BY THE Lords Justices AND COUNCIL.

Mich. Armach. C. Granard.

WHEREAS We are informed that di­vers of His Majesties Subjects in se­veral parts of this Kingdom, being possessed with strange fears & ground­less jealousies, have frequently of late deserted their own dwelling Houses, and have resorted either to Castles or other places of Strength, or into the Fields or Woods in the night-time, under colour of securing themselves from dangers, which (considering the quiet and peaceable condition this Kingdom is in) there is no reason for them to apprehend; We think fit hereby to Require and Command all His Majesties subjects in this Kingdom, to forbear all unlawful meetings in the night-time, and other disorderly assembling of themselves together, and that they do quietly & peaceably demean themselves, following [Page] their several Callings and Employments, and not forsaking their own Habitations, upon pretence of any such groundless Fears or Apprehensions; as they will answer the contrary at their perils; We being resolved, by His Majesties Authority where­with We are intrusted, sufficiently to provide for the Security and Preservation of all His Majesties Subjects, both in their Persons, Estates, and Possessions, according to the Laws of this Realm, which We shall take care to see duely executed, for the Safety and Protection of all His Majesties faithful and obedient Subjects, and the Terror and Punishment of all Di­sturbers of their Peace and Quiet.

GOD Save the KING.
Franc. Dublin. Roscommon. Longford. Blesinton. Char. Feilding. John Keating. He. Hene. John Davys. Ric. Reynell. Rob. Hamilton.

Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty; And are to be Sold by Andrew Crook at the Printing-house on Ormonde-Key, and Samuel Helsham at the Colledge-Arms in Castle-Street.

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