THis Noble Solar Pill, Cures that Invete­rate Disease the SCƲRVEY, with all its Symptoms, which are Pains in the Head, Inflamations of the Brain, Fren­sies, Madness, Megrims, Convulsions, Falling Sickness, Tremblings and Weakness of the Si­news, Wandring and Fixed Pains in the Limbs, Rheumatick and Gouty Swellings in the Joynts, Dropsies, Agues, Feavors, Black and Yellow Jaundice; Obstructions and Pains of the Sto­mach, Liver, Spleen, Womb and Ureters, Leprosie, Laxative Gripings in the Guts, Costive­ness, Drowsiness, Want of Rest, Black Loose Teeth, Putrid Gums, Pineings and Wastings of the Flesh, Driness in the Mouth and Throat, Superfluous Moisture, Weak Rheumatick Eyes, Discoloured Skin, Spots, Scurff, Tetters, or Ring-Worms, Pustles and Blisters on the Skin, Kings-Evil, Ulcers, Cancers, Cankers, Fistu­la's; nay, the Plague it self is but an high gra­duated Scurvey, as appeared in our last great Plague; for nothing was (then) found effectual for prvention or cure, but pure and high ex­alted Antiscorbuticks. So also has it been found (by good Experience) that none of the before­mentioned [Page 2] Signs (which some call Original Dis­eases) can be cured (in Scorbutick Bodies) but by Medicines (truly good) against the Scurvey.

Therefore, Courteous Reader, where you find any of the Signs before-mentioned (whether they be violent or moderate) conclude you have the Scurvey) more or less, according to its manife­station. Take 5, 6, or 7 of these Noble Solar An­tiscorbutick Pills every Night; for it is a Potent Purifier of the Body of Man from Center to Cir­cumference; being pleasant to take, gentle in O­peration, effectual in Curing, and infallibly Safe, &c.

☞ Those that take these Pills, may go abroad with­out danger of taking Cold by them, Eat and Drink as at other times.

It is Prepared and Sold by the Author, at his House, the Sun in Gutter-lane near Cheap-side, Lond.

By Mr. J. Sabbarton at the Norwich Coffee-House in Deans Court in St. Martins Le Grand near Aldersgate.

Mr. Jonathan Wilkins Bookseller, at the Star in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel.

Mr. Davis Linnen Draper at the Three Golden Keys in the Little Minories.

Mr. Bridge 's Coffee-House in Popes-Head-Al­ley in Cornhil.

Mr. Tho. James Printer and Bookseller at the Printing-press in Mincing-lane.

Mr. Kidd at the Amsteridam Coffee-House in Bar­tholomew-lane.

The whole Box, containing 46 Pills, is 3 s. the half Box, containing 20 Pills, is 1 s. 6 d. each Box Sealed with Helmont's Head.

London, Printed for the Author at the Sun in Gut­ter-lane near Cheapside, by Tho. James.

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