HIS MAJESTIES Most Gracious PARDON, TO Several Prisoners in Newgate, at the Sessions of the Peace, and Oyer, and Terminer, and Gaol-Delivery, Held for the City of London, and County of Middlesex: And in the first Year of his Majesties Reign.
WHereas at several Sessions last past, held for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, divers Criminals received SenÂtence of Death and Transportation, it pleased His most Sacred Majesty out of His Inherent Clemency peculiarly Resident in his Royal Line, in imitation of His Mercifully Famous and ever to be remembred Ancestors, to extend the favour of his Gracious Pardon to the several Prisoners here under Named. In order whereunto, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Sir Thomas Jenner Kt. one of His Majesties Serjeants at Law, and Recorder of the said City, together with others the Worshipful the Aldermen of the said City, the same Day about four of the Clock in the Afternoon did call over the several Prisoners here under Named, for whom a General Pardon was there Read, which they severally on their respective Knees all Pleaded; which the Court was pleased to allow of; and accordingÂly the said Malefactors were thereby Pardoned, viz.
- Elizabeth Ratcliffe
- William Rawson
- Elianor Michel
- John Thomson alias Silke
- John Price
- John Pilborow
- Thomas Saltmarsh
- Hugh Jones
- Sarah Bell
- Elizabeth Hill
- Ralph Watson
- Richard Mayden
- Joanna Pell
- Ann Dye
- Jane Simpcoe
- Christopher Orchard
- Richard James
- Charles Midleton
- Benjamin Crooke
- Lionel Fenwick
- Thomas Parlow
- Edward Parlow
- William Lippey
- Charles Davis
- Noell Green
- Edward Little
- Mary Cary
- Mary Rapire
- Daniel Mackrow
- Thomas Brown