A WATCH WORD FOR CHRISTIANS: Being Devine Instructions, Gathered Out of the HOLY WORD OF GOD.
• The First Column sheweth the Great Danger that cometh by Neglecting that Duty, to VVatch and Pray. , • The 2d. sheweth the Great Benefit that cometh to Believers, by the faithful performing the Great duty of watching and prayer. , and • The Third is Rendred in plain English Verse, very profitable and delightful to Read, and fit to be set up in all Private houses, for the Instruction of Youth. 

Mat. 26.41. Watch and Pray, that ye enter not into temptation.’Mark 13.33. Take ye heed, watch and Pray.’Mark 13.35. Watch ye therefore, for ye know not what hour the Master of the House cometh.’Luke 21.36. Watch ye therefore, and pray all ways.’
Oh! VVatch and Pray to God continually,
Till Christ doth come, that Raigns above the Sky.
Oh! Fast and Pray, unto the Lord on High,
In Iesus Name, that lives Eternally.
Old Simian and Anna Watcht and Prayed continually in the Temple of the Lord, and God revealed un­to him, that he should not see death, till he had seen his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Luke 2 Chap.

Prayer and Abstenence, Faith fully perfor­med, is well-pleasing to God.

Read the Book of Hester.

Now let us all seriously consider the manifold dangers that hath befallen several persons in former ages, that have neglected to watch and pray, in these following examples.

LEt us all watch and pray, Gen: 3.23, 24. Gen 4:8, to 12. Gen 6 7, 8 Chapters. Gen. 19. c. lest we loose heaven, as our first Parents lost Paradice, or least with Cain we comit Murder and be casheared from both our earthly, and heavenly habitation and be confined to inhabit in hell unto all eternity: or, with the Old World be destroyed with Rain from heaven: or, with the sinful inhabitants of Sodem and Gomorah, we be destro [...]ed with fire f [...]om Heaven: or that with Lots wife our bodies be turned into a Pillar of Salt.

For had Nom watcht he had not been drunk nor discovered his own nakedness, Gen. 9. c. neither had he been mocked nor his Son cursed or with the Sech m [...]e [...], we be the chief cause of our own utter destruction and our friends. Gen. 34. c. As the Sechemites were, by the Rape of Di [...]an old Jacob, daughter.

Let us all Watch and Pray least we with Zimry and Cozby be taken in the unclean act of Adultery and so like them, Num. 25. be slain by the hand of some Holy Phini [...]s: or least with Chorah Dathan and A [...]am, Num. 16. we rebel against those Magistrates that God hath set over us and the earth open her mouth and swal­low us and all our substance, as it did them and theirs: or least with Samson, Judg. 16. we be betrayed into the hands either of our Spiritual or temporal Enemies, and so become bondslaves to them both, as he did to the Philistians.

For had Davis watcht and prayed, 2 Sam. 11 he had not been over­taken with the lawless love of Bachsheba, and so have comited both Adultery and Murder neither could Satan have provok­ed him for to number the people, 2 Sam. 24. whereby the wrath of the Lord was kindled so that he destroyed thréescore and ten thou­sand thosen men in three days space with the plague.

Had Amon watcht over his lust he had not commited incest with his Sister Tamer, 2 Sam. 13 neither would he have been suddenly slain by his brother Absolon.

Had the Aegyp [...]ans watcht and prayed God would not have sent those ten great plagues upon them neither would he at once have destroyed both Pharach and his Hoast in the red Sea. Exod. 14.

Had Anamas and [...]aphi [...]a watcht and pray'd, Satan had not fill'd their hearts with a lye, Acts 5. ch. and distrust in God's providence, for which fault they were both suddenly slain by the power of God, in the presence of the whole Congregation.

Here followeth several rare examples of the great benefit that cometh to believers, that Fast, Watch, and Pray, by the Examples of the Godly mentioned in the Bible.

ENoch Watcht and Prayed and it so pleased God that he was translated to heaven alive, Gen. 5 24. and did not sée nor taste of death: So was Eiah, 2 Kings 2.

By diligent Watching and Prayer, Gen. 6.8. righteous Noah found favour with God, and by Prayer so prevailed with the Lord that himself with seven persons more only were pre­served in the Ark to replenish the world with people, when the whole earth was drowned with the Flood, Gen. 8.21 and by Sacrafice and prayer so pasified the Lord that he promised to Curse the earth no more.

By watching and prayer Abraham so prevailed with God, Gen. 18. c that if there could have been but ten Righteous persons found in Sodom and Gomorah the Lord would not have destroyd them for those ten righteous persons sakes, as he did with fire and brimstone from Heaven, from the like Iudgements the Lord deliver us all.

Righteous Lot watch [...] and prayed, and so pleased God that he sent two Angels to conduct him out of Sodom, Gen. 19.21. and at his prayer spared the City of Zoar for his sake.

By watching and prayer Moses prevailed with God to spare his people, Exod 32. Num. 11, 12. cha [...]. Duter. 3 c and quenched the fire of the Lord that burnt up the people, healed the Leprosie, and obtained liberty to sée the pro­mised Land.

By watching and prayer Samson slew about three thousand of the Lords enemies at his death, Judges 16.26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 verses.

By watching and prayer Hanah that was baren obtained a Son from the Lord, and sung praises. 1 Sam. 1.10, to 14. and 2. c [...]. 1 Sam. 7.9.10. 1 Sam. 17, 23. chap. Judg. 10.

Samuel prayed and the Lord slew the Philistians with thunder from heaven.

David prayed and slew Goliah and obtained a great Victory over the Lords enemies, the Philistians at Kelah.

The Israelites prayed and God delivered them from the Amo­nite and Philistines.

Manoan prayed, Jud 13.8. and God sent an Angel from Heaven to in­struct them how to bring up Sam [...]on.

King Hezekiah prayed and the Lord sent his Angel which in one night slew four score and five thousand of Senacharibs Ar­my and God caused the Sun to go back ten degrées, 2 Kings 19, 20. c. to assure him that he would and fifteen years unto his life.

Solomon prayed, and God gave him both Wisdom, Riches, 1 King. 8. c. and Honour.

Ezra prayed, and God spared from punishing, Ezra 9, 10. and blessed the peoples good reformation.

Nehemiah Watcht, Fasted, and Prayed, and obtained the peoples return out of Captivity, Neh. 14 c after they had spent thrée score and ten years in the Babilonish servitude.

Hester, Mordecah, and the Jews, Watcht, Fasted, and Pray­ed, and preserved their whole Nations from destruction, Read Hest. and caused Haman and his ten sons to be hanged.

By Wathing, Fasting and Prayer Daniel Interpreted the Kings Dream: Read the Book of Daniel. Acts 5. c. The Thrée Holy Children was delivered out of the Fiery Furnace, and were all promoted to great honour.

By Watching and Prayer, the Apostles were delivered out of Prison, and Confuted the Enemies of Christ.

By Faith, Watching, and Prayer, Acts 7. c. Holy Stephen indured sto­ning to death, saw Heaven open, and Christ fiting at God's Right hand, and prayed for his persecutors.

By Watching and Reading the Word of God the Eunuch was Converted, and an Angel sent to Phillip to Baptize him, acts 8. ch. and to confirm him in the Faith of Christ.

At the Prayer of Saul, acts 9. ch. God sent Ananias both to open his eyes and Baptize him, and to Confirm him in the Gospel of Iesus Christ.

Devout Cornelius Fasted and Prayed, acts 10. ch. and God sent an An­gel to direct him to Pecer: who when he came, preached Christ unto him, and Baptized both him and all his houshold.

By Fasting and Prayer, when Peter was Imprisoned, acts 12. c. bound fast in Fetters and Chains of Iron, slept betwéen two Soul­diers, had a strong Guard set before the doors; the Lord sent his Angel, which caused his Fetters to fall off, the Mighty Gates and Doors to open of their own accord, and to pass a­way unséen of any, and so saved him out of the hands of Hered, that would have slain him.

By Watching, Fasting, and Prayer, Paul and Silas, acts 16. ch. Con­verted and Baptized Lidia: cast out a Spirit of Divination, and at Midnight, when their féet were fast in the Stocks, they sung Praises: then an Earth-quake shook the Prison, loosed every mans Chains, opened the Prison Doors, conver­ted both the Iaylor and his houshold, and they were all Bapti­zed in the Name of Iesus Christ.

An Exhortation for to watch, & pray, To meet our Saviour at that Glorious Days.

LORD, let us all be sober, Watch and Pray,
that Christ, our hearts, our minds, our thoughts may sway;
Let's not with Adam, by our ways uneven;
As he lost Paradice, let's not loose Heaven:
Nor yet with Cam destroy each others lives,
Lest we, like him, be Cursed Fugitives:
Let's not sin like the Old World, and Gomorah;
Lest we like them, be made the Sons of Sorrow:
With Noah and Lot, let's not with Drunkards fit,
Till we be quite bereaved of fear and wit:
Let's Sechems, Zimry, and mons Lust refrain,
Lest by some Holy Phinies, we be slain:
Let's not with Corah, against Magistrates Rebel,
Lest we with him be hurried quick to Hell:
Let's not with Samson, lust and buty prize,
Lest we like him, lose both our strength and eyes:
With David, covet not thy Neighbours wife,
Like him, sée thou bereave no man of life:
Reproach not Christ, neither his Flock disdain,
Lest, like the Aegyptians, thou also be slain:
Against thy Conscience, do not tell a Lye,
Lest like Saphira, that thou also Dye:
Walk thou with Enoch, which to Heaven was taken,
And pray with Noah, when men have thée forsaken:
Be thou faithful, with Abraham, in desire,
Thou néedest not fear Revengeful Sword nor Fire:
Live, just like Lot, when that he lived in Zoar,
Covit not, Sodom, to return no more:
Pray thou with Moses, with fervent desire,
'Twil cure Diseases, and will quench Gods ire:
With Samson pray, through Christ thou strength wilt gain,
Till all thy sins be overcome and slain:
Pray thou with Hannah, David, and the rest,
That Christ may ease thee when thou art opprest:
With Israel, to God thy sins confess,
He'l slay thy foes when they do thée opress:
Pray with Manoah, God will his Angel send
In dangers great thy cause for to defend:
Imitate thou how Hezekiah prays,
God will add years unto thy shortned days:
With Nehemiah, and Quéen Hester Pray,
That to Frée Captives God would not delay:
With Daniel Pray, when Death assails thée then
Thou mayst escape the dreadful Lions Den:
Pray with the Apostles, Iesus Christ is Risen,
Thy Soul and Body to Redéem from Prison:
With Holy Stephen hold out to the end,
Thy Soul, through Christ, shall unto Heaven ascend.
If with the Eunuch thou Watch, Pray, and Fast,
By Christ his Blood, thou [...]t come to Heaven at last:
Then pray with Saul, to Christ above the Skyes,
Some Ananias shall open thine eyes:
Or y with Cornelius, being fully bent
To serve the Lord. Soul Heart, and Mind, Consent:
Pray thou like Peter, when he prayed in Chains,
God's Angel shall release thée for thy pains:
With Paul and Silas, at midnight sing praise
To God on high, he will direct thy ways:
And make both Prisons, and Rough Kéepers quake,
And be Converted for our Saviours sake.
By W. I.

Printed for J. Hose, over-against Staples-Inn in Holborn, neer Grays-Inn-Lane. 38.

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