WHEREAS for the more speedy supply of Money to defray Our present, great, and necessary expences, We have ordered a quantity of Copper and Brass to be coyned in Crown pieces, each piece having on the one side Our Effigies or Figure on Horseback, with this Inscription round, Jac. II Dei Gra. Mag. Bri. Fra. & Hib. Rex. And on the other side the Arms of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, with a Crown in the middle, and this Inscription round, Christo victore triumpho 1690. Our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, order and declare, that the said Pieces of Copper and Brass so coyned, or to be coyned by Our said Order, mark'd and stamp'd as aforesaid, shall, during Our pleasure, pass as current and lawful Money amongst all Our Subjects within this Our Realm of Ireland, and likewise in all payments to be made to Vs, or from Vs, or to or from any of Our Subjects within this Kingdom, according to the rates following, that is to say, each of the said pieces to pass for five shillings in all payments whatsoever, hereby strictly charging and commanding all Our Subjects within this Kingdom, to take and receive the said pieces at the rate aforesaid in all payments to be made to them, and forbidding all persons whatsoever to counterfeit the same, upon pain of being proceeded against as persons guilty of High Treason. And We do by this Our Royal Proclamation promise and engage, that whensoever the said Money shall be decried, or called in, We shall thereupon receive from all persons such proportion thereof as shall then remain in their hands, and at the same time either allow them the value thereof according to the rates aforesaid out of what Rents, Duties, or other Debts they shall respectively owe unto Vs, or make them full satisfaction for the same according to the said rates in the coyn then current in this Our Kingdom.
Given at Our Court at Our Castle of Dublin the 15th day of June 1690. And in the sixth year of Our Reign.
God Save the King.
DƲBLIN, Printed for Alderman James Malone Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold at his shop in Skinner-Row.