AN EPISTLE TO Be Read in the Men and Womens Meetings.
MY Love in the Lord to you all, in whom I have laboured, and my desires are, the God of all Peace, and the Son of Peace, may fill all your Hearts with his Love and Peace, and Wisdom and Knowledge in all things, to do his heavenly glorious Will, in that you will know his Sons Doctrine, and as you know it, obey it. And my desires are in the Lord, that you may all walk worthy of your Vocation, and of him that has called you to Holiness and Righteousness, and to Peace; so that his Peace [Page 2]may flow as a River, and Righteousness run down as a Stream to the glading of the City of God, the Walls of which is his Power and Salvation, and Light, and Life.
And now, my Friends, first, all your Meetings keep in the Name of Jesus, in whom you have all Salvation, which is above every Name under the whole Heaven in whom there is no Salvation.
And also, all your Men and Womens Meetings every where, keep in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ his Gospel, by which he hath brought Life & Immortality to Light in you that you may see over him that hath darkned you, and before he was, which Power will preserve you in Life and Immortality; so that you may now all labour in the Gospel, the power of God, in his glorious and comfortable Gospel, and joyful serving the Lord in his Gospel of Peace, through which Gospel you have Peace with God: So that in this Gospel, the power of God, there can come nothing between you and God; here is your everlasting Order, not of man nor by man. So that all the faithful Men and Women, may in the Lords power be stirred up in their Inheritances of the same Gospel, and to labour in it, helps meet in the Restoration, as Man and Woman was before the Fall, in the Garden of God; all are to work in his Righteousess, and in his Image, in his Power, in his Garden to subdue the Earth, and keep the Dominion in his Power, in the Restoration, as Man and Woman did in the Image of God before the Fall; whosoever would hinder you in this work, it is the same Serpents Spirit [Page 3]that led Adam and Eve into the Fall from the work of God, which now would keep you in the Fall to do his work and command, and not the Lords; and therefore over that, keep your Dominion, Authority and Inheritance in the Restoration, in the power of God, in which every one of you must give an account to God; and therefore be diligent in the Lords Power, Light, Life and Spirit, in which you all see your Services to God, so that he may be glorified among you all, and in you all, and over you all his Glory may shine. And you all men and women, in your Men and Womens Meetings be diligent, labouring in the Light, Life, and the Power of God, the Gospel in the Garden and Church of God; so that Righteousness and Peace may flow down amongst you, Truth and Godliness, Purity, Vertue, and Holiness, over all that is contrary; and that the weight and care of Gods Glory, and his Honour, and his pure holy Name, and his Truth, Religion and Worship you may all stand up for, against that which would in any wise cause it to be evil spoken of by ill Walkers and Talkers, and let all things you do be done in Love, and condescend one to another in the Power of the Lord, and in his Truth, in it have esteem one of another, and let all things be done among you without any Strife; for its love that edifies the Body, and knits it together, and unites it to Christ the heavenly and holy Head.
And now you Women, though you have been under the Reproach, because Eve was first in Transgression; but the Promise was, The Seed of the Woman [Page 4]should bruise the Serpents Head, that led her first in Transgression, and the Man also; and this Promise of God is fulfilled, a Virgin should have a Child, and they should call his Name Emanuel, God with us again: For Man and Woman was drove from God out of Paradise, and the Serpent became their Head, and God of the World; but Christ is come according to the Promise of God and his Prophets, who was born of a Virgin, and therefore saith Mary, My Spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour: my Soul doth magnify the Lord, for he hath regard to the low estate of his Hand-maid; for behild, from henceforth all Generations shall call me Blessed: Now here comes the Reproach to be taken off from women, who were first in Transgression, and which are not suffered to speak in the Church; but here Mary did speak and believe that which was spoken to her; and also the Reproach and Transgression taken off of men, that believes in the Seed Christ Jesus, who bruises the Head of the Serpent that has brought man and women into his Image, and his Works, which Christ destroyes him and his Works, and renews man and woman up into the Image of God, as they were in before they fell, and into the Power to have Dominion, to work in his Garden, to subdue the Earth, &c. So that all are now to labour in the Garden of God, that are in the Power and Image of God brought by Christ Jesus that bruises the Serpents Head, that has been head in them all. So that Christ Jesus may be Head in all men and women, and every man and woman may act from him their holy Head, Life and Salvation, [Page 5]and keep his heavenly Peace in his Church, and every living Member believing in the Light, which is the Life in Christ, and so grafted into him the Fountain of Life, and the Water of Life; and that they may feel the living Springs, and the Rivers springing up in them to Eternal Life, which are the living Stones, the spiritual Houshold, of which Christ is both Head, Rock, and Foundation. And Christ is called the green Tree, which green Tree never withers, in whom they are grafted by belief in the Light, which is the Life in him, from whom they all receive their heavenly living nourishment, through which every Graft is nourished, then it comes to bud and bring forth Fruit to the praise of the Eternal God: Now every one of these living Believers are Members of the living Church in God, which Christ is the Head of, and every Member in the Church hath an Office, and so every Member is serviceable in the Body in his Office, within the Light which is over Darkness, and was before it was, and within the Life over Death, and before it was, and in the power of God, which was before the power of the Serpent was; and so they are in this Light, Life, and Power to execute their Office, I say, within this divine Light, Life, Power and Spirit of God for Gods glory, in Truth, Purity, Vertue, Holiness and Righteousness they are to stand up for Gods glory, and the honour of his Son, and receive him who hath all power in Heaven and Earth given to him; and all that receives him, he gives them Power to become the Sons and Daughters of God; then in his [Page 6]Power all are to act and walk, and serve God in their Generation, and in it to serve their Generation, yea, and in the new Creation, in Righteousness and Holiness, and stand up in his Power for his Glory, and in his Power, Righteousness and Holiness that Christ brings into them, and renews them in, and so into the Restoration that they may labour in the Church and Garden of God in his Power, to his Everlasting Praise and Glory, Amen.
And all Friends, stand fast in the Liberty, wherewith Christ hath made you free, and in the liberty in the Faith, which Christ is the Author and Finisher of, which Faith purifies your Hearts, and is the Victory, in which you have access to God, the Mystery of which is held in a pure Conscience, in which Faith it hath its true liberty. And keep in the liberty of the Everlasting glorious Gospel of Peace, which is not of man, nor by man, but from Heaven, which Gospel bringeth, and hath brought Life and Immortality to Light, and will preserve you in Life and in Immortality, over him that hath darkned you; and in this Gospel you have everlasting Liberty and Peace, and in the Truth, which maketh you free from him that is out of the Truth; this free state all are to keep in, and also in the holy [Page 7]pure Spirit of God and Christ, that doth mortifie all that is to be Mortifyed and Circumcised, and doth Baptise you into one Body; in this holy Spirit you are to walk, which leadeth you into all Truth, in which is your Unity and Fellowship, and giveth Liberty from that which hath grieved it, and quenched and vexed it; and so in the Liberty and Fellowship, and Unity of the holy pure peaceable Spirit, and in the Unity and Liberty of it you are all to dwell and walk, which is the bond of the Prince of Princes Peace, which the World cannot take away.