[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



WHereas Their Majesties by Their Royal Procla­mation, Dated at Their Camp by Dublin the Tenth day of July, 1690. In the Second Year of Their Majesties Reign, for the Reasons therein mentioned, did think fit to reduce certain Coins of Brass, Copper and mixt Mettal, which formerly were used in this King­dom, and imposed upon the People at vast Rates, beyond and above the Intrinsick Value, to the several Rates in the said Proclama­tion mentioned, and did Ordain that the said Coins and Pieces should be deemed and ta­ken as Current Moneys in all payments at the several Rates therein con­tained. Now forasmuch as it is found by Experience, that the Irish who are in Rebellion against Their Majesties, and have in their Possession the whole or the far greater part of the said Coin, do begin by secret and cun­ning [Page] ways to bring in the said Coin into those Parts of this Kingdom un­der Their Majesties Obedience, wherewith they or their Agents not only fur­nish Their Majesties Enemies with divers Goods, Provisions and Commo­dities for supplying their Wants and Necessities; which they could not a­ny other ways obtain but by this means, will bring such vast Quantities of the said Coin amongst Their Majesties good Subjects, as in the end will turn to Their Majesties great damage. We therefore taking the Premisses into Our Consideration, for providing a Remedy against this growing Evil, have thought fit hereby to Order, Publish and Declare, that from and after the Six and Twentieth day of this Instant February, none of the said Pie­ces or Coyns in the said Proclamation mentioned, shall be Currant, or used in any Payments between any Persons whatsoever; Nor shall any of Their Majesties Loving Subjects be Compelled to take or Receive the same as Mo­ney at any Rate or Price whatsoever.

  • Fran Dublin,
  • Longford,
  • Anth. Midensis,
  • Rob. Fitz-Gerald,
  • Char. Meredith,
  • Ri. Reynell,
  • Ri. Pyne.

God Save the KING and QUEEN.

Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Took Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties printing-house on Ormonde-Key.

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