By the Lord Lieutenant and Council.


WHereas it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his Mercy our late Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second of Blessed Memory, by whose De­cease the Imperial Crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland are solely & rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince James Duke of York and Albany, his said late Majesties only Brother and Heir. And whereas We the Lord Lieutenant General of this Kingdom, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, being assisted with those of His late Majesties Privy Council, and numbers of other principal Gentlemen of Quality, with the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Dublin, have on the eleventh day of this instant February in the City of Dublin, with one full voice and consent of tongue and heart Published and Proclaimed that the High and Mighty Prince JAMES the SECOND, is now by the Death of Our late Soveraign of happy Memory become our only Lawful, Lineal, and Rightful Liege Lord JAMES the SECOND, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To whom we do acknowledge all Faith and constant Obedience, with all hearty and humble affection; be­seeching God, by whom Kings do Reign, to bless the Royal King James the Second with long and happy years to Reign over us.

We the Lord Lieutenant and Council do by this Our Proclamation think fit to give publick notice hereof to all His Majesties Subjects; and do require all Mayors, Sheriffs, and other His Majesties Officers to cause the same to be Proclaimed in all the Cities and Towns Corporate in this Kingdom. And all Officers both Civil and Military, and other His Maje­sties Subjects are to be assisting in the performance thereof, with all due So­lemnity.

God Save the King.
Mich. Armach. C. Franc. Dublin. Roscommon. Drog­hedah. Arran. Longford. Granard. Blesington. Mount­joy. VVill. Kildare. H. Boyle. Rich. Coote. Char. Meredith. VVill. Davys. John Keating. He. Hene. John Davys. Rich. Reynel. John Cole. Mau. Eustace. C. VVich. Tho. Newcomen. Adam Loftus.

Dublin, Printed by Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Andrew Crook in Skinner-Row, and Samuel Helsham at the Colledg-Arms in Castle-street. 1684:

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