An Hypocrite unmasked: OR, The Inside of Colonel Robert Jermye discovered, by the Articles following, the substance whereof was proved to a Jury at Guild hall, London, the 21 of June, 1656.

JOhn Armiger Gent. having for some years lyen under the intolerable burthen of his malice, and being resolved to unmask the Hy­pocrite, and to do his Countrey that service, as to make such an Obstructer and Abuser of Justice, capable to receive Justice, and un­capable of doing further mischief; on the 11 of Feruary, 1658. exhibited certain Instances by way of Articles, to the Lords Keepers of the Great Seal against the said Colonel in these words and form following:

To the Right Honourable the Lords Keepers of the Great Seal of ENGLAND.

A few of many Instances by way of Articles, in pursuance of a more General Charge humbly tendred to your Lordships by John Armiger Gent. against Robert Jermy Esq; a Justice of the Peace for the County of Norfolk.

Imprimis.THat John Stileman, John Tidde, John Grove, and divers others, being resolved, forceably and riotously to enter and take pos­session of a Ship called, The Tryal of Wells, in the year 1650. did repair to the said Mr. Jermye for his advice, who did there­upon incourage the said persons to proceed in their said Intentions, telling them, it would be but a Sessions Businesse, and he should be there, and if they were questioned there, he would bring them off for their Fees: That accordingly the said persons did enter upon the said Ship by force, wounding some of them that were in possession of her, and turning them forth; and brake a House, and took away several Goods: That complaint being made thereof to the said Mr Jermye, he refused to grant a Warrant against the said Riotors, but there being one after granted from Mr. Ward another Justice, the said persons were carryed before the said Jermye, who refused to binde them over, untill he was threatned to be complained of: That at the said Sessions, he procured the said Riotors to be discharged for their bare Fees, and did there countenance them, and discourage and discountenance those which would have prosecuted them.

II. That about seven years since, one Seele being complained of to Thomas Cook Esq; since deceased, and then another Justice of Peace in that County, for Buggery; upon which, the said Justice issued forth his Warrant to apprehend him, the said Mr. Jermy (being then a Justice of Peace) being informed of it, wrote to the said Justice on behalf of the said party, and desired him to recall his Warrant, and to punish the Prosecutor; which Mr. Cooke refusing, he advised the said Seele to flie the Countrey untill after the Assizes then for that County.

III. That one John Stileman being complained of for the Felonious taking away of certain Evidences or Writings from one Robert Hastings, out of his Cloak-bagge) to the said Mr. Jermy, he thereupon about six years since, being then also a Justice of Peace, committed the said Stileman to the Custody of a Constable, as being guilty of, or charged with the said Felony, where the said Stileman remained for some dayes: And after, the said Mr. Jermy discharged him, without further prosecution, first having instructed him how to make a fallacious Oath touching the said Businesse.

IV. That he without any authority, compelled one Doctor Witherly to allow Mris. Katherine Fox 16 l. per annum, and to suffer her to take what Wood she pleased off his Ground, and after enticed Mris. Fox to meet him at a private lone House, where he with much violence and incivility attempted her Chastity: And further, to prevail with her, he told her, he had hanged one of her Brothers, and the other was fled; and if ever he came again, by the interest he had, he would hang him also, and would make her Heir to the Estate: And in the mean time would make Doctor Witherly repair the Houses, and commanded him with threats to do it: And advised her, to keep com­pany often with two Ministers Wives, that he might keep her company without stain to his Reputation. But she refusing to yield to his Lust, and divulging his Actions, he so violently prosecuted her, upon frivolous and feigned Informations, that she was necessitated being over-powred with him, to flie the Countrey.

V. That the said Mr. Jermye about six years since preferred a Petition to the Commissioners for Indemnity at Habberdashers Hall, in the name of John Stileman, John Grove, William Bowman, and others; and did before the said Commissioners, swear that the substance of the said Petition was true, which afterwards the said three persons above named, upon their Oaths disowned the said Petition to be any Act of theirs, and that the substance thereof was false: And upon hearing the said Cause, wherein the said Jermye was examined as a Witnesse, the said Commissioners also adjudged the substance thereof to be untrue.

VI. That the said Mr. Jermye commenced an Action against the said Mr. Armiger for saying these words of him (You sit upon the Bench as a Justice of Peace to maintain Roguery and Villany, and I have told you as much to your face upon the Bench) which came to a tryal before the Lord Chief Justice Glynne at Guild-hall London, 21 of June 1656. and then the said Mr. Armiger waving his plea of not guilty, pleaded Justifica­tion, and upon proof of these and other like misdemeanours, the Jury sound for Mr. Armiger, which Verdict is exemplified.

J. Armiger.

Upon reading whereof, the said Lords Keepers made their Order of Summons as followeth in these words:

Friday the 11 of February, 1658.

Keep.UPon reading certain Instances by way of Articles in pursuance of a more General Charge tendred to us by John Armiger Gent. against Robert Jermye Esq; a Justice of Peace for the County of Norfolke: It is Ordered, that the said Robert Jermye doe attend us upon Friday morning, the 18 of this instant February, at the Court of Ward-Chamber, that we may speak with him touching the said Articles.

B. W. J. L.

With which Order the said Collonel being served, and having a Copy of the said Articles, appeared the day appointed, and the day following, and being told by the said Lords Keepers he was to put in his Answer in writing, to the said Articles: Yet the said Colo­nel then making some Dilatory excuse, at that time waved it, and still doth, being unwilling to be tryed by the Touch-stone of Justice, very well knowing the matters therein contained have been already proved, and yet can be made good to his shame (if he had any) But he hath made such sweet gain by his foul practice, that he is loth to forsake his Diana. But how fit he is to be intrusted with such an Authority, which so neerly concerns the Peoples Liberties, let all that love the prosperity of their Countrey judge.

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