BY THE Lords-Justices OF IRELAND.

WHereas by Our Proclamation, bearing Date the 17th of this instant Month of June, It was re­quired that no Carriers whatsoever should impose or take from Sutlers or others, more than the Kings Rates for the carriage of any Goods to Their Majesties Camp, notwithstanding which, We are informed that divers of the said Carriers do exact and take greater Rates than as afore­said, to the hindrance of Their Majesties Service. We therefore do hereby again strictly charge and require all such Carriers, for the future, to pay exact obedience to Our Proclamation aforesaid, under the Penalty imposed on them by the said Proclamation, which shall be strictly pursued and exacted. And We do hereby further publish and declare, That if any Sutler shall be discovered to give more then the Kings Rate as aforesaid, he shall not only be stopt in proceeding upon his Journey, but shall be also rendred incapable of at­tending the Camp during the residue of this Campaign.

God Save the King and Queen.

By the Lords-Justices Command.

Jon David.

Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties on Ormonde-Key. 1691.

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