An Order for Government of Housholds, warranted by Gods Word, and commanded by the Eternall GOD, and therefore ought not to be neglected nor impugned, of any that in truth and sincerity seeke to serve the Lord, but with all care and diligence ought to be put in execution, of all those that seeke the safety of the soules committed to them, and the discharge of their owne Conscience.
THe Word of the Lord teacheth us that it is not onely required of Masters, Parents, and Housholders, that they themselves have a care to live in the feare of God: but also they ought to see their whole Families to doe the same. And that this charge is laid on them, note these places of Scripture.
Exod. 13.8, 3.
Thou shalt shew thy sonne in that day.
Deut. 4.9.
Thou shalt rehearse my Will and Commandements to thy Children.
Deut. 6.7.
Thou shalt rehearse my Will and Commandements to thy Children.
Deut. 11.9.
Thou shalt rehearse my Will and Commandements to thy Children.
For as we are Masters and Fathers on earth, and looke to be served and obeyed, so I acknowledge for mine owne part, that I have a Father and Master in heaven: whose will I must obey in governing the people committed to my charge, according to his will: this did faithfull Abraham called Father of the faithfull, (Genes. 18.19. whose example by Gods assistance) I intend in some measure to follow, to shew my dutifull obedience, that the Lord may shew his mercy upon me and mine, as he promised and performed to Abraham, and therefore have taken this order for the government of my house as followeth.
1 FIrst, because our God hath sanctified one day to himselfe, that is, the Sabboth; I ordaine and command that all my people shall repaire to the Church, accompanying me both forenoone and afternoone: there to stay, and abide during the exercise of the Word of God read and preached, prayers, and partaking of the Sacraments: and shall behave themselves there reverently, as those that come to appeare before Gods Majestie. None shall travell on the Sabboth day without urgent necessity, nor otherwise absent themselves from the Church without just cause made knowne before to me.
None shall use on that day any gaming, as Cards, Dice, Tables, Bowles, Dancing, running to Revels, haunting of Alehouses, &c. but shall spend the time after the publike exercise of the Word in such laudable and godly manner, as God teacheth in his Word: as reading of the Scriptures, singing of Psalmes: Iames 5.13. Talking of his Commandements, Deut. 6.7. and meditating of Gods creatures to his glory: Isay 58.13.
Againe, seeing the Sabboth is the Market day, or day of preparing food for our soules: every one shall, being demaunded give an account of something that he hath learned, as well in the Church to the Minister, as also in my private house, when I my selfe, or some other by mine appointment shall examine him, that I may know how he hath spent the Sabboth, and profited in knowledge.
2 Secondly, I ordain and take order that every morning there be a generall meeting of my servants before they go about their ordinary businesse, all excuses set apart, joyning themselves together, and commending themselves to God by faithfull and hearty prayer, craving his aide and blessing, without which, our watching and labour is all in vaine, as David noteth, Psal. 127.1, 2. Also our rest and sleepe being a gift of God, for the obtaining thereof I appoint in like manner, that there shall be every evening the like assembling of all my people, worldly excuses put apart, to bestow together some convenient time in prayer, singing of Psalmes, reading of the Scripture, or some other godly matter.
3 Thirdly, seeing the Creatures of God are sanctified unto us by the Word of God and prayer, and that we ought not to receive them without giving thankes to God for then, as Paul teacheth, 1 Tim. 4.5. Therefore I command that some one in the behalfe for the rest, both before and after meat whensoever they receive it, doe with all reverence praise God for the same, the residue yeelding consent by their reverent silence.
4 Fourthly, concerning the common behaviour of my people every where, I straitly forbid to sweare in vaine by the reverend name of God, or otherwise to use it vainly and unreverently. I utterly forbid all jesting and scoffing at Gods sacred Word, his true Religion, the Preachers and Professors of the same, all cursing, lying, slandering, and filthy and uncleane talking: I utterly forbid all maintainance of Popery and superstition, and what else soever may offend the Majestie of God.
If any offend against these, or any of these orders above mentioned, through weaknesse, and not of malice, he shall be once gently admonished, Matth. 18.17. if he offend the second time, to be more sharply reproved, 1 Tim. 5.1, 20. but if he offend the third time, he shall confesse his fault before the whole Houshold assembled together, shewing himselfe sorrowfull for his fault, craving pardon of God, and reconcile himselfe to the Houshold whom he hath offended.
But if there be any of my Family that doe obstinately refuse to beare this the Lords yoke, and to be subject to his Ordinance, he shall not continue in my house, but I will learne of David, Psal. 101.6, 7, 8. a man chosen after Gods owne heart, to drive such wickednesse out of my house and sight, and seek for such as feare God, and will make such my servants, least entertaining and nourishing the wicked in my house, my negligence be punished, as was Elis, who being a Housholder, and a father, was said to have honoured his children more then God, because he entertained them without punishment, he was deprived of both his sons in one day, and himselfe brake his necke, &c. 1 Sam. 2.31. 1 Sam. 3.13. 1 Sam. 4.17, 18. And Solomon saith that the curse of God is in the house where the wicked are, but he powreth blessings upon the habitations of the righteous, Prov. 3, 33.
Therefore I farther adde, that such Ghests as repaire to my house, refusing to be subject to the Ordinances of the Almighty, and will not [...]e with me and my people to serve the Lord, I refuse to be companion with such, or to receive him to be my Ghest, for such procure [...]s wrath, as afore is said. But I will say with David, Psal. 119.63. those shall be my companions that feare God and keepe his Commandements, and those shall be my Ghests that be godly, just, and feare God, and as for the wicked and rebellious against the Ordinance of God, seeing they are darknesse, with whom light hath no communion, and seeing they are as pitch, very likely to defile a man, I will say to such, as our Saviour said of the like: Away from me yee workers of iniquity, and with that godly housekeeper David, Away from mee yee wicked, for I will keepe the Commandements of my God, Psal, 119.115.
I and my house will serve the Lord.
I and my maides will serve the Lord.
Cornelius with all his houshold feared God.
He that despiseth the Word, be shall be destroyed.
But he that feareth the Commandement, he shall be rewarded.
Behold, I come shortly, and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be.