[...] [...]OIT QVI [...]‘JE MEIN TIENDRAY’


Sydney, Tho. Coningsby.

IT haveing pleased Almighty God in his great mer­cy and goodness, in A most Extraordinary manner, not onely to preserve his Majesties sacred person, from the many great and apparent Dangers to which he was lately pleased to Expose himself, for the good of all his People. but more particularly for the deliverance of his Protestant Subjects, of this Kingdom, and to Bless & Prosper their Majes­ties Armys with Great and unexpected Success, not onely in Defeating the whole Force of the com­mon Enemy in Battle: but in reduceing three intire Provinces of this Kingdom, with the City of Cork, And the most Important Fortress and Harbour of Kinsaile, in this Winter-season, & that with little effusion of Blood. We Look upon it as an Invita­tion from Heaven to all their Majesties good Subjects, unto A most Entire Thankfulness for the same: And to the End some Solemn Time may be set Apart for this Duty: We do hereby Publish, and Declare, that Sunday the sixteenth Day of November next, be Observed as a Day of Publick Thanks­giveing in All Churches and Chappels, and other Places of Publick Wor­ship, in all parts of this Kingdom of Ireland, now under their Majesties Obedience. And for the more Orderly performance Thereof: We shall take Care, that Publique Prayers be Composed, Printed, and Published, to be used on that Occasion, to be dispersed throughout this Kingdom. and We also Appoint that this Proclamation, be publiquely Read in all Churches, and Chappels, under their Majesties Obedience, on the Lords Day Pre­cedent to the said Day of Thanksgiveing, hereby Appointed, to the End that Notice may be taken thereof: And due Thanks, and Praise, may upon the said Day, be Offered up unto Almighty God: And that humble Sup­plications be Powred out before Him for His continual Assistance, and im­provement of this and all His mercys, to the Honor of his Great Name: and the Peace and Benifit of their Majesties, and all their People: Willing, and Strictly Requiering all Persons under their Majesties Obedince, within this Realm, with all Sobriety, Reverence and Thankfulness, to observe this Day, as becoms so Solemn an occasion and We further Publish and Declare, that the weekly Fast, lately appointed in this Kingdom, be for the present Discontinued until further order shall be given therein.

God Save the King and Queen.
Jon Davis.

DƲBLIN Printed by Andrew Crook Assignee of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the [...] Majesties printing-house on Ormonde-Key.

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