In Black-Fryers, next door to the Sugar-loaf at the upper end of the Pav'd alley from Bridewell stairs, at Mr. Segraves.
There is a Gentlewoman who desiring not to keep hiden those things which it hath pleased God through her indeavours to bestow on her she concieving likewise it to be much wanting though there be many pr [...]enders to it. Her father having spent many years in traveling most parts of the World as in Europe, Asia, and Africa Chiefly to find out the rarest secrets in these two most Excellent Sciences of Physick, and Astrology and likewise finding Astrology in time past in so much request, and so far honoured with the stamp of publick authority that greatest and most honourable personages deemed it no disparagement to be accounted knowing therein nor was it less then an admirable encouragement to the most active wits that the most eminent persons were not only patrons of but the chiefest presidents in this Illustrious learning. For it treateth of the choicest, and the most misterious, and to be admired. Of all knowledge wherein her father was a deep sercher in that and all things natural and supernatural. She also being with him in part of his travils and being desirous of knowledge that with Gods blessing on her indeavers and his instructions she hath attained to many rare secrets which hath and may redown to the benefit of all those persons which have occasion to make triall of her in those thnigs which she doth not only promise to performe but hath been by her performed as to others in the like case she having had the experience of them hath emboldned her to publish her self in these particulars following.
Which is, she hath a rare pill which takes all rhumes from the Eyes, easeth all paines in the head, or stomach, and flushings in the face. It restores appetites lost, it opens all obstructions whatsoever it cures jaundies of both sorts. Green-sickness, with many other things in women not fit to be mentioned which if they repaire to the said Professor, or send their water, she will resolve them what their distemper is and whether cureable or not. She hath also most excellent plaisters for the back, or to strengthen any ach, or pain in the limbs and prevents miscariages in women with Child. Very rare complexion waters which fortifies the face, and makes age look youthfull, and takes a way freckels, morpheu, or [...]unburn, or any redness, or pimples in the face, or sworfe be it of never so long continuance besides ordinary waters for a constant wash which will very much clear the skin, also any old fore though of never so long continuance with the help of God she will perfectly heal them with many other things to long to be here mentioned which through the blessing of God she hath and can performe, And for them that are not able she will freely bestow her indeavers on them for their prayers.
She hath likewise the fundamental grounds of Astrology whereby she resolveth all Astrological questions. As whether one shall marry the desired party or not. Good to remove or not. A Suit of law which party shall have the best? Good to go a journey by land or voyage by sea. The absent be dead or alive. A Ship at sea safe or not. A Woman with child or not, or whether ever have any Children or not. Or whether marry well or not, who shall have the greatest Estate. What part of the life is like to be the best. Or what part of the World is best to live in. Whether marry more then once, with many other accidents which may be foreseen from the lawfull grounds of Art, And may be so far benefitial as to make you be like the wise man that Solomon speaks of to foresee a danger and prevent it he saith also a wise man commands the stars which is by understanding what their future events shall be, also for them that can procure their nativites, she can rectify them exactly whereby she acquainteth the native in writing, of severall accidents which may happen in every year throughout their life twen [...]y yeares before they come, and of what nature they shall be and who shall be the natives friends, or enenies or whether live long or not or agree in marriage or not. What imployment is best to follow or whether attaine to preferment or not.
If any be far distance or have not a mind to come their selves let them send their minds in writeing and she will answer them in writing again, or if any have a desire to study this A [...] [...]he will be ready to instruct them.
Soli Deo Gloria.