[monogram of 'W' (William) superimposed on 'M' (Mary)]



THeir Majesties having signified Their Plea­sure, That the Pay of Their Forces in this Kingdom shall be cleared to a certain Day, and in Order thereunto have by Their Letters Patents under the Great Seal of this Kingdom, Authorized and Ap­pointed William Robinson, John Stone, Edward Corker, John South. and William Molyneux Esquires, or any Three of them to be Com­missioners to State the Accounts there­of, which said Commissioners are im­powered to State and Ascertain all Debts due to and from the said Army in this Kingdom, the Trains of Artillery, Hospitals, and all Accompts of Money whatsoever paid unto or Disbursed by any Person or Persons relating to the said Army for the use thereof; And also to Examine, State and Adjust [Page] all Accompts of Receipts or Expence of Arms, Ammunition, Pro­visions and all other Necessaries and Materials provided for or used by the said Army: And Forasmuch as it is Their Majesties Gra­cious Intention, that all Persons that have given, or that now do give Subsistence of Provisions or other Relief or Credit unto the said Army in their Respective Quarters in this Kingdom, shall receive Satisfaction for the same according to such Rates as alrea­dy are or shall be made publick; And also that the Arrears due to all Officers and Soldiers who Died, were Killed, or removed from Their Majesties Service in this Kingdom, shall be satisfied and paid to their Widows or other their Relations. We have there­fore thought fit, in Order to the speedy settling of the said Accompts, to make known and Publish by this Our Proclamation, That all Persons that have any Debts due unto them from the several Re­giments, Troops, Companies, and others belonging to the said Ar­my since their Arrival in this Kingdom, do get their several Debts Certified by the Collonel or other Officer in Chief Commanding the Regiment, &c. to which the Person Indebted did belong, and the same when Certified to be Entred with the said Commissioners Sitting near the Council-Chamber in Dublin, at or before the First Day of March next; And that no Delay or Refusal be made to the Certifying such Debts, We hereby will and require all and every the Collonels and other Officers in Chief Commanding each Regi­ment, Independent, Troop and Company, Commanders in Chief of the Trains of Artillery, Hospitals, Commissaries, General of the Pro­visions and Bread, &c. That they do upon Tender of all such Bills that are Signed or Acknowledged by the Officer or Soldier to be due unto the Person tendering the same, forthwith to Certify or Allow the said Debt under their Hands; And where the said Certificate cannot be obtained by reason of the Removal of any part of the Army, or otherwise by whom the said Debts were Contracted, that then such due and sufficient Proof as can be made before the next Magistrate, shall be returned up to the said Commissioners of Ac­counts, which Demands made shall be Communicated to the Agents of the Respective Regiments residing in Dublin, who are to shew Cause within Twenty Days after notice given, why the same shall not be Charged to the Account of the said Regiment, &c.

And that Their Majesties Gracious Intentions may be effectual to all Widows and Relations of those Officers and Soldiers that died in, were killed, or removed from Their Majesties Service, by securing to them the Arrears due to their Husbands or Relations, We do think it highly necessary, and do accordingly require and Command all Col­lonels and other Officers in Chief Commanding every Regiment, Troop, Company, &c. in the Army, to return or cause to be re­turned unto the said Commissioners at or before the First day of March next, a Iust, True and Faithfull Account of all such Officers and [Page] Soldiers, that died, were killed, or removed from their respective Regiments, &c. the time when, and the Money paid unto them from the time of their last Clearings, together with an Account of whatsoever hath been any way advanced upon the Account of their Pay. And whereas many Widows or other Relations, being Executors or Administrators, that have a Legal Right to the Ar­rears of such Officers or Soldiers that died or were killed in Their Majesties Service, live remote from this City, We do therefore direct, that all such persons address themselves unto the Chief Magistrate of the City or Corporate Town, next adjacent to their respective Habitati­ons, and by Oath or other sufficient Testimony, give Proof of their Right to the said Arrears, which Proof so made shall be transmitted under the Seal of such City or Town Corporate to the said Commissioners of Ac­counts, at or before the First Day of March next.

And We do further will and require all Persons whatsoever that have received Money, Stores, &c. for which they are accoun­table to Their Majesties, that they and every of them do immedi­ately make Return of such Accounts, together with sufficient Vou­chers to the said Commissioners.

God Save the KING and QUEEN,

DƲBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook, Assignee of Benjamin Tooke, Printer to the King and Queens Most Excellent Majesties, on Ormonde-Key.

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