WHEREAS a considerable number of the Arms given out of our Stores, and distributed to the Horse and Foot entertained in Our Service in this Our King­dom, have by the inadvertency of several of the Of­ficers of Our Army been Sold, carried away by De­serters, or otherwise imbezelled, to the apparent pre­judice and hazard of Our said service: We have there­fore thought fit to notify and declare, and do hereby notify and declare to all Officers and Commanders of Our Forces in this Our Kingdom, that as many of them as have already received, or shall hereafter re­ceive any Arms out of any of our Stores for the use of their respective Regiments, Troops or Companies, and shall not have the same ready to produce pursuant to their said several Receipts now remaining in our Ordnance-Office, shall be accountable to us for all such Arms as they shall be so found deficient for, and the Pay due to them severally stopp'd till they shall have made us satisfaction therefore; unless it be made appear to us that the said Arms were lost in our actual Service.

By His Majesties Command. RI: NAGLE.

God Save the King.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold at His Ma­jesties Printing-House on Ormonde-Key, and the Colledge-Arms in Castle-street. 1689.

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