BY THE Lord Deputy General, AND General Governour of IRELAND.
WHEREAS We have lately received divers and sundry Complaints from several parts of this Kingdom of daily Robberies and Depredations committed by loose and idle people, which are by some imputed to the new Levies lately made and a making, to the great dishonour of the Army, reflection on the Government, and hindrance to His Majesties Service, which We being desirous by all means possible to prevent, do hereby Will and Require you to give it strictly in charge to the several Officers of your Regiment to keep the men under their respective Commands in good Order, and under strict Discipline, and that no Officer or Souldier do upon any pretence whatsoever, commit, or suffer to be committed any wast, spoyl, or violence, or exact any provisions, victuals, or money from any of His Majesties Subjects, without paying duly for the same, that they do not presume to outrage, insult, or offer affront either by word or deed to any, but behave themselves modestly and civily, and that they be not only careful to avoid committing the like Disorders themselves, and hindering those under their Command from doing the like, but that they do, on notice of any Robbery or Violence, and chiefly when thereto called upon by any of His Majesties Subjects, presently go and send in pursuit of the Robbers, and endeavour by all possible ways and means to Seize, and bring to Justice the Offenders; [Page](and in case of Resistance to reduce them by force) and to recover and restore to the right Owners the Horses, Cattle, or other Goods stolen or carried away; As also to be Aiding and Assisting upon demand, to all Officers imployed in Collecting His Majesties Duties and not by any means to abett or assist any who shall attempt the defrauding his Majesty of the same; in all which we expect your and their ready obedience and compliance, Hereby declaring that We shall not only presently Cashier such Officer or Officers as shall be found Fayling herein, but shall also cause them to be proceeded against with the utmost rigour and severity that the nature of the Crime shall deserve.
Lastly Our will and pleasure is that this our Declaration be affixt up in the most publick Places in all Cities, Burroughs, Market Towns, Garisons, and Quarters, and also to be Read at the head of Each Regiment Bataillon, Troop, or Company, in and throughout this Kingdome.
To the Collonel or Commandant of the several Regiments of his Majesties Army and the Commanders of any Troop or Company of the same.
DUBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold by Andrew Crook at His Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key, and by Samuel Helsham at the Colledge-Arms in Castle-street. 1688.