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WHEREAS We have been informed, that several of the Souldiers of Our Army have of late commit­ted some Wast and Spoil on several empty Houses and other Houses in this City, and the Liberties Thereof, And in the Liberties of Saint Sepul­chers, Donore and Thomas-court, by taking up the Floors, breaking Doors, Wainscots, Shutters, Rayls, Glasses; Which Disorders We have thought fit to prevent for the future. Our Will and Plea­sure therfore is, and We do hereby Strictly charge and command all Souldiers and others of our Ar­my, that they or any of them do not commit any manner of Wast, Spoyl, or Destruction whatsoever in any Houses or Tene­ments whatsoever within the said City or the Liberties thereof, or within the Said Liberties of St. Sepulchre, Donore; or Thomas Court upon pain of Death, And We do further charge and command all the Officers of Our Army, that they and every of them in the several parts of the said City where they are lodged, do take care that no such waste or spoyle be committed; and if they or any of them do hear thereof, that they do cause the Offenders, and all such as shall be suspected of any such crime, to be secured and committed, in order to be tryed by a Council of War; And We require all Our Loving Subjects who shall see or know of any such waste, spoyle or destruction to be committed, that they do forthwith inform and give notice of all such persons as they know or suspect to have committed the same, to the Governor of Dub­lin, who is hereby required to cause diligent search to be made after such Offenders, and cause them to be apprehended, and brought to Iustice.

By His Majesties Command, R I. NAGLE.

God Save the King.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook the Assign of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold at His Majesties Printing-House on Ormonde-Key, 1689.

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