By the King.
A PROCLAMATION Calling a Parliament to be Holden at Edinburgh the Ninth day of April, 1685.


JAMES the Seventh by the Grace of GOD, King of Scot­land, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c. To all and sundry Our good Subjects whom these Pre­sents do or may concern, Greeting. Whereas by the de­cease of Our most dear and most entirely beloved Brother King Charles the Second of ever blessed Memory, the Par­liament of Our Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, which was current before that time, is now actually Dissolved. And seing upon divers weighty Considerations, of great Im­portance to Our Service, and to the Peace and Tranquil­lity of that Our Ancient Kingdom, We have thought fit to call a Parliament to meet at Our City of Edinburgh upon the Ninth day of April next ensuing the date of these Presents. We do therefore Require and Command all Arch-Bishops, Dukes, Marquisses, Earls, Viscounts, Bishops, Lords, and Officers of State of Our said Ancient Kingdom to be present, and attend that Dyet. And We do al­so Require and Command all Our Sheriffs in the several Shires, and their Deputs furthwith to call and conveen all the Freeholders in the respective Shires, to the end that according to the Laws and Acts of Parliament, Elections may be made of fit Persons to be Commissioners for this Parliament. And We do likewise Require and Command Our Royal Burrows to make choice of Commissioners accordingly; and them and all Persons having Interest, to attend this Our Parliament, under the Pains contained in Our Laws made thereanent. And to the effect all Our good Subjects may have notice of this Our Royal Will and Pleasure, We do hereby Com­mand Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Macers, Purse­vants, and Messengers at Arms, to make timeous Proclamation of these Presents at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and at the Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burrows of the several Shires of that Our Kingdom.

By His Majesties Command, MORRAY.

EDINBURGH, the 20 of February, 1685.

ORdered by His Majesties Privy Council, that His Majesties said Proclamation be forthwith Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and all other Places needful, with all the usual and accustomed Solemnities. And Printed.

WILL. PATERSON, Clericus Secreti Concilij.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, 1685.

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