WHEREAS We have formerly thought fit to issue Our Proclamation bearing date the 11th day of April 1687, and therein pursuant to the power given Vs the Lord Deputy and Council (by the additional Act for the better Ordering and Collecting the Duty arising from Hearths, Firing-places, Stoves, and publick Ovens and Kilns) to Nominate and Appoint such Iustices of the Peace only in and for the several Counties and Cities of this Kingdom, to grant Certificates to poor Widows, according to the purport of the said Additional Act, as are in and by the said Proclamation Nominated and Appointed. And thereby to declare, that all Powers in and by the said Acts, or either of them given to any Iustices of the Peace, other than such as were in the said Proclamation appointed to the purposes aforesaid, should be thereby vacated. And by Our said Proclamation, strictly to charge all Iustices of the Peace, and other persons therein mentioned, to be Aiding and Assisting to the Commissioners of the Revenue, and their under Officers, in the Levying and Collecting the said Duty, upon displeasure and other pains as therein are limited and appointed. Which [Page] said Proclamation having not had the intended and wished for Effect, several of the said Iustices so impowred by Vs as aforesaid, being dead or removed since their having been so nominated, and others not nominated, taking upon them to grant Certificates contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Additional Act, and Our said Proclamation, whereby the said Duty is much decayed, the due Collection thereof greatly obstructed, and His Majesties Revenue lessened: For the prevention of which mischiefs for the future, and upholding that Branch of His Majesties said Revenue arising from Hearths, &c. Pursuant to the Power given Vs by the said Acts, We have again thought fit to publish and declare, and do hereby publish and declare, that no Certificates be granted but to such persons who by the said Acts for settling the said Duty on his Majesty are uncapable thereof. And whereas in the first Act for settling the said Revenue, there is a Proviso contained, that in case any two Iustices of the Peace shall in writing under their hands yearly certifie their belief that the house wherein any person doth inhabit within such County wherin they are Iustices of Peace, is not of greater value than eight shillings per annum upon the full improved Rent, and that neither the person so inhabiting, nor any other using the said Messuage, hath, useth or occupieth any Lands or Tenements of their own, or others, of the yearly value of eight shillings per annum, nor hath any Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels of the value of four pounds in their own possession, or in the possession of any other in trust for them; then in such case, upon such Certificate made to the Iustices of the Peace of such County at any of their Quarter-Sessions to be held for the same County, and allowed by them; for which Certificate, and allowance, no Fees shall be paid; the person on whose behalf such Certificate is made, shall not be returned by the Constables, or other persons to be assistant to them as aforesaid; and the said House is thereby for that year discharged off and from all Duties by this Act imposed, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Which said last Proviso by the Additional Act for the better ordering and collecting the Revenue arising by Hearth-money is declared shall be construed to extend only to such Widows as shall produce such Certificates as are therein mentioned, and as to all other persons whatsoever the said Clause is thereby absolutely Repealed. And forasmuch as it is Enacted by the said Additional Act, that it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy or other Chief Governor or Governors and Councel of this Kingdom for the time being, from time to time to appoint such persons as they shall think fit to do, execute and perform all and every the matters and things which by the said former Act, or the said last Act are to be done, executed or performed by any Iustice of the Peace, or Clerks of the Peace of this Kingdom, and from and after such appointment, all other persons not thereby appointed, shall be, and are thereby discharged from doing, executing, and performing any matter or thing relating unto the premisses any thing in the said former Act, or the said last Act to the contrary notwithstanding. And whereas we have thought fit hereby to nominate and appoint the several persons in and for the several Counties herein after mentioned, that is to say, in and for the County of Catherlagh, Sir Thomas Butler Baronet, John Pincent Clerke, John Baggott, Robert Stratford and Francis Eustace Esqs. For the County of Dublin, Sir Thomas Worsop Kt. and any one of the Chief Commissioners and Governors of His Majesties Revenue, Doctor Patrick Gratton, James Grace Councellor at Law, Richard Foster, Daniel Reading, Henry Fearnesly, Jeremiah Donovan, James Hackett, and Edward Hussy of Westown Esqs. [Page] For the County of Kildare, Francis Leigh, Charles Moore, John Aylmer, Henry Cooley, John Woogan, William Talbott, of Stratton, James Swanton, William Sotheby, and William Fitz-Gerald of Crookstown Esqs; For the County of Kilkenny Sr. Henry Ponsonby Kt. Agmondisham Cuff, John Grace, Ma cus Shee, Caesar Colclough, and Lucas Walsh, Esqs; For the Kings County, John Baldw [...] Sen. John Sands, Thomas Moore, Anthony Carroll, Heyward Oxburrough, and Richard Handsard Esqs; For the County of Longford Sr, Thomas Newcomen Barronet, John Kerr Dean of Ardagh, William Kennedy, Nicholas Dowdall Fergus Farrell and Arthur Bush Esqs; For the County of Lowth, Murtagh Magennis, Thomas Bellingham, Richard Bolton, Timothy Armitage, John Babe, Henry Baker, Nicholas Garland, and Hugh Garland, Esqs; For the County of Meath, Sr. Arthur Rawden Barronet, Sr. John Dillon, Sr. John Fleming, Sr. Garret Aylmer Kts; Nicholas Cusack, Thomas Bellew, Thomas Loftus, Joseph Pratt, Stafford Leightburn, Robert Longfeild, and Henry Draycot, Esqs; For the Queens County, Sr. Gregory Birne Barronet, John Weaver, Thomas Owens, Oliver Walsh, Robert Warringford, and Richard Handsard, Esqs. For the County of Westmeath, Sr. Henry Peirce Barronet, Sr. James Leigh, Kt. William Hancock, Robert Cooke, George Peyton, George Wilton, Hugh Bowen, and Walter Pollard, Esqs; For the County of Wexford, Sr. Nicholas Loftus, and Sr. John Ivory, Kts. Francis Harvy, Patrick Colclough, Patrick Lambert, Walter Talbott, John Fenn, and Thomas Crawford, Esqs; For the County of Wicklow, William Hoey, Henry Temple, Humphry Baggaley, John Edwards, John Stockton, and John Giles, Esqs; For the County of Clare, Sr. Donnogh ô Bryen Barronet, John mac Nemarra of Cratlagh, Samuel Burton, Symon Purdon, Giles Vanderlure, and Walter Hickman, Esqs; For the County of Corke, Sr. Emanuell Moore Barronet, Sr. Boyle Maynard, and Sr. James Cotter, Kts. Rowland Davys, Dean of Rosse, Boyle Aylworth, Redmond Barry, Bartholomew Purdon, The Mayo [...] and Recorder of the City of Corke, for the time being, the Mayor and Recorder of Youghall for the time being, the Soveraign of Kinsale for the time being, The Portrive alias Provost of Bandon, for the time being, Arthur Hide, John Folsiett, Epinetus Grosse, Edward Dodsworth, John Longfeild, Cuthbert Wilkinson, and David Nagle, Esqs; For the County of Kerry, Sr. Thomas Crosby Kt. Edward Denny, Edward Paine, Rowland Bateman, Maurice Hussey, Ambrose Moore of Blenagh, and Chidley Brookes, Esqs; For the County of Lymerick, Sr. William King Kt. Arthur Ormesby, Mayor of Lymerick, Nicholas Muncton, Edward Rice, Charles Oliver, John Leonard, Charles Monck, and Thady Quin Esqs; For the County of Waterford, Thomas Fitz-Gerald, Richard Christmas, Robert Cooke, Edward May, Martin Peirce, and Garrett Wall alias Duvall. For the County of Gallway, Sr. Henry Waddington Kt. John Brown, Francis Foster, Oliver Martin, Francis Blake, James Hudson, John Wootton, Robert French, James Donnellan, and Dudley Peirce, Dean of Killmacduah, For the County of Leitrim, Sr, William Gore Barronet, Jame King, Henry Crofton, Henry Palmer, Richard Phillips, Bryan Cunningham, For the County of Mayo, Sr. Henry Bingham, and Sr. Arthur Gore, Kts. George French, Robert Miller, George Brown, John Bingham, Chr Brennand, John Browne, and Francis Blake. Esqs; For the County of Roscommon. Arthur St. George, Edmond Donnellan, Henry Dowdal, Iohn Dillon, Thomas Lovelace, and Hugh Kelly, Esqs; For the County of Sligoe, Humphry Booth, Thomas Griffith, Edward Crofton, Peircey Gething, Phillip Ormsby, and Iames French, Esqs; For the county of Antrym, Cormuck ô Neile, Iohn mc. Naughten, Daniel mac Daniel, Iohn Lathum, William Lesly, William Shaw, Edward Harrison, Esqs; For the county of Ardmagh, Sr. Nicholas Atchinson Barronet, Dr. Barthol. [Page] Vigers, Dean of Ardmagh, Hamlet Obins, Downham Cope, Arthur Brownlow alias Chamberlaine Esqs; Edward Dixy Dean of Killmore, For the county of Caven, Samuel Townely, Iohn Maxwell, Iohn Reyly, Francis Hamilton, Francis Whyte, Thomas Coach, William Lowther, and Nicholas Westby, Esqs; For the county of Donnegall, Francis Carey, Richard Ennott, Peter Benson, Michael Sampson, Thomas whyte, Iames Hamilton, Marcus ô Donnel Terence ô Connelly, Esqs; For the county of Downe, William Warring, William Mountgomery, Iames Ferrer, Iohn Hawkins, Randal Brice, Iohn mc. Neale, Dean of Down, and George Lovell Clerke, For the County of Fermanagh, Sr. John Humes, and Sr. Gerrard Erwin Baronets, Gustavus Hamilton, Iames Carey, Abraham Creighton, Iohn Creighton, and [...] Magwire Esqs; For the County of Londondery, Sr. Robert Staples Barronet, George Phillips, Iohn Gage, Edward Carey, Warham Iemmet, Esqs; and Thomas Wallice Deane of waterford, For the County of Monaghan, William Barton, Nicholas Owens, Francis Lucas, Matthew Anckthill, and [...] mc. Mahon Esqs; For the County of Tyrone, Henry Mervin, William Moore, George walker, John Chichester, Claud Hamilton, Oliver mac Casland, Walter Hovenden, and Patrick Donnelly, Esqs; For the County of Tipperary, Nicholas Purcel Esqr; the Mayor and Recorder of Clonmel for the time being, Sr. Thomas Osburne Kt. Sr. John Morris Barronet, Thomas Sadler, Thomas Ottway, George Mathews senior, Robert Blennerhassett, John Parker, Morris Harvey, Iohn Dawson, Phillip Moore, to be persons for granting Certificates to poor widows, according to the true purport and intent of the said last mentioned Act. Which we do hereby authorise them or any two or more of them and no other person or persons whatsoever within the said respective Countyes to to give accordingly, And further for the County of the City of Dublin, We appoint the Mayor and Recorder of the said City for the time being, Sr. Joshua Allen, and Alderman Enoch Reader, or any two of them. For the County of the City of Killkenny, the Mayor or Recorder thereof for the time being, For the County of the Town of Drogheda, the Mayor or Recorder of the Town of Drogheda for the time being, For the County of the City of Corke, the Mayor or Recorder of the said City for the time being, For the county of the City of Lymerick, the Mayor or Recorder of the said City for the time being, For the county of the City of Waterford, the Mayor or Recorder of the said City for the time being, For the County of the Town of Galway, the Mayor or Recorder of the said Town for the time being, For the County of the Town of Carrickfergus, the Mayor or Recorder of the said Town for the time being, And we require all the aforesaid persons to be very Circumspect and carefull in the granting of these Certificates which are to be allowed publickly at the Quarter Sessions unto none but such as are fitly quallified, and not unto Women who are not Widdows, nor to one and the same Widdow for several Houses, nor to Widdows for the Houses of their Sons, or their Brothers, or Relations, though the same were heretofore done, And we do hereby farther Declare, That all and every the powers in and by the said Acts or either of them given to any Iustices of the Peace, or Clerks of the Peace other than such as are herein appointed to the purposes aforesaid shall be and are hereby vacated.
And We do hereby strictly Charge and Command all and every Iustice and Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Constables, Headboroughs, Clerks of the Peace, and all other Officers whatsoever within every County, Borough, Town, or Corporation, Barony, Parish, or Place, and all other his Majesties Officers and Ministers, and all other Subjects whatsoever, that they and every of them shall from time to time be [Page] Aiding and Assisting to the said Comissioners and chief Governors of his Majesties Revenue, and to their Collectors, Surveyors, and other Officers which are or shall be appointed by them, or any three or more of them as aforesaid upon pain of Our displeasure, and such Paines and Imprisonments as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, can or may be inflicted upon them for their Negligence or Contempt in that behalf as they will answer the contrary at their utmost Peril. And We do herevy further publish and declare that all Duties or Monyes ariseing or growing due or payable to his Majestie, by, for or upon Hearths, Fireing-places, Stoves and publick Ovens and Kilns, are to be accompted and paid to the Commissioners and chief Governors of his Majesties Revenue or to such as they shall Authorize thereto, and to no other person or persons whatsoever, of which all persons concerned are to take Notice and to pay the same accordingly.
And We do require all His Majesties Subjects of what quality soever, that they do not only comply with the said Acts of Parliament, by paying their just dues to the Collectors, but also that they respectively encourage the said Collectors in their Employments, they behaving themselves as becometh. And We do further require all Collectors of the said Hearth-money in their respective Districts, to demand the said Duty at the Dwelling-House of each person ten days before they Distrain in any House or Cabbin for the same. And We further Require and Command, that where any objection shall be made by any Collector to the Certificate of any Iustice, such Collector is to forbear molesting or distraining those Widows who have such Certificates, but shall first apply himself to the Iustice of Peace that Granted the same, shewing the cause of his objection. And in case such Iustice after such application shall not revoke the said Certificate, or otherwise redress the Complaint of the said Collector, that then he shall and may apply himself to the Iudges of Assizes in their Sessions for that County for their decision and final judgment in all such matters of Controversy.
God Save the King.