TURCAE, et omnibus sub ejus ditione ut hoc perlegant quod ad Salvationem eorum spectat.
PRaepotens Deus caeli & terrae qui omnia creavit, qui vobis halitum, vitam, viresque donavit ad hunc vsque diem, vos omnes jubet rescipiscere, in filiumque suum credere, Dominum Jesum Christum, qui apud Jerusalem crucifixus erat; qui mortuus erat, & ascendit, & redivivus est, & vivit in aeternum, Homo ille Christus Jesus, qui jam regnat, is imperat potestatibus omnibus, principatibus; et dominionibus, ut sibi subditae sint, et pareant; Et hoc mandatum est Domini Dei et tibi et vobis universis qui regna regit, et reges, cum manu ejus praepotente, quae est ingens ejus potentia, quemadmodum aquas; itae et reges in manu tenet, ut et aquas, Dominus exercituum caeli et terrae est nomen ejus: qui filium ejus misit qui vita est hominum, salvator mundi, ingens et potens pacis ille princeps, Dei cum genere humano faederis pactum, ad iniquitatem reconciliandam, & transgressionem finiendam, & exitum peccato imponendum, Magnus ille caeli et terrae gubernator, qui omnem in caelo et terrâ habet potestatem, illi datam; cujus mandatum est, se in spiritu & veritate colendum esse, in spiritu qui peccatum mortificat, in veritate extra quam est Diabolus, & peccatum; nam per Mahometum vestrum decepti fuistis, quem sursum misistis: Ideòque praesentia terribilis Dei omnipotentis patris aeterni vitae apparuit, inter vos & vobis; si modo attendere vultis, & vocem ejus amplecti, potentiam ejus, ejus mandatum, Qui magnus est Deus potentiae, dominionis, dominionum, qui regnat super omnes gentes, caelum terramque, corripiet vos & prensabit, & inopinatò capiet, & judicia & terrorem ejus in vos infundet, quae nunc in hoc ejus die filii ejus apparuerunt, & in hâc horâ judicii ejus; quae venit & [Page 2] ventura est in totum mundum, magni illius Dei caeli et terrae, potentis justi Dei caeli & terrae, qui in justitiâ regnat, & in veritate & equitate; Dominum igitur pertimescite, cujus maxima potentia sese per omnes gentes extendit; qui omnibus gentibus imperat Idola derelinquere & imagines, & in ventorum observationes, ad ipsum colendum & adorandum omnium rerum creatorem, qui tellurem graminibus adornat, et arbores facit germinare et fructum edere, qui aquas congregat in unum locum, qui hominem in terrâ stabilivit, Deus aeternus, Dominus exercituum e [...]t nomen ejus: Et verbum & imperium Dei praepotentis tibi e [...]t et vobis per omnes dominiones, nulli permittere cultum solis, lunae, Deorum lapideorum, aut Deorum ligneorum, aheneorum, argenteorum, aut ferreorum, nec in eos credere aut considere aut in rem quampiam praeter Deum viventem, aut falsos quospiam conceptus praeter Deum viventem, dominum exercituum, qui vobis omnibus donat halitum, vitam, vires & cuncta necessaria, ut eum coleretis qui spiritus est; cujus dominio jam stabilitur & est stabilienda, cujus gloria nunc revelando revelatur, cujus regnum nunc erigitur & est erigendum, et in totum mundum extendendum, qui glorificandus & admirandus est; Rex potentissimus, Dominus exercituum, ab omnibus eum timentibus, Deus caeli & terrae, terribilis impiis, & stupendum experientur illum qui in vanitates mendaces confici sunt, fallacesque conceptus, Dominus exercituum e [...]t nomen ejus, qui populum suum à peccatis et delictis eorum liberat; hujus igitur fac memineris; Nunc enim est dies filii ejus Agni potentiae, qui regnatum venit, et ad regendum omnes gentes cum virgâ ferreà, cujus sceptrum egressum est, & justitia splendescet per mundum universum, ad fines usque terrarum, Jesu Christi pacti aeterni Dei, magni Sacrificii, illius oblationis unius, quae finem imposuit sacrificiis omnibus & oblationibus arietum, agnorum, boum, ovium & externi cujusque, Christi Mysterii Dei, mundi servatoris, omnibus qui credunt in illum, ut per illum vitam habeant, qui est via ad Deum reducens, qui est Adam Secundus, Dominus à caelo, qui filios Adami & filias Adami dirigit, & eorum sursum viae dux est ad patrem, & eorum via ad patrem, qui est vita, lux & potenttia Dei, & eorum Sanctificatio, qui homines purgatos reddit & patri ostendit immaculatos & inculpatos. Quum enim Adam [Page 3] propter peccatum a Deo abdicatus fuit, & propter transgressionem: & Adami filii filiaeque huc et illuc per totam terrae Superficiem dispersi sunt, in tribus & familias divisi sunt, et in gentes & regna diversa hâc & illâc in terrae superficie dissipati, alii in alio cultu, in alio alii; hi solem colunt, illi lunam, quidam truncos, lapides quidam, isti Mahometum intuentur, alii erigunt inanimes imagines, & simulachra quae Dominus nunquam mandavit: Omnes autem filii filiaeque Adami quum mortui sint in peccatis & debitis, in tenebris subter Satanae potestatem, mactantes et trucidentes circa cultum & adorationem, in tenebris & morte, luce & vitâ carentes, à creatore separati, in peccato & transgressione, inventa sua erexerunt in terrâ, externas adorationes & inventiones; Christus autem, secundus ille Adam, filius Dei, quem Deus in mundum misit, illuminat unumquemque hominem venientem in mundum, ut omnes per lucem crederent, et omnes in Christum crederent.
Et haec lux est quâ Christus filius Dei illuminavit unumquemque hominem venientem in mundum, quâ cernit ejus malefacta quae fecit, mala opera quae egit, malas ejus vias, in quibus ambulavit, impia flagitia quae impiè commisit, & impias ejus cogitationes, quas impiè cogitavit, & impia verba, quae impiè loquitur; haec est lux quae revelat et haec omnia hominibus manifestat, peccatum & transgressionem eorum, quae fecerunt in Primo Adamo quae a Deo eos separaverunt, Christus autem Secundus Adam eos illuminat, quâ luce peccatum suum vident, in hâc autem luce quum sint, Servatorem suum Christum vident, a quo lux venit, ad eos a peccatis suis servandos, qui est Secundus Adam, vita eorum, qui in luce quum sint, vitam habent, in luce quum sint, Christus vita illa eos illuminavit, omnesque illi vitam habent, Christus enim e [...]t vita, quam lucem et vitam quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum omnes recipientes, per Christum separantur, & ad Deum reducuntur, peccatum enim et transgressio separant à Deo; hoc autem illud est quod homines reducit ad Deum in veritate colendum, nempe lux illa, quâ Christus illa veritas illuminavit omnem hominem venientem in mundum, in quam credens, vitam habet, veritatem habet, & discedit a morte & a tenebris, a [Page 4] peccato & transgressione, & testem in seipso habet, per quam lucem & vitam omnes veniunt ad patrem vitae; quae lux abstrahit ab omni cultu imaginum, lignorum & lapidum, & Deorum manibus hominum fabricatorum; à Mahometo etiam, ad Dominum Jesum Christum, Prophetam illum magnum, mundi Servatorem, quem Deus per Prophetam ejus pollicitus e [...]t se daturum esse, lucem gentibus, rectorem populo, et suam esse Salvationem ad fines usque terrarum, et pactum novi faederis ad domum Israelis et ad domum Judae, qui legem suam in mentes et corda eorum imponeret, ut ab eo non decederent; unde vos omnes in mundum venientes illuminati, et a filio Dei lucem habentes, doctorem vestrum sentitis, qui vobis omnia enarrat quaecunque fecistis, cogitâstis et loquuti estis, is est homo Jesus Christus, qui dicit, discite â me, ego sum via ad patrem, qui omnem hominem illumino, itaque omnes in mundum venientes ab eo discere oportet; et hîc est omnibus filiis Adami, et filiabus, in transgressione à Deo abactis, via reducens ad Deum ex peccato et tenebris & morte, & damnatione retrorsum ad vitam & lucem & Salvationem; ita omnes in mundum venientes illuminati in luce existentes, testem habent in seipsis, et qui credit non veniet in condemnationem, sed venit in lucem, quae omne contrarium condemnat, venit in lucem, in veritatem, in lucem quae est veritas, in qua pater lucis adoratur, & extra quam est Diabolus & peccatum; quae veritas super omnes falsos cultus erit superstes, & omnes cultus qui sunt extra veritatem. Nunc Maximus Supremus Judex exoritur, et maxima suprema auctoritas statuitur, et Maximus Rex gloriae surrexit, Dominus exercituum est nomen ejus, cujus presentiâ omnes gentes tremiscent, & cujus aspectu omnes nationes regesque concutientur; nam maximus Deus potentiae, caeli & terrae regnatum venit, & maxima ejus potentia egregitur, ad omnes gentes ad seipsum colligendas, & ad omnes potentias ad seipsum subigendas, qui recturus est et regnaturus, ad quem jure pertinet, Dominus Deus exercituum, cujus est terra & caeli & mare, & omnia quae sunt in iis, omnesque in terrâ populi, & dat eis halitum, vitam viresque, & omnia bona, ut illi serviant, illum glorificent, & colant, Creatorem. Attendite igitur vestrî effectori, Creatori, & coram eo pertimescite, coram eo enim [Page 5] Domino Deo virtutis & potentiae omnes gentes contremiscene, in hoc suo die, in hoc die potentiae suae: ingens enim ejus potentia egreditur ad omnes gentes congregandas, quae illas comprehendit, omnes nationes coram eo sunt tantum quasi gutta aliqua sentina, & nunc est Dies ille congregandi cunctas nationes & reges, ad praelium magni illius regis caeli & terrae, nihil autem praeter justitiam ipsam reget & regnabit, quae super omnia regna et dominiones et thronos et principatus statuitur, & insigne Dei altissimi erigitur super totum mundum, et ad tribunal justitiae omnes reges et dominatus et potestates qualescunque evocat: pertimescite igitur nomen ejus, nam ejus nomen est pertimescendum, Dominus Deus, Deus Maximus, Altissimus, qui est in gloriâ suâ, & in dignitate suâ regit, & potentiâ & majestate, qui spiritus est, & in spiritu & veritate vult adorari, per cujus halitum vitae homo vivus factus est; qui spiritus est, et vult coli in spiritu, qui peccatum mortificat, & is est in quo homines cum Deo Societatem habituri sunt, & cum se invicem, & cum Prophetarum ejus & Apostolorum filiique ejus verbis.
Timete igitur Dominum, sit ille timor vester, & vester terror, & convertite vos ad lucem, quâ Christus filius vos illuminavit, & credite in Christum servatorem mundi, oblationem pro peccato totius mundi, ut vitam in eo habeatis, & per eum, & ad dominionem redeatis quam Adam amisit in omnes creaturas. Ita Christus, lux, vita, potentia, & justitia super omnes, & sapientia ipsa Dei, hominem renovat in dominionem istam quam homo amisit, Christus per quem factus est mundus, antequam factus fuit, qui est splendor gloriae ipsius, character expressus substantiae Dei, in eo fuit lux, & lux fuit vita hominum, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum; per lucem quae eos illuminat vitam habent; lucem, justificationem, sanctificationem, redemptionem, salvationem habent, veritatem habent, pacem habent, cum Deo; lux enim est pactum illud; Dabo illum in pactum faederis lucis gentibus inquit Deus, & ductorem populo, ita lux est ductor omnis hominis venientis in mundum, lux quâ omnis homo veniens in mundum est illuminatus, dux est; quae lux fuit apud patrem glorificata, ante mundi initium, quae lux hominibus ostendit omnes suas pravas vias & peccata & transgressiones in mundo patratas, & transgressionem primam quae fuit in terrâ; [Page 6] per quam lucem pactum faederis Dei, peccatum finitur & transgressio, & deletur iis qui credunt in eam, ab eo autem quod eos separavit a Deo (nempe peccato, transgressione & iniquitate) Christus lux & veritas ista separat, qui Deo reconciliat, & in unitatem cum Deo reducit, & in illo habent homines vitam & immortalitatem; & illud est verbum Domini Dei ad omnes, & vobis omnibus mando illud audire, lucem quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum, quae liberos à peccato vos praestabit, per quam lucem omnes venientes in mundum salvationem suam videbunt, Christum Jesum, & hominem qui eis narravit quaecunque fecerunt, & salvationem ejus cognoscent ad fines mundi; & vobis universis hoc est verbum Domini Dei, in quod si vos credatis, in lucem quâ Christus illuminavit omnem hominem venientem in mundum, in luce manentes, per lucem justificamini; & qui credit in lucem nunquam condemnabitur, nec in hoc mundo, nec in mundo infinitio; in luce unio cum Deo vobis erit; & pax cum Deo, & inter vos invicem, & illa pacificè inter vos vivere praestabit super terram; Imò omnes gentes filii filiaeque Adami illuminati cum sint, lucem habentes à Christo Jesu secundo Adamo, viâ ad patrem, vitâ, veritate, omnes manentes in hâc veritate, quâ secundus Adam illos illuminavit; qui est vita, veritas, via ad Deum, via reducens ad Deum patrem illum vitae, unde homo abactus est, & non potest rursus intrare, nisi per lucem, Christum, secundum Adamum, omnes manente [...] in luce, sunt in viâ, viam invenerunt, Christum Jesum summum pastorem, episcopum animae, (quae anima est immortalis) eundem heri, hodiè & in aeternum, qui fuit apud patrem ante mundi initium, per quem omnia creata sunt, animae Episcopus, & hominis salvationis, & redemptionis, & justificationis, in Dei conspectu, de novo, qui ab eo abdicatus fuit per peccatum & transgressionem, Christus, qui illud delet, & oblatio est qui seipsum offert pro peccato totius mundi, qui est lux mundi, quae illuminat omnem hominem venientem in mundum, ut omnes per hanc lucem crederent in filium Dei Jesum Christum, unicam illam oblationem, qui est via ad Deum, & pactum faederis inter Deum & hominem, in illo Deus placidus acquiescit; & hominem recipere dignatur, & qui in illum credunt vitam habent, potestatem habent, sapientiam habent, & illum [Page 7] recipiunt qui dat eis potentiam; & nulli super terram vitam pacem justificationem habent, nisi qui veniunt in lucem, Christum, justificationem, vitam omnium venientium ad Deum, qui apud eum glorificatus est ante initium mundi, qui omnibus indicat viam ad Deum reducentem, qui vita, veritas, quí est dux populi; quae lux est condemnatio illis qui non credunt in eam, & tales non habent unionem cum Deo, nec inter se, non sunt in illâ unâ oblatione, sacrificio magno, principe vitae, Christo Jesu, illo Immanuele, & nesciunt interpretationem nempe Deus nobiscum. Igitur quicunque vestrûm salvationem habere volueritis, lucem accipite, adeòque Christum accipitis salvationem vestram, & non negligite; haec enim est dies salvationis vestrae & visitationis; & maxima potentia Dei exiit inter vos, & aeternum ejus evangelium, quod est potentia ejus jam est egrediens in omnes gentes, tribus, linguas & populos terram habitantes, per quod Evangelium tribus & gentes ad eum congregabuntur, quod est potentia ejus, Mysterium societatis Evangelii, quae societas est aeterna, Evangelium aeternum, potentia Dei aeterna, in quâ est societas, ideòque ea est aeterna: in hâc habent homines cum Deo & inter se invicem societatem.
To the TURK, and all that are under his Supream, to read this over which concerns their Salvation.
THe mighty God of Heaven and Earth, that created all things, that hath given you breath, and life, and strength to this day, commands you all to repent, & to believe in his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, who was crucified at Jerusalem, who was dead and ascended, and is alive again, and lives for evermore, the man Christ Jesus, who now raigns, he commands that all powers, principallities, dominions should be subject to him. And this is the command of the Lord God to thee, and you all, who rules Kingdoms and Kings with his mighty hand, which is his mighty power, as he doth the waters; so he hath Kings in his hand as he hath the waters; the Lord of Hosts of Heaven and Earth is his Name, who sent his Son, who is the life of men, the Saviour of the world, the great and mighty Prince of Peace, the C [...]enant of God with mankind to reconcile Iniquity, and finish Transgression, and put an end to Sin, the great Governour of Heaven and Earth, who hath all power in Heaven, and Earth given unto him, whose command is that he will be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth: the Spirit that mortifies sin, the truth the Divel and sin is out of, for by your Mahomet have you been deceived, which ye have set up: therefore is the dreadful presence of the Almighty God, the everlasting Father of life appeared among you, and to you, if that you will regard and embrace his voice, his power, his command, which mighty God of Power, of Dominion, of Dominions, who rules over all Nations, Heaven and Earth, will ceaze upon you, and surprize you, and take you at unawares, and bring his judgments, and dread upon you, which is now appeared in this his day of his Son: and the hour of his judgment [Page 9] is come & coming upon all the world, of the mighty God of Heaven and Earth, of the mighty righteous God of Heaven and Earth, who in Righteousness raigns, and Truth, Equity: therefore dread the Lord, whose mighty power is spreading over all Nations, who commands all Nations to forsake Idols, Images, observances of inventions, to serve and to worship him, the Creator of all things, that cloaths the earth with grass, and causeth the trees to bud, and bring forth; that gathers the waters together in one place, that established man upon the earth, the eternal God the Lord of Hosts is his name: and the word and charge of the mighty God is to thee and you throughout all the dominions, not to suffer any to worship the Sun, the Moon, Gods of stone, or Gods of wood, brass, or silver, or iron, and not to put any trust or confidenc in them, nor any thing else, but the living God, or any false conceptions, but the living God the Lord of Hosts, who gives you all breath, life, strength, and all things needful; that you might worship him who is a spirit, whose dominion is now set up, and setting up, whose glory now is revealed, and revealing; whose Kingdom is now set up, and setting up, and spreading over all the world, who will be glorified and admired, the mighty King the Lord of Hosts, by all that fear him; the terrible God [...] Heaven and Earth to the wicked, & they shall find him dreadful that hath trusted in lying vanities, and fals conceptions; the [...]ord of Hosts is his name, who delivers his people from their iniquities, and their sins: therefore remember him, for now is the day of his Son the Lambs power, who is come to reign, and to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron, whose Scepter is gon forth, and righteousnesse shall shine throughout the world, to the ends of the earth, Christ Jesus the everlasting Covenant of God, the great sacrifice, that one offering which ended all sacrifices, and offerings of Rams, Lambs, Oxen, Sheep, and whatsoever was outward, Christ the mistery of God, the Saviour of the world to all that believe in him, that through him they might have life, who is the way again to God, who is the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven, that leads the Sons of Adam, and the Daughters of Adam, and is their guide up to the Father, who is the life, the light, and power of God, [Page 10] and their Sanctification, that makes people clean, and presents them to the Father spotless and blamless; for Adam being drove from God, for sin and transgression; and Adams Sons and Daughters scattered up and down the face of the whole earth, divided into families, and into Nations, and several Kingdoms, spread up and down the face of the earth, and some in one worship, and some in another, some worship the Sun, some the Moon, some Stocks, some Stones, and some looking at Mahomet others setting up dead Images and liknesses, which the Lord never did command. Now all the Sons and daughters of Adam, being dead in sins, and trespasses, and in darknesse under the power of Satan, killing and slaying, when they are about their worship, being in darknesse and death, wanting life and light, being seperated from the Creator, in sin and transgression, and hath set up their inventions in the earth, outward worship and the inventions: Christ the Second Adam the Son of God, which God sent into the world, which doth enlighten every one that commeth into the world, that all through the light might believe, and that all might believe in Christ; & this is the light that Christ the Son of God hath enlightened every one that cometh into the w [...]ld withal, that he sees his evil deeds that he hath done, his ev [...] [...]orks that he hath acted, his evil waies that he hath walked in, his ungodly deeds that he hath ungodly committed, and [...] ungodly thoughts that he ungodlily thinks, and his ungodly words which he ungodlily speaks; this is the light that discovers and makes manifest all this to people, their sin and transgression, which they have done in the first Adam, which separated them from God: Now Christ the Second Adam doth enlighten them, with which light they see their sin, now being in this light, they see their Saviour Christ, from whence the light comes to save them from their sins, which is the Second Adam their life, which being in the light they have life, being in the light Christ the life hath enlightned them withal, they have life, for Christ is the Life; which light and life that doth enlighten every one that comes into the world, every one receiving, they are seperated by Christ, and by Christ, are brought to God again; for sin and transgression seperates from God, and this is that, that brings people to worship God in truth, the light which Christ the truth enlightens every man that comes into the world withal, which believeing [Page 11] in, he hath life, he hath truth, and he passeth from death, and from darkness, from sin, and transgression, and hath the witnesse in himself, through which light and life, all comes to the Father of life, which light brings of all the worship of Images, as Stocks, and Stones, and Gods made of mens hands, yea, and of Mahomet, to the Lord Jesus Christ the great Prophet, the Saviour of the world, whom God did promise by his Prophet, he would give for a light to the Gentiles, a ruler to the people, and that he should be his salvation to the ends of the Earth: And a new Covenant to the house of Israel, and the house of Judah, who would put his law in their minds and hearts, and they should not depart from him; which every one of you that come into the world being enlightned, and having light from the Son of God, and feel your teacher that tells you all that ever you have done, you have thought, or you have spoken, that is the man Christ Jesus who saith, learn of me, I am the way to the Eather that enlightens every man: so all that come into the world must learn of him; and here is all the sons of Adam, and Daughters of Adam, in the transgression, dro [...]e from God, the way again to God, out of sin and darkness, and death and damnation, to life and light again, [...]d Salvation. So every one that comes into the world [...] enlightened, and being in the light they have the w [...]ness in themselves, and he that believeth shall not come [...] condemnation; but he comes into the light that condem [...] all that is contrary, he comes into the light, into the truth, into the light that is the truth, where the Father of light is worshipped, and the Divel and sin is out of; which truth will outlast all false worships, and worships that be out of Truth. Now is the mighty supream judge risen, & the mighty Supream authority set up, & the mighty King of Glory the Lord of Hosts (risen) is his name, before whose presence shall all Nations tremble, and before whose presence shall all Nations and Kings shake; for the mighty God of power, of heaven and earth is come to rule, and his mighty power is gone forth to the gathering of all Nations to himself, to the subduing all powers to himselfe, who will rule and reign, whose right it is, the Lord God of hosts, whose the earth is and the heavens and the Sea, and all things that be therein, and people upon [Page 12] the earth, and gives them breath, and life, and strength, and all things that is good, that they might serve, glorifie and worship him that is the Creator. Therefore give attention to your maker, to your Creator, and dread before him, for before him the Lord God of might and power, shall all Nations tremble in this his day, in this day of his power,; for his mighty power is gone forth to gather all Nations, which doth compass them, and all Nations before him is but as the drop of the Bucket: And now is his day of gathering of all Nations and Kings to the battle of the great King of heaven and earth, and nothing shall reign and rule but righteousness it self, that over all Kingdoms, and Dominions, and Thrones, and Principallities is set up; and the standard of the most high God is pitched over the whole world, and his call is to the bar of righteousness, all Kings, and Dominions, and Powers whatsoever: Therefore dread his name, for his name is dreadfull, the Lord God, the mighty God, the most high, who is in his glory, and rules in his dignity and Power and Majesty; who is a Spirit, and will be worshipped in Spirit [...]nd in truth; by whose breath of life man came to live, who [...] a Spirit and will be worshipped in Spirit, and that is the [...]it that mortifies the sin, and that is it in which people must [...] fellowship with God, and with one another, and with his Prophets and Apostles, and Sons words: There [...] fear the Lord, let him be your fear and dread, and turn to the light, which Christ the Son hath enlightned you withall, and believe in Christ the Saviour of the world, the offering for the sin of the whole world, that you might have life in him, and through him; and come to the Dominion which Adam hath lost over all the creatures, so Christ the light and life, the power and righteousnesse over all, and wisdome of God it selfe, that renues man into the Dominion which man hath lost, Christ by whom the world was made before it was made, who is the brightnesse of his glory, the expresse image of the substance of God: in him was light, and the light was the life of men, which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world; through the light that enlightneth them, they have life, light, justification, sanctification, [Page 13] redemption, they have salvation, they have truth, they have peace with God; for the light is the covenant, I will give him for a covenant of light to the Gentiles, saith God, and a leader to the people: So that light is the leader of every man that comes into the world, the light with which every man is enlightned that comes into the world, that is the leader; which light was with the Father glorified before the world began, which light lets men see all their evill wayes, and sins, and transgression they have done in the world, and the first transgression that was upon the earth, with which light, the Covenant of God, sin and transgression is finished and bloted out to them that believe in it, the which seperated them from God, (sin and transgression) Christ the light and truth seperates from the sin, transgression and iniquity, that reconciles to God and brings to unity with God again, and in that hath the People life and immortality, and that is the word of the Lord God to all, and I charge you all to hear it, the light that lightens every one that cometh in the world, it will make you free from sin, by which light shall every one tha [...] comes into the world see their salvation Christ Jesus, and the man that hath told them all that ever they have do [...], and they shall know his salvation to the ends of the wo [...] [...]nd to you all this is the word of the Lord God, which [...] believing in the light, which Christ hath enlightned every one that comes into the world withal, they being in the light, wi [...] the lig [...] they are justified, and he that believeth in the light shall never be condemned, not in this world, nor in the world without end. In the light you will have unity with God and peace with God and one with another, and bring you to live peaceably upon earth one with another: Yea all Nations and men the Sons and Daughters of Adam being enlightned, having a light from Christ Jesus the second Adam, the way to the Father; the life, the truth, all being in this truth which the second Adam hath enlightned them withall, who is the life, the truth, the way to God, the way again to God the Father of life, where man is droven from, and cannot enter again, but by the light Christ the second Adam. So all being in the light, they are in the way, they have found the way Christ Jesus, [Page 14] the cheife Sheepheard, the Bishop of the Soul (which Soul is immortall) the same yesterday, to day, and for ever, who was with the Father before the world began, by whom all was created is the souls Bishop, and of mans salvation, and redemption, and justification in the sight of God again, who hath been droven from him by sin and transgression, Christ who blots it out, and is the offering that offers himself for the sin of the whole world, that is the light of the world that enlightens every man that comes into the world, that all through this light might believe in the Son of God Christ Jesus the one offering, who is the way to God, and the covenant between God and man, in him is God well pleased, and doth accept man; and they which believe in him have life, have power, have wisdom, and receives him that gives them power; and no one upon earth hath life, peace, justification, but such as come into the light which Christ the justification, the life of all that come to God, who was glorified with him before the wor [...] began, who lets all men see their way again to God which [...] the life, the truth, which is the leader of the people; which li [...]t is the condemnation to them that do not believe in it, and [...] have not unity with God, nor one with another, they [...] in the one offering; the great sacrifice, the Prince of life C [...]ist Jesus, the Immanuel, and knows not the interpretation, th [...]t is God with us. Therefore every one of you tha [...] [...]ill hav [...] salvation, receive the light, and so you receive Christ your salvation, and neglect it not, for this is the day for your salvation and visitation; and the mighty power of God is gone forth among you, and his everlasting Gospell, which is his power, is going forth to all Nations, Kindreds, Tongues and People, that dwell upon the earth, by which Gospell shall Kindreds and Nations be gathered unto him, which is his power the mystery of the fellowship of the Gospell, which fellowship is everlasting, the Gospell everlasting, the power of God everlasting in which is the fellowship, so that is everlasting, in this, people have fellowship with God and one with another.