I Can assure your Lordships, that you are infinitely admir'd for the Fervent Zeal and Constancy, you have all ways had for the Church of England, which is the Best Church in the World, and the Most Apostolick; and tho' She has many Opposers, yet I doubt not but God of his Infinite Goodness, will make Her more than a Conqueror by your Assistance: For was it ever known that any Nobility stuck so firm to their Religion, so that I may compare you to a Rock that is not to be moved. For there is not any thing more Glorious to the Church than Self Denial, and for that I hope your Lordships will be Eternally Famous; for a great many of you has been ready to Sacrifice your Lives and Fortunes, and I doubt not but most of you if need had required, would have been of the same Mind. And I do not doubt, but your Pious Examples will strengthen the whole Nation, if that you do but Crown all your Actions with Loyalty; for if you do but retain that to the End, great will be your Reward, not only Here but in Eternity. My Lords, I must needs say, That you have been very kind to my Soveraign Lord the King, and if his Majesty has not been so kind as he should, you know the Occasion, and considering the Temptations his Majesty had daily on every side, I admir'd that his Majesty Acted so well; for I am very sensible that he withstood many Temptations sore against the Roman Catholicks Will; for which Clemency and Goodness, he is highly condemned by them; which I hope you will take into your serious Consideration; for I know you are such Noble Souls as hates Ingratitude, or rendering evil for evil. For I know it is in your Power to make your selves happy, if you will use all Pious Endeavours to do the King Good and to Reclaim him by Fine and Gentle Means, and not to suffer Priests and Jesuits nor any Roman Catholicks to come about him: But this must not be done in a hurry as if you did not care for your King and was so indifferent as if you could be as well without him as with him; but you must pass by all Injuries and love him, that you may Pitty and Pray for him, and I doubt not, but that God that changed Nebuchadnezar's Heart, will change his, and make him Glorious and you all Happy, therefore fear not, but put your trust in God, and all things shall do well; for I can assure you, if the King Falls, his Fall will be our Ruin. And as for the Prince of Orange, I have a high Esteem for him, forasmuch as he pretends ro Vindicate the Church of England and to Prevent Popery; and if he really doth this and has no By-ends, I'll say he will be a Glorious Prince: But if he has any By-ends to lessen the King and promote Himself, his End will be miserable; for if his Highness doth design Good for the King, why should he forbid the Oath of Supremacy; but I hope no Good Soul will yield to that; for he is our Supream, and we will allways own him: For ther's not any weary of the King, but only desires to be Free'd from Popery: If his Highness don't do that, he had better have stay'd in his own Countrey.
And So the Almighty Bless, Guide and Direct You, in all Your Councils, that You may be Present and Eternally Happy: is the Prayer of