WHEREAS the continuance and encrease of Tillage and Husbandry will in a great measure contribute to the well-being of Our people in general, and more especially to the support of Our Army, which We must of necessity imploy, as well for the maintenance of Our own Royal Rights, as for the preservation of the Lives, Liberties, and Estates of Our Loving Subjects, against the Forces of Our Enemies and Rebels; We have therefore thought fit, by the advice of Our Privy-Council (for the encouragement of all such persons, who do or shall apply themselves to Tillage and Husbandry) to publish and declare, that Our Will and Pleasure is, that no Corn of any kind whatsoever now growing, or which shall hereafter be sowed, nor any Hay which shall hereafter be made upon any Lands whatsoever shall be seized upon, or distrained for any Rent or Arrears of Rent due, or hereafter to grow due to Vs out of such Lands, or otherwise, or for any Rent, or Arrears of Rent, or other Duties payable to any of Our Subjects; the sowers of such Corn paying only to Vs, or to other the Owners of the ground whereon the same grows, such sheaf as by the Custom of the Countrey is due and payable: And further, that no Plow-horses or Plow-Oxen shall be taken away, or seized, upon any pretence whatsoever, or distrained for any Rent or other Duty, unless it be where no other manner of Distress is to be found: And Our further Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all manner of persons who are now in possession of any Meadow-grounds, that they do fence in, and preserve the same in due season: [Page] And We do hereby strictly charge and command all the Officers and private men of Our Troopes of Horse and Dragoones, and others of Our Army, that they or any of them do not at any time hereafter presume to graze any of their Horses in any Meddows or grounds preserved for Meddows upon pain of being Cashiered as to any Officer, who shall be found Transgressing herein, and as to any privat Trooper or Soldier to suffer such punishment as shall be inflicted upon them by a Court-martial; And further that if any person be agrieved in this particular, he shall make Oath thereof and of the value of the damage sustained before the Lieutenant or Deputy Lieutenant of the County, where the Land lies, and transmit the same to Our Secretary at War to be presented to Vs, whereupon We will give immediate Order aswell for the severe punishment of the Offenders, as also for a speédy satisfaction to be made out of their Pay or Subsistence for the full damage to the party agrieved. And We do further Declare, that We will give directions to the Commissioners of Our Revenue, or other persons concerned, to set all such Lands as are now in Our disposal, to such as will offer fairest for the promoting of Tillage and encrease of Corn and Hay; And that We will hereafter receive Hay and all sorts of grain at good competent Rates in satisfaction of any Rent or other Duty that shall be due or Payable to Vs, And we hereby strictly charge and command all Our Officers Civil and Military, and all other Our loving Subjects whatsoever, that they and every of them in their respective stations do carefully observe Our Commands hereby Declared, and that they do on all occasions contribute their utmost endevours for to preserve and encourage all such persons as will be imployed in and about Husbandry and Tillage, as they and every of them shall answer the contrary at their Perils.
Given at Our Court at Our Castle of Dublin the 21th day of January. 1689. And in the fifth Year of Our Raign.
DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook the Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, And are to be sold at his Majesties Printing-House on Ormond-Key. 1689.