FOr the better preventing the Exportation of Wool out of this Kingdom of Ireland into Forreign Parts, which by several Laws and Statutes of Force in this Realm, is under great Pains and Penalties prohibited: We the Lords-Justices and Council do by Their Majesties Command, hereby give notice to all Their Majesties Subjects of this Kingdom: That it is their Majesties Royal Will and Pleasure, that all the Laws in Force in this Kingdom for restraining the Exportation of Wool, be duly put in Execution; and that all Offenders against the same be proceeded against, and punished according to Law, without any Favour to be extended to any of them. And We do hereby strictly forbid, all Their Majesties Subjects to Export any Wool out of this Kingdom into any Forreign Parts, but only with Licence in the usual manner, into England, or Wales, and not into [Page] any other Port or Place whatsoever. And We do further hereby Will and require Their Majesties Commissioners of Their Revenue, and all Collectors, Searchers, Waiters, and other Officers of their Majesties Customs, that they use their utmost Care and Diligence, to hinder and prevent any such Exportation of Wool, contrary to Law; and that upon the Entring of any Wool, to be carried out of this Kingdom with Licence into England, or Wales, good and sufficient Security be taken for Landing the same in some Port in England, or Wales, and for returning a true Certificate of such Landing thereof. And that due and strict enquiry be made concerning the truth of such Certificates, as shall be so returned; and that upon failure of producing such Certificates within the time limited for Returning the same, or upon the discovery of any Deceit in any such Certificates, the Security taken by them, be forthw [...]th returned into Their Majesties Court of Exchecquer, to be there Prosecuted and proceeded upon against the Offenders, and their Sureties, according to Law: And hereof all Their Majesties Officers and Ministers, and all others are hereby required to take notice.
God Save the KING and QUEEN.
- Fran. Dublin,
- Longford,
- Granard,
- Lisburn,
- Anth. Midensis,
- Char: Meredith,
- Hen. Fane.
Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Took Printer to the King and Queen at their Majesties printing-house on Ormonde-Key.