BY THE Lord Deputy General, AND General Governour of IRELAND.

WHEREAS We have resolved, that three Regi­ments of Horse, one Regiment of Dragoons, and seven Regiments of Foot of His Majesties For­ces in this Kingdom, shall incamp at the Curragh of Kildare, on the first day of July next, and shall continue there till the last day of the said Month; To the end that all persons who shall have any Provisions to dispose of, as Bread, Wine, Drink, Flesh, Fish, Butter, Cheese, or the like, may be encouraged to come thither; We do hereby de­clare, that no particular persons are at all appoin­ted, or intended to be appointed, to furnish the said Camp with any sort of Provision whatever (Bread only excepted.) And for the better Accommodation of the Army there to be Incamped, and for the common good of the Countrey, We do hereby publish and declare, that at the said Curragh there shall be a free and open Market for all persons to come to, in order to sell all Provisions necessary for the sustenance and support of the said Army, without any restraint to be put on any, and that they shall be paid in ready Mony, reasonable Rates for their provisions, and that all persons coming to the Curragh with any sort of Provisions as aforesaid, shall have ground sett out to them behind the Camp, where they may lye conveniently, for exposing to Sale the said Provisions to the Officers and Soldiers of the several Regiments; And We shall take particular Care, that no violence or injury shall be offered to any person whatsoever either by Officer or Soldier of the Army.



DUBLIN, Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, Assigns of Benjamin Tooke Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty; and are to be Sold by Andrew Crook at His Majesties Printing-house on Ormonde-Key, and by Samuel Helsham at the Colledge-Arms in Castle-street. 1688.

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