[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]


  • Charles Porter,
  • Tho. Coningesby,

WHEREAS the Vintners and Retailers of Wines in the City of Dublin and other Cities and Towns within this Kingdom (taking advantage that the Statute made in this Kingdom, in the 28th Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, was not put in Execution so as to Settle, the Rates and Prizes of Wine the last Hillary Terme) by Combi­nation among themselves have sold all sorts of Wines at Excessive and Immoderate prices to the great charge of their Majesties Subjects and the in­riching a few, contrary to the known Lawes and Statutes of this Realm: For a Remedy therefore of the said mischief till such time as the prizes of Wines may be set pursuant to the said Statute (of which due care shall be taken) and to the Intent those who have been guilty of such Combination and Selling Wine as immoderate prizes and for Excessive gain for the time past may be punished and the like abuses may be prevented for the future, the several Iustices of the Peace, within the Cities and Counties where such abuses have been Committed are hereby required with all conveni­ent speed after sight hereof to call a special Sessions of the Peace within their respective Counties and there to give in charge to the several Grand-Iuries to be then impannelled such Combinations of Vintners and Selling Wines at immoderate Rates and prizes and to direct that such persons as shall appear to have been guilty either of such Combination or Selling Wine at unreasonable prizes be Indicted for the same, on which Indictments when found the said Iu­stices of the Peace are hereby required to proceed according to Law and to pu­nish such persons who shall by Confession or verdict be found guilty thereof with the utmost severity the Law allows in such cases and their several Crimes de­serve.

  • Fran. Dublin,
  • Meath,
  • Anth. Meath,
  • Ri. Pyne,
  • Jno Hely
God Save the King and Queen.

Dublin. Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queen, most Ex­cellent Majesty on Ormond-Key.

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