 233. On Silvia richly Apparell'd.
Ep. 234. On Lamia.
Ep. 235. On the same.
Ep. 236. On the same.
Ep. 237. On an Injurious Person.
Ep. 238. On Nanus.
Ep. 239. On Rome.
Ep. 240. On a high-kept Miss.
Ep. 241. On Mr. Joseph Mede.
Ep. 242. On the unworthily Fortunate.
Ep. 243. On a Drunkard.
Ep. 244. On Paris.
Ep. 245. On a Religious Glutton.
Ep. 246. On blind Zeal.
Ep. 247. On the Shepherds, Luke 2.
Ep. 248. On Epicurus's Atomes.
Ep. 249. On the Wise Men. Matth. 2.
Ep. 250. On Spurius.
Ep. 251. On a Droll.
Ep. 252. The Prisoner.
Ep. 253. On a young Country Damsel.
Ep. 254. To Silius.
Ep. 255. On the like.
Ep. 256. On Cloe.
Ep. 257. On Pompillius.
Ep. 258. On Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate.
Ep. 259. On Fungus.
Ep. 260. To Decius.
Ep. 261. On an old Leacher.
Ep. 262. On Sir Irus.
Ep. 263. To the Muses.
Ep. 264. On Captain James Killigrew kill'd in a Sea-fight against the French.
By another Hand.