His MAJESTIES Gracious Answer to the Letter Direct from the Privy Council of this His Antient Kingdom of Scotland, in the present Juncture of Affairs, is as follows,


RIght Trusty, and Right well-beloved Cousin and Councellor, Right Tru­sty, and Right well-beloved Councellors, Right Trusty and entirely belov­ed Cousins and Councellors, Right Trusty, and Right well-beloved Cou­sins and Councellors, Right Trusty and well-beloved Cousins and Councel­lors, Right Trusty and well-beloved Councellors, and Trusty and well-be­loved Councellors, VVe Greet you well. In your Letter of the 3d of Oc­tober, VVe received the satisfactory Account of your Proceedings there, and the hearty Offers of your Assistance with your Lives and Fortunes, against Our Enemies, for which VVe return you Our hearty Thanks, and do renew Our assurance to you of Our Royal Favour, and that VVe shall never be unmindful of the Faithfulness and Loyalty of that Our Ancient Kingdom, manifested to Us on this Occasion, when We are so unjustly Attack't by Forreign Enemies; and when it shall please GOD (which VVe hope shall be quickly) to give Us the victory over Our Enemies, both you in particular, and Our Ancient People in general, shall feel the Gracious Effects of Our Royal Favour. VVe have thought fit, for Our Service, and for your Peace and Quiet, that such, as you have just reason to suspect of ill Designs against the Peace of Our Government, may be secured by Imprison­ment, or otherways, as you shall think fit: And because VVe have taken Our standing Forces from that Kingdom, and that the Levying of Men, Foot or Horse, may be for the well of Our Service, We leave to you, to raise such as you shall think fit, and to augment Our Garisons, as you shall find convenient. And We do hereby Authorize and Require you to give Commissions to such Officers of Militia, as you shall judge proper; And like­wayes, to appoint Officers over the Heretors, as you shall judge fit: For doing all which, this shall be your Warrant: And so We bid you heartily Farewell.

By His Majesties Command, MELFORT.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, 1688.

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