MAy it please your Majesty, to accept my thanks, for your gracious Act in restoring the Charter, surely your Majesty was as an Angel to divert Judgment from your Ancient City, the Lord make your Majesty a Wise Physician to heal the Wounds of this Nation, and I doubt not but that your Majesty has the Nature of an Indulgent Father, who values the Lives and Interest of his Children before the Gain of the World. Therefore I humbly beseech your Majesty to make Peace, for Blessed is the Peace maker, for why should War obtain that which Peace may do, for it is very destructive, and the Winner may prove a Looser, and it was the Councel of our blessed Saviour who Exhorted his Disciples to agree with their Adversaries whilst they were in the Way. And therefore I intreat Your Majesty, to satisfie the Dutch if possible, for I find all men in general are willing to fight for your Majesty; but your Majesty cannot blame us if we are not willing to fight for Rome because they own such Doctrin as Christ and his Disciples never taught, to Judge all to be Heretical and Damn'd but their selves, And yet at the same time own themselves Catholick Christians, which is a clear Contradiction, therefore there is a necessity they should renounce such Errours as these are, to give some assurance that whilst we fight your Majesties Battel, we may not promote theirs; then I dare to Promise your Majesty Victory, for we shall have the Spirits of English Men to fight your Battel, but Rome darkens your Glory, and the fear of Popery has been the sole Cause, of all our Differences; I do not condemn all Roman Catholicks; for I really think that there is Brave and Worthy Men amongst them that will be precious in Gods sight, but yet I think they do not wisely to stand in opposition against Christs Intentions, for he never intended to Exalt the Virgin Mary, and the Pope, but to make God All in All; that we through him and for his sake might obtain the hopes of Salvation. Oh! that it would please God that our Differences were at an end that we might have an happy Unity, which is the Prayer of your humble Subject, Servant and Souls well wisher.
Elinor James.