THE FIRST PART OF THE DIRECTIONS Shews how Private Christians, Learned or Vnlearned, are to serve God in all the parts of his Worship both in private and in publike: which contains in it five Generall Directions as followeth.
The first generall Direction shews, What things you are to know before you can perform any acceptable service unto God.
FIrst You are to know and believe these five principles of divinity, You are to know five divine truths before you can rightly call upon God. before you can expect upon good grounds to receive any thing from the Lord, that you wait upon him for, in prayer or any other duty; Rom. 10.14. Heb. 11.6. As first, That there is a God, which is an eternall spirit, and but one in essence, [Page 2] yet three in persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Secondly, That this God made you in Adam righteous, after his own Image, and so in a blessed condition. Thirdly, That you sinned in Adam, and so lost the Image of God, and became subject to curse and condemnation. Fourthly, That God hath not left you, in that cursed sinfull condition you are fallen into, but hath out of his meer love given Christ to be made a curse, The proofs of the six first answers in the Catechisme proves these five Truths. to free you from that curse you have deserved, by the breach of the Law. Fifthly, That when God draws you to come to him by his Christ for salvation, with an humble acknowledgement that you have sinned, and it profits you not, and with a resolution to live to him, that then you may, and ought to come boldly to him, through Christ, as to your heavenly Father in Christ with confidence to receive from him, what you ask of him for Christs sake, that is according to his will, Iob 33.27. Iohn 6.44. Matth. 6.9. Luke 15.18, 19 Heb. 4 16. 1 Ioh 5.14. You are to endeavour to know other particulars that you migh [...] sanctifie God in your drawing nigh unto him. Nevertheles use all diligence to know all such things, as may further you to sanctify God in your drawing nigh unto him, in the dutyes of his worship, As first what God is, not only in his nature, and in the Trinity of persons: but also in all his holy attributes, Ex. 34.6.7 Neh. 1.5. that you may alwaies act your graces upon him by them, and carry your self towards him sutably unto them, in your worshipping of him; Secondly, who, and what you are, that you should have liberty to serve God, to wit, sinfull dust and ashes, Gen. 18.27. in your best estate, as you are in your self; Thirdly, what the worship of God is, namely a tendering up unto God, by Jesus Christ, that honour, homage, [Page 3] and respect, that is due from the creature unto the Creatour; Rom. 1.21, 22, 23, 25. Ephes. 2.18. By which discription you may know what duties in these following directions, are parts of gods worship (for some of the duties that I have directed you in, are not parts, but furtherances and helps to Gods worship) To wit, Prayer, hearing of the word, Note these things about the worship of God. receiving of the Sacrament, and that in a speciall manner, because honour is immediatly tendered unto God by Jesus Christ, when these duties are rightly performed; Singing of Psalms also is a part of gods worship, in that, praise and glory is thereby immediatly given unto God. Ps. 115.1. Eph. 5.19, 10 And when you perform any of these holy dutyes aright, then you may be said to worship God; yea, when you read the word in private, or meditate upon it, or talk with others about it, or when you instruct others in it, by way of Catechizing, or examination or the like; you worship God so far as you do depend upon him for such grace and mercy for your self or others, through these duties, as these duties, creatures, or ordinances, you have to deal with, are not able of themselves to convey to you; Furthermore, when you love God, beleeve in him, fear him, rejoyce in him, obey him, or perform any duty to him, or for his sake, unto any of mankind, whether they be meer naturall creatures, or Christians by name, or in deed or in truth: Then you worship God, so far as you honour God in them, and rely upon him for grace, to do or receive some good by these duties that tend unto his glory. Acts 13.4 [...]. Rom. 4.20. Matth. 5.16. Fourthly, The nature of the duties you are to perform, that you may accordingly prepare for [Page 4] them; Though all duties be little and weak in themselves, yet they are great and weighty as they are means appointed of God, through and by which we are to receive the choicest mercies, that ever God bestowed upon his creatur [...]s; as prayer by Gods appointment is the great ordinance of God, whereby we have communion with him in this world, and whereby we receive from him what ever we want for this life or a better, so farre as it is for his glory and our good; yea it is the greatest of duties, in that all things are sanctified by it; 1 Tim. 4 5. Hearing is the great Ordinance of God, whereby the whole counsell and will of God revealed in the word, is made known unto us; Acts 20.25, 26, 27, The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is the great Ordinance of God for our remembrance of Christ crucified; 2 Cor. 11.24. Observe these generall rules about the manner how you are to perform holy duties. They that remember little of the many things they have heard of Jesus Christ and him crucified, may see all in this holy Ordinance, yea, and receive all in it by faith that Christ hath purchased. Fiftly, the manner how you are to perform holy duties, not ignorantly nor doubtfully, but knowingly, being perswaded in your heart that God requires them of you; Rom 10.14 14.23. Not rashly and inconsiderately, but reverently (fearing with a filiall fear, least you should offend God, Ps. 89.7. and preparedly, Iob 11.13, 14. so as that God may have that honour from holy duties as is fit for a God to have: Rom. [...]. [...]1. Not proudly, but humbly: Luke 18.13 14. Not prophanely with the love of any sin in your heart, Ps 66.18. but purely, with a heart not only habitually, but actually sanctified: Lev. 10.3. Psal, 93.5. 1 Pet. 3.15. Not slightly as if you did despise the Ordinances of God, Mal 1 6. [...] Thes. 5. [...]0. but solemnly [Page 5] having high thoughts of God and of all the duties of his worship: Isa. 6.3. to 6. Psa. 84.5. Not distractedly by lodging of vain, worldly, unseasonable, impertinent thoughts in your heart, Psa. 117.113. Ier. 4.14. by wispering, gazing, listening, or doing, or minding any thing besides the duties of Gods worship you are about: but intentively Act. 26.7. Deut. 1 [...].12. exercising all the faculties of your soul, and all the gifts and graces of Gods Spirit upon, and about God and his worship: yea, and the parts of your body about the service of God, so farre as bodily exercise is therein required: Having your eyes in the time of hearing upon the man, or the book of God, Luk. 4.20 your ears attentive to the voice of God in man: Rev. 2.11. your eyes in the time of prayer upon God in heaven, or upon the hell of your own heart, as unworthy to look up to heaven: Luk. 18.13. Not hypocritically with your body only, and the outwardly actings thereof, Mat. but sincerely with your soul and with all that is within you: Ioh. 4 24. Mat. 22.37. Not formally, but powerfully with inward actings of grace, as well as with outward actings of zeal, holinesse, or the like. 2 Tim. 3.5. Not wearily, as if the duties of Gods worship were a tedious and a grievous thing, Am. 8.5. Gal. 6 9. but mightily with all your strength of intention, and affection: Luk. 10.27. Deut. 10.12. Not securely and sleepily, Mat. 26.40.41. but seriously as becomes the worship of God in hand: Mar. 4.24 Not slothfully and lastly, Rom. 12.11 but laboriously, Ioh. 6, 27 following hard after God, Psa. 63.8. and endeavouring to give him all the glory you can, grieving that you can give him no more, desiring to give him infinite glory sutable unto his infinitenesse: Psa. 69.9 Not in your own name as if your [Page 6] duties were your righteousnesse, or requitalls for benefits received, or amendments for faults or sins against God, or as your propitiations for your sins, or impulsive causes to move God to be gracious unto you: but in the Name of Christ, leaving your services with him to be tendered unto God: Col. 3.17. closing all the solemn duties of Gods worship alwaies with a giving up of your self, and of all you are and have, unto the Lord, to be at his disposall for his glory; Psa. 37.5. Sixtly, what the rule is that you are to perform holy duties by, not your own will and phancy, nor mens inventions and precepts: but Gods word; you are to perform duty just so as God would have you in his word. Mat. 15.3 to 7. Gal. 6.16. Seventhly, for what ends you are to serve God, not for self ends Phil. 2.21. Mat. 6.24. Ioh. 5.44. Zac. 7.5 6. that your secret sins might thereby be covered, that you might have the praise of men, nor meerly that your conscience might be satisfied: But for high ends Pro. 15.24: 1 Cor. 20 31. Psa. [...]2.1, 2. that you might honour God, that you might have communion with him, and grace from him, to honour him withall; Acquaint your selves with these particulars as you are able to bear them, that you may understandingly remember them, and be in some measure fitted to serve God at any time, so as to sanctifie his name by your rehearsing of them in your heart as you fall upon duty.
The second Direction discovers to you after what manner you are daily to serve God, as also how you are to perform sundry and divers holy duties as you have opportunity and liberty thereunto, although you be not daily called unto them.
SEcondly, The particulars afore mentioned being known, understood, and mixed with faith: Come to Christ in the Gospel, not only to be saved by him, Mat. 11.28. Ioh. 6.37. Heb. 7.25. but also to learn of him how to serve God in spirit and in truth, Ioh. 4.24. and particularly how to pray, so as to sanctify God in Prayer: and being Christ that hath taught you how to pray, hath not tied you to a form of prayer, Mat. 6.9. Act. 4.24. to 31. but given you a perfect pattern to pray by; Therefore use all means, to understand the meaning of the Lords Prayer: for it containeth whatsoever you can ask at Gods hands, or give him thanks for; How you are to premeditate and pray every morning. And pray daily after this manner, which (I conceive) is but materially as Christ hath taught you; First, Every morning after you have awaked with God, Psa. 139.18. and before you go about the works of your calling, or after you have separated your thoughts from the world, and devoted your self for the time unto God; Psa. 5 3. Dan. 6.10. [Page 8] Consider first what the great and dreadfull God of heaven, Psa. 104.34. Eccl 5.2. and your mercifull and gracious father, hath done for you, his poor sinfull creature at all times, particularly what he hath done for you, the night and morning past; Secondly, wherein you have sinned against heaven, and before the Lord, generally at all times, particularly the by-past-night or morning, either in your dreams; thoughts, speeches, actions, omissions of, or failing in duty; Thirdly, What you would have God to do for you the day following (if you might have the desire of your soul, which ought alwaies to be according to Gods will) 1 Ioh. 5.14. for our King and his Kingdomes, the Queen, and her Royall seed; For the Magistrates, the Ministers and all in Authority; For all the Saints in generall, and particularly for the congregation and family you belong unto; Now your own spirit in the act of meditation (if you have a Gospel like spirit as every real Christian hath) Rom 8.9. is able through the help of the spirit of Christ, and the word of God to tell you what those mercies are you are to praise God for, what those sins are that you are to confesse and bewail, and what those wants are that you are to intreat the Lord for Christs sake to supply. Fourthly, Consider that there is ability and free mercy enough in God, Rom. 10.12. Eph. 2.7. 1 Pet. 1.3. and righteousness and grace enough in Christ to assist you in all the duties of Gods worship, to pardon all your sins, to cleanse you from them, and to supply the wants of you, yours, and all Gods people, above what you are able to ask, or to think how you should ask, E [...]h. 3.20 Heb. 7.25. [Page 9] These things being thought upon (as they may in a minutes time) Humbly kneel before the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Psa. 95.6. Eph. 3.14. and ask his spirit, Luk. 11.13. 1 Ioh. 1.9 Iam. 5.16. to 19. casting your self upon him for it; And then praise the Lord for all his mercies, above all, for the Lord Jesus Christ; particularly for the mercies of the by-past-night and morning; Humbly confesse and bewail your sins of all sorts, particularly the sins of the night and morning past: Fervently pray (exercising all the faculties of your soul, and all the gifts and graces of Gods spirit, in the very act of thanks-giving, confessing and prayer) for pardon of, and power against your sins, for faith, repentance, and all other graces necessary unto salvation, especially for a sufficiency of grace to honour God withall, the day following: And for a supply of all your wants, that are according to Gods will, that either you, or any you are to pray for, stand in need of; And so commit your self and services unto Christ, to be tendered unto God, Rev. 8.3. beleeving that God will accept them in him, and that he will give you what you have asked according to his will (if you use all lawfull means, for the obtaining of the same) when it is most for his honour and your good, 1 Ioh. 5.14. and that his peace shall possesse your soul all the day long, if you walk with God in your calling, Phil. 4, 6. 2 Chro. 15.25. Ioh. 14.22.23. and worship him continually in your heart; For you may love God, and fear him, in the midst of all your worldly businesses, and pray in your spirit unto him, and obey him, and trust and rejoyce in him, Psa. 62.8. 1 Thes. 5.16. and further others to do likewise; Yea, [Page 10] while you sit at your work, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up, you may either be teaching of others (if there be any with you) or learning of others, Deut. 11.29. Eph. 4.29. you may either be doing or receiving some good that is for Gods glory, and the furthering of your own, or the salvation of others. Remembring alwaies after, or about the time when your prayer is ended, to take notice not only of your defects, and failings in prayer, to be humbled for them, and of the sufficiency of Christs righteousnesse, (which is yours (if you beleeve it) and alwaies the same Heb. 13.8. Rom. 4.3. ) to cover them Rom. 4.7. But also of your inlargements, to be thankfull unto God for them; being then and ever mindefull of the need you have of Jesus Ch [...]ist even in your best estate, Phil. 3.1. to 19. that is, when your heart is enlarged, your faith strengthened, your conscience eased, your soul comforted, and as it were ravished with the light of Gods countenance lifted upon you.
And being you and every one may and ought to search the Scriptures, Rom. 35.4 1 Tim. 3. [...]5. What subiects of Scripture, you are often to read or meditate upon. Read therfore or meditate daily of such a portion of Scripture, (having read and studied the Scriptures quoted in the Catechisme) as may inform, or minde you of your awaking with God, Psa. 119.147. of the mercies you are daily and continually to blesse God for, Psa. 104.1 to 35. Psa. 22.9.10. of the sins you are daily to bewail, 1 Ioh. 3.4. Psa. 51.3, 4.5 of the wants of your self, and of all men you are daily to make known to God, Phil. 4.6. of the promises of audience, 1 Ioh. 5.14.15. assistance, Luk. 11.13 acceptance, Eph. 1.6 of justification, Heb. 10. to 13. sanctification, Ioh. 3.16. and salvation, Rom. 10.13. that you are to [Page 11] act your faith on, before, at, and after prayer: of the expressions you may use (if need be) in your entrance upon prayer, Hos. 14.2. in your confessions, petitions and thanks-givings: of the carriage of your self, to God and man, in the calling you are in, or intended to be of: Mat. 7.12. of the carriage of your self in all relations you are, or may be in: Phil. 1.27. of the carriage of your self, when you are alone, Heb. 13 Psa. 139.1. to 24. or in company whether of superiours, equal [...]s, inferiours, ignorant, knowing, wicked, civill, hypocriticall, sincere, weak, or established Christians: Mat. 5.16. of the carriage of your self, when things fall out by providence unexpectedly well, or ill with you, Iob. 1.21 Rom. 8.28. of the carriage of your self, in your lying down, to take your rest: Psa 14.8. Psa. 139.3. Pro. 3.24. of the manner how you are to order your heart, conscience, time, talents, and all your thoughts, speeches, sences, affections, and actions at all times, to wit, so as that thereby you may glorify God, 1 Cor. 10.31. Such Scriptures (I say) as are of these or the like subjects you are to read, or to meditate upon untill you be well instructed therein: to which kinde of Scriptures you may be further directed either by your table in your Bible, or by your Minister, or any neighbour that is an able Christian; Read afterward, the Bible, 2 Tim. 3.16. What thing you are chiefly to observe in the word in or after you reading or hearing of it. 2 Tim. 3.16. Phil. 4 8. in order that you may understand both the history, and scope of the holy Scriptures, marking all things therein, but more especially the things that concerns your self, As for example, when you read any part of Gods word, Consider in, or after your reading of it, whether there be any thing in it, [...]hat instructs or teaches you where you are ignorant [Page 12] that you may learn it, beleeve it, an [...] practise it: That discovers or reproves any o [...] your sins either of judgement, or of practise whether of commission, in thought, word, o [...] deed, or omission of, or failing in duty, tha [...] you may renew your faith and repentance whereby they may be pardoned for time past and subdued for time to come: That furthers confirms, or comforts you in beleeving, tha [...] you may beleeve as God inclines you t [...] beleeve by his word and spirit, and go from faith to faith, as the righteousnesse of the Gospel is revealed unto you: that you may know the mysteries of the kingdome of heaven, an [...] the deep things of Christ that may establish yo [...] in beleeving, as God gives you to know an [...] understand them: That you may make Go [...] the joy of your salvation: as he gives you t [...] rejoyce in him; Meditate I say of these thing in, Pro. 2.2. Psa. 119.11. Isa. 42.23. Iam. 1.22. or after your reading of the word, tha [...] you may not only apply it for time present as I have now shewed you, but also that yo [...] may hide it in your heart, or write it in a book for time to come, whereby you may be kep [...] from your iniquities, that you are apt to b [...] overtaken in, when you are tempted there unto: Take the like course (as you have opportunity) after you have heard the word read opened, preached, repeated, or spoken of b [...] way of catechizing, or conference: For meditation after this manner is the life of al [...] means next unto Jesus Christ, and makes al [...] you have read, or heard (through the help o [...] the spirit) to be your own: yea it helps yo [...] to give God his own, that is, the glory that i [...] [Page 13] due to him from these duties; For your main drift in reading and hearing of the word, Mat. 7.24. to 28. Ioh, 13.17. should be to know the will of God, for that end that you might honour God in doing it, and in suffering it in every thing as it shall be required of you. Mat. 28.2. And before you enter upon this exercise, think of your many sins by reason of which God might give you over to a reprobate minde, Rom 1.28 and consider that you cannot teach your self without the spirits teaching, nor know the minde of God in the word, but by the spirit of God that did indite it, 1 Cor. 2.14. and so desire God for the Lords sake to pardon your sins, to pour out his spirit upon you, and to help you thereby to understand, remember, and to profit by the word, 1 Cor. 12.7. And after you have read and pondered upon the word, and seriously considered what a mercy it is to have Gods word to read and meditate upon, Psa. 147 19.20. to receive any benefit by it, Mat. 11.25. to have a heart and a desire to obey it, Deut. 5.29. Eze. 36.27. Blesse God for his good word, for any good you receive thereby, and for any inclination you have of walking answerable unto it, Phil. 2.13 and pray to him for the continuance and encrease of the same unto you, which you may do in your morning and evening prayer, if this exercise be immediatly before. How and upon what subjects you are some times to meditate.
Sometimes in stead of reading and meditating upon the word, ponder upon one of these or the like subjects; Psa. 42 5.11. Psa. 119.97.99 Psa. 104, 34, First ask your self (For set meditation is a talking with ones self) whether you truly beleeve in the Lord Iesus Christ, 2 Cor. 23.5. Secondly whether you have added to your faith, since, as you conceive, God gave you to beleeve, vertue, knowlege, temperance, [Page 14] patience, godlinesse, brotherly kindenesse, charity, 2 Pet. 17.8. Thirdly, whether you conceive that God may say of you (as he said of Iob) that you are perfect and upright and one that fears God, and eschewes evill, Iob. 1.8. Fourthly whether you dare die, or can die with comfort, in the present condition you are in: Phil. 1.23 When and in what cases you are to go to your Minister or to some experienced Christian for resolution. See the conclusion of the exposition of the right answer in the Catechisme. And if your answer to your self be negative, teen be the more diligent in the use of all means that you may beleeve, and add those graces to your faith, and be upright, and prepared for death: But if your answer to your self, be affirmative, then be thankfull to God, and incouraged therewith to beleeve more, to grow in those graces you have added to your faith, to be more sincere, to be more desirous to be dissolved, and to be with Christ: or if you be unable to meditate and to speak with your self about these subjects, then have recourse to your minister, or to some able experienced Christian that they may confer with you about them, and the estate of your soul: making your requests to God before and after your meditation of this kinde, by praier and thanks-giving, according to the nature of the subject you are to meditate upon: As for example, when you are to meditate whether you unfainedly beleeve in the Lord Iesus Christ, or no? Consider that you cannot know it, but as God shall give you to know it 1 Cor 2.12 How you are to premeditate and pray before your set Meditation upon any subiect. that when you do know it, you cannot of your self make a sanctifyed use of it, that your sins are and have been such, as might provoke God, to withhold the knowledge of it from you; After that desire God for the Lords sake, to forgive you your [Page 15] sins, to give you to know the grace he hath given you, if you have received any, if not, to give you grace to beleeve, and thereby to give glory to him, And if after your meditation, you finde that God hath given you by it to know that you are in unbelief, so as to quicken you to beleeve, or to know that you are in the faith, so as to move you to thankfullnesse and perseverance in it: Then praise God for the means and his blessing upon the same, whereby you come to a sanctified knowledge of your self, and pray to God to give you more and more grace to make a sanctified use thereof, Or if you remain doubtfull after your meditation, then consult with others, about your condition according to the advice already given you.
And seeing it is meet and equall, and the bounden duty of Christian people that live together in one house, That you are to attend, and how you are to attend family duties. to blesse God together for those mercies they enjoy together, to be humbled together for those sins they sin together, to endeavour together to know that God they professe together, and to pray for those mercies together, that they would enjoy together; Act. 10.2. Therefore be conscionably carefull to attend family duties at all times as you have opportunity: And as you goe to attend duty, endeavour to take off your heart and thoughts from all things below, Col. 3.2. and to set them upon things above; praising God in your heart, as God is praised in words, confessing sin in your thoughts with sighs and groans, as sin is confessed in words, and praying in your spirit for what is prayed for in expressions so farre as you [Page 16] understand them to be according to Gods will; 1 Cor. 14.16. See the next Direction about the manner how you are to sing Psalmes. Attending the word with an approved heart to God, that you desire to know, and doe, and suffer his will in every thing. Beleeving that you shall have what you ask of God, that is according to his will, as if you did nothing but pray and beleeve: Mar. 11.24 and endeavouring in the use of all lawfull means to obtain what you pray for, Matt. 4.7. 1 Cor. 12.12, 13, 14, 25. Phil. 2.4. Heb. 3 13. as if your praying and beleeving would avail you nothing. Willingly consenting together to watch over one another, and to observe each others waies for one anothers good: and mutually to perform all those duties that your relations calls you unto, and in such a manner as becomes a Christian family that belongs unto the great Family of heaven. And when you are to partake of any of the good creatures of God, How you are to premeditate and pray at me al times. for the strengthning and refreshing of your body, 1 Tim. 4.4, 5. Act 27.35. consider that you are lesse (through your sins) then the least of Gods mercies, Gen. 32.10. that the creatures are sanctified by the word of God and prayer, and that they can doe you no good without Gods blessing; for you doe not live upon meat and drink alone, Deut. 8.3. but upon Gods blessing in the use thereof: After that pray to God for Christs sake to pardon your sins (in your spirit, if alone, in words if in company, and if you be called thereunto) and so to blesse the creatures to you, as that you may thereby be better fitted in body and minde to serve him in your place: And when you have refreshed your self with the good creatures of God, call to minde that your meat, Psal. 104.27, 28. and appetite, and the refreshings you receive thereby, are all blessings [Page 17] of God that you cannot of your self walk worthy off: Then give thanks to God for your meat, and stomack, and for the comforts you receive thereby, 1 Thes 5.18. and desire of God for the Lords sake to give you grace to improve them, and all other mercies for his glory. How you are to carry your self before, at, and after your hearing of the word. And when at any time you have an opportunity to hear the word preached, upon any occasion; Pro. 8.34. Iohn 10.27. commune with your own heart (that you may be prepared to hear, so as to glorifie God) before, or at the time of your going to attend the word, what your iniquities are by reason of which the word might be made unprofitable to you, and that the word will not profit you without Gods blessing: 1 Cor. 3.7, 8. And pray to God to blot out your sins, to give you a sound judgement, an honest, and good heart, and so to blesse the word to you as that you may profit by it; 1 Thes. 2.1 [...] 1 Pet. 2.2. Prov. 2.1, 2. Rom, 10.14, to 18. 1 Pet. 2 19. And behave your self so in hearing (hearing the word, then and alwaies, as the word of God, with an appetite to it, and a heart open to receive it, that you may beleeve it, and obey it; yea hear it as an Ordinance of God for the conveying of some spirituall good to your soul: and as seriously as if God spoke it immediately from heaven,) and attending all duties then performed, as one that is zealously desirous to glorifie God before all the people, by your reverent and holy behaviour, Lev. 10 3. and so, as one that desires to have communion with God, while you are waiting upon him, And after you have heard the word, either be thinking of it, or speaking about it, that you may understandingly remember it, and apply it, and so receive benefit by it; Matth 13.19. to 24. And what good (upon [Page 18] your calling of it to remembrance) you finde you have received, be thankfull to God for it, Col. 4 2. and humbled for your failings, and pray that God would strengthen you through Christ to improve it for his glory, your own comfort and the good of others.
And when you are called to spend some time in holy conference Luke 2.4.14, 15. Heb 3.13. Psal, 16.3. Mal. 3.16. Heb 10.25. Iude 20. among your neighbour Christians, How you ate to behave your self before, at, and after your solemn conference with the Saints. not in a scismaticall, but in an humble manner to edifie one anothers souls, and to further the publike Ministery; call to remembrance about the time of your meeting, what your scruples are, wherein you are wounded in your conscience, or troubled in your spirit, or what you would have of God in that ordinance: What your sins are and have been, by reason of which you might live and die, under wrath and terrour: and how insufficient men, and means of grace are to confirm or strengthen you in the faith without the grace and strength of God; Eph 1.19.20. And intreat the Lord to discover your doubts and scruples to you, to take away your sin, to give you what you would have of him (as the occasion of the meeting is) so farre as it is for his glory and your good, and to make your conference and meeting, a means to bring you nigher unto salvation. And when you are met together, make your complaints, reveal your doubts, render a reason of the hope that is in you, make known the estate of your soul so farre as God hath given you to know it, or appoint some other to doe it for you, and joyfully receive satisfaction by them, as from the Lord; Luk. 22.32. Answering the questions in meeknesse of spirit whether they be for, or against [Page 19] you, that are propounded to you for your good; and speaking your experience, and what you know and beleeve (as you have opportunity and liberty) for the setling and establishing of others; And so carry your self throughout the whole exercise, as one that is desirous to have peace spoken to you from the Lord, as one that would be cured of a doubting, unbeleeving heart, as one that would doe, or receive some good, that your meeting together may be for the better, and not for the worse: And after the end of the conference, and your calling to minde what God hath done for you, and what you have done against heaven and before the Lord: Magnifie the Lord for any thing he hath revealed to you for the establishing of you in beleeving: Blush, and be ashamed before him for your failings, and beseech him for the Lords sake to help you to give glory to him in beleeving, and living so, as becometh the Gospel of Christ.
And when God shall be pleased to perswade and inable you to write a Diurnall (for you may use your Christian libertie herein as God shall incline, and fit you hereunto; it is indeed the dutie of every Christian to observe the providence of God, Ps. 107.1. to 43. but it is not the dutie of every one to make a book) of the passages of his providence for a memoriall of his dealings with you and yours, Ex. 17.14. Numb. 33.2. How a Christians Diurnall is to be made. and for your furtherance in a holy life. Before you begin it, take speciall notice (having sought God for a blessing upon it) of the manifold providence of God over you, yours, the Church of God, the Nation, the King, and all in authority, at all [Page 20] times, when, and in all places where you have lived, as you are able to remember them, or can any way be rightly informed of them: As of publique mercies, by blessings or deliverances, Ex. 13.3. Exod. 16.33. or of private mercies, concerning your self, as about your parents, who, and what they were: Of the time, means, and manner of your conversion to the faith: Act. 2.36, to 42. Of your temptations since, and issue out of them: 2 Cor. 12.7. Of Gods helping you to pray, and hearing your praiers: Of the promises you have made unto God in time of sicknesse, danger, and adversity, or upon any other occasion, of amending your life, and of performing such and such duties unto God or man: Of the protestations and covenants you have taken upon any solemn occasion at any time, and upon what grounds you have taken them: Ps. 116.1, 2. Of Gods love in Christ cleared up unto you, or withdrawn from you: Ps. 30.7. Of Gods providing for, and preserving of you and yours: Ps. 22.9.10 Of Gods delivering you from, and out of danger, sicknesse or the like: 2 Cor. 1.10 Of the men, means and instruments of your temporall and spirituall good; 2 Tim. 1.16, 17, 18. Orderly writing down (when you begin your diurnall) the most remarkable things thereof; And afterward observe daily (setting down in your book the most considerable things thereof) the carriage of God in his way of mercie and wrath: Neh. 9.7, to 38. to the Churches of God, to the Nation, the King, and all in authority: to your self, as of the sensible presence, and absence of Gods favour to you in Christ: Of your temptations, and the grace you had to resist them: Of your being overtaken in presumptuous [Page 21] or secret sins, that you have promised, and praied against: Ps. 19.12, 13. Ps. 51.3, 4. Of your overcoming your own iniquities and those you are most prone to commit: Of Gods discovering to you the truth, and growth of your grace: 1 Cor. 2.12. Of Gods helping, and hearing you in prayer: Of the full purposes of heart you have had in time of sorrow, sicknesse and trouble, and of the vows you have made therein, or upon your undertake of a great journey or the like, of laying aside such and such sins, of performing such and such duties to God and man: of the protestations and covenants you have taken, and of the time when; and of the reasons why you took them: Of Gods care over you and yours, in preserving of you, in providing for you, in delivering you from, and out of trouble, sicknesse, and sorrow, in raising up instruments for your temporall, and spirituall good. Mark (I say) these and all the fearfull judgements of God upon severall sorts of sinners, How and when a Christians diurnall is to be made use of. by strange and suddain death, and all other observable passages of Gods providence, and the remarkable circumstances thereof, as of the places you have been brought unto, and how, and when: writing them down in your book, that when you are tempted, deserted, and given over to a doubtfull unbeleeving heart, and that when you have no heart, nor soul to dutie, either to beleeve, pray, or live to God: You may be (by your viewing over your diurnall) quickned to faith, praier, humiliation, thanksgiving and obedience; and inabled to speak by experience, of the wonderfull providence of God, Ps. 77.11.12. Ps. 106.7. to 47. Ps. 107.43. and as it were of the news of heaven, and [Page 22] of the whole world of your self Ps. 22.9, 10 2 Cor. 11 24. to 33. to Gods glory, and the edifying of your self and others.
And being you are continually to pray, day and night, in prosperity, and in adversity, in health and sicknes, and at all times, while you live, when you are troubled about any thing that possibly God may grant, and that you see your self and others to stand in need of. 1 Thes. 5.17. Phil. 4.6.
How you are to p [...]emeditate andd pray upon all occasions. Therefore as often as you are moved to pray, either outwardly by occasions and friends, or inwardly by the spirit of God, and your own heart: Minde your self of your many sins, that might provoke God to deny you every thing you are about to ask, and of the power and willingnesse of God, for Christs sake to bestow more mercies upon you, then you are able to ask, Eph. 3.20. and think of every thing that may further and quicken you in the duty of praier, according to the circumstances of the occasion, that moved you thereunto (For every occasion of solemn praier (Yea we are helped by the spirit, Observe these thing about premeditation. to pray in our hearts continually, by our thinking of a sin, of a misery, of a want, of a promise, of a mercy, &c,) ministers an occasion of premeditation, Eccl. 5.21. every premeditation before prayer of our sins, of Gods mercy to us, of a word and promise sutable to the occasion of our praying, and of the circumstances of the occasion it self, ministers matter of confession, humiliation, intercession, supplication, and thanks-giving) And then pour out your soul, before the Lord, as he shall by his spirit help your infirmities; And if you be inclined (For you may use your [Page 23] Christian liberty herein) in time of sicknesse, When and how you are to make a vow unto God for amendment of life or the like. Eccl. 5.4 5. Deut. 23.22. How you are to premeditate and pray before you vow a vow unto the Lord. or danger, or upon any weighty cause, to make a solemn vow unto God, besides those implicite promises you make every time you call upon God, of amending your life, for to testify your hearts unfained desire to walk with him, and to use all means whereby your heart might cleave unto him: Consider before you make it, whether you be in a capacity to keep it, through the help of Gods grace, and whether the matter of the vow be according to Gods word, if not, you ought not in any wise to make it; Consider also before you vow unto the Lord, the greatnesse of your sin, by reason of which God might so give you over to sin and Sathan, as to break all vows and cords asunder, The insufficiency of a vow in it self, to help you to perform a duty you are slack in, or to keep you from a sin you are prone unto: The insufficiency of your self to pay your vow when you have made it, then desire God for Christs sake, to pardon your sin, to incline you to make that vow (if it be for his glory, and your good) that you are moved unto, to inable you through Christ to keep it, and to make it instrumentally helpfull (for a vow is but an help to Gods worship, and not a part of it) for to obtain the end for which it was intended: And so solemnly vow unto the Lord, How you are to observe the effect of your vowing and what duties you are thereupon to perform taking notice of the time, and of the occasion thereof, and if in processe of time, you finde that God gives you in some measure to keep it, and that he makes it successefull unto you for the end for which it was made. Then return thanks unto God answerable unto the successe [Page 24] thereof; But if otherwise you finde that you have broken your promise (as every one doth in part) and that your vow is unhelpfull unto you, for that purpose for which it was made; Then be made hereby humbly sensible of your sinfullnesse and insufficiency to any good work or word, and moved hereby to value and esteem Christ; Phil. 4.13. and to put forth new acts of faith on him, that through him you may be strengthened to do all things.
How you are to premeditate and pray every evening. Lastly as you begun, so end the day with God, and make him daily after this manner your Alpha and Omega, Psa. 55.17. In the evening as you have convenient time and place, solemnly call to minde what God hath done for you, yours, or any of his the day past, wherein you have transgressed the law of God, or disobeyed the Gospel, by committing of evill in thought, word, or deed, therein forbidden, or omitting of, or failing in dutie therein required what you would have God to do for your self the night following, for your friends, for all his people, Eph. 6.18. 1 Tim. 2.1, 2, 3. particularly for the Churches and kingdomes wherein you live, and therein for our King, and all in Authority, how able the Lord is to supply all your wants: After that, give glory to God for his mercies, humbly confesse your sins, asking what you want for Christs sake, in your spirit, if not in expression; and so commit your self to God, and be not faithlesse but believe that his peace shall possesse your heart, Phil, 4.6. in the night season as well as in the day time; And as you did awake: so go to your rest with thoughts of God, and say; I will lay me down and sleep in peace, Psa. 4.8. for thou Lord [Page 25] only makest me to dwell in safety (l).
Thus acquaint your self with God by praier and meditation, twice every day at least, and walk not as a stranger towards him, with whom you look to dwell for ever: Ioh. 17. 2 Thes. 4.17. But be much in Gods worship, that you may be more and more acquainted with God. It is a sweet thing (and it ought to be our delight, Psa. 16.3. ) to live with or nigh good people, Much more to live with or nigh a good God, as they do that walk humbly with God, in the sincere performance of the duties of his worship; 2 Cre. 15.2. Psa. 34.18. Psa. 145.18. Iam. 4 8. You will be inexcusable if you do not worship God twice every day at least. And let me tell you that you will be inexcusable unto God, if you do not worship him by praier twice every day at least, as morning and evening, because you have nothing ordinarily to hinder you from it; How will you excuse your self (Let your conscience answer) from being one that forgets God, who is the giver of your life, Psa. 55.17 Act. 17.28. and time, Mat. 6.11 and of all you are and have, Iam. 1 17 and of purer eyes then to behold any iniquity, in any creature to allow of it, Hab. 1.13 If you do not worship God morning and evening, for some small continuance of [...]ime by prayer, confession, and thanks-giving, Gods glory requires it, your soul hath need of [...]t, that it might be more and more acquain [...]ed with the Lord, and that it might receive more and more grace from him to glorifie him [...]ithall.
The third generall Direction shews how you are to prepare for, and to keep holy the Lords day.
THirdly, As you are daily to worship God; So in a speciall manner on the first day of the week, most properly called the Lords day, Rev. 1.10. because Jesus Christ did institute it in the room of the seventh day, to be kept holy by his people under the new Testament, as a day of thanksgiving for their redemption through him; Iohn 20.19, 26. 1 Cor. 16.1, 2. with 1 Cor. 11.23. Ps. 118.22. to 25. How you are every day to prepare for the Sabbath. and therefore you are to be mindefull of it Ex. 20.8. before it come, generally every day, so as to carry your self each day, as you did on the Lords day, I mean so as becometh holines: So as to appoint no meeting that day about your worldly businesse, either of pleasure or of profit; so as to prepare (if you be in communion with the Saints in that Ordinance) for the Lords Supper when it is administred; How you are to examine your self before the communion And (calling upon God for his assistance therein) if upon strict and impartiall ex [...]mination of your self, 1 Cor. 11.28. About your knowledge. you finde that you understandingly know the answers of the ten questions in the Catechisme, or such like principles of Religion, and the nature of, and the end for which the Lords Supper was ordained; to wit, for a continuall remembrance of Christs love in laying down his life for you: Luk. 22.19 Faith. That you have been, and be still perswaded and inabled to come to Christ, to cleave to him, and to trust and relie [Page 27] upon him alone for salvation, with purpose of heart to live to him: Ioh. 6.44. Ioh 3.16. Psal. 2 12. Repentance That you so repent, and loath your self for your sins, in the sence of Gods love, as that you resolve in the strength of Christ to leave them: Iob. 33.27. Rom. 7.24. Pro. 28 13. Clarity. That you humbly desire forgivenesse of those you have offended, and as heartily forgive, and love those that have offended you (though they should not forgive, nor love you) as you desire to be forgiven and to be beloved of the Lord: Mat. 5.12. Mat. 5.24. Desire after the Sacrament. That you desire Christ for nourishment for your soul, more then your ordinary food for your body, and hunger and thirst after union and communion with him; Iob. 23.12 Then you may be said to have knowledge, faith, repentance, charity, and a desirst after the Sacrament in truth, and so to be in some sincere measure prepared (if you renew those graces) for the receiving of the Lords Supper, yet notwithstanding this you are to try and examine your self (if you be able) according to the clearer rules of triall set out by divers able men of God See Mr Rogers and Mr Dikes upon the Sacrament. , 1 Cor. 1.30. See the conclusion of the directions about a private fast. How you are to carry your self towards wicked persons that are through want of discipline admitted to the Lords table. and to meditate upon your present sins, temptations, wants of, and weaknesses in grace, and of the sufficiency of Christ, signified and sealed in the Sacrament to help you against the power of sin, and the temptations of Satan, and to furnish you with a supply of grace that you want wholly or in part. And if you know of any wicked unworthy persons, in that Congregation you belong unto, that are (through want of Discipline) admitted to the Sacrament, then do you admonish them once and again, and after that (if they reform not) tell the Church of them, and if the Church continue [Page 28] to be remisse, and do not cast them out, then clear your own soul by professing against their sin, Mat. Psa 101.3. 1 Tim. 5.22. and by telling them that they ought not to receive; And if after this they do come to that Ordinance (through the neglect of the Church) you may (notwithstanding their presence) receive the Sacrament, 1 Cor. 11.17. t3 34. without being made partaker of their sin, Because it is not the meer presence of the wicked at the Lords table, 1 Cor 5.6.7. that can or doth leaven or defile you, but your not doing your duty unto them, that is, your not endeavouring by all means to have them cast out.
And as you are generally every day to prepare for the Lords day: How you are the day before to prepare for the Sabbath. So especially the day before Exo. 16.22. to 31. that you may order your earthly affairs in such a manner (for no worldly businesses are to be done on the Christian Sabbath, that may be done conveniently the day before, or left undone untill the day after Exo. 20.11.12. ) as that thereby you may be neither kept from, nor interrupted in your sanctifying of the day: and so, as that you may have some more time to read, and meditate upon the word, and to pray, for the preparation of your heart, for the sanctifying of the Lord and his day, and for the performance of all the duties thereof, then ordinarily you have other evenings. And by how much the service of God is to be preferred before the service of man: by so much the more you ought to be carefull to rise earlier on the Lords day, How you are to begin it. then on other daies: And after your early rising, and communing with your own heart, what mercies God hath bestowed upon you, yours, or any of his, the week, night, [Page 29] or morning past, or from the foundation of the world to this time: Psa 63. [...] what iniquities transgressions, and sins, you, yours, the Saints, or any of mankinde living, have sinned against heaven and before the Lord, the week, night, and morning past, or at any time, at, or from the fall of Adam, hitherto: Rom. 3.23 What your wants, the wants of yours, and all God [...] people are: That your God can supply them: Blesse God with your soul, and with all that is within you Psa 103.2. to 6. 1 Thes. 5.28. Eph. 5.20. for election, creation, redemption, vocation, adoption, justification sanctification, for the hopes of glorification you apprehend your self, or any you are to praise the Lord for, to have, and for all mercies, particularly for his mercies to you the week, night, and morning past: Mourn with godly sorrow for your own, and the abominations of others, more particularly for your own iniquities of the by-past-week, or Morning Psa. , cry mightily to God for a supply of all your wants Mat. 7.7. , especially for those spirituall blessings in heavenly things, you see your self to stand in need of, for a blessing upon his word, sacraments and ministers, particularly for a blessing upon your own minister Col. 4. [...]. and the ordinances you are to partake of that day, and for a heart to serve him sincerely to his glory, your edification and comfort, and the good example of others; Next, look to those worldly businesses that are of meer necessity, and that belong unto your present relations Mat. 1 [...].1. to 14. , Or if you have none, either betake your self again to praier (intreating the Lord to give you to beleeve, and to know that you do beleeve, to clear up his love [Page 30] to you in Christ, to beget and keep a holy and an heavenly frame of heart in you, that his Sabbath may be a delight unto you Isa. 58.13 Psa. 84.10. ) or read and meditate of somerhing that may quicken you to beleeve that God so loved you as that he gave his Christ to die for you Gal. 2 20. , and to rise again for your justification Rom. 4.25 See the second branch of the second part directions about your attending your own Pastour. Aow you are to behave your self in your going to the publike worship ; But remember so to order and end your works of necessity, and private devotions, as that you may take some small portion of food if need be, and be afterward in due season at the publike worship. And as you goe with the Master of the Family, and the rest of your house, or with any other, to the place where Gods name is publikely recorded, either be thinking, or speaking Isa. 58 13 Psa. 42.1, 2.84 t1, 2, 4, 6, 10. In your entrance upon it. of something that may further your self, and others to sanctifie the Lord in your hearts; And as the Minister begins to perform duty, so begin you in a holy manner to attend, or if he have begun, join with him and the people (having sought God in your heart, to help you therein) in that dutie they are ented upon; 1 Cor 14.33. 1 Pet. 1.15.16 In your hearing the word. behaving your self so in that, and in all other duties of Gods worship, as that you may hold forth your acknowledgement of Gods holinesse, that by your carriage the Lord may appear to be a holy God. And as you hear the word then, or at any other time, or place, mark, as all things, so especially the things that concerns you, See the Second direction about the manner how yau are to make use of the word when you read it, or near it. that instructs you, where you are ignorant, that reproves you, where you are sinfull, that exhorts you, where you are negligent, that opens your understanding, that inclines your will, that humbles your heart, that comforts your soul, that quickens you to beleeve, and love, and [Page 31] to live to God, that you may apply it, as you were before directed.
And when ever you hear the word, remember to hear it without respect of persons, and as an ordinance of God for your souls good, and think not better, nor worse of it, because of the person that speaks it, 1 Thes. 2 13. but prove all things, and keep that which is good: 1 Thes. 5.21. In your attending all manner of prayer. And as the Minister prayes, confesses, and gives thanks to God with outward expressions: So do you pray, confesse, and praise God with your soul, and all that is within you, saying Amen in your heart, to every full-sentence thereof, 1 Cor, 14.15.16. and with your voice also at the close of the dutie, be it prayer, or praise.
And as you are called upon to sing Psalmes, endeavour then, and at all times when you are about to sing alone, or among others, In your singing of Psalms. to understand the matter of the Psalm that is to be sung, Psa. 47.7, and approve your heart to God, that you desire so to glorifie him, and so to exercise your grace in your heart, and so to teach and admonish your self and others, Col 3.16. in the time of singing, as the matter of the Psalm you are to sing, doth direct you: As for example, Note well this example of the manner how you should sing Psalms. The matter of the first Psalm shews the happinesse of the godly, the unhappinesse of the ungodly, and doth direct you to blesse God, and to exercise your grace in your heart, and to instruct your self and others by beleeving in your heart, and singing with your voice, that the godly are blessed, and that the wicked are cursed: And indeed when you sing with understanding to your self and others, that they are happie that walk with God, and that they are [Page 32] cursed that walk contrarie to him: Then you praise God, and the way of God, and the law, and people of God, and then you teach your self and others, the matter of the Psalme: and you may then in the act of singing (if God give you grace so to doe) exercise your grace of faith, How you may exercise grace in your heart in the act of singing of Psalms. in beleeving that the godlie are in a blessed estate, that the wicked are in a cursed condition: your gra [...]e of humilitie, in humbling your self before God, that you have been wicked and ungodlie: your grace of praier, in desiring God for the Lords sake to give you grace to cease to be wicked, and to learn to be godlie: your grace of godlie fear, in trembling least Gods wrath should be poured out upon you, if you should any more sin wilfully against him: your grace of spirituall joy, in rejoycing that God hath given you to allow of his law, to account it just, holy, good, to take delight in it in your inward man, to wish and desire to obey it: your grace of internall new obedience, in resolving with full purpose of heart to have respect to all Gods Commandments; And thus you are to sing Davids Psalmes with Davids understanding, and with Davids spirit, and with grace in your heart to the glory of God. Psa. 47.7. 1 Cor 14.15. Eph. 5.19.
And when the Sacrament of Baptisme is administred, In your beholding the Sacrament of Baptisme administred. look up to Heaven for the infant with the Minister and the Congregation, and humble your self before the Lord that you have not so given up your self unto him, nor so walked with him as you are bound to do by your Baptisme Iob. 42.6. renewing your Covenant with him to walk more uprightly before him, Iob. 34 31 32. and [Page 33] beleeving that you shall as verily be cleansed from sin, sanctified and saved by the blood of Christ sprinkled in your heart by faith: as verily as you were baptized, or behold others sprinkled with water at their Baptisme; For it is a sign and a seal thereof unto you Rom. 4.11 12. Col. 2.13.14. In your receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. And when you are to receive the Lords Supper with those who do in an orderly Gospel way hold communion at the Lords table: As you behold the bread broken and the wine poured out, remember with godly sorrow the greatnesse of your sin that pierced Christ even to the shedding of his hearts blood, Zac. 12.10. Isa 53.5. 1 Pet. 2.24. and call to minde the great love of God, not only in giving of Christs body and blood for the nourishment of your soul Ioh. 3.16. Ioh, 6.55. : But also in giving of that Sacrament to be a sign and an assurance thereof unto you Heb. 6.17, 18. , Remember (I say) this love of God with all thankfulnesse to him, and holy joy in him, expressed for the present in your love to him again, in your resolution to serve him in holinesse and righteousnesse all your daies (which is a reviewing of your covenant) in your distributing to the poor according to what God hath given you; And beleeve that God will as verily give his Christ to you for the strengthening and refreshing of your soul by his flesh and blood, and for the perfecting of his grace begun in you Ioh. 5.32, 32.54, to 57. as verily as the minister gives out the bread and wine for you; for they are not only a sign, but a seal thereof unto you, yea, beleeve that you and the Saints shall sit with Christ in his Kingdome as verily as you sit together at his table, Luk. 22.26. to 31. for your sitting and fellowship together is a signification thereof [Page 34] unto you; And as your eye puts forth a naturall act in beholding (that is the bread and wine) your hand in taking, your mouth in eating and drinking, your stomack in digesting whereby the elements are made one with your body: How you are to act Faith in the time of receiving 1 Cor. 10.16.17. So let your soul put forth spirituall acts of faith (as it did at your first beleeving) in beholding of Christ crucified, in receiving him withall his merits and the good things he hath purchased, in eating, drinking, and digesting the flesh and blood of Christ whereby Christ and your soul may be made as one; And as you behold, How and upon what you are to meditate in the act of receiving. 1 Cor. 11.24. take, eat, and drink the bread and wine, do not only meditate of the horrible nature of sin, and of the wonderfull love of God, (as you were even now advised) but also of every thing that is sutable to the Ordinance that may set your faith awork, and all other your graces; As namely, how that Salvation is to be had by a Mediatour, as well as by Gods me [...]cy: That Christ was truly and verily man, as well as God, That Gods justice is infinite in that nothing cold satisfie it but the blood of his only begotten Son: That your soul naturally is in a desperate lost estate, in that nothing could redeem it but the blood of Christ; your soul cost no lesse then the life of Christ: Ioh. 10.15. that God is ingaged not only to give Christ upon your beleeving and repenting: but also to give you to beleeve and repent, being the Sacrament is a seal of the Covenant of grace. Think I say of these things in the time of your receiving, and exercise your graces upon them, in the act of meditation: that you may give glory [...]o God in your drawing nigh unto him in this [Page 35] holie ordinance of his; And as you return from the publike Ordinances either be pondering upon the word with your self Luk. 2.19 , or speaking of it with others Luk. 24.14. to 18. , that you may understandingly remember it, and make a holy improvement of it Luk. 8.15. In your return from the publike Ordinances, and as you abide at home. , And after you in private considered well how gracious the Lord hath been to you in the means of grace, how you have come short of his glory and your duty in serving of him Iam. 3.2. , and what you would have him to do further for you by his word and ordinances you have partaked of, Then glorifie God for his free grace and goodnesse to you, be sorry for the sin of your holy duties, and beseech him for Christs sake to help you more and more to understand the word, and to bring forth fruit with patience to his praise; In your eating, drinking, conference, preparation for, and attention unto family duties. And (having given thanks) as you tast how good the Lord is in your meat and drink, endeavour to make the word to your self in your thoughts, to others in your conference as delightsome to your souls as your ordinary food to your bodies Iob. 23.12 , And (thanks being given to God) either be meditating of the works of God, or of the word of God to Gods praise and your comfort Psa. 77.12 Psa. 119.148. , or thinking of something whereby you may give an account of your profiting to the Governour of the family Heb. 13 17 , or to any that shall demand it 1 Pet. 3.15. , Attending family duties in a holy manner as you have been already shewed, And if there be no family exercises betwixt Sermons, then either betake your self to reading, meditation, secret prayer whereby your communion with God may be increased or unto holy coference with those whom you may edifie, or by whom you may be edified that [Page 36] your gifts and graces, and the profit you receive by the publike Ordinances may be improved to the uttermost for the honour of God and the good of one anothers souls; Take the like course in the evening and alwaies after your hearing of the word, when it is not improved in the family where you live, by repetition, examination, conference, or the like exercise. And so behave your self in your going again to the Church, In your return to the publike Worship again, and continuance at it. in your performing of duty while you abide there, in your return from thence, as you have been directed for the former part of the day: and so as that you may glorifie God before all the people by your godly carriage in all the duties of his worship Mat. 5.16. .
And being the Discipline of the Church, for admonition, excommunication, and absolution, is to be exercised when the Church is met tagether 1 Cor. 5.4. In your submitting unto and acting in the Discipline of the Church: ; Therefore as soon as God shall enlighten you of it, submit to it as to the Ordinance of Christ for the destruction of the flesh, that your soul m [...]y be saved in the day of the Lord 2 Cor. 5.6 , And so behave your self with godly fear in your assenting to the censuring of others, and in your being under the censure of the Church as you know or may know God in his word requires you, In your performance of Christian duties to others, after the publike is ended. and so as that you may appear to God to be willing to do or receive some spirituall good thereby to his glory. And take this day, if it may be with conveniencie, or any day when occasion is offered unto you, to admonish them that are scandalously sinfull Mat. 18.15 to 18. , to make and maintain peace among your disagreeing neighbours Mat. 5.9. 1 Cor. 6.1. to 9. , to visit the sick and them that be in any distresse of body or minde, administring [Page 37] to them temporall, or spirituall things according to their necessity, and your ability Mat. 25.35. to 39. . Seeking God for a blessing upon these duties in your heart, if not in expression, with those you perform them unto: But remember so timely to finish these duties as that the necessary earthly affairs belonging to your place may be seasonably looked after, and so as that you may be prepared for, and be in due season ar Family duties: In doing all that you do in thought, word and deed, in a holy manner to Gods glory. Attending them in a holy manner as you were after directed; Afterward whether you meditate, or pray alone, or talk among others about the word and ordinances you have partaked of: whether you teach others or be taught of others: whether you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God 1 Cor, 10.32. , and to the edifiing of your own soul, and the souls of others 1 Thes. 5.11. , submitting then and alwaies to all the holy means of God which the chief of the family or any other shall use with you for the saving of your soul Eph. 6.1, 2, 3.5. Gen. 18 29. with Eph. 6.5. Heb. 3.13. : And as you are more knowing then others in the family, Take those that are ignorant apart every Lords day, or any day as you have opportunity, but more particularly on those Lords daies when the Governour, or Governesse of the family omit to perform those duties unto them, for to instruct them, 2 Tim. 1.2. Luk. 12.32. Iam. 5.20. 1 Thes. 5.11. and to communicate such knowledge unto them as you conceive may be most for their edification: beginning and ending every such like duty with prayer and thanks giving, that you may upon warrantable grounds expect Gods blessing upon the same; Likewise as you are more ignorant then others, so to those that are [Page 38] knowing in your family not only on the Lords day, Pro. 2.3.4. but any day as you have liberty, and ask of them such things as you are ignorant of, or doubtfull about, and such things as are necessary for you to beleeve and practise; And when you are at any time deprived of the publike Ordinances, or necessarily kept from, or interrupted in your sanctifiing of the Lords day: (as you may many manner of waies, as namely by your being appointed to stay at home about necessary businesse, by your being sick, weak and unable to go to the publike, or the like) Spend so much of the day as conveniently you can prayer, reading, meditation, and singing of Psalms; And endeavour to get that knowledge by your attending family exercises, and by your conference with those that were ot the publike: That others got by their attending upon the publike Ordinances; And in the evening sometimes before you teke your rest, after you have remembred as well as you can what God hath revealed to you, and done for you the day past, what the sins of your holy duties have been, and what you would have of God (that is able to do more for you, then you are able to ask) for your self, yours, and all Gods people the night following; Make your requests to God by confession, praier, and thanks-giving, and so leaving your self with God, you may both lie down in peace, and sleep with confidence that the Lord will make you to dwell in safety Psa. 4.8. Note this generall proof. , The fourth Commandement is a generall proof for all the duties I have advised you to perform in your preparation for, and in your keeping holy the [Page 39] Lords day Exo 20.8. to 12. , for the substance of the Commandement remains the same for ever Mat. 5.15 18. , though the circumstance of time be changed (and as it is probably conceived by Christ himself Ioh. 20.19.26. Rev. 1.10. , from the seventh unto the first day of the week, in that we might honour the Son as we honour the Father; Ioh. 5.23. in keeping the first da [...] of the week, holy unto the Lord, not only in remembrance of Gods goodnesse unto us in the creation, and of his love unto us in promising and sending of Christ, through whose blood we have redemption: But also in memoriall of Christs love unto us, who so loved us as that he died for ur 1 Ioh. 3.16. , and rose again as that day for your justification Mar. 16, 9. Rom. 4.25. , And if you either neglect any of the duties I have advised you unto, if conveniently you may perform them: or the Ordinances that conveniently may be had, or fail in the performance, or partaking of them, Then you break the Commandment by omission, and if you do the contrary, you transgresse the commandement by commission.
And that you may make conscience of sanctifying the Sabbath in the performance of those holy duties, I have advised you unto; consider first, how that the time of the Sabbath (which begins (as it is probably conceived) in the morning of the first day of the week, immediatly after the midnight of the seventh day of the week, and continues untill next morning, immediatly after midnight) is a part of that worship, homage, and honour which you owe unto God (r) and which you ought to spend in Gods service (so far as the infirmities of your nature, and your necessary occasions will permit [Page 40] you) from the dawning of the day untill late in the evening (f) Secondly how that one dutie is a help unto another; Your choicest duties in the morning are a preparation for Family duties, and as it were a setting of your heart in a holy frame: your family duties are a preparation for the publike worship, and as it were a keeping of your heart in a heavenly frame; And all the duties that you are to perform at, and after the publike worship, are but an improvement of the publike; Thirdly, how that by holy duties God is honoured, your communion with God increased: such graces also as ordinarily you want conveyed unto your soul, and such as you have, especially your knowledge increased day by day; So as that if you improve to the uttermost every Lords day, and the means of grace you partake of thereon, after that manner as I have shewed you, and for those ends God hath appointed them; you will be thereby in due time made wise unto salvation, though you have neither private nor publike helps or means of grace in the week season
The fourth Direction declares unto you, how you are to Worship God in the extraordinary duties of Fasting and Thanksgiving, both in your Person alone, and in the Family and Congregation you belong unto: As also in ordinary duties, as you are in more relations then ordinarily private Christians are; This Direction likewise shews you how you are to behave your self, as you are in an unmarried condition, and contains in it solutions to divers cases of Conscience, as you may see all along the margent.
FOurthly, When you are called to keep a private Fast (and have liberty thereunto) betwixt God and your self 2 Sam. 12.16. Mat. 6.17. either by reason of a judgement felt Isa. 22.12. 2 Cro. 7.13.14. feared Est. 4.16. or deserved Ion. 3.4.5 or by a blessing desired and expected Iudg. 20.27.28. How you are to prepare for a priva [...]e fast. Remember it the evening before so as to end seasonably your worldly businesse (For you are not only to abstain from all manner of food (so far as your body will bear it) but also from worldly thoughts, speeches, and actions, and to keep the whole day in manner of the Sabbath holy to the Lord Lev. 23.27 28 to 33. Est. 4.16. Isa 58.13. Exo. 33.4. so as to meditate of the occasion that moves you to seek God by praier and fasting, and of the present sins you [Page 42] live in, that you may afflict your soul for them, Lam. 3.4. Isa. 58.5. How you are to begin it. and so as to seek God in your evening praier for the preparation of your heart thereunto, according to the occasion of the Fast; And after your timely rising, and thoughts of Gods goodnesse to you the night past: seriously call to minde how grear and terrible the Lord is, with whom you have to doe Dan. 9.4. 2 Pet. 2.4. to 0.1 : how good and gracious the Lord is and hath been unto you notwithstanding your by-past and present sins, iniquities, and transgressions Neh. 9.6. to 38. how sinfull he, she, or they are and have been (if you be to keep a fast for another, whether a friend, a family, a town, a county, or a kingdome) notwithstanding the riches of Gods goodnesse unto them: How ready God is (through his free mercy in Christ) to pardon, spare, deliver, save, and blesse those with the blessings of this life and a better, that unfainedly repent and beleeve 2 Cro. 7.13, 14. Psa. 130.4. Ezek. 33.11. Act. 10.43. Act 16.30. and what the mercies and blessings are that you would have God to bestow upon you, yours, or any of his; This being done pray earnestly for a spirit of grace and supplication, whereby you may perform an acceptable fast to the Lord Zac. 12 10 humbly confessing your sins of all sorts Neh. 9.2, Psa. 32.5. with their severall aggravations that make you and those you are to seek God for (according as the day of humiliation is for your self, or some other) unworthy of what you would have, whether it be the obtaining of a blessing, or the preventing, or the averting of a judgement; And crie mightilie to God for pardoning, and healing grace (acting faith on the promise as you pray) and more especially for what the [Page 43] occasion of the Fast calls you unto. After that, How you are to go on in it, in reading or meditating upon the word read, or meditate upon some part of Gods word Neh. 9.3. that may most dispose you to humiliation, and that is most sutable unto the businesse of the day: and endeavour more particularly to finde out the sins of your self, and those for whom you chiefly seek God, more fully acknowledging your iniquities with deep humiliation; In praier. and praying more fervently for pardon, help, and deliverance from evils felt, feared, or deserved, and for the obtaining of the blessings that you, and yours desire and stand in need of. And as soon as you have again reviewed your own sins, and the sins of those for whom you fast and pray. In renewing your Meditations and Praiers. Renew your humiliations, acknowledgments of sin, supplications for all sorts of mercies you stand in need of: particularly be importune with God for to give you, and those for whom you make your prayers grace and strength through Christ to break off your iniquities with righteousnesse, that the good things you desire may not be withholden from you because of them Ier. 5.25. And having considered what God hath done for you while you have been waiting upon him in prayer and fasting: How you are to end a private? Fast by Meditation. How you have failed, and come short of Gods glory and your duty: whar your sins are that you have not been humbled for to this day Ier. 44.10 what the wants of your self are, and of those you are to pray for, conclude the day with a return of thanks according to what you have received, By praier and thanksgiving. with an humble acknowledgement of your failings: with a full purpose of heart in the strength of Christ Phil. 4.13. to lay aside [...]very sin, [Page 44] and to take up every duty, and so to have respect to all Gods Commandements: with a determination to relieve the poor Isa, 58.7. according to what God hath given you, or if you be a receiver, to approve your self unto God that you have a willing minde thereunto: with praier for all men, particularly for the Governours, and the governed of the family, town, and kingdome where you live, and for such mercies as the day was set apart for; and so commit your self to God, and be confident that God will bring to passe what is for his glory, and his peoples good, Psa. 37.5. Pro. 16.3. And if your private fast be about the estate of your soul, that you might know whether you be under grace and Christ, or under sin and Satan 2 Cor. 13.5. What you are to do if your private Fast be about the estate of your soul. Then take speciall notice of the present sins you live in, of the grace you want, of the evidences you have of salvation, and of the severall things that make you to doubt your condition Phil. 2.12 1 Cor. 10.12. that you may look up to God d [...]y and night for help therein, That you may thereby in processe of time sensibly discern the decay of the old man sin in you, and the increase of the new man Christ, and the graces of his spirit 2 Cor. 4.16. The removall of your doubts and the clearing up of your evidences for heaven 2 Pet. 1.5. to 13. Note. How you are to begin and end a Family or a Congregationall Fast. Take the like notice of the estate of your soul, when you receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.
And when you are called by the like occasion to fasting and prayer in a Family, or in a publike Congregation Zac. 12, 12 Act. 14 23. So prepare for it, and so begin and end it in your closet as you did your private fast, and with enlargements [Page 45] according to the occasions of the day: And let your whole carriage be such in all the duties of the day, whether it be in a family, How you are to ca [...]ry your self throughout the day. or in a congregation, as that you may appear unto God and man to be of a contrite and humble spirit Isa. 57.13 Preparing your self (if you be called to exercise in a family fast) according to the occasion of the day, and the nature of the duties you are to perform.
And when God shall be pleased to give you that you sought him for: let your thanksgiving be answerable in some sincere measure to Gods mercies, and to his return of your praiers ordinary and extraordinary 2 Chro. 32.25. And in keeping of a private day of thanksgiving, be mindefull of it the evening before, that you may timely lay aside your earthly affairs, so as that you may have a better opportunity then you have other evenings for the preparing of your heart for it by reading and meditating of such things as are sutable to the occasion of the day, How you are to prepare for a private day of thanksgiving. and by importuning the Lord in your evening praier, for a thankfull heart for Gods goodnesse to you; And after you have awaked right early with the Lord, How you are to begin it by Meditation. and solemnly meditated (according to the occasion of the day, be it for your self or some other) of the generall and particular causes you have to be thankfull through the free grace and goodnesse of God to you, and yours: To be humbled through the sinfullnesse of your natures and lives: To call upon God for the preparation of your heart to that heavenly duty of thanksgiving, through the insufficiency of your self either to pray to God for what you want, or to praise him for what [Page 46] you do receive from him; Make your requests to God by confession, By praier and thanksgiving. praier, and supplication, with thanksgiving in all humility, and joyfulnesse of heart, Then read (but remember th [...]t the necessary worldly businesse of your place be seasonably looked after) or meditate upon some part of Gods word Neh. 8.8. as may quicken you to give God the praise that is due to his name; How you are to proceed in it by reading and meditating upon the word. And after you have in a serious way reviewed over all your sins that makes you and yours lesse then the least of Gods mercies: And all the mercies that you, yours, or any of Gods people have received from the Lord; By renewing your meditations. Pray fervently to God for Christs sake to blot out your sins, to subdue your iniquities, by reason of which he might deprive you, Prayers. and yours of all the mercies you do injoy both for you [...] bodies and souls; And thanksgivings. and pour out all manner of curses upon you in the room thereof; And praise the Lord with your soul, and with all that is within you for all his mercies, above all for his Christ, that is the greatest cause of thanksgiving that ever was or can be given to the sons of men Luk. 2.10 20 15. particularly for those blessings you set the day apart for: intreating the Lord for Christs sake to give you, By singing of Psalms. yours, and all his to make a right use of his mercies, speaking to your self afterward in Psalms, and Hymns, and spirituall songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord Ep. 5.19. Iam. 5.13. delighting your self with the good creatures of God more then at other times Est 9 22. Neh 8.1 [...]. So as that you be not carnall, but spirituall therein, setting forth the praise of Gods bounty and goodnesse to you in your food, or apparell, liberty, livelyhood, [Page 47] and in all you are and have; Causing your poor, sick, hungry, naked, distressed, By setting forth Gods Gods praise with all you are, and have. disagreeing neighbours, especially those that are more visibly Saints, and those of your own kinred 1 Tim. 5.4. Gal. 6.10. to blesse God with you, and for you, in visiting, feeding, cloathing, releeving them, and in making and maintaining peace and concord among them Mat. 25.34. to 41. Mat. 5.9, Or if you be a reciever, and not giver, manifest the willingnesse of your minde to give, if you had it, in giving your heart to God Pro. 23.26 in devoting your self to his service; And learn to be contented with your condition; Phil. 4 10 when God sees you fit to improve more for his glory, you shall have more; Psa. 34.9, 10. Humble your self therefore under the mighty hand of God, and cast your care upon him 2 Pet. 5.6.7. and then be confident that he will never leave, nor forsake you Heb. 13.5 How you are to conclude a private day of thanksgiving. And in the close of the day after you have seriously considered that you have more and more cause to blesse God, that the life of thanks-giving consists in a holy life Psa. 40.23 that your by-past and present sins, might provoke God to take away his mercies from you: or to curse them to you; that you cannot of your self walk worthy of the riches of Gods goodnesse towards you; 2 Cor. 3.5 Inlarge your self in due and solemn thanks-giving for all mercies but more especially for the present occasion you have of giving of thanks: Spread forth your cofessions with shame and confusion of face: pray for the Churches of God, the King, the State, and for the continuance and the increase of Gods goodnesse to you, yours, and to all the Saints, as need shall be; And promise and resolve in [Page 48] the strength of Christ to lay aside all your sins, to take up every duty you know, or may know God requires of you, and so to order your own conversation, and to further others so to order their life, as that you may by your good example cause your heavenly father to be glorified, 1 Pet. 2.12 And vvhen in like manner God shall give you an opportunity and a call to keep a day of thanks-giving in a family, How you are to behave your self in your closet betwixt God and your self, in your preparing for, and in your beginning and ending a day of thanksgiving, in a Family or in a Congregation. or in a Congregation: Let your preparation for it, and entrance upon it, and conclusion of it, be such, or to the like effect, as you have been directed to prepare for, to begin, and end a private day of thanksgiving. And so behave your self in all the duties of the day as one that is desirous to have God to inhabit your praises Psa. 22.3. and as one who zealously covets to be skilfull in the heavenly work of Saints and Angels, who are wholly taken up in the divine praises of God, and will be for ever and ever. Preparing your self the Evening or Morning before (if you have a call to perform some of the duties of a day of thanks giving kept in a Family) according to the businesse of the day, and the nature of the duties you are to perform, How you are to prepare for a day of thanks-giving in a Family if you be to exercise in it. and in such a manner as m [...]y be most for Gods honour, and your mutu [...]ll comfort.
And as you are a private man that keeps servants, you ought to instruct them, and to pray with them, and for them, and to use all means to win their souls, Gen. 18.29. Pro. 11.30. Likewise as you are a private man and a Teacher of young children, you ought to perform the duties of parents unto them in point of instruction, praier and corre [...]ion, because they are under your charge, [Page 49] and you either do or ought to receive authority from their parents to teach and correct them in their stead. How you are as a Schoolmaster to perform the duties of parents in point of instruction: prayer, and correction.
It behooves you also to prepare your self for family-duties, that you may be enabled to pray in your family, Morning; Noon-time, & Evening in the absence of the Governour thereof: as also that you may be fitted for to worship God with all your house, as soon as the Lord shall call you to be a Governour of a Family
And as you are a Christian woman that keeps maids, you should teach them, How you are to prepare to perform the duties of a Master of a Family. Hest. 4.26. and pray ordinarily with them; yea, and Fast and pray with them upon extraordinary occasions (t).
In like manner as you are a private Christian woman, and one that undertakes the education of young Children, you ought to instruct them in the principles of Christian Religion, and that continually, as you walk in your way, How you are as a Mistresse of Children, to instruct them and to pray with them. as you sit at your work, when you lie down, and when you rise up, Deut. 6.7. and to pray with them, and for them, as also to give them that correction that is due unto them: because they were committed unto you by their parents, for those ends, as well as for their instruction in any learning or art whatsoever. How you are to prepare to perform the duties of a Governesse of a Family. How you are to behave your self as you are unmarried. 1 Thes. 4.4.
It is meet and equall also that you should prepare your self for the performance of the duties of Governesses of Families, that you may perform them when you are called unto them.
And as you are a private Christian Man or Woman, and as yet unmarried, endeavour to possesse your own vessell in holinesse, and beware not only of actuall fornication, and adulterie, [Page 50] but also of all unclean behaviour with your self, A sad example of one wounded in conscience about self-pollution. or any other; I have read of some that have gone Mad with horrour of conscience about wickednesses of that nature; I knew one in his sicknes, before his death, that cryed out in the bitternesse of his soul, to this purpose: O that all the unclean persons of the world knew in what a hell of torments I am in, about my being unclean with my self and others! O that I could speak, write, or send my minde to those whom I have moved to any kinde of folly and uncleannesse, or with whom I have sinned any kinde of sin or wickednesse! But I fear I must never hear of them untill I be tormented with them, and for them, in hell, in hell, in hell! O that I knew how to warn the world to beware of my wickednesse, to wit, of neglecting honourable Marriage, of following base and vile courses! Thereupon he did determine to use all means whereby those (whom he had provoked to sinne, and with whom he had been unclean) might know what bitter things God had writ against him, by reason of his own and his other mens sins: And did desire that all the Ministers of the land might know his sinne and wickednesse, Gen. 38.9.10. Rom. 1, 27. As namely his being unclean with himself at times, for sixteen years together, his frequent tempting of others to uncleannesse, fornication and adulterie, and his sinning those sinnes sometimes with others, for that end that they might warne their people to take heed of it, and that they might advise them to Marrie in the Lord, not only to avoid fornication, but also all uncleannesses of bodie and spirit with themselves, or others; [Page 51] O then let it be your care to be holie in bodie and spirit, 1 Cor. 7.34, least you be likewise tormented in conscience here, and be hereafter cast into everlasting torments prepared for the devil and his angels; And that you may be holie; What means you are to use that you may possesse your vessell in holinesse. Be much in praier and fasting, and in exercising of faith in the promises of sanctification. Use (as your constitution is) a spare, wary, temperate diet: Be diligent in your calling, or in some honest labour to fit you for a calling: Take pains, rise earlie, wake late; wave all unnecessary communion with all that are not of your own sex: Doe not look upon them, (I mean in a wanton manner Mar. 5.28. ) nor talk with them, nor touch them; 1 Cor. 7.1. Be much in Meditation upon heaven, and heavenly things, and in ejaculatory praier unto God, that your busie phancie may be kept from vile, and base imaginations; And if God bestow the gift of chastitie upon you, in the use of these or the like means, then you may continue in your unmarried condition, so long as God shall incline you thereunto, and you may and ought to use the like means (as you have a need thereof) for the continuance of the same; When you may and ought to Marry. But if you finde your heart inclinable to Marriage notwithstanding the use of the means aforementioned for some terme of time, and that you must Marrie or else sin: 1 Cor. 7.8. How you are to seek a husband or a wife by prayer and other means Then resolve to Marrie in the Lord, assoon as God shall provide a wife or a husband for you; And being all things are sanctified unto us by the word and praier, 1 Tim. 4.4, 5. therefore solemnly seek God by praier and fasting for a wife, or husband that may be a meet help for you; And seriously [Page 52] consider (before you call upon God upon this oceasion) what your iniquities, transgressions and sins are, and have been (for I alwaies advise you, before all manner of solemn praier, to think of your sins, not that you might despair, and draw back through unbelief, as if you were to satisfie for them: nor yet that you might be sorrie for them, as one without hope of pardon. But that your heart might be kept humble and low in the sence of them, and that the memoriall of them might work a new desire in you, to be found in Christ, and a new affection in you unto Christ) by reason of which God might justly curse you in all the relations that you are, or may be in: And call to minde how unprepared you are to serve God in that relation you are seeking after, and how unfit you are to make choise of a meet help or guide for your self in his service; This being done, desire God for Christs sake to remember your sins no more, to direct you unto friends, and by friends unto one that may be a comfortable yoke-fellow for you, and to give you grace to carry your self so in your looking out for a wife or a husband, as that you may neither dishonour him, nor wrong your self, by irrationall, irreligious, untimely engagements, either in your affections, or in your promises; Afterward acquaint your parent or chief friends of our own sex, how God inclines your heart to Marrie, and be ruled by them in a rationall religious way: Advisedly (and not rashly) choosing a help or a guide (according to the direction of your friends, Deut. 7.3. 1 Cor. 7.36, 37. and your own approbation Gen. 24.57, 58. ) that may be sutable for you, [Page 53] both in regard of religion, age, disposition, and condition: Acquainting the party (if it be once upon treatie) and the parties friends, what they may expect from you, both for religion and all other matters: Demanding the like of them: Carrying your self religiously (for it is the weightiest matter that ever you went about belonging to this life) in the whole businesse, as becomes a servant of Jesus Christ: Preparing your self (from your first solemne thoughts of Marriage) to worship God in that relation according to his word; And if God doe bring it about, in causing you and the partie to love and to like each other, and both you, and your friends to accord together in all substantiall matters: Then Marrie in the Lord, according to the order of the Church and State, and give up your selves unto him, to serve him so in that relation, as becomes holinesse: When, and how husband and wife are to pray together. Praying together (before you bed together) for the forgivenesse of all your sins, that might provoke God to imbitter all relations unto you: For the favour and countenance of God upon you that is the happinesse of everie condition of life: For new hearts, new estate: For a sanctified use of the Married condition, that it may be a furtherance unto you both (and not a hinderance) in your serving of God; Praying afterward frequentlie, as you are a husband (according to the advise given you in the following Directions) for, and with your wife: Confessing unto God (among your other sin [...]) one anothers failings: Asking (for Christs sake) pardon of them, and power against them, and [Page 54] grace to preserve your first love, to bear each others infirmities, to cover them with love, to observe each others tempers, for one anothers good, to be chast, to love each others companie, to be faithfull each to other, to be industrious and provident one for another, to tender each others good name: More especially intreat the Lord to give you, and your wife grace to perform those duties to him, and one to another, that you know you are negligent in; Thus by praier you may tell one another of your failings, and yet not provoke one another to anger, but to godlie sorrow for the same: Thus you may exhort one another to dutie, and yet not stir up hatred one against another, but love one to another. O then continue in praier, and live, and love, and cease not to love, till ye cease to live.
How you are further to worship God as a husband or a wife, or as a father, or a mother: The Directions for Governours and Governesses of Families will shew you.
And being there is an occasion offered by these Directions to some weak Christians to propound some cases of conscience: Fight Queries, or cases of conscience briefly answered. Therefore I will endeavour briefly to answer these following questions.
Quer, 1 First, Must I alwaies prepare for praier, reading and hearing of the word, receiving of the Sacrament, and the like holie duties before I undertake to perform them?
Answ. Yea alwaies, untill you can perform them to Gods honour without preparation: Lev. 10.3. 1 Pet. 1.15. 1 Pet. 3.15. as you can in some measure if you goe about your earthly affairs with an heavenly minde, without [Page 55] having your heart and affections taken off therewith from things above, and if you be continually mindefull of your dependance upon God for all you are and have. 1 Cor. 15.10. Phil. 3.20. 2 Tim. 2.21,
Quer, 2 Secondly, What if I do not prepare for holy duties through forgetfulnes, want of watchfulnes: or cannot, through want of opportunity, or knowlege of them, before I am called to perform them; shall I omit them because of my unpreparednes?
Answ. No, Because it is a greater sinne wholly to omit, or to lay aside duties, then it is to fail in them Ex. 4.24.25. Iob 1514. through want of preparednesse or the like: But be sorrie for your unpreparation, and so fall upon holy duties, (if you doe not doubt of them Rom. 14, 23. ) unfainedly endeavouring to give God that glorie in them, that is in some measure fit for a God to have. 1 Chron. 16.29. 1 Chron. 29.11, to 14.
Quer, 3 Thirdly, What if when I doe prepare my self for holy duties, I finde my heart not fit for them: shall I for the present forbear the performance of them, because of my unpreparation?
Answ. In no wise, Because if you should neglect duties by reason of your unpreparednes in this case, you would be lesse fit for them the next time that you were to perform them, and so you might be tempted to omit them continually: Pro. 10.29 Iob 17.9. 2 Tim. 3.13, 14. But prepare your self as well as you can for holy duties, that is one part of your dutie, and then go on in them with all zeal for Gods glorie: praying, hearing, receiving the Sacrament (if you be free from ignorance, and all manner of wickednesse that makes you altogether unworthie to come to the Lords Table) [Page 56] and performing the like holy duties, that you may be the better fitted to glorifie God by them the next time you are to performe them. 2 Chron, 30.18, 19. 1 Cor. 11.28.
Quer, 4 Fourthly, If I perform holy duties, by these or the like Directions you have given me; How shall I know whether I perform them in the strength of my parts and gifts, by the help of such and such Directions: or through the strength of Christ, and the help of the spirit?
Answ. If when you perform dutie, you look up to God for the help of his spirit, and depend upon him for the same, and be carried to him in dutie, so as to have your heart affected with him, and bettered by him, in your serving of him: Then you may be said to perform dutie in the strength of Christ, through the help of his spirit, and not in your own strength through the help of your naturall parts and gifts; Rom. 8 16. 2 Cor. 3.5. Phil. 4.13. Psal. 101.2. Iam. 1, 17. Luk, 24.31, 32. because they that are acted by naturall parts have not their hearts bettered thereby, but act from themselves, for their own peace and quiet of conscience, and not from the Lord unto his glorie. Isa. 58.1. to 8. Matth. 6, 1. to 11.
Quer, 5 Fiftly, How shall I know whether I perform dutie for God and the honour of his name: or meerly for my self and the satisfying of my own conscience?
Answ. If you perform holy duties, because God requires them, for that end that you might honour God in them, rejoicing that others are able to honour him more in them then your self, and do get strength by them, whereby you have communion with God in them: Then you have good evidence to your soul that God [Page 57] puts you upon dutie for his own honour, and not your self alone for your own peace; Psal., 2. Psal. 84.4. Prov. 10.29. Mark. 9.23, 24. Ioh For they that are acted meerly by self and naturall conscience, perform dutie more because their conscience requires them, then because God commands them, and no more nor oftner then they are for their peace and quiet of conscience, neither rejoicing in them, nor finding strength in them. Iob. 27.10.
Quer, 6 Sixtly, Being without faith it is impossible to please God, How shall I know whether I please God by my duties, when as I am scrupulous whether I truely beleeve in Christ, and so consequently whether my person be accepted of God, yea or no?
Answ. If you be united unto Christ (as you are if you have been drawn to Christ, and doe still cleave unto him Ioh. Act 11.23. ) then your person is and will be alwaies accepted of God through Christ, Eph. 16. Heb. 3.4, 16, 17, 18. Iude 5. though you be not alwaies sensible of it: [...]nd if your person be accepted, then your holy duties that are performed according to Gods word, for Gods honour in Christs name are acceptable to God, notwithstanding your present scruples; Act 10.4.34. Ioh. 14.13, 14. Col. 3.17. 1 Pet. 2.5. because your doubtfulnes, whether your person and performances be accepted of God, is but a failing of your faith, and all the failings of your holy duties are covered by Christs righteousnes, Rom. 4.5, to 9. Rev. 8.3. and so they are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 2.5.
Quer, 7 Seventhly, Suppose I be for the present ignorant of the way of Christ, or doubtfull which of the Governments is the Government of Christ, that are now so much spoken of, and writ about; what shall I do in this case?
Answ. [Page 58] Wait upon God in the use of all means, both publike and private, ordinary and extraordinary, whereby you may know the Government of Christ, and that Gospel-order that Christ hath appointed his Disciples to walk in, for that end that you may submit to it, as soon as it shall be revealed to you, Ifa, 64.4. Prov. 8.34. Pro. 8.38. Pro. 2 [...]3, to 10 Ioh 16 13. Mar 8, 38. In the mean while walk uprightly before God, according to your present light Ioh. 7 17. and perform all Gospel-duties as far as you can to all sorts of Christians that will suffer you to perform them, but especially to those that shew forth the vertues and graces of Christ in their life and conversation, Gal. 6.16. Beleeving that Christ will be all in all unto you in the room of those Ordinances you are for the present (through your ignorance, or doubtfullnesse) deprived of Ioh. 6.67. to 0. Col. 3.11. .
Quest. 8 Eightly, Suppose I live in a place (after the Discipline of Christ hath been in some measure made known unto me) where the Gospel is but seldome preached, where the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is not at all administred, and where the Government of Christ is not set up; what shall I do in this condition?
Answ. Diligently use all means in a godly, peaceable manner, and wait upon God in the same, where by you may live under an able Minister of the Gospel, and whereby you may belong unto a Congregation that hath all the Ordinances of Christ in it, thereunto appertaining; Ier. 3.12.13. Mat. 9.38. And for the present improve such means of grace as you partake of or Gods honour and your souls good Mat. 13.1 2, 3, 4. Mat. 25.20. [...] to 31. [Page 59] and live upon Christ by faith without Gospel ordinances and order when you cannot have them, and in the use of them, when you have them: Ioh. 6.57 Rom, 1.17. Beleeving that Christ will be all in all unto you, not only in the enjoiment, but also in the want of means when they cannot be had: That Christ will be your Minister and Prophet to teach you, Heb. 8.11 your Priest to make intercession for you, Heb. 7.25 1 Ioh. 2.12. your Pastor and Shepherd, Heb. 13.20. 1 Pet. 2.25. to feed you with knowledge and understanding, and to nourish up your soul with his own flesh and bloud unto eternall life, that it shall not perish: Ioh. 6.51, to 58. your King, to set up his Government in your soul, to keep your inward man in order, to write his laws in your heart, to give you a heart after his own heart, a heart as willing to obey God, as God is you should obey him: To excommunicate and destroy the carnall corrupt part in you, that your soul may be saved in his day. Isa. 9 6, 7. Ezek. 36. [...]5. to 29. See the conclusion of the fifth part of the Directions for private Christians, and of the third and fourth branch of the Directions for Governors of families, about answers to Queries and Objections against the advise I have given you for all manner of prayer.
The fifth Direction shews what course ignorant, unlearned people are to take, that they may know God, and Worship him in Spirit and in Truth.
FIfthly, As you are unlearned, and capable of learning, use all diligence to learn to reade, You are to have a Bible and a catechisme of your own, that you may receive instruction at any time from any that are able to reade to you. and all means whereby you may know and understand the four fore-going Directions; And whereas the learned are advised to reade the Scriptures, doe you in the room of that meditate upon the word; For that end have a Bible and a catechisme of your own, and procure some now and then as you have opportunity to read to you the ten Questions and Answers of my Catechisme, or the Questions and Answers of any other Catechisme, that contains in it the like principles of divinitie: or some part of the word that may instruct you in the grounds of Religion necessarie unto salvation; After what order the word, and this or some other catechisme, and these Directions are to be read unto you. Afterward let them reade that part of the second Direction that teaches you how to worship God, morning, meal-times, and evening: as also the rest of that, and the other Directions, as you are able to bear them, and have an occasion to make use of them; above all let the word of God be often read, and opened unto you, that you may receive that by [Page 61] hearing, that others attain unto by reading; By how much you are made uncapable of the knowledge of God by being unlearned, The more ignorant you are, the more need you have to seek after knowledge. Prov. 2.3, 4, 5. by having a shallow understanding, and a weak memory: By so much the more you have need to take pains with your self, and to get others to take pains with you, to bring you to the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. And although there be no particular commands and examples in the Scripture for these particular Directions I now advise you unto: yet you are bound in conscience to follow them, both by the second chapter of the Proverbs, and by those Scriptures that require Parents to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to command them, and their houshold after them; Eph. 6.4. Deut. 11.19. Gen. 18, 29. Eph. 6.1, 2, 9 I never knew any in all my daies so uncapable of saving knowledge, (if come to years of understanding) but they could know so much of naturall and civil things, as the knowledge of God that might make one wise unto salvation comes unto. And whereas you may object, and say, Object. answered. 1 I cannot meditate and pray day and night, as you direct me, nor remember any thing but those praiers that I have been taught from my childehood, word by word, and sentence by sentence; As the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, The Belief, The Lords Prayer, The ten Commandments, &c.
Sol. 1 First I answer, You being unlearned cannot pray in latine formes of praier, so as to be accepted of God, Phil. 4.6. because you cannot understandingly by them make your requests known unto God.
Sol. 2 [Page 62] Again I tell you by way of answer, That if you did but rightly understand the articles of the Creed, the Lords Prayer, and the ten Commandments, you might thereby in some measure know what to beleeve, what to pray for, and how to live; And therefore I counsell you to endeavour to know the true meaning of them, that you may distinguish betwixt the rules of faith, praier, and a holie life; For although the Lords Prayer (as I said at the beginning) contains all things in it that you can ask, or give thanks to God for: Yet the Belief, the Lords Prayer, and the ten Commandments, taken jointlie together are not a praier, neither ought you to say them together as a prayer, Rom. 14.23. because you have no warrant from the word so to doe.
Sol. 3 Thirdly I answer, You may as easilie learn to pray (and I would you would make triall hereof) morning, noontime, evening, and at all times upon all occasions of solemn praier, by the Directions I have given you: as you may learn formes of private praier by heart, for all occasions as they are read to you out of a book; And if once you have these Directions in your memorie, you may pray by them through the help of Gods spirit with more sinceritie, then by any set form of praier whatsoever.
Sol. 4 Besides I ask you, Are you sensible of any mercie that you doe, or have received from the Lord? Are you sensible of any sin that you do, and have sinned against heaven and before the Lord? Doe you see your self to want any thing that you are perswaded that God is able and willing for Christs sake to bestow upon [Page 63] you? Then doe but humble your self before the Lord, morning after evening, In what cases mentall prayer (may be conceived) to be acceptable to God. and evening after morning, and time after time, and look but so many looks towards heaven with a thankfull frame of heart as you have received severall kindes of mercies: Isa. 45.22. 2 Chron. 20, 12. Sigh but so many sighs with a contrite spirit as [...] have sinned severall sorts of sins: Ezek. 9.4. Psal. 75.11. And breath but so many breathings, as you have particular wants that you would have God to supply; Lam. 3.56 And it is as acceptable praier to him that is a spirit, through Christ (if praied by one that is in Christ and unable as yet to pray otherwise) as if you used the best expressions 1 Sam. 1.10, 12, 13, 27.28. that the ablest Christians are furnished withall.
Object. 2 But you will say unto me; Ought not I to pray in words and expressions as well as in my spirit?
Answ. Yea, You ought to pray with your voice as well as in your spirit, assoon as God shall give you utterance, that your affections thereby might be quickened, and your minde kept from wandring; Ps. 5 2, 3. Act. 14.24. Mat. 26.39. therefore pray the Lords praier morning, evening, A brief paraphrase of the Lords Prayer. or any time when God and your own heart sends you to praier, if you can pray it with understanding according to these parentheticall paraphrases, or the like. Our Father which art in heaven (O Lord thou are the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through him the Father of all beleevers, Iohn. 20.17. 2 Cor. 6.18. Mat. 23.9. and (as I beleeve) my heavenly Father.) Hallowed be thy name. (Grant me and all thy people grace to acknowledge thy name to be holie to all the world, and to glorifie thee alwaies with all we are and have. Lev. 10 3. 1 Pet. 1.15, 16. 1 Cor. 10.31. ) [Page 64] Thy Kingdome come. (Let thy Christ raign and rule in our mortall bodies by his spirit and word, in despite of Satan and all other our enemies whatsoever. Psal. 110.1, 2. 2 Thes. 3.1. ) Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. (Give us to know, and to doe thy will revealed in thy word here upon earth, as freely and as fully as the Angels doe thy [...]ll in heaven. Ps. 143.10, 103.20, 21. 1 Pet. 4.2. ) Give us this day our daily-bread. (Continue our lives, and all blessings meet and convenient for us to make them comfortable unto us. Ps. 102.24, Prov. 30.8. ) And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespasse against us. (Forgive us all our sins, and give us faith whereby we may beleeve and know that they are pardoned: Heb 8.12. Luk. 17.5. as freely as we desire to forgive one another our trespasses one against another, and the world their trespasses against us. Mat. 6.14, 15. ) And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. (Keep us from being overtaken in any sin to thy dishonour, and our own discomfort either through the temptations of Satan, the world, or our own corrupted natures. Ps. 19.12.13. Ps. 140.3, 4 Zach. 3.2. Ioh. 17.15. Rom. 7.24. ) For thine is the Kingdome, and the power, and the glory for ever. (Lord thine is the right to all, and soveraigntie over all, and thou art able Ps. 50.12. Dan. 2.47. Psal. [...]2.11. Eph. 3 20, to bestow these mercies upon us, that I have now asked for my self and all beleevers: and if thou wilt bestow them upon us, and give us the comfort of them, then thou shalt have the glory of them, as it is most due unto thee for ever, and ever. Isa. 42.8. 1 Chron. 29.10, to 14. Rev. 5.13- ) Amen. (O Lord for Christs sake hear my praier, Dan. 9.19. Col. 3.17. I desire to beleeve that thou wilt, Mark, 11.24. Iam. 1.6. 1 Ioh. 5.14. let it be unto me according to my faith.) Yet do not tie your self unto it (I [Page 65] mean so as to pray no other praier at any time but onely the Lords Praier,) but make use of the Directions I have commended unto you, and of all other means whereby you may more freely and fully, pour out your soul before the Lord in praier and thanksgiving; And venture upon the help of the spirit in your secret praier: fixing your minde and faith upon God in the flesh of Christ, who is God with us, all the while you are in praier; Beleeving (according to the promise Luk. 11.13. Rom. 8.26. ) that you shall have the spirit, if you ask it for Christs sake, for to help your infirmities with sighes, and groans that cannot be uttered.
Object. Answered 3 But you may again object and say, (and the Christian that is book-learned may make the same querie) what if God have given me a gift of praier? or what if I have learned forms of praier by heart, for Morning, Noontime, and Evening? shall I neglect the gift of God which is in m [...], and lay aside all formes of praier, for to follow these Directions?
I answer, Sol. You ought not to neglect the gift of God that is in you, and you need not to lay aside any thing that you have learned that may help you to pray as Christ hath taught you: But you may improve the same by these Directions for the furthering of your self to pray with more sinceritie, and lesse formality then formerly you have. You shall finde knowledge if you diligently seek it. What shall I say more? However ignorant, and unlearned you be, if you have a willing minde, and use all diligence to finde knowledge, [Page 66] you may be confident that you shall in due time be taught (by the teachings of the spirit) the things of God that are necessary to salvation. Prov. 2i 1. to 7.
THE SECOND PART OF THE DIRECTIONS Shews how Christian Governours, and Governesses of Families whether Learned or Unlearned, are to serve God in all the parts of his Worship both in private and in publike, which consists of five Generall Directions as followeth.
The first generall Direction shews how, and after what manner a Christian Governour of a Family is daily to serve God.
FIrst, Having set up God in your heart, and knowing and doing your duty as a private Christian: Endeavour to set up God in your house, Gen. 18.19. Iosh. 24.15. Act. 10.2. How you are to prepare to worship God in your house. For that end study the Scriptures, and more particularly such a part of the word [Page 68] as may furnish you with knowledge sufficient for the instructing and well governing of your Familie; 1 Tim. 3.5 2 Tim. 3.16. And after you have at any time read the word in private, or heard it in publike, and meditated upon it for your own use: How you are to make use of the word for your self and Family. 2 Tim. 3 16. Then mark what things there are in it that concern the instruction, reptehension, confutation, humiliation, consolation, confirmation, and edification of your Familie, for that end that you may speak of the particulars thereof unto them, When you read, open, or repeat the word among them. And meditate now and then upon one of these subjects or the like; As first, whether you can approve your heart to God that you command your children and servants, and all within your charge, to serve God sincerely. Gen. 18, 19. Secondly, whether your Family be with diligence and due regard ininstructed, 1 Tim. 3.4. watched over, and governed by you as one that looks to give an account of their souls yea or no? Thirdly, whether you have not just cause to be troubled in conscience if you were now to die, for neglecting of your Family? Often (I say) think on these things to quicken you to serve God sincerely in your house: And premeditate and pray before and after these exercises after that manner as you have been advised before and after your reading of the word, and meditating upon a subject as a private Christian.
And every morning Ier. 10.25 Act. 10.2. See the conclusion of this direction about a further proof for family worship. after you have remembred (about the time when you appoint your Familie to come joynnly together) How you are every Morning to call upon God with all with all your house. [Page 69] what God hath done for you and your Family the night past, wherein you and they have sinned against the Lord the night or morning past, what you would have God to do for you, yours, and all his the day following, Praise God (as he shall give you utterance) for his mercies, humbly acknowledge your sins particularly as far as you can, generally where you cannot in particular, 1 Ioh. 1.9, Pray to God for Christs sake for what you would have of him for your self, your Family, for the Church of Christ, For our Nation, For our king, Queen; rheir Royall Progeny, and all in Authority, For your Minister and the Congregation you belong unto, and for all that have deserved, or desired to be mentioned by you at the throne of grace; And then commit your self, servants, children, and your whole house to Gods protection; Remembring to allow them pportunity to serve God in, and conveniences to serve God withall, How you are each day to order your people in your Family. as they are directed to do, as private Christians: Ordering every one of them to labour diligently in their calling, or some way to be exercised in some lawfull labour that may fit them for a calling; Giving thanks to God for your self and them before and after your ordinary meales 1 Sam. 9.13. Mat. 14, 19. Deut. 8.10. After the like manner as you have been directed as a private Christian. Appointing in your absence either the chiefest of your Familie, of your Sex, to pray upon all occasions in your stead; or your Wife, or she that is the Governesse of the Familie to call upon God with those of her [Page 70] Sex; Walking before them, and all men each day as a pattern of Piety in all your relations.
And being you are to know the estate of your Familie, Gen. 18.16, & 35, 2. Psa. 101. What course you are to take that you may know the estate of the souls of your family. Therefore examine them about their spirituall condition, not only at their first coming unto you, or when you first begin to keep house. But also quarterly, or as often as you may conveniently; And diligently observe who among them are ignorant, knowing, apt, or unapt to receive knowledge through being learned, or unlearned, or the like, Who civill, wicked, hypocriticall: sincere, doubtfull or established Christians; writing down the estate of their souls (if you be in a capacity, and have opportunity so to do) so far as you apprehend it, that you may apply your self sutably unto them in your instructing of them, that you may see their proficiencie in Christianity, during the time of their being with you, that you may rightly inform your Minister or any other Officer of the Church of the estate of their souls, when it shall be upon any Solemn occasion demanded by them.
What course you are to take whereby you may be kept from being made partaker of your family Sins. And if any of them that are past their childehood (as you daily mark their carriage, and manner of conversation) Sin scandalously and openly; admonish them before the whole family; But if they sin presumptuously and secretly tell them of it one by one betwixt you and them; and if after that and a second admonition with one or two with you they remain impenitent in the [Page 71] same sin tell it unto the Church; 1 Tim. 5:20. Mat. 18.15, 16, 17.
And if they do not belong unto a Church that hath the exercise of Discipline in it; go on to admonish them time after time, that their sin may not cleave unto you, and tell the civill Magistrate of them, Psa. 101.3. 1 Sam. 3.13. Rom. 13.1.10 9. Pro. 19.18. Pro. 2 [...].17. Luk. 12.41. and of all in the family that are come to years of understanding, if they do commit any evill that is to be punished by him; yea begin and go on to correct them, as well as those that are in their childe-hood if they are such as are to receive due correction from you: And if those that are of years of discretion in the Familie, that do know that they ought to obey you, do not take reproof and correction in such a manner as becomes Christians, then forbear to perform those duties unto them, and confesse their sins as also the sins of those that you cannot well reprove by private admonition (though they deserve it) not only secretly in your closet, but also publike in your Family (who knows but that God may in that instant reprove them, Note. and set their sins in order before them. Psal. 50.21.) Intreating the Lord in the name of Christ to pardon them both to your Family, and to those that have committed them. And if after private, and publike admonition, correction, the censure of the Church, and the punishment of the civill Magistrate, they live, and lie in their sin unrepented of; Then suffer them not to dwell in your house, Psa. 101.6, 7 8. least by them God be provoked, and the rest of your Family corrupted.
And when you t [...]ke any of your Familie of your own Sex into your Chamber, How you are to admonish your servants in private. Mat. 18.15. Gal. 6.1. Gen. 18.19. Exo. 20.10. Eze. 33.8. Iosh. 24.15. Eph. 611, 2, 3.5. or any other place (For it is most seemly in many cases, that the Governesse of your Family should tell the woman-kinde of your house of their sin, betwixt her and them) For to admonish them: Call upon God before and after that duty for a blessing upon the same, and shew them what grounds of Scripture you have to admonish them, and that you have the like charge of their souls, and of every soul in the Family, as a Pastor hath of his flock, and that therefore you desire to look after them, as one that must give an account of them: Shew them also how they are to be obedient unto you; Afterward reason with them in a milde familiar manner, and say unto them, Is your life now ordered according to the rule of Gods holy word? Rom. 2, 9. what will become of your immortall soul if you live and die in this course of life? Thus use all means in all meeknesse of spirit, to convince them of the errour of their waies: And they being once convinced of sin, Ioh. 16, 9.10.11. 1 Ioh. 2 7. use the like means to convince them of righteousnesse, and of the sufficiency of Christs blood to cleanse them from all sinne.
And when you take your children into your closet to perform the like duty unto them carry your self in the like manner; How you are to reprove your children in your closet. 1 Sam. 2.23, 24.25. Pro. 31.2. and commune with them in a more loving, compassionate, familiar way then with others, saying, What my children of whom I have had such good hopes! What my children [Page 73] for whom I have made so many praiers! What my children about whom I have taken so much care and pains! Are you given to such and such sins (naming then the sins you know they live in) O my dear children what do you mean by this course? Do you neither regard Gods honour, my comfort, nor the good of your own souls? Wherefore doe you live? Is it that you might eat and drinke and rise again to play? No, No, My children God gives you life, and being, and moving, and all you are and have, that you might seek his glory, and your own salvation, 1 Cor. 10.31. Eccl. 3.12. and that you might do good in your life. Speak then such things unto them as may take them off from that way of wickednesse they walk in, and carry them on to those duties they are negligent in; Telling them then, or at some other time (For it becomes godly parents solemnly, and frequently to talk with their children that are come to years of understanding not only about the temporall estate of their outward man, but also about the spirituall estate of their souls) what course God would have them to take: How heartily desirous you are to provide for their temporall, spirituall, and eternall good: How much you could love them, and respect them, and rejoyce in them, if they would but endeavour to give glory to God by beleeving, and living so as becomes the Gospel.
And when you admonish any of your people before your whole Familie; Let it be done wisely and in love, and meeknesse of [Page 74] spirit, and immediatly before or after your Family praier, How and when you are to admonish any of your house before the whole family. Psa. 01.2. How you are to counsell them that you turn out of your family. Lev. 15.17. that you may seek God for a blessing upon it, either before or after it: Improving your Authority then and alwaies in your Family so, as that you may be a terrour to them that do evill, and an encourager of them that do well.
And when you turn away any of your Family, tell them plainly, and fully of the causes wherefore you neither dare, nor will, nor can suffer them to abide in your house. And admonish them in such a loving, mild, compassionate manner, as that they may see that you seek Gods glory, and the good of their souls; Counselling them to beware of every thing that may provoke God either to cause them to be turned out of the Family of men upon earth: Or out of the Family of heaven, to be delivered up unto Satan to commit all sin here with greedinesse, and to be tormented with the Devill and his Angels for ever hereafter.
And because you are not only to be a spirituall Priest to your family to pray for them, How many waies you are to instruct, and catechize your family. and a King to rule them: But also a Prophet to teach them Deut. 6.7. Eph. 6.4. 2 Tim. 3.15. Mat. 13.51. Therefore read and open the Scriptures daily unto them, or as you have liberty, opportunity, and ability, examining them therein, and asking them questions whereby they may understand it, and so profit by it: Or repeat the Sermons that they heard on the Lords day, or in the week season upon any occasion, or appoint them to be repeated, or solemnly speak of them, or of any remarkeable thing therein unto them, calling upon [Page 75] them to give you an account of the benefit they conceive they receive thereby, or cause them to propound their scruples, doubts, and cases of conscience, answering them as farre as you are able, and referring them to their Minister where you cannot: Or catechise them in this, or some other catechisme sutable for them: Opening and enlarging every thing unto them as you examine them therein. Exhorting them to teach one another, and to be forward and willing to be taught one of another the things that may make them wise unto salvation; Appointing them that are learned, and that are as yet children in years and understanding, daily to get by heart some part of their catechismes and the Scriptures therein quoted untill they be perfect in them; Reading the answers of the questions, or causing them to be read unto the unlearned: As suppose one answer one day, or one week, and another the next day or week, untill they have them perfectly in their memories. 2 Tim. 3.16.17. Note these diverse kindes of directions for the instructing of your people in such a way as that they may be sound in knowledge and skill full in the Scriptures. Framing questions out of them, and out of the Scriptures quoted to prove the particulars therein, as you see it needfull to make your children, and servants understanding Christians: Or read and open such Scriptures unto them (having taught them the divinity and the sufficiencie of the Scriptures as it is held forth unto you in the second Epistle to Timothy, the third chapter and the two last verses,) as proves the heads of the principles of Christian Religion, that they may the better understand the rest of the Scriptures when they reade them, or hear them read, opened, and preached: As also that they [Page 76] may the sooner understandingly remember the Answers of the Questions of this, or any other Catechisme; As for example; often reade and open unto them these following Scriptures that proves, First, That the works of God should convince them that there is a God, Psal. 19.1, Rom. 1.20. Secondly, That God is a Spirit, but one in Essence and three in Persons, Iohn 4.24. 1 Iohn 5.7. Thirdly, That God made them at the first in Adam righteous after his own image, Genesis 1.27. Eccles. 7.29. Fourthly, That they have sinned and made themselves liable unto death and condemnation, Rom. 5.12.18. Fifthly, That God out of his love gave Christ to redeem them out of their sinfull cursed condition, Iohn 3.16. Sixthly, That none are saved by Christ, but those that beleeve in him, Iohn 3.18, 36. Seventhly, That it is not in their own power unfainedly to beleeve in Christ, 1 Cor 12, 3. Eph. 2.8. Eighthly, That they ought to wait upon God in hearing, that they may beleeve, Matth. 17 5. Rom 10.14, to 18. Ninthly, That they ought to live by faith (after they doe beleeve) a holy life according to the rule of the word, Rom. 1.17. Matth. 5.16. Tit 2.13. Tenthly, That their soules at their death (if they live and die in the faith) shall goe to God and be with Christ untill the day of judgement, and that then their bodies shall be raised again, united unto their souls, made like to the glorious bodie of Christ, and so they shall be ever with the Lord in glorie, Eccles. 12.7. Philip. 1.23. 1 Thes. 4.16, 17. And when you reade and open [Page 77] these or the like Scriptures unto them (as suppose one Scripture one day, and another another day, or as you have opportunity) require them all to get the words thereof by heart, and examine them that are learned therein after this manner; Saying unto them, Shew me a Scripture (causing them to search them out) that proves that the works of God should convince you that there is a God: That shews you what God it: That tells you that there is but one God: That holds forth unto you that there are three persons in the Godhead: and so name the aforementioned principles, and all the Doctrines of God one by one, that contain in them all things to be known and beleeved necessary unto salvation: having the Scriptures to prove them in your minde, or written in a paper (if you use more then are here set down) that you may inform them that are ignorant, that you may be a remembrancer unto them that are forgetfull, and that you may quicken and enliven them that are knowing, by calling upon them to make a beleeving practicall use theeeof; Ask them afterward that are unlearned what the aforementioned or the like Scriptures (naming them one by one, and speaking the words thereof unto them) argues, proves, or holds forth unto them, or what they can gather from them, or what the meaning of them is; As thus. What doth this Scripture chiefly prove? For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternall power and Godhead. And if they be unable to answer [Page 78] you, then say unto them, Do not these words prove that the works of God should convince you that there is a God? Composing your questions so, as that they may contain in them the truths that those Scriptures you propound unto them do chiefly prove, and so as that the ignorant of your familie may be put to answer no more then yes, or no, according to the example in the Epistle to the Catechisme; Or frame your questions so in your examining them in the principles of the Doctrine of Christ, as that they may answer directly in Scripture phrase. As thus Are there three persons in the Godhead? The answer, There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost. 1 Ioh. 5, 7 And when they have learned the speculative part of religion, Then Catechize them after the like manner in the directions that are for the practice of piety, and in the first place in those parts of the Directions that shews them when and how to pray daily unto God so as to be accepted of him, through Christ, and that directs them how to attend family duties, and the publike Ministery of the word: Examining them afterward in the other parts of the directions as they have occasion to make use of them. And appoint them that are learned, orderly to get by heart and as soon as they can, the Directions that are for private Christians, and in the mean while to turn unto them, as they have occasion to make use of them; And either read in the like order as aforesaid, or cause the Directions to be [Page 79] read unto the unlearend untill they have them in their memories: Opening the Scriptures unto them that are cited to prove the particulars thereof. and more especially those Scriptures that are quoted for the explaining of the Lords Praier, in that brief paraphrase you have upon it; If God be pleased to work inwardly by his spirit upon their hearts, as you endeavour to work upon them outwardly by means: they will be quickned and enabled to pray, and to practise piety as they come to a right understanding thereof; Therefore be incouraged both to begin, and to go on to instruct them as well in the practicall, as in the speculative parts of Christianity, and leave the successe unto God; There is a need of all rhese waies of Catechizing. Cathechizing them (after they doe in any measure understand the chief grounds of Religion) one way at one time, another way at another exercise, or when you perceive them to be formall in their answers; one person in the word of the beginning of Christ, another in the deep things of Christ as you are able to ask, or as you discern them able to answer. Truly such is the dulnesse of our understanding by nature Eph 1.18. and the flownes of our hearts to beleeve Luk. 24.25. and to live to God, and the cunningnesse of them to deceive our selves and others herein Ier. 17.9. As that there is a need of [...]ll these waies of Catechizing, to make your people understanding, beleeving, and powerfully godly Christians; And although change of questions doth puzzle, and confound some young [Page 80] beginners (and those whom it doth must be kept to the form of questions and answers in this or some other Catechisme) yet it will take off others from formality in Answers, namely such as are already speculatively knowing, or such as are very apt to learn set and accustomed formes of Answers, What things you a rechiefly to Catechize your your people in. See the fifth Direction about the manner how Mothers are to teach their young children, and do you likewise and will edifie more (if once they be well-principled) then if the questions and answers were to be read in a set form; And when you examine them any way at any time out of the Scriptures read, opened, preached, repeated, spoken of, or conferred about by any, or in these Directions, or in this catechize, or in the exposition thereof, or any other: Endeavour chiefly thereby to instruct them in the great mistery of godlinesse necessary unto salvation 1 Tim. 3.16. Ioh. 17.3. and in those things as may clearly direct them how to give glory to God by beleeving, and as may help them to know and practise their duties to God and man in their present relations; After that catechize them in truths sutable to their capacities, and the present condition they are in; And teach and whet upon them such truths as may set their present sins in order before them, as may bring them to godly sorrow for the same, as may direct them how to get pardon of them, and power against them, through faith in Christ See the third Direction concerning the manner how you are to Catechize your Family about their sins. as may inform them of the riches of Gods goodnesse, and of his forbearance and long-suffering towards them, that they may give him the thanks for them that is due to his name: See the third Direction how you are to Catechize your people about the mercies of God. As may further [Page 81] them to glorifie God, in obeying his will so far as it is revealed unto them out of his word; And take the like course for meditation and praier before and after these exercises that you are advised to take before and after your reading of the word in private; preparing your self in your closet for these, and every family performance (if conveniently you may) either of praying, How you are to prepare for every Family performance. reading, opening, and repeating the word, of catechizing your family in or about the word, and the estate of their souls, of singing of Psalms or the like according to the nature of the exercise, and in such a manner as may be most for Gods glory, and the good of the souls of your whole family, Teaching them occasionally at all times, even in the midst of your worldly businesses Deut. 6.7, Eph, 4, 29. :
And as you are the husband of a wife, frequently if not daily call upon God for, How you are as a husband to pray for, and with your wife. and with your wife; 1 Pet. 3, 7. And that you may call to minde what your failings are in your duties to God and man, and one to another: what the goodnesse of God is, and hath been unto you, and what those mercies are that you want, and that you would have God to bestow upon you, and what those mercies are that you want, and that you would have God to bestow upon you. This done look up to God for a spirit of grace and supplication, Bewailing your failings with godly sorrow, craving pardon of them, and power against them, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and a sufficiency of grace contentedly and [Page 82] patiently to undergoe the cares and troubles, and to resist the temptations that accompany the married condition: to make a sanctified use of all the comforts thereof, to watch over one another for good, to provoke one another to love and good works, to live together as heirs of the grace of life, and to walk in all your relations towards God and all men, and one to another, so as becomes Christians; Praying to God further for the comforts, and fruits of Marriage 1 Sam. 1.10 11. and for what else you want, And blessing the Lord for what you have, do, or hope to receive from him; And before or after these duties, or at any other time commune together about the estate of your family, and consult with God, and one with another, how you may reform your selves, and Family: so as that you, and your house may serve God in holines, and righteousnesse all the daies of your life.
What duties you owe to God for every childe he bestows upon you. And when God shall be pleased to make you parents of children, Be humbled for deriving sin unto them, Pray, and act faith on the promises for them, Act. 2.39. Blesse God for his goodnesse and patience towards them, for his care and providence over them, in preserving them in the womb, and at the birth: in ordaining the blood of Christ as a remedy t [...] cleanse them from sin, 1 Ioh 1.7. and the Sacrament of Bap [...]isme to be asign and seal thereof unto them, Rom 4.11 with Col. 2.12 13. And shew forth your thankfulnesse unto God for them in giving them unto him again, 1 Sam. 22. in procuring Baptisme for them Gen. 1 [...], 7 9. with Act. 2 39, & Col. 2.12. praying to him continu [...]lly [Page 83] for them and with them as soon as they are able so much as to kneel by you. In teaching them the grounds of Christian Religion out of this or some other Catechisme: In bringing them up for the Lord under his Ordinances, Pro, 22.6, Eph. 6.4. And in casting your care upon him about the estate of their souls, Phil. 4.6. whether they live or die; These and the like duties God requires of you, for every childe he bestows upon you; It is meet also and your bounden duty to bring up your children in some lawfull calling, upon which (by Gods blessing) they may live, and in which they may fear God, Gen. 4.2. 2 Thes. 3.10, 11.12. For this purpose you should cause them to be exercised daily, in such a way as may best fit them for the calling you intend them to be of. And that they may be the better fitted thereunto, as also that they may be made more capable of the knowledge of God: Let them learn to read either in your house, or at the school, They may learn to read from their fifth, Children may learn to read from their fifth, unto their seventh year if taey be rightly taught, and if they be ordinarily capable of learning. unto their seventh year (in which time they can doe little or nothing towards the earning of their daily bread) For let them be but rightly taught three quarters of an hour each day at the School; Or if you be unable to bring them up at the School, let but one that can read in your Family, seriously teach them three quarters of an hour every day at three distinct times, and they may and will learn to read, by that teaching, if they be followed with it, in the space of two years, to wit, from their fifth unto their seventh year, if they be ordinarily capable [Page 84] of learning; Afterward they may keep their reading and better it by their practice of it, and they may of themselves learn to write, with very little teaching by the help of a copie-booke, and with little or no cost at all: The like may be said unto the unlearned men and women that are not disabled by age or otherwise, if they had but a willing minde to learn; My thinks the chief of severall Parishes and Congregations with their Ministers in these reforming times, should cause the children of the poor of their Towns to be brought up in such a way as that they may learn to read the Scriptures in their native tongue: I know the glory of God and the good of poor souls calls for it; The reason of my adding these things in this place These things I have here added because many of my own country, and some of every country where I do, and have lived, are unlearned, and are thereby made more uncapable of the knowledge of God then others are.
How you are to meditate and to call upon God in the Evening. Finally, Every Evening a little before you cause your people to meer together, Iosh. 24. Psa. 55.16.17. Seriously consider what God hath done for you, and your Family the day past: wherein you, or they have transgressed the Law, or disobeyed the Gospel: What you, they, and all you are bound to pray for, want, either for your bodies or souls; And then make your requests to God by praier, confession, and thanks-giving: And so leave your self and family with the Lord to be at his disposall that night following and for ever. Serving him twise every day after this manner, [Page 85] to prevent a strangenesse in your souls towards him. How, and why you are to worship God in your family twise every day, As you can have ordinarily no hinderance from this Family worship: So you can have no excuse for your neglecting of it, that God will accept of it. For the Lord hath placed the solitary in Families Psa. 68.6. not so much for our earthly as for our heavenly conveniences that we might improve one anothers society for his glory, and the good of one anothers souls; And it is meet and equall, and your bounden duty as you are a Christian Governour of a Family, not only to instruct your people, but also to blesse God daily with all your house (if they are Christians by profession with whom you may join, and not idolaters) for those mercies you daily receive from him: To be humbled daily for those sins that you commit against him: To pray daily for those mercies that you would enjoy together Deut. [...]1.19 Mat. 6. [...]. to 16. And it is for the good of your souls as well as for Gods glory that you should so do: Did ever any Master of a family serve God Morning and Evening with all his house in vain Ifa. 45.19, Surely while we are with God he is with us 2 Chro. 15.2. Iam. 4, 8. although we do not alwaies discern it; And one minutes Communion with him in Jesus Christ is better then all the fellowship of all the Men upon Earth while the word endures.
The second generall Direction declares unto you how a Christian Governour of a Family is to be mindefull of the Lords day before it come, for himself, and his family, and how he is to keep it holy, and to perform the duties thereof with them when it is come.
How you are to prepare for the sanctifying of the Sabbath. SEcondly, As you are in your family to serve God every day, so especially on the Lords day; Exo. 20.8 to 12. And therefore you are to be mindefull of it for your self and for all in your house generally every day, so as to prepare your self and them who are in communion together, 1 Cor 10.16, 17. for the Lords Supper if administred, particularly the day before, that the worldly businesses of your whole house may be so ordered as that they may be timely ended; By your timely laying aside your worldly businesse. so as that every one of the family may have somewhat more space for their private duties in their closet then ordinarily they have other evenings, and so as that you may have sufficient time this evening to instruct and catechize your people, though you should have none in the evenings of the work daies before. And before you enter upon your family duties, call to minde something to speak of unto them, that may tend to the preparation [Page 87] of their hearts for the due sanctifying of the day, and the right receiving of the Sacrament if administred. And after you have thought (about the time of your going to praier in your familie) of your unworthinesse to have any thing to doe with God, Luk. 18.13. and of your insufficiencie to teach, minde or quicken your self, or them to any good work, or word; Ioh. 15.5. 2 Cor. 3.5. 1 Cor. 3 6, 7. By examining your family about the truth and growth of grace in them if the Lords Supper be administred. Call upon God for communion with him through his Christ, and for a blessing from him upon his ordinances, that thereby he may be glorified, and you somewhat furthered to eternall life. Then examine them who are to receive the Sacrament (if there be a communion) about the Author, 1 Cor. 11.23. and the signes of the Sacrament, and the ends for which it was ordained: As also about their knowledge, faith, repentance, charitie, desire after the Sacrament; And call upon them further to examine themselves that they may become worthy receivers, and to carry themselves at, and after their receiving in such a manner as they are advised to doe as private Christians; Afterward instruct the rest of your family that have not been as yet admitted to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in any reformed-Gospel-like way, or order, in the principles of the Doctrine of Christ; And when you perceive any of them willing to communicate with the Saints at the Lords Table, then make it known unto your Minister and unto the Elders who may jointly declare their meetnes to the Brethren of the Church, whose consent is requisite to their more free and comfortable admission.
Or (if there be no communion) by teaching and catechizing of them in the grounds of Religion. And if there be no communion, then catechize them in the grounds of Religion, or reade the third branch of the first part of the Directions: Examining them in it, charging them in the name of Christ to prepare for, and to keep holy the Sabbath, as they are therein directed. And so conclude the exercise as you doe other evenings with inlarged praiers for grace to sanctifie the Lord in your hearts, and his day when it comes: importuning the Lord in a particular manner (when you have no opportunitie to teach and examine them as I have even now shewed you) to minde you of your duties, and to strengthen you through Christ to perform them concerning your preparation for, and your keeping holy of his day: Requiring your familie to finish the works of their particular callings betimes, and seasonably to go to their rest, that they may awake with the Lord right early, and wait for him more then they that watch for the morning: I say, more then they that watch for the morning. Ps. 130.6. Psal. 63.1.
How you are to begin the day in private. And in the morning after you have ended your private duties, and so disposed of all your necessarie worldly affaires in, or about your house, as that none may be therewith unnecessary kept from, How you are to premeditate before praier. or cumbred in the sanctifying of the day; Meditate of the riches of Gods goodnesse to your familie at all times, particularly the week past: of the sins you are become guilty of, the by-past week, morning, or at any time: of the mercies, especially spirituall that you, your familie, or any that you are to pray for, want, and that you would [Page 89] have God that day to bestow upon you; After that (your people being come together) praise God for all his blessings temporall in earthly things, and spirituall in heavenly things that you have, doe, or hope to partake of: How, and after what manner you are to pray. Be humbled for your sins of all sorts, ask what you want: fervently praying for grace to sanctifie the Lord, and his day, for communion and fellowship with him, through his Christ, and for a blessing upon your Minister, his Ministery, and upon all the ordinances you are to partake of that day, that every one of you may profit somewhat thereby to his glorie and your own comfort. Appointing them afterward to take that food in due season they stand in need of, to go with you to the publike ordinances, and to be attentive unto them from first, to last; Zac. 8.21. How you are to counsell them to to attend their own Minister. Advising them to attend their own Minister (if he be conceived by the Church to be a true Minister of Christ) whom God hath set over them, as one that must give an account of their souls, Heb. 13.17. Ezek. 34.10. Compare these Scriptures together. and from whose Ministery they may rather expect a [...]lessing, then from any other, although he be [...]f weaker parts, and of meaner gifts then o [...]hers, and subject to more infirmities then o [...]hers; Ier. 3.15. 1 Pet. 5.2. to 6. Heb. 13.17. 1 Cor. 16.10. Ephes. 4.7. 1 Cor. 12 7. not giving way unto them to leave [...]im but by his generall consent and leave, 1 Thes. 5.13. [...] least they grieve the spirit of Christ in vexing [...]is soul, and be found despisers of Christ in be [...]ng contemners of him and his Ministery Luk. 10.16. ) [...]nd at such times when they can either approve [...]heir hearts to God, and manifest i [...] to man [...]hat they can profit more by some other then [...]y him: or when a speciall occasion is offered [Page 90] unto them of hearing another that is preaching upon a subject that is sutable to the estate of their souls. Walking so before them in your going to the publique worship, in your abiding at it, (hearing then and alwaies for your self and them too) in your return from it (bringing some poor home with you, Iob 31.16, 17. Ps 41.1, 2, 3, 4. or approving your heart to God (if you be a receiver) that you have a willing minde thereunto, 2 Cor. 8.12. How you are to be an ensample of holines unto them. if you had wherewithall to relieve them) in your continuing at home, in your giving of thanks, in your eating, drinking, and conference, as that you may be a pattern of piety to them, and to all that shall behold you; 1 Tim. 4.12. Ordering them so as that the day be neither profaned by worldly words, works, vain sports, nor through idlenesse neglected by them: How you are to prepare for, and to perform duty betwixt Sermons. Preparing your self in private for familie duties (that the publique ordinances may be improved by you to the uttermost for Gods glorie and the good of your soules) by considering with your self how you should explain, and apply the word sutably to every soul for their profit: how you should pray with them and for them, and what sutable Psalme you should propound unto them, whereby you, and they may sing with understanding, and grace in your hearts to Gods glorie. Causing afterward your whole house to attend those exercises, and (having called upon God for a blessing upon them, for one may preach, and another may repeat and all in vain without Gods blessing. 1 Cor. 3.5, 6, 7. ) either repeat the Sermon, or cause it to be repeated, if it was writ by any of you, or if any of you were able to remember it: [Page 91] or speak of it unto them what you can remember that concerns them: or require them to give an account of their profiting, or turn the heads of the Sermon into questions sutable to every person of them: or teach and examine them any way as you are able, and as you conceive may be most for their edification, Concluding the exercise with singing of Psalms, thanks-giving, and praier for a blessing upon the Ministery and means of grace you are further that day to partake of: Remembring so to order and end these private duties as that you may be in due time at the publike worship: choosing rather to omit them, then to neglect the publike; How you are to be exemplarily holy in the following part of the day. Going so before them the following part of the day in the performance of all holy duties that you are advised to perform as a private Christian: as that they and others beholding your godly conversation may glorifie your Father which is in heaven; Mat. 5.16. Looking so after the necessary works of your Family as that neither man, nor beast may be neglected Mat. 12.1. to 14. How you are to prepare for, and to perform duty in the Evening. Preparing for and performing of duty in the evening (and at all times in the like manner upon the like occasion) after such a manner as you were advised to prepare for and to perform duty betwixt Sermons; yea inlarging your premeditations, praises, praiers, confessions of negligences, defects, and failings in duty; Behaving your self so, How you are to use all diligenc [...] to win their souls to God the ensuing part of the evening, whether you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, as becomes a godly Governour of a Family: Taking those of your Sex into your closet on every Lords day in the evening [Page 92] (or whensoever else you have opportunity) fo [...] to teach and examine them about the estate o [...] their souls, and whether they pray, and ho [...] they pray: for to pray with them, and for t [...] direct them how to pray, using all means al [...] manner of waies, that you might save som [...] 1 Cor. 9.19. to 23. 1 Cor. 10.33. Pro. 11.30. Appointing the Governesse of the famil [...] to do likewise, with those of her sex; Remembring this day and alwaies so to appoint [...] and so to conclude all these duties as tha [...] they may be neither burthensome Mat. 9.13.12, 7. Mat. 26.41. to you [...] self nor others, and so as that neither yo [...] nor they may be kept from, nor hindere [...] in your private duties; Spending the da [...] (if you should at any time be deptive [...] of the publike Ordinances) in prayer in reading, in catechizing, in holy conference, or the like; Commending them to God, and the word of his grace, whic [...] is able to build them up, and to give them an inheritance among them that are sanctified Act, 20.32. .
The third Direction shews how Governours of Families are to worship God in the extraordinary duties of Fasting and thanksgiving both in their houses and in the publike Congregation.
THirdly, How you are to prepare for, a family Fast. When you are called upon any solemn occasion to keep a family Fast Zac. 12.12 Act. 10, 2.30. Endeavour (having called upon God for a blessing) not only to prepare your self but your family also: By minding them of it the evening before (if not sooner) and of the occasion thereof: By shewing them their iniquities Isa. 58.2. transgressions and sins, and the severall aggravations thereof, as namely, how they have been against knowledge, against vows and promises, against protestations and covenants (for which they should repent ei- that they have taken them if they be not warranted by the Scripture, Rom. 14.23. or that they have broken them, if they be according to the word, Rom. 1.3. and against such and such persons, at such and such times, or the like: By minding them also of the abominations and sins of those persons, and places (if the day be kept in the behalf of others) that makes them, or those you fast for, worthy of such [Page 94] and such a judgement felt or feared, and unworthy of such and such a blessing expected and desired as the occasion of the Fast is, whether it be in the behalf of your own family, or in the behalf of others.
By speaking of the greatnesse and graciousnesse of God unto them, By calling upon them to prepare for it, and to keep it unto the Lord as they are directed to do as private Christians. Inlarging your self in your evening praiers according to the occasion of the Fast: Intreating the Lord with all fervency and importunity (when you want time to prepare your self and people so as I have now directed you) to minde you of those duties and so perswade and inable you through Christ to perform them, that he requires of you, concerning your preparation for, and your keeping of an acceptable fast unto him.
And after you have sought the Lord in the morning as a private Christian, How you are to begin it, By Meditation, and ordered the businesses of your house: Seriously call to remembrance the by-past and present sins, of your self and family, and of those you are to seek God for: by reason of which God might withhold that mercy from you (whether it be the obtaining of a blessing, or the keeping off, or the removall of a calamity felt, feared or deserved) that you are intended to seek him for by prayer and fasting: And the Scriptures, or Sermon notes, you are intended to read, open, or speak of unto them that are sutable to the businesse of the day; Beginning the day with praier (as you do By praier. [Page 95] other mornings) but with some inlargements that God would so begin, go on, and finish the day, and duties thereof with you as that he may be exalted; and you abased and humbled before him; How you are to go on in it, by instructing them. Reading afterward those Scriptures, and opening them unto them, or repeating those Sermon notes you had meditated upon for them; Examining them about their sinnes, and the sinnes of those that they are humbled for, By catechizing of them about their sins. that they may be convinced of them, and that they may mourn inwardly in their souls for them as you confesse and bewail them in outward expressions; As for example, Ezek. 9.41 Psa 35.13.14. say to one that is book-learned shew me a Scripture that proves security is a sinne Amos. 6.3. to 10. 1 Thes. 5, 3. that ignorance is a sinne, Isa. 27 11. that hypocrisie is a sinne Mat. 23.13 14 15.7.8. naming after this manner the sins of your family; And say to the unlearned, doth not this Scripture prove that swearing is a sin, Mat. 5.34. that lying is a sin? Hos. 4.2. Eph. 4.25. Naming then the words of Scripture that prove swearing and lying to be sins; Renewing again your prayers in a fervent, importune manner for a sight of, for humiliation for sin, for pardon of, and power against sin. More particularly for the removall of the miseries, and the obtaining of the mercies you wait upon God for. Exhorting your family in the close of the day to lay aside their sins, How you are to conclude it. to draw near to God, and to put forth new acts of Faith, on Jesus Christ, that they may receive remission of them, and power to break them off with righteousnesse, Phil. 4.13. that no good thing may be withholden from them because [Page 96] of them, Ier. 5.25. calling upon them to use all means to bring the wickednesse of those to an end (if the day have been set apart in the behalf of others) that they have mourned for; And so conclude the day (after you have reviewed it in your thoughts) by praier, confession, and thanks-giving. Beleeving that you shall have what you seek God for, so far as it is for Gods glory and your good: And yet using all means for the procuring of what you beleeve and pray for: Devoting your selves then and for ever unto the Lord, Giving or determining so much for the poor, as the food came unto you denied your selves in Isa. 58.7.10. .
And if your family fast be kept after such a manner as that you give notice of it certain daies before to your Pastour, What you are to doe if others joyn with you in your Family Fast. and to neighbour Christians about you: Then procure your Minister and some of them to perform for you these or the like duties that I have advised you unto, ordering the day and the duties thereof as you think good, How you are to prepare for, and to begin, and end a Congregationall Fast. so as that all things be done to edifying and in an humble manner to the glorifying of God.
In like manner when you are called by the Church or publique Authority Act. 14.13 2 Cro. 2013. Ezra. 8.21. Ion. 3.7. to keep a publike fast in a publike Assembly: So prepare your self and family for it, and so, begin and end the day, as you were even now advised in your keeping of a Family fast; Catechizing them about their sins, and the abominations of those they are to mourn for (as I have shewed) either the evening before the Fast, or in the morning before the publike worship began; Behaving your selves so in your early going [Page 97] to the Congregation, in your abiding at it, in your return from it, in your exercises betwixt and after Sermons, and in all the duties of the day: As that you may approve your selves unto God to be upright in your keeping of the day unto him.
And when God shall call you (by giving you what you sought him for by praier and fasting) To keep a day of thanks-giving unto him; How you are to prepare for a day of thanksgiving kept in your private family. Minde your Family of it (having called upon God for a blessing upon the exercise) the evening, or two, or three daies before, and of the occasion thereof: Shewing them their iniquities, and the sins of those (if the day be kept in respect of others) that make them unworthy of any mercy: Telling them how, and after what manner they are to prepare for, and to keep the day as private Christians: Inlarging your self in your evening praiers according to the occasion of your thanks-giving; Beseeching the Lord more particularly when you have no opportunity for these duties of preparation) to prepare your hearts for the duties of the approaching day, and to enable you through Christ to perform them to his praise, and your comfort.
And after you have sought the Lord in your closet and ordered your family affairs: How you are to begin it. Call to minde the sins of your family, and of those you are to give thanks to God for, that makes you and them lesse then the least of Gods mercies: The riches of Gods goodnesse that either you, yours, or any of Gods people have, do, or hope to partake of: particularly the mercies for which you set the day apart to give [Page 98] thanks to God: The Scriptures or Sermon-notes you are intended to read, open, or speak of unto them.
Begin the day with praier (as you do at other times) but with inlarged petitions for the preparation of your hearts Pro. 16.1. 2 Chr 32.25 How you are to go on in it, by teaching or examining them about Gods mercies to return thanks unto God in some sincere measure answerable unto his mercies; Reading afterward or opening some part of the word, or repeating some Sermon unto them, that you had afore thought upon: or examining them about Gods mercies after this manner, saying to them that can read, Shew me a Scripture that proves that you have your life, being, and moving from God: Act. 17.25 to 29. That all you are, and have is bestowed upon you, and continued unto you by the goodnesse, and grace of God, 1 Cor. 15.10. Act. 17 25, and that you are to give thanks unto God for the same, Psa 100. Eph 5.20. Naming on this wise the particular mercies for which you would have them to praise God.
Catechizing the unlearned after this, or the like manner upon such an occasion as this, or at any other time when you see it needfull, saying, Do not these Scriptures prove that God made you, Psa. 100.3 That God hath preserved you, and provided for you ever since you were made; Psa. 22.11.12. That you have what you have, and are what you are in regard of your naturall, civill and spirituall being of grace (if any you have) by the riches of Gods goodnesse and free grace 1 Cor. 15, 10. Eph. 1.1. to 7 Act. 17.25. Eph, 5.20. By renewing your praiers and praises. and that you are to blesse God for the sums; Speaking then the words of Scripture that proves the particulars aforemenioned; Renewing again with all zeal [Page 99] and fervencie your praises and thanksgivings for all mercies, above all for Christ, particularly for the mercies that are the occasion of your thanksgiving; Making intercession for all men, for our King and for all in Authority, and for what ever you want, especially for grace to improve Gods mercies for his glory; Admonishing one another in Psalmes, By singing of Psalms. and hymnes, and spirituall songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto the Lord: Finishing all in due time that you may refresh your selves with the fat, and sweet of the creature more then at other times; Allowing your self and familie liberty to visit your kinred, friends, and poor neighbours that they may praise God with you, and magnifie the Lord on your behalf; Blessing God in and with your food, raiment, libertie, livelihood, and in and with all that you are and have: Making it appear (if God have made you a giver, and not a receiver) by distributing unto the poor: if not, by telling to Gods praise how the Lord hath stirred up others to distribute unto your necessities; How you are to finish the day and the doties thereof. exhorting your people in the close of the day to get into Christ, and to abide in him Ioh, 15.1. to 8. that they may bring forth much fruit to Gods glorie; concluding the day (after you have premeditated how you have behaved your selves towards God the day past, and how the Lord hath manifested himself unto you) by thanksgiving, confession, praier, and a promise to God to endeavour to manifest your thankfulnesse unto him for all his mercies vouchsafed unto you, yours, or any of his by your godly conversation. And if your Minister [Page 100] and neighbour Christians join with you in keeping a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord in your familie: procure your Pastor, or some of them to help you to perform the duties thereof so as I have shewed, or any other way as you please, so as that all things be done in such a holie manner as may make most for Gods praise.
How you are to prepare for, and to keep a day of thanks-giving in a Congregation. And when you are called by the Magistrate, or the Church of which you are a member to keep a day of thanks giving in a publique congregation: Hest. 9.19 21. prepare your self, and house for it, and begin, and end it in like manner as you have been advised to prepare for, and to enter upon, and end a private day of thanksgiving in your familie: Examining them about the mercies of God vouchsafed unto them (as you have been shewed) either the evening before, or the morning before the beginning of the publique worship; Ordering your self and house in such a manner in your going unto the meeting of the Saints, in your abiding among them, in your going from them, and in all the duties of the day: as that you may approve your selves unto God and man that you are upright, and sincere in your thanksgiving.
An Objection. But you may object and say, I cannot pray through the weaknesse of my memory either as a private Christian, or as a Governour of a familie without the use of a book of praier.
First, That reverend Man of God Doctor Sibbs answers you in his Epitomie of the Seven Treatises, The answer to it. pag. 689. and tells you, that [Page 101] you may make use of a book if need he, and withall he saith, that it is many waies better to get forms of praier by heart, then to use a book in the time of praying.
Secondly I answer, See the conclusion of the Directions for private Christians about Obiections and answers unto them. You may pray as a private Christian, and as a Governour of a familie (if God have given you to beleeve, and have given you utterance to pray with a book) through the help of the spirit by these Directions without the use of a book of praier in the time of praying; For the spirit that helps us to beleeve, helps us to pray, and in some weak measure to cry Abba Father; Ioh. 1.12. with Gal. 4.6. and Rom. 8.15, 26. See the next Direction about your procuring another to perform family duties for you. Two reasons why Christians cannot pray sincerely by set formes of praier, if they tie themselves unto them. And if after your premeditation you want words to expresse your minde with, doe but commit some promises, and phrases of Scripture-praiers to memorie, and you will be therewith in due time furnished with sutable expressions, and as it were with the language of the holy Ghost, whereby you may pray with understanding to your self and others. And (if I may give my judgement) you can neither pray, nor worship God sincerely (being helped by the spirit, and gifted to pray otherwise) by set forms of praier, I mean so as to tie your self unto them, that is, neither to pray for more mercies in your closet and familie, nor to confesse more sins, nor to praise God for more blessings then are set down in such and such formes of praier appointed for morning, noontime, evening, or the like; First because you have new mercies every time you are solemnly to make your requests to God by praier, and supplication with thanksgiving, to blesse God for, new sins to confesse and bewail, and new wants to make [Page 102] known to God which are not particularly set down in any form of praier Rom 8.26. Lam. 3.23. whatsoever; Secondly, Because it is not onely your spirituall liberty, but also your Christian dutie to poure out your spirit before the Lord Heb. 4.16. Ephes. 2.18. in giving him thanks for every mercie, 1 Thes. 5, 18. in confessing every sin with godly sorrow, 1 Ioh. 1.8. in asking everie thing you want in Christs name, Mat. 7.7, 8 and that particularly as farre as you can, generally where you cannot in particular. Phil. 4.6. Yea, and to act faith on the promise for the help of Gods spirit Zach. 12.10. Luk, 11.13. Rom. 8.26. in the time of praying.
The fourth generall Direction shews what course ignorant, and unlearned Masters of Families are to take that they and their house may sincerely serve God.
FOurthly, As you are one that cannot reade, learn to reade, (if you be not one way or other disinabled) and be diligent in the use of all means to know and understand your duties afore mentioned as you are a Christian Governour of a familie; How, and for what end you are to have a Bible and a Catechisme and one that can reade in your family. For that end get a Bible and a catechisme, and one that can reade, into your house; And first of all appoint that part of the first Direction to be read unto you, that directs you how to call upon God morning and evening: causing afterward the rest of that and all the other Directions to be read unto you as you have occasion to make use of them: as also the Scriptures and this or some other catechisme as you have need thereof.
And whereas Governours of families that are learned, are advised often to reade and open the word to their people: or to repeat Sermons, and to examine them about their profiting therein: as also to catechise them in this or some other catechisme, and in, and about these Directions; Doe you in the room of this (having sought God for a blessing) [Page 104] appoint the word, or some part of this, or some other catechisme, How you are to appoint the word, and this, or some other Catechisme to be read unto them. or some part of the Directions that are for private Christians, as those pieces of the second branch that shews them how to call upon God, morning, noontime, and evening, and that doth direct them how to attend family duties, to be read unto your family, morning, evening or any time when you have opportunity: causing the third branch of the Directions to be read unto them the evening before the Sabbath: The fourth the evening before Fasts, or daies of Thanksgiving, and the rest of them as they have occasion to use them; This being done at any time, either examine them your self in the things that have been read unto them: How you are to examine them: or to appoint some other to Catechise them, or appoint some other to catechize them therein in such a manner as that you and they may be thereby edified; calling upon them to get their catechisme by heart, and the Directions that are for them, as they have occasion to make use thereof, and to hear and to examine one another therein as they have opportunity; concluding all such like exercises with thanksgiving to God for those private helps and the profit you receive thereby; which you may doe in your family prayer if they be immediately before your morning or evening praier. How you are to cause them that can write to take Sermons as often as they have opportunity to hear.
Require them that can write to take Sermons as they have opportunity to hear, and to repeat them the first spare time you have to attend them, demanding an account of every one after repetition, of their profiting by the word preached, or repeated; Remembring alwies to begin and end such like duties [Page 105] with praier and thanksgiving.
If there be none that can write in your family, How you are to improve the word in your family after you have heard it preached on the Lords day, or at any other time. then doe you on the Lords day betwixt Sermons, and afterward in the evening, and at every other time after you have heard the word preached, call upon God to help you by his spirit to remember, understand, and to profit by the word you are about to speak of; And tell them in a spirituall way what you can remember that you doe understand and beleeve, requiring them to doe likewise; And so (having talked together in a holie manner about it,) conclude the exercise with thanks to God for the means of grace in publique, and in private, and for any benefit you partake of thereby.
And if there be any in your family of your sex that are more fit and able to perform familie duties then you are, When, and upon what occasion you are to procure some other to instruct you and your family. Act. 10.3, 6. Then procure them sometimes to perform them in your stead. In the mean while untill you have a Bible, a catechisme, and one that can reade in your house, (and afterward as you see it needfull) procure your Minister, or some officer of the Church, or some neighbour Christian to come to your house once or twice a week for to instruct you and your family in the mysteries of the Kingdome of heaven: Or go to them to be taught and instructed by them the things that may make you wise unto salvation; However ignorant and unskilfull you be for the present in the word of righteousnesse, Yet I doubt not but that you will be soon taught of God (if there be a willing minde in you to learn) how you and your house should serve [Page 106] God in holinesse and righteousnesse all your daies; yea, and enabled through Christ thereunto, as you are instructed therein.
But you may object and say, What if I cannot pray in my family through the weaknesse of my memory, An Object. want of boldnes, utterance, or the like, either by these Directions or any other rules that have been commended unto me?
The Answer to it. I answer, You ought to call upon God in your family, if there be any to join with you; And you may sooner and easier learn to pray (I mean thtough the help of the spirit) by these Directions I have given you: than by forms of praier got by heart (as some weak Christians have) as they are read unto you; And having learned them you may be enabled by the practice of them to pray more understandingly, spiritually, and sincerely, than you can by any formes of praier when you have them in your memory. For your further satisfaction herein let the latter end of the fift branch of the first part of the Directions, and of the third branch of the second part of the Directions be read unto you about objections and answers of the like nature.
When you are to procure another to perform family duties for you. Act. 10.5, 6. And if you finde your self for the present altogether unfit for family exercises notwithstanding these Directions and your endeavours to make use of them, then speak to your Minister or to some of the congregation, whereof you are a member to help you with one that may instruct your familie, and pray with them untill the Lord put you into a fitnes (I mean through your endeavours) for the performance of these duties your self.
The fifth generall Direction shews how Governesses of Families, whether Widdows, Wives, or Maids are to Worship God in their Families.
FIfthly, How Widdows as Governesses are to procure some to serve God with all their house: or else to worship God with those of their own sex. As you are a Widdow and a Governesse of a family, whether learned or unlearned, you are bound in conscience (as much as a Governour of a families is, because you are as it were both Governour and Governesse, to make it your care that you and your house may sincerely serve God; And therefore you ought either to procure some friend to perform those duties with all your house that Masters of families are advised unto [...] or else to learn those duties of Governours of families about their praying with, and their instructing of their people, that you may perform them with those of your own sex, and with all the children of the family as well male as female. 2 Tim. 1.5. with 2 Tim. 3.15. 1 Tim, 5.10. Behaving your self so in your Widdowhood in eschewing of pleasure, idlenesse, tatling, pragmaticalnesse, and corrupt communication: in trusting of God, in continuing in supplications and praiers day and night, in bringing up of children, in lodging of strangers, in comforting of the Saints, in relieving of the afflicted: As that you may give no offence to the adversarie to speak reproachfully, 1 Tim. 5.3. to 11. and so as that you may be chosen by the Church, [Page 108] and maintained by them, if need be, for to look after the poor and sick members thereof, that are unfit and unable to look after themselves 1 Tim. 5.9, 10. Carrying your self so in that place (if you be called thereunto) as becomes the Gospel.
How, and when Wives as Governesses are to serve God with the woman kind of their house. And in like manner as you are a wife and a Governesse of a family, you ought in the absence and sicknesse of your husband or the like to pray (if there be no man among you that is fitted to serve God with all your house in his stead) Morning and evening with the woman-kinde of your house, and with the children thereof, and to nurture them up in the admonition of the Lord, Deut. 6.7. Ephes 6.4. Prov. 31.26. For that purpose you should endeauour to know those duties of Governours of Families, Concerning their praying with, and their instructing of their people that you may be helped there, with to worship God thereafter, as you are called thereunto; Praying in a speciall manner for your husband upon all occasions of private praier: Being in subjection unto him, that if he obey not the word, he may without the word be won by your heavenly conversation, 1 Pet. 3.1. What duties you are to perform to God, as you are or may be a mother of children, you have been in part shewed; In the first Direction about the duties that parents owe to God for their ch ldren. How Mothers are to teach their children. And remember to be diligent therein, especially in your instructing of your children, for you have a better opportunity to instruct them, then your husband hath, For you may teach them as you feed them (for they may learn from the brests) as you dresse, or undresse them, as you sit down, [Page] [Page] [Page 109] or walk in your way with them, as you lie down, or rise up, and it is the will of the Lord that you should so do; Deu. 11.19. Pro. 31.1, 2. Pro. 6.20. And therefore (having desired God for Christs sake to teach your children by his spirit as you endeavour to instruct them by his word) speak unto them out of the Scriptures (as soon as they are able to speak unto you again) that prove the answers of the ten questions, Or such like principles as they do contain.
And tell them in holy, solemn, loving manner, as if you were telling so many severall stories) First, how the works, the word of God, and their own conscience should convince them that there is a God, Secondly, tell them at another time (for they must but have a little spoken unto them at once) Isa. 28.9.10. that such and such Scriptures prove that God is a Spirit but one in essence, and three in persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: and thus go through the principles of Religion contained in the answers of the ten questions, or in any other Catechisme.
Afterward cause them to get by heart, the answer of the first question of this or any other Catechisme one week, the answer of the second question another week, and so every week one additionall answer, untill they have learned the w [...]ole Catechisme: This being done, appoint them to get the Scriptures by heart that prove the answers of the questions, getting one Scripture one day, and another another day, untill they have them all by heart; And as you hear [Page 110] them, open the Scriptures unto them so far as you assuredly know the meaning thereof; Thus your children by learning line after line, here a little and there little, may come to know the Scriptures from their childehood: as Timothy did by the instruction of his grandmother Loi [...], and his mother Eunice, 2 Tim. 1.5 2 Tim. 3.15. And as you teach them, be so familiar with them, as that they may not be afraid to ask you the meaning of any thing they are ignorant of; And when any of them are overtaken in the sin of lying or the like, tell them of that fearfull story in the fifth of the Acts from the first unto the sixth verse, Act. 5.1. to 6. or of any story that may make them afraid of sinne.
And if any of them disobey you, tell them that it is Gods Commandement that they should obey you Eph 6.1, 2 and that God will curse them if they set light by you; Deut. 27.16. Thus teach them not only to know but also to practise Christianitie; And if any of them will not honour you after your admonition as their mother, then do not only rebuke but correct them, for you may and ought to correct them, as soon as they may be made sensible that they have offended Prov. 29.15.17. but remember that you doe it in love, How maids as Governesses of Families should serve God with these of their own Sex in the Family. and meeknes of spirit, declaring unto them your unwillingnes thereunto, if they would be such as they ought without correction.
Likewise as you are a maid and a Governnesse of a family, you should study the duties of Governours of families about praier and instruction for that end, that you may in the absence [Page 111] and sicknesse of the Master of the house, or the like, perform them with those of your own sex, and with all the children of the house, I mean, if there be no man in the family that can serve God with all your house in his stead.
Furthermore, How aged Christian women should be teachers of good things. As you are aged women you should be teachers of good things: Tit. 2.3, 4, 5. And as you are young women you should learn of the aged women to be wise, to love your husbands, to love your children, to be discreet, chast, keepers at home, good, obedient to your own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
What shall I say more? It is meet and equall, How all Governesses of families are to use all means to further the salvation of their houshold. and the bounden dutie of all you that are Christian Governesses of families, whether Maids, Wives, or Widdows, whether young, or old, to take all the womankinde of your house (as you have opportunity) into your chambers: or to take one at one time, and another, at another time, (as suppose one, one Lords day, and another on another Sabbath) For to pray with them, and for them, and to direct them how to pray: For to instruct them for to reprove them for any presumptuous or secret sin and wantonnesse they live in: For to examine them about the work of grace in them: For to use all means with them that you might save some: And all in such a manner as becomes women professing godlinesse; It is I say, your bounden duty so to doe because it is the joint duty of every Governour and Governesse of a family to endeavour the salvation of their whole houshold; Prov., 4.31.1, 2. Deut. 6.7. And although a Father of a family be Governour over [Page 112] Mother, childe, and all: yet he is not so much bound in conscience to instruct all, as to see that all be instructed, How you are to call upon God▪ when you solemnly instruct or reprove any of your family. by appointing every one to doe their duties in their places. And therefore when you take all those of your own sex, or any one of them into your chamber for to teach or admonish them. Before you enter upon the exercise call upon God for a blessing upon your meeting, that it may be for the better and not for the worse, and that he thereby may be glorified, and you brought somewhat higher unto salvation; which being done, solemnly minde them of those Scriptures that prove that it is your dutie as a Christian, Gal. 6.1. as a Mother of children, Pro, 29 15. Prov. 31.1, 2. Prov. 1, 8. Prov. 22.6. 1 Tim. 5.10. Phil. 4.3. Deut. 6.7 20, 21. 2 Tim. 1.5. with 1 Tim. 3.15. Eph. 6.1, 2.3.5. and as a Governes of a family to teach, and reprove them, and that it is their duty to obey you therein: And tell them in a milde and compassionate mann [...]r that you dare not neglect your duty herein, lest the bloud of their souls should be required at your hands; And then begin and goe on in your way of teaching and admonition as you think meet, so as that all things be done to edifying; And end the exercise with thanksgiving to God for these private helps, and for any good you doe, or hope to receive thereby.
The Conclusion of both parts of the Directions.
TO Conclude, Beware of casting of these duties (or any other you know, How you are to beware of laying aside duties. or may know God requires of you) that I have implicitely advised you unto, and that I have expressely directed you in; For God will be [Page 113] sought unto for that free grace he hath covenanted to bestow upon his, Ezek 36.25, to 38. and that Christ hath purchased for them; Besides you can have no communion with God upon earth, nor comfort from the holy Ghost, but through Christ by the spirit in duty, in beleeving, 1 Pet. 1 8. 2 Cor. 5.6, 7, 8. Ps. 42.1. Psal. 84. in praying, in meditating, in doing, and suffering the will of God in every thing; What though duties be wearisome and painfull to flesh and bloud? Mat. 26.41. (they are not so to our spirituall part) Psal. 84 1, 2, 5, 10. They are for Gods glorie, Rom. 4.20. Mat. 5.16. and the good of souls; One soul gained or confirmed is worth an age of pains, and the glorie of Gods name is more precious then souls.
Beware of formality in duties 2 Tim. 3.5. Mat. 3.8. by premeditating before duties, How you are to beware of formality in duties. and by preparing for them according to the severall Directions given unto you: By thinking with your self as you enter upon duty what you are, Gen. 18.27. of what you are to doe, and with whom you have to doe: By exercising all your gifts and graces in, and by being spirituall in, and intent upon duties (as if they were the last acts of your life) as you doe perform them, or attend them performed.
Beware of trusting in duties, How you are to beware of resting upon duties. least you loose your self and duties too: Phil. 3.8, 9. By considering that if you should keep the whole law, (as no meer man ever did, doth, or can) and perform all the duties therein perfectly all your life long, that you would be condemned by it, because you were born guilty of the breach of it; Rom, 5.12, 18. By pondering in your heart that if you should beleeve and live as perfectly as any [Page 114] Saint upon earth ever did, and should relie upon your faith and good works for your justification, that you would perish therein, and be therewith condemned for ever; Rom. 3.20. Rom. 4.5. For ungodly sinners are not justified by the acts of faith, and of a holie life. But by the righteousnesse of Christ applied by faith; Phil. 3.8.9. I might tell you that all the holy duties that either you, I, or any Christian upon earth, have, doe, or can perform (perform we them as spiritually as possibly we can) doth but make us stand in more need of the mercy of God, and of the merit and righteousnesse of Jesus Christ, then we did before we did perform them; For all our righteousnesses are unrighteousnes and uncleannesse in the sight of an holy God, without the righteousnesse of Christ to cover them; Isa. 64, 6, You have need of Gods strength to perform holy duties, of his mercy to pardon them, and of his Christ to accept them.
My last word is to advise you to endeavour to beleeve, How you are to serve God with gladnesse of heart and to serve God in the performance of all holy duties he requires of you with joyfulnesse, and gladnesse of heart Deut. 28.47. Ps. 100.12. Eccles. 3, 12. (For joy is as oil to the soul, it makes duties, duties; come off cheerfully from our selves, pleasantly to others, and acceptably unto G [...]d through Jesus Christ) as if you were thereby to be justified; And to trust and rely on the meer mercie and free grace of God, and on the infinite merit, and everlasting righteousnesse of Christ for your free justification and eternall salvation, as if all your faith and holy duties, and doings, and sufferings, and rejoicings [Page 115] therein would avail you nothing thereunto. Phil, 3 7, 8, 9. Which if you doe, you will not only for the present honour God, and have (through Christ) communion with him: but also receive grace from him to honour him withall for time to come; And although I have not given you such particular Directions about your preparation for, and performance of holy duties (least you should not be able to bear them) as I might have done: Levit. 20.3. 1 Cor. 10.30. yet I doubt not but you may and will sanctifie God (which is the main end of worship) in your drawing nigh unto him in the duties of his worship, if you so prepare for them, and perform them after that manner as I have directed you: Beleeve well, and live well, and die well, and live for ever. Ioh. 3.36. Holy Father keep through thy own name those whom thou hast given to Jesus Christ, that they may be one as ye are: Pardon and remove their sad and strange d [...]fferences, their secret and inward malice one to another, their hard and bitter speeches one against another, Their unamiable, unruly, and ungodly behaviour one towards another: Make them quiet and peaceable, and give them one heart and one way that they may fear thee for ever for the good of them and their children afeer them; However hasten (O Lord) hasten the second coming of Christ that they may be made one in perfect love for ever. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.