By The KING,
WHEREAS certain duties for Excise and Customs are made payable to Vs by Acts of Parliament, out of every Tunn of Wine of the Growth of France, or of any the Dominions of the French King; and out of every Tunn of French Brandy that shall be Imported into this Our Kingdom of Ireland. And to the end that greater quantities of French Wines, and French Brandy, may be Imported, and that the Importation thereof into this Kingdom may be made the more easy; We have thought fit, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, at present, to abate part of the said Duties. We do therefore hereby Publish and Declare, that We are Contented to Remit and Abate, and do hereby Remit and Abate the Moyetie of the Duties of Excise and Customs payable to Vs out of any French Wines, or French Brandy to be directly brought out of any part of the Kingdom of France, and Imported into this Realm at any time hereafter; yet with this condition, that if any of the said French Wines, or Brandy be again Exported, no part of the Duty of Excise or Custom shall be drawn back. And We do hereby require the Commissioners of Our Revenue, the Collectors, Customers, and other Officers of Our Ports and Creeks within this Our Kingdom, that they, or any of them do not presume to demand any more Duty for Excise or Customs upon the importation of any French Wine, or French Brandy into this Realm, and which shall be directly brought out of France hither, than the Moiety of the Duties payable to Vs by the said Acts of Parliament; this Abatement to continue only during Our pleasure; and for two months after We shall by Proclamation, or other publick Declaration determine Our pleasure herein.
Given at Our Court at Our Castle of Dublin, the 26th day of July 1689. And in the fifth year of Our Reign.
DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold at His Majesties Printing-House on Ormond-Key, and the Colledg-Arms in Castle-street. 1689.