[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



WHereas John mac-Cabe, who heads a party of Rap­parees, and shelters himself in the Bogg of Allen, and other Fastnesses thereabouts, did lately make Application to Vs by Denis Mac-Daniel, that he and his party would submit themselves to their Maje­sties Obedience, if they might be received and pro­tected, and have their Pardon for all Crimes except Murder, an Answer to which was sent to him by the said Denis Mac-Daniel, but the said John Mac-Cabe, insteed of submitting himself, as he proposed, did cause the said Denis Mac-Daniel to be barbarously Murdered, for which Barbarous & Treacherous Action, as well as for continu­ing in his Rebellion, We think fit hereby to publish and declare, That We will give a reward of Twenty Guinea's, unto any person or persons, who shall either Apprehend and secure the said John Mac-Cabe, so as to cause him to be brought to Iustice, or shall otherwise kill and destroy him the said Mac-Cabe, and make sufficient proof thereof before some of their Majesties Iustices of the Peace, adja­cent to the place where they shall kill him. And We do hereby further publish and declare, that if any of the said John Mac-Cabe's party, who was privy to or acting in the said Murder of the said Denis Mac-Daniel, shall Apprehend, secure or kill the said John Mac-Cabe, and bring him in as aforesaid, he shall not only have the said Reward of Twenty Guinea's, paid him, but shall also be pardon­ed for the said Crime though Murder, or any other Crimes Murder only excepted.

God Save the King and Queen
By the Lords-Iustices Command. Jon: Davis

Dublin Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key.

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