Die Lunae, 4. Iulii, 1642.

IT is this day Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assem­bled, That in case any force be brought out of one County into any other County of this Kingdom, to disturb the peace thereof; That the Lord Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants of the Counties adjoyning upon no­tice given unto them of such disturbance, by the Lord Lieutenant or Deputy Lieutenants where such distur­bance is made, be hereby required to give aid and assistance to the said other Lord Lieutenants and Deputy Lieute­nants or any of them, so requiring the same, for the pre­sent suppressing of such force and disturbers of the peace, by Voluntiers, and such of the Trained Bands of their se­verall Counties that shall voluntarily go to give their as­sistance.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed by L.N. and J.F. for E. Husbands and J. Franck. July 12. 1642.

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