VVE being informed that as well in the Troops lately come out of England, who made a descent into this Our Kingdom, under the command of Mareshal Schomberge, as in those who formerly have taken Arms [...] against us, there are many Officers and Souldiers, as well Our [...] as Strangers inlisted, and engaged with Our Enemies; the first [...] for want of taking due consideration of the consequence of Treason and rebellion, suffering themselves to be deluded by those, who under many false [...]etensions labour'd to perswade them to joyn with our Enemy, than out of [...] treasonable intention, or want of Affection to Vs their Lawful Sove [...]aign; The other for want of reflecting upon the unlawfulness of their acti [...]ns, which tend to promote Injustice and Vsurpation. And being further [...]formed that they are now so sensible of the fault they committed, that Our subjects among them are ready to return to their Allegiance, in case We [...]ould grant them Our pardon for taking Arms against Vs. And having [...]aken the same into Our Princely consideration, and being not only inclined to [...] clemency, but also to be favourable to such of the said Officers and Soul [...]iers as shall come to Our Army, in order to Fight for Vs, their lawful Prince, against Our Enemy; We do hereby Publish and Declare, that We will not only Grant Our Royal Pardon to all such Officers and Souldiers, whether Subjects or Strangers, whether they be come out of England under the Command of Mareshal Schomberge, or acted here before against Vs, but that they shall have the like Command and Imployment in Our Service, that they now have among Our Enemy; and shall be Promoted and Preferr'd to better Imployment, according their merit, and shall enjoy the same liberty and freedom any other of Our faithful Subjects, of what perswasion soever in Religion do enjoy; provided that they return to their Duty, and joyn with Our Army before the [...] day of [...] next ensuing the date hereof. But in case any of them refuse to accept of this Our Royal Offer, We do hereby declare, that they shall be dealt with according to the utmost rigour of the Common Law, and Martial Law of this Our Kingdom.
DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold at His Majesties Printing-House on Ormond-Key, and the Colledg-Arms in Castle-street. 1689.