[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



ALmighty God having in so wonderfull a manner as­sisted their Majesties Arms in this Kingdom, as not­withstanding the disadvantage of places and num­bers, in so short a time of this Campaign, to give them four Victories over the Enemy, in the last of which, the whole Forces of the Enemy are entirely defeated and dispersed. We hold it most just and fit to ascribe these Glorious Successes to the Grace and Goodness of his Divine Majesty: And that all Their Majesties good Subjects, who have the benefit thereof, should with all Zeal and fervency of Spirit, pour forth to God their Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving for the same: And that the same may be done with the greater Order and Regularity: We have thought fit to publish and declare, that Tuesday the Twenty eighth day of this Instant July, be, and is hereby appointed and set apart, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God for all his aforesaid mercies, and be observed as such in all Churches, and Chappels, and other places of publick Worship within all parts of this Kingdom under their Majesties obedience, Ex­cept the City of Dublin, where the same hath been already most solemnly per­formed: And We have taken care for the Composing, Printing, and Publishing of publick Prayers to be used on that Occasion, to be dispersed throughout the places aforesaid: And that none may be unprepared, for the due Celebration of so necessary a Duty: We do hereby apoint that this Our Proclamation be pub­lickly read in all places, of publick worship, on the Lords day next, preceédent to the said day of Thanksgiving: And We strictly Will and require all Persons, under Their Majesties obedience, that they be mindfull to observe the said day, with all Gravity, Sobriety, and Devotion, suitable to so solemn an Occasion, that their Ingratitude for these Mercies may not render them unworthy of the Con­tinuance and Progress, of Gods Blessing upon Vs.

  • Fran. Dublin,
  • Longford,
  • Anth. Meath,
  • Rob. Fitz-Gerald,
  • Ri. Reynell,
  • Ri. Pyne,
  • Jno Hely.

God Save the King and Queen.

Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties on Ormonde-Key.

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