IT being Represented to Us by several Officers of their Majesties Army design'd to be withdrawn out of this Kingdom, that many of their private Men, are seduced to quit the service and stay behinde their Regiments, by Country Gentlemen and Farmers, who shelter and employ them to the great damage of their Majesties Service. We do therefore hereby Order and Direct, that no Gentleman, Farmer or other Country man whatsoever, do presume to Receive, Harbour, Hyre, Keep, Entertain or Employ any Inlisted Soldier or Person that appears by his habit to belong to any Regiment of their Majesties Army, under the severest penalties that the Law in such Cases directs. And We do further Order, that any person who shall discover and make known by good proof any person whatsoever, that has or does Encourage any Soldier to quit or depart from their Majesties Service, or does Harbour, Keep or Employ him, or shall discover, apprehend or take any such Soldier so as he may be secured and forthcoming shall have ten Shillings ready Money paid him by the Colonel or Officer in Chief of the Regiment, to which such Soldier belongs, that shall be so Discovered and Taken.
Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key.