The Iacobites Invitation TO THE FRENCH KING.

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Invincible Monarch,

AS there is nothing more Conspicuous in the Christian World, than the Sacred performance of Treaties, and inviolable observance of Faith and Truth in the Mighty Lewis of France, Virtues that so shine in You, till they dazle Your Adorers: Your present Addressors; encouraged by those radiant Perfections, presume to lay this Supplication at Your most Royal Feet. And as in all Duty bound to declare, that living at present under the happiest of Governments, and therefore by the rooted Principles of our Nature the more Restless under it, we think fit to remonstrate our pressing Grievances in manner following.

First, As the Glory of our Native Country, (not forgetting the Renown of our Edward the Third, and our Henry the Fifth, of ever hated Memory,) is our natural Odium and Abhorrence; out of your Generous Inclination to ease us of that pain, we desire Your Princely Commiseration and Redress of that un­sufferable Grief, by the Measures we shall here further at large humbly offer and propose.

Secondly, Being most Zealous Professors of a Religion we are hear [...]ily weary of, and most highly sensible of Your Majesties most immortally Famous Dra­goons; and consequently longing, even to heart-breaking, for the Blessing of those Booted Apostles amongst us; under the like pressure and Burthen of our Spiritual as well as Temporal Grievancas, we continue our Equal supplicati­ons for no less Ease and Relief herein.

To come to particulars, which we in all humility lay before Thy Royal Con­sideration; It is notoriously known to what exalted Speculations we have ad­vanced our Divine Profession of Passive Obedience, and unhappily, at present, being Subjects to a Government, where we are never likely to put that Heaven­ly Virtue into practise; we are emboldened to request Thy most Gracious Goodness, by Virtue of our present Invitation, to depute the Successour of thy Divine St. Ruth, of ever Glorious Renown, to come over amongst us; so that by beseeching Thee to Raign Lo [...]d over us, (to which Advancement there shall be no part wanting of our side, either in Caballing, Plotting, or Throat­cutting, or any other such Service necessary to thy Introduction) thou mayst vouchsafe to exert all thy memorable Virtues and Faculties, to the exercise of all thy Rods and Sc [...]urges, Shackl [...]s and Manacles, and the rest of the Royal Regalia of France, that so we may taste of, or rather riot, and surfeit with the unutterable Delights of our own Darling Non-Resistance.

Alas, sweet Prince, Thou inimitable Original of Imperial Sway, we have so long groan'd under Ease and Down-Beds, that we are almost out of Patience (our very Bones aking) for our Deliverance by thy expected and implored Assistance; and also for the pleasure of Brogues and Wooden Shoes, and the rest of thy Gallick Accoutrements and Habilements, ala mode de France.

'Tis true, Dread Monarch, we have, for some Generations past, been a Nation a little formidable in the World, which we remember with Grief: But to thy satisfaction be it spoken, how many Years (a blessed Reformation) have we made it our indefatiga­ble Labour and Study, to take down our Altitudes, by endeavouring the Honour, the long coveted Honour, of Subjection and Vassallage, under thy dearest Yoke

Open therefore, we beseech thee, thy Bowels towards us▪ and take thy kneeling, truck­ling, humble, groveling Slaves to thy Soveraign Protection. The little Fat England, which we hope one day to make thy Kitchin Garden, or some such diminitive necessary Planta­tion under Thee, we shall indeavour to weed from some troubled Canker'd Roses, to make room for Thy sweeter and dearer Fleur-de Luces.

We shall not be too tedious in enumerating our Wants, or imploring thy Graces and Favours. We are sensible Thou art satisfied how our Hearts and Souls are intirely Thine. Nor have we so long ploughed and sowed for Thee, but that we speedily expect thy Hand and Sickle to Reap thy Harvest.

Your Dutiful Vassals, &c.

LONDON, Printed for F. Weekly, 1692.

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