WHereas John mac-Cabe, who heads a party of Rapparees, and shelters himself in the Bogg of Allen, and other Fastnesses thereabouts, did lately make Application to Vs by Denis Mac-Daniel, that he and his party would submit themselves to their Majesties Obedience, if they might be received and protected, and have their Pardon for all Crimes except Murder, an Answer to which was sent to him by the said Denis Mac-Daniel, but the said John Mac-Cabe, insteed of submitting himself, as he proposed, did cause the said Denis Mac-Daniel to be barbarously Murdered, for which Barbarous & Treacherous Action, as well as for continuing in his Rebellion, We think fit hereby to publish and declare, That We will give a reward of Twenty Guinea's, unto any person or persons, who shall either Apprehend and secure the said John Mac-Cabe, so as to cause him to be brought to Iustice, or shall otherwise kill and destroy him the said Mac-Cabe, and make sufficient proof thereof before some of their Majesties Iustices of the Peace, adjacent to the place where they shall kill him. And We do hereby further publish and declare, that if any of the said John Mac-Cabe's party, who was privy to or acting in the said Murder of the said Denis Mac-Daniel, shall Apprehend, secure or kill the said John Mac-Cabe, and bring him in as aforesaid, he shall not only have the said Reward of Twenty Guinea's, paid him, but shall also be pardoned for the said Crime though Murder, or any other Crimes Murder only excepted.
God Save the King and Queen
Dublin Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key.