WHEREAS a late Proclamation issued forth by the Lord Lieutenant and Council of this King­dom in December last for the suppressing of To­ries, Robbers, and their Harbourers in the words following.

WHEREAS there have been of late ma­ny Burglaries and Robberies commit­ted in several parts of this Kingdom, to the ruine of some of His Majesties good Subjects, and to the great disquiet of many others; And it is found by Experience, that His Majesties Mercy that hath been heretofore extended to some persons that have been Attainted of such Crimes, hath been an Encouragement to others to Commit the Like. For the Prevention therefore of Such Offences for the Future, And the taking away all Hopes of Impunity from such as shall hereafter be found Guilty thereof, We the Lord Lieutenant [Page] and Council have Thought Fit by this Our Proclamation, to Publish and Declare, that no Person or Persons who shall hereafter be Con­vict or Attainted of any Robbery or Burglary are to expect any Pardon for the same, or have the favour of being Transported into any Forreign Plantation; but that the Law in all such cases shall be put in due Exe­cution. And also that for the speedy Tryal of such Persons as shall be Apprehended for any such Crimes, We shall take care that special Com­missions shall from time to time be issued to that purpose into such Coun­ties in this Kingdom where there shall be occasion for them.

And We do hereby further Require and Command, that the Laws of this Realm concerning the keeping of Watch and Ward, and for raising the Hue and Cry be duely observed and executed; And that His Majesties Iudges of Assize and Iustices of Peace in the several Counties of this Kingdom do take care that such as shall be found negligent therein, as also the Harbourers of all notorious Robbers and Felons be duly prose­cuted and proceeded against.

And the several Iustices of Peace of this Kingdom are hereby also re­quired to be careful in taking sufficient Bail from such Offenders as shall be brought before them in all such Cases, where by the Examina­tions taken by them they shall find just reason to suspect or believe the persons to be guilty of the Crimes whereof they shall be accused, and where such persons are by Law Bailable. And where any persons ac­cused of the like Crimes shall fly from Iustice, or cannot be appre­hended, the said Iustices of Peace are in such Cases to take Exa­minations concerning them, and return the same to the next Assizes, to the end that they may thereupon be Indicted, which Indictments are from time to time to be forthwith Returned into His Majesties Court of Chief Place, to the end that the Offenders therein na ned may be Outlawed thereupon. And all Commanders of Horse and Foot, and all others His Majesties Officers and loving Subjects are to be aiding and assisting in the due Apprehension and bringing to Iustice of such persons as shall be suspected or accused of any Rob­beries or Burglaries, as they and every of them will answer the con­trary at their perils.

Which Proclamation hath not yet met with the full Effect thereby in­tended, which has been much occasioned, as we are informed, by the Carelesness and Neglect of the Civil Magistrates in their Duty.

We therefore the Lord Deputy and Council do hereby Require all Iudges of Assize, Iustices, Magistrates, and all other His Majesties Officers, to take diligent care that the said Proclamation be duely ob­served in all the particulars thereof by them and every of them in their several Stations.

And We do further Require the several Iudges of Assize, in their re­spective Circuits, to find out and Return to Vs the Names of such of the Iustices of Peace, Magistrates, and Officers, Civil or Military, that shall be found by them to have been any way refractory or negli­gent [Page] in pursuing the Tenor of the said Proclamation, to the end they and every of them may be dealt with according to the Nature of their Offence.

And We further Declare, that We do expect that such Persons as will be instrumental in apprehending any of the said Tories, Robbers, and notorious Malefactors, in order to the bringing of them to con­dign Punishment, shall be Encouraged for their Good Services.

A. Fytton C. Franc Dublin, Granard P. Antrim, Roscommon, Drogheda, Tyrone, Longford, Lymrick, Gormonston, Galmoy, Nettervill, Rosse, J. Macartie, John Keating,He. Hene, John Davys, Th. Nugent, De. Daly, Stephen Rice,Will. Talbot, Rob. Hamilton, Tho. Newcomen, N. Purcel, Tho. Sheridan.

GOD Save the KING.

DUBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold by Andrew Crook at His Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key, and by Samuel Helsham at the Colledge-Arms in Castle-street. 1686.

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