[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



WHereas many and great Inconveniencies do arise from the Irregular granting of Protections, some being granted by such Persons who are no way Authorized thereunto, and others being ob­tained by Surprize, for Persons upon feigned Submissions, who since have Forfeited Their Ma­jesties Favour by their many Offences against Their Majesties Laws, whereby it comes to pass that many who are designed to be Protected, and would live quietly under Their Majesties Govern­ment, have not had the benefit of them, whilst o­thers that were Spies & Traytors have been shel­tred under the pretence of Protections, and have thereby found Opportuni­ties of committing Robberies, Murthers, and divers other Horrible Crimes. For the prevention of the like Mischiefs and Inconveniencies for the future, We have thought fit hereby to Declare, That all former Protections, except such as were granted by the General of Their Majesties Army for the time being, or by Their Majesties Principal Secretary of State for this King­dom, or Secretary at War, shall be, and are hereby Superseded, and ut­terly void, from and after the end of the next Assizes, to be held in the several Counties of this Kingdom, respectively. And to the end that all those who Intend to behave themselves as good Subjects, and live peaceably under Their Majesties Happy Government, may partake of that Grace and Mer­cy, which Their Majesties are Graciously pleased to extend to all Their Sub­jects, of what Persuasion or Religion soever they be, that will return to their Duty, and become amesnable to Law: We have Impowered and Au­thorized [Page] the Iudges of Assize in their respective Circuits, or either of them, to Grant Peotections under their Hands and Seals respectively, for the Per­son, Wife, Children, House and Personal Estate of all such as shall submit to Their Majesties Government, and Surrender their Swords, Guns, or other Arms and Ammunition, and take the following Oath, viz. I A. B. do Sincerely promise and Swear, that I will be Faithfull and bear true Allegiance to Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. So help me God, &c. And We do hereby Declare, that all Protections so to be given as aforesaid, shall be kept Inviolable, and that We will Prosecute with the utmost Severity all those that shall Violate or Infringe the same. And We do hereby Order, that a List of the Protected Persons in each County be left with the Sheriffs of the respective Counties, and a Duplicate thereof returned to Vs; And that every Constable have likewise a List of the Protected Persons in his Parish, delivered him by the Sheriffs respectively, that so those that are pro­tected, may be distinguished from Spies and Rebels, and be the better pre­served in their Properties; And that no person shall pay more than Six-pence for the Writing, Signing, Sealing and Registring any Protection for himself, his Wife and Children, living with him as aforesaid.

  • Fran. Dublin,
  • Meath,
  • Longford,
  • Rob. Fits-Gerald,
  • Char: Meredith,
  • Jno Hely,
  • Hen. Fane.

God save the KING and QUEEN.

Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the King and Queen at Their Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key.

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