The Last Words and Actions of JOHN JAMES.
I Shall not trouble the Reader with any impertinent Prologue, but shall presently proceed in my story, (and which is more then ordinary in some Books) I shall give you a full account of what I promise in my Title.
John James (of whom we are to speak) was by Trade a Weaver, but leaving that, he followed the selling of Small-coale about the City and Subburbs of London; and as his judgement was, he kept the Seventh day Sabbath, which is Saturday, on which day he taught to a Congregation he had at White-Chappel, [Page 2] & teaching them on Saturday Octob. 19. he was accused of High Treason, for which he was arraigned at the King's-Bench Bar at Westminster, and there Convicted; on Friday Nov. 22. 1661. he was there Condemned to be Drawn, Hang'd, and Quartered, which was accordingly done on Wednesday Nov. 27. the manner as followeth:
About ten of the Clock in the morning the Sheriff came to Newgate, where John James then was, then he was brought out and laid upon a Sledge prepared for that purpose, upon which he was Drawn to Tyburn, in his way thither several of his acquaintance threw themselves upon the Sledge, and hugged, kissed and embraced him, and with abundance of affection took their last farwell of him.
When he came to Tyburn he was set up in a Cart right under the Gallows, where standing upright with his hat off, and a Sattin Cap upon his head, he addressed himself to the Sheriff (who was in his Coach close by) desiring to know what time he might have allowed him, the Sheriffe told him he might take what time he thought good in Reason, provided he spake nothing that was seditious, which he promised he should not, nor had he [as he said] the least intention or desire so to [Page 3] doe. Then one of his friends giving him somewhat in a glasse to drink, he took it and drank, and then began his Speech in the manner as followeth:
FIrst of all, I desire to clear my self of an Aspertion cast upon me, and reported up and down, that I am a Jesuite: to which I answer, I was Born in England, & never out of it since I was born; I understand no other Tongue, which will argue me very unfit to be a Jesuit; besides I am a man but of weak parts, & those that are imployed for such, are commonly very learned and knowing men; I am born of very mean Parents, and I may say as Gidion did, Judges 6. 15. Behold my Family is poor, & I am the least in my Fathers house: I came indeed of a mean Family, the meanest that I know among the people of God, but my Parents were very careful to have me brought up in the fear of God, yea they were so carefull that I verily think that my Father when he died had not the least to trouble his conscience for that, the like I may say of my Mother who is still living and attainied to a good old age.
The second thing I shall speak of, is about my Religion, I am of that religion mentioned in the sixt of the Hebrews the second verse I am a Baptist, in which [Page 4] way I have walked sometime: I believe the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgement: I also own all the commandements, as they are laid down in the 20 Chapter of Exodus, & I dare not to break one of them to save my life; I am for the seventh day sabbath, as it is commanded in the fourth Commandement, I do own Christs visible reign over all the Nations of the earth, and that the Lord Christ is King of all the Earth.
I did not come here to sowe sedition, something will be expected, I should say as to that whereof I am condemned, to which I say, the Lord knows as to matter of fact, I am clear of all those things for which I am here to suffer, these are the words of a dying man, tis not a time to dissemble, those witnesses that swore against me, did forswear, yet the Lord knows I have not the least prejudice against them; before I dye yet I hope I shall pray for them, the Lord knows I wish them not the least harm▪ good Lord shew some sign, whereby the world may know mine innocencie.
One word to the people of God, good people be not discouraged at this my suffering, a poor worm as I am, but continue faithful in all the ordinances of our great Captain and Leader Christ Jesus, read that place of scripture Hebrews the 10 about the middle of the Chapter.
And to all those that have not yet an interest in Christ, hear now the words of a dying man. First, I speak to those that are young, Remember now your Creator in the dayes of your youth, and live more uprightly before the Lord, then you have done, and walk in his wayes and Ordinances▪ and to you that are old, It is now high time that you should leave your sins by true repentance and turne unto the Lord.
Then desiring some time for prayer, he prayed to this effect.
MOst gracious Lord God in whose sight all the Nations of the Earth, is but as a drop of a Bucket, I beseech thee in mercy look upon thy poor Creature here before thee; blessed be thy holy Name, that such a poor worm as I am can call the Father, blesse the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name▪ O most sweet Father take pitty upon all those that were the cause of my comming hither, and those that have judged me, Lord do thou in mercy justify, and grant that those men that swore falsly against me, may have a true sight and feeling of their sin, Lord in much mercy look upon them, Lord I am now a comming to the, send down thy holy Angels [Page 6] to convey my Soul into Abrahams bosome. Lord I praise thy blessed name, for thy sweetning my journy from Newgate, sweet Father it was a blessed refreshment, sweet Lord look in much mercy upon all this people, that are gathered together to see me suffer, here is a great number, yet thou wilt send as many Angels to fetch my soul as here are people, Lord in mercy look upon this Nation of England, and upon Scotland, and upon Ireland, the good Lord grant that thy people (though of several perswasions) may live in love and unity together, and that they may strive to excell each other, in virtue.
Then he prayed for the comming of Christ to reign upon earth, & after that he prayed very earnestly for the executioner. Then the executioner asked him if he had any more to say to the people, he answered he had not, he being very weak in body was spent. then he stood a little time praying privately, and lifting up his hands, when he had done he gave the Shrieff thanks for his curtecie, and then told the executioner he had done, upon which he put the rope about his neck, and just as the cart was drawn off, he lift up his hands and cryed out. O Lord recieve my soul.