WHereas several Officers of the Militia, and other Inhabitants of the Province of Munster, who ought more especially at this time to serve Their Majesties in Defence of the Country, when the Army is taking the Field, and when their Presence might be usefull at Home, do nevertheless absent themselves from their Dwellings upon several frivolous Pretences, and particularly of Business at the Term, Altho' We have given Orders that no man shall suffer in any Civil Cause in either of the Four Courts, by reason of his Absence or Non-Attendance this Term. We do therefore hereby will and require all the Inhabitants of the Counties of Waterford and Tipperary, within three days after the Date hereof, to repair to their own Houses or Places of Habitation, or to some Adjacent Garrison, if they may not go Home with Security; And those that belong to the Counties of Corke, Limerick and Kerry, forthwith to repair either to their own Houses or Habitations, if they have such in the said County of Corke, or to some of the Garrisons in the said County, and there to observe such further Orders and Directions as shall be given them for the Publick Service and Defence of the Country, which if they shall fail to do, they must expect to be lookt upon as Dissaffected to Their Majesties Government, and to be dealt withall as Persons contemning our Authority,
God Save the King and Queen.
Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties on Ormonde-Key.