The Humble and Serious TESTIMONY Of many Hundreds, of Godly and well affected People in the County of BEDFORD, and parts adjacent, Constant Adherers to the Cause of God and the Nation.

IT is well known to all the Faithfull and Godly People of these Nations, that the late great contest, and grievous war amongst us, was not onely to recover our civill, but also religious rights and Liberties, undertaken and managed not by one, or a few persons, but by the common faith, prayers, and endeavours of the People of God in these Na­tions: who upon so manifest a call of God, as they then had, loved not their lives unto the death, for the word of God, and testimony which they held. And as God himselfe led them unto these great Undertakings, so he was present with them, on all occasions, and in all places, whithersoever his speciall providence led them, for the performing that glorious work of his, till he had subdued his enemies under them, and the Nations under their feet; by which means they that feared the Lord, were put into a reall capacity to have done his whole pleasure upon Ba­bylon in these Nations, and to recover to the people their just freedome and liberties both in spirituall, and civill things; which during the reigne and authority of the late King and his Prelates, was impossible for us to enjoy.

But we now unexpectedly beholding this so good and glorious a cause of Christ, as ever was on foot in any age, so far deserted, even by many of those who had before been chiefe Instruments in it, and to be now in a great measure changed from what it was then, and so by degrees in danger to be brought into a particular Quar­rell between Person and Person, Family and Family, touching the administration of Goverment in these Na­tions: And we also perceiving those very things which we had destroyed, through the good hand of God with us, to be by some attempted to be built up againe, both in Church and State, to the great dishonour of God and reproach of the Gospel, both at home and abroad, and also to the great discouragement and danger of Gods own people, and incouragement of the common enemy, who seeing this defection of ours (contrary to so ma­ny Publick Protestations, Declarations, Remonstrances, Engagements, and solemn Appeals, before God and man) doe rejoyce thereat among themselves, and say, So, so would we have it.

Now through the deep sence of these things, we (having been long pained at the very heart, and fearing lest our further silence should be reckoned an approving of the fore-mentioned evills) are now at last prest in Spirit, for the love of Christs Kingdome, and welfare of the Nations, no longer to hold our peace, but (looking unto God our hope, and casting off the care of the things that are seen, for the hope of the things that are not seen) we doe give forth this our hearty Testimony (with others else where, that have borne witnesse in the same cause,The Seri­ous Attesta­tion of many Thosands, Religious & well disposed people, living in London, Westminster Borough of Southwark, and parts adjoyning. whose Attestation we have seen) viz. That the Lord of his especiall grace hath so kept us in this time of Back-sliding, that we have alwayes endeavored to have neither heart, nor hand, in these late Declinings from the cause of Christ; nor in the change of the Government from a Commonwealth, whereby we conceive a founda­tion is laid for a new, most bloody and desolating, War.

And though we judge all formes of civill Government may be usefull, yet we apprehend the forme of a Common-wealth as opposed to Monarchy, to be more expedient, yea necessary (having been led thereinto both by the Declarations of the Parliament and Army, as also by the apparent providence of God) for the pre­servation of the peace of these Nations; seeing the interest of no single person will probably be able long to stand out, against the Interest and Family of the Stuarts, which a Common-wealth wifely managed (in an ordi­nary way of providence) may better doe.

Wherefore we declare that we still remaine faithfull to the first good cause, which God himselfe set on foot amongst us, and witnessed to from Heaven by so many m ghty and wonderfull providences, and from which through the goodnesse of God, we trust we shall never depart, neither for the obtaining any profits, or prefer­ments, or for the avoiding any evills or tribulations of this present world.

And this we doe willingly Testisie both before God and men, and shall wait in all meeknesse, patience, and long suffering, in our severall places and callings, till God shall appeare againe in his own due time, and shall fulfill his gracious promises, wherein he hath caused us to trust, for the full destruction of Antichrists Kingdome and for the advancing of the Kingdome of Christ, together with the obtaining of our just rights and freedomes in civill things which thereby will undoubtedly accrue to the Nations.

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