THE Atchievements OF …


LONDON, Printed for L. Curtis, near Fleet-Bridge, and Tho. Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgate-Street, 1682.

The Atchievements of the Kings of England, since King Egbert.

The Saxon Race.
FIrst K. of England, Az. a Cross patonce counter­changed Or.
Az. a Cross potent fitch­ed O.
S. Alfred,
Cheque, Or. and purpure on a chief, Sables a Lyon pas. gar. Of the first.
The Elder Son to Alf. Az. a Cross patonce between 4 martlets Or.
[Page 2]Athelstane,
Son to Ed. Per Saltier G. and Az. on a mound, a Cross botony Crowned, O.
Bro. to Athelst. Az. 3 Crowns each transfix'd with 2 Arrows Saltier ways, O.
S. Edward
The Martyr Son to Edgar, Az. a Cross patonce between 4 Crowns O.
The Danish Race.
K. of Denmark. O. semy de hearts. G. 3 Lyons pas. gard. Az.
Elder Brother to Harold. Ar. a Raven proper.
The Saxons Repossess'd.
S. Edward,
Az. a cross patonce between 5 martlets O.
Son of Godwin. G. crusuly. 2 bars voided Az. between 6 Leopards faces, Or.
The Norman Race.
W [...]
The seventh, D. of Nor­mandy, Sirnamed the Conque­ror. G. 2 Lyons passant gar­dant. Or.
E. of Blois, Gules, a Sagit­tarius, Or.
The Saxon Line Restored.
Henry 2d.
G. 3 Lyons pas. gard. Or.
Edward 3.
Quarterly France and En­gland, the 1. Az. Semy Flow­er de liz. O. the 2. G. 3. Ly­ons pas. gard. O. 3. as the 2. 4 as the 1.
The Line of Laneaster.
Henry 4th.
Quarterly France and Eng.
Henry 6th.
Quarterly France and En­gland. The 1. Jup. 3 Flower [Page 4] de lis, Sol. the 2 Mars 3 Ly­ons pas. gard. Sol. the 3d as the 2d, the 4th as the first.
The Line of York.
Edward 4.
The same.
The Families United.
Henry 7th.
The same.

The Union of the two King­doms.


King of Scots reassumed the Title of Great Brittain. Jup. 3 Flower de lis. Sol. for the Regal Arms of France quartered with the Imperial Ensigns of England, viz. Mars. 3 Lyons pas. gard. in pale. Sol 2d. Sol within a double Tressure counterflowred. [Page 5] A Lyon Ramp. Mars for the Royal Arms of Scotland; 3d Jup. an Irish Harp. Sol stringed. Luna for the En­sign of Ireland. The 4th and last quarter'd in all points as the first.

The Reader is desired to take notice that from William the Conqueror to this Time having only Blazon'd the At­chievements of 9 Kings, it is because there have been no more than so ma­ny variations in their Atchievements; as for instance, from William the Con­queror, unto K. Stephen, the Atchieve­ments were the same; so from Edward the 3d to Henry the 4th, and from him to Henry the 6th, and from him to K. James, and so of the rest; but those that desire to see all the Atchievements are referred to,

A Genealogie of the Succession of the Kings of England, from William the [Page 6] Conqueror, unto our present King Char. the Second, printed upon a large sheet of Imperial Paper, and adorned with all the Royal Atchievements, Crowns, Arms and Supporters, all which are truly Blazon'd for their sakes who are lovers of Herauldry, a work highly useful for the Reader of our English History, being so contrived, that by the particular directing lines he will ea­sily see how each King hath laid claim to this Crown; it is curiously engraven, and nothing omitted that might render it very ornamental, first collected, and after revised by Edw. Cook of the Mid­dle Temple, Esq; price 1 s. 6 d. Sold by Tho. Simmons, at the Princes Arms in Ludgate-Street.




With the Paternal Coats of Arms of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and of most of the Barons of En­gland truly Blazoned.

LONDON, Printed for L. Curtis, and Tho. Simmons.

The Paternal Coats of Arms of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Viscounts of England, Blazoned.

* Jermin Hen.
E. Of St. Albans, Baron of St. Edmunds-Bury, L. Chamberlain of His Ma­jesties Houshold, He bears S. a Crescent between 2 Mul­lets in pale Ar. Knight of the Garter.
Bruce Rob.
E. of Alisbury, &c. bears Or. a Saltire and Chief, G. on a Canton Ar. a Lyon Ramp. Az.
Annesly Ar.
E. of Anglesey, &c. bears Paly of six, Ar. and Az. a Bend. G.
[Page 10]* Bennet H.
E. of Arlington, and Vis­count Thetford, L. Chamber­lain of His Majesties Hou­shold, &c. He bears G. a Be­zant between 3 Demy Lyons Ramp. Ar. Knight of the Garter.
Howard H.
E. of Arundel, Surry, and Norwich, and D. of Norfolk. He bears G. on a Bend be­tween six Croslets fitchy, Ar. an Escucheon, O. thereon a Demy Lyon in a double Tres­sure counterflory, with an Ar­row through the mouth of the 1.
* Monck Chr.
D. of Albemarle, &c. bears G. a Cheveron between 3 Ly­ons heads erased. Ar. Knight of the Garter.
Knollys Ch.
E. of Banbury, &c. bears Az. a Cross Recercile voided and Semy of Cross Croslets. O.
Grenevile John
E. of Bathe, &c. He bears [Page 11] G. 3. Sufflues. or Organ Rests, O.
* Russel W.
E. of Bedford, &c. bears Ar. a Lyon Ramp. G. on a chief, S. 3 Escalops of the first. Knight of the Garter.
Berkeley Geo.
E. of Berkely, &c. bears Gules, a Cheveron between 10 Crosses patee, Ar.
Howard Th.
E. of Berkshire, &c. bears G. a bend between six Croslets fitchy, Ar. a Crescent within a Cresc. dif.
* Butler Ja
(D. of Ormond, in Ireland) E. of Brecknock, &c. bears Or. a chief indented, Az. Knight of the Garter.
Ruthen Pat.
E. of Brentford, bears Ar. paly of 6 Gules, a crescent dif­ference.
Egerton Jo.
E. of Bridgewater, &c. bears Ar. a Lyon Ramp. G. be­tween 3 Pheons, and a border ingral'd, S.
Digby Joh.
E. of Bristol, &c. bears [Page 12] Az. a Flower-de-lis. Ar. with a mullet for difference.
* Villiers Geo.
D. of Buckingham, &c. bears Ar. on a Cross G. five Escallops O a martlet for diffe­rence. Knight of the Garter.
St John Ol.
E. of Bulling brook, bears Ar. on a Chief G. 2 mullets O.
Beauclair Cha.
E. of Burford, &c. He bears the Kings Arms with a Batune Sinister, G. charged with 3 Roses Arg.
Boyl Richd.
E. of Burlington, &c. bea­reth Per bend Crenelle, Ar. and Gules.
Brudenel Rob.
E. of Cardigan, bears Ar. a Cheveron, G. between 3 Mori­ons or Chapews, Az.
Howard Cha.
E. of Carlile, &c. beareth S. a bend between 6 Croslets fitchy, Ar. a mullet.
Dormer Cha.
E. of Carnarvon, &c. bea­reth Az. 10 Billets. 4. 3. 2. 1. O. in a chief of the second, a [Page 13] demy Lyon issuant, S. armed and langued, G.
Stanhop Ph.
E. of Chesterfield, &c. beareth Quarterly Ermine and Gul.
Holles Gilb.
E. of Clare, &c. bears Er­mine 2 Piles S.
Hide Hen.
E. of Clarindon, &c. bea­reth Az. a Cheveron between 3 Lozenges, O.
Villiers Bar.
Dutchess of Cleveland, &c. she beareth Per Pale Baron and Feme; first Ar. 2 Bars, S. charged with 3 Tre­foyls of the field,—second, Ar. on a Cross. G. 5. Escallops, O.
Conway [...]d.
E. of Conway, bears S. on a bend G. cotised, Ar. a Rose inter 2 Annulets of the first.
Craven W.
E. of Craven, &c. bears Ar. a Fess between 6 Croslets fitchy G.
* P. Rupert.
D. of Cumberland, &c. bea­reth Quarterly the 1st and 4th [Page 14] S. a Lyon Ramp. O. the 2d and 3d paly bendy, Ar. and Az. Knight of the Garter.
* Osborn Tho.
E. of Danby, &c. he bea­reth Quarterly Ermine and Az. a Cross. O. Knight of the Garter.
Stanley Wi.
E. of Darby, &c. bears Ar. on a bend, Az. 3 Bucks heads cabosed, O.
Fielding Wil.
E. of Denbigh. &c. bears Ar. on a Fess, Az. 3 Lozen­ges, O.
Cavendish Wil.
E. of Devon, bears S. 3 Bucks heads cabosed, Ar. at­tired, O.
Pierre­point. Hen.
Marquess of Dorch­ester, &c. bears Ar. Semy of Cinque foils, G. a Lyon Ramp. S.
Sackvil Cha.
E. of Dorset and Middle­sex, he beareth Quarterly O. and G. a Bend varry.
Capel Arth.
E. of Essex, &c. beareth [Page 15] G. a Lyon Ramp. betw. 3 Cros­lets fitchy, O.
* Fitz Roy H.
D. of Grafton. Baron of Sudbury Viscount Ipswich, & E. of Euston, he beareth the Kings Arms, with a Ba­tune Sinister, Gobonny, Ar. & Az. Knight of the Garter.
Cecil John
E. of Exeter, &c. bears Barry of 10 pieces Ar. and Az. 6 Eschocheons S. as ma­ny Lyons Ramp. of the first.
Duras Lew.
E. of Feversham, bears G. a Lyon Ramp. Ar. a label of 3 points.
* Maitland J.
E. of Guilford, D. of Lau­derdale, &c. bears O. a Lyon Ramp. G. within a border of Scotland, Az. Knight of the Garter.
Savil Geor.
E. of Halifax, &c. bears Ar. on a Bend, S. 3 Owls of the first.
D'Eureux Leicester.
Viscount Hereford, Ar. a [Page 16] Fess, G. in chief 3 Torteauxes.
Rich Edw.
E. of Holland, &c. bears G. a Cheveron between 3 Crosses Botony, O. a crescent, S.
Hastings Theoph.
E. of Huntingdon, &c. bears Ar. a Manch, S.
Grey Anth.
E. of Kent, &c. bears Bar­ry of 6 Ar. and Az. in chief 3 Torteauxes.
Sidney Phil.
E. of Leicester, &c. bears Or. a Pheon. Az.
Lee Ed. He.
E. of Lichfield, &c. bears Ar. a Fess between 3 Crescents S.
Fiennes Ed.
E. of Lincoln▪ &c. bears Ar. 6 Croslets fitchy. S. on a Chief, Az. 2 Mullets O. pier­ced, G.
Bertie Rob.
E. of Lindsey &c. bears Ar. 3 battering Rams bar­ways, in pale, Az. armed and hooped, Or.—2. O. Fretty, Az.
Gerrard Ch.
E. of Macclesfield, &c. bears Ar. a Saltier, G. a crescent difference.
[Page 17]Montague Rob.
E. of Manchester, &c. bears Ar. 3 Lozenges in Fess, G. within a Border, S. a cressent for difference.
Ley Wil.
E. of Marleburgh, bears Ar. a Cheveron between 3 Seils heads, coupled, S.
* Fitz Roy J.
D. of Monmouth, &c. He bears the Kings Arms with a Batune Sinister, A. over all an Inescucheon of pretence, O. on a bend, Az. a crescent be­tween two Mullets of the first. Knight of the Garter.
* Sheffield Joh.
E. of Mulgrave, bears Ar. a Cheveron between 3 Garbs, G. Knight of the Garter.
* Cavendish Hen.
D. of Newcastle, &c. bears S. 3 Stags heads cabosed, Ar. attired, O. a crescent dif. Knight of the Garter.
E. of Newport, &c. bears. Barry nebule of 6, O. and S. within a bordure Gobony. Ar. and G.
[Page 18]Compton Geor.
E. of Northampton, bears S a Lyon Pas. O. between 3 Helmets, Ar.
E. of Northumberland, Quarterly first, O. a Lyon Ramp. Az. 2d Az. 5. Fusils in Fess, O. 3 as 2. 4 as 1.
Fitz-Roy Geo.
E. of Northumberland, &c. bears the Kings Arms with a Botune Gobony, Erm. and Az.
Howard Ch.
E. of Nottingham, G. a Bend between 6 Croslets, fit­chy, Ar. a Mullet for diff.
Finch He neage
E. of Nottingham, Baron of Daventry, Lord High Chancellor of England. He bears Ar. a Cheveron between 3 Griffins Passant, S.
* De Vere Aubrey.
E. of Oxford, beareth Quarterly G. and O. in the first, a Mullet, Ar. Knight of the Garter.
Herbert Ph.
E. of Pembroke and Mont­gomery, bears Per Pale Az. [Page 19] and G. 3 Lyons Ramp. Ar.
Mordant H
E. of Peterburgh bears Ar. a cheveron, between 3 Estoils, S.
Fitz-Charl. Charles.
E. of Plimouth, &c. bears the Kings Arms with a Ba­tune Sinister, varry Ar. and Az.
Weston Th.
E. of Portland, bears O. an Eagle regardant, and dis­played, S.
Lovise de Queronalle.
Dutchess of Portsmouth, Baroness of Peterfield, and Countess of Farham, she beareth Az. 3 Bars, Ar.
Roberts Jo.
E. of Radnor, &c. he bea­reth Az. 3 Estorles, and a chief waved, O.
* Lenos Ch.
D. of Richmond, &c. He beareth the Kings Arms with a Bordure Gobonny, Ar. and G. charged with Roses of the se­cond. Knight of the Gar­ter.
[Page 20]Savage Th.
E. Rivers, &c. bears Ar. 6 Lyons Ramp. S.
Wilmot Jo.
E. of Rochester, &c. bears Ar. on a Fess, G. between 3 Eagles heads erased, S. as ma­ny Escallops, O.
Mannors J.
E. of Rutland, &c. bears O. 2 bars, Az. on a chief quar­terly, 2 Flower de liz. of France, and a Lyon of En­gland.
* Cecil Ja.
E. of Salisbury, bears Barry of 10 pieces, Ar. and Az. on 6 Escucheons, S. as ma­ny Lyons Ramp. of the first, a Crescent diff. Knight of the Garter.
Montague Edw.
E. of Sandwich, &c. bears Ar, 3 Lozenges in Fess, G. within a border, S. a mullet difference.
Leak Nich.
E. of Scarsdale, &c. bears Ar. on a Saltier engrail'd ▪. nine Annulets, O.
[Page 21]Cooper An. Ashly.
E. of Shaftesbury, &c. bears 2 Coats; 1st Ar. 3 Bulls Pas. S. armed O. Second Quarterly Ar. and G. 2 and 3 charg'd with a Fret, O. over all a Bend. S. 3 Escallops of the first.
Talbot Ch.
E. of Shrewsbury, bears G. a Lyon Ramp. within a border ingrail'd, O
Seymour C.
D. of Somerset, &c. bears Quarterly, O. on a pile, G be­tween 6 Flower de lis. Az 3 Lyons of England, 2d G. 2 Wings impaled O. 3 as 2. 4. as 1.
* Fitz-Roy Char.
D. of Southampton, &c. bears the Kings Arms with the difference of a Batune Sinister Ermine. Knight of the Garter.
Grey Tho.
E. of Stamford, &c. bears Barry of 6 Ar. and Az. in chief, 3 Torteauxes, a la­bel [Page 22] of three points Ermine.
* Went­worth Wil.
E. of Strafford, &c. bears S, a Cheveron between 3 Leo­pards heads, O. Knight of the Garter.
Howard Ja.
E. of Suffolk, &c. bears G. a bend between 6 Croslets, Ar. fitchy a crescent difference, S.
Spencer R.
E. of Sunderland, &c. in 1674. he beareth Quarterly Ar. and G. in 2d and 3d a Fret, O. on a bend, S. 3 Es­callops of the first.
Leonard T.
E. of Sussex, &c. he bea­reth O. on a Fess, G. 3 Flower de liz. of the first.
Tufton Ric.
E. of Thanet bears S. an Eagle displaid, Er. within a border, Ar.
Rich Edw.
E. of Warwick bears G. a a Cheveron inter 3 Cross Croslets, O.
Fane Char.
E. of Westmorland, &c. bears Az. 3 left-hand Gaunt­lets, O.
Pawlet Ch.
Marquess of Winchester, E. of Wiltshire, &c. bears S. 3 Swords in pile Ar. Po­mels, O. a crescent different.
* Somerset Hen.
Marquess and E. of Wor­cester, &c. bears Quarterly France and England, a border gobony Ar. and Az. Knight of the Garter.
Paston Ro.
E. of Yarmouth, &c. bears Ar. 6 Flower de lis, Az. a chief indented, O.

All those before to whose name is prefix'd an Asterick are Knights of the Garter.

The Soveraign Charles 2d King of England, &c. The Knights Compa­nions, in September 1681, were in number 25, 19 whereof are named in the foregoing Catalogue, and distin­guished to be Knights of this most [Page 24] noble Order by an Asterick (*) the other 6 are,

  • 1. Christian the 5th K. of Den­mark.
  • 2. Charles the 11th K. of Swe­den.
  • 3. James Duke of York.
  • 4. Frederick William Prince Ele­ctor Marques [...]s of Brandenburg.
  • 5. William Henry Prince of O­range.
  • 6. Charles 2d Prince Elector Pala­tine of the Rhine.

The Dukes of the Royal Blood are 2. James D. of York, and Rupert D. of Cumberland.

Archbishops are 2, Canterbury and York.

Great Officers 4 L. H. Chancellor Heneage E. of Nottingham, L. H. Treasurer. This Office is now exe­cuted [Page 25] by Commissioners, L. Presi­dent of the Council, J. E. of Radnor L. Privy Seal. Arth. E. of Angle­sey.

Dukes 9. And

Dutchesses 2.

Marquesses 2, all before named.

Other great Officers 5, who take place in respect of their Offices. L. H. Chamberlain of England, Robert E. of Lindsey. E. Marshal of England, Henry D. of Norfolk, with His Maje­sty's approbation, at present executes the Office by his Deputy, who now is Robert E. of Alisbury. L. H. Admi­ral of England, this Office is now executed by Commissioners, L. Stew­ard of the Kings Houshold, James E. of Brecknock (D. of Ormond in Ire­land) L. Chamberlain of the Kings [Page 26] Houshold, Hen. E. of Arlington.

Earls 69, before named, and Coun­tess Elizab. La. Dacres Countess of Shepey.

Viscounts 8, before named, and 1 Viscountess. viz. Sarah (La. Corbet) Viscountess Corbet (Daughter and Co­heir of Sir Rob. Munson of Carleton in Com. Linc. K [...]. Relict of Sir Vincent Corbet of Morton Corbet, in Com. Sa­lop, Baronet) for Life.

Bishops 24, after named.

(Where note the Bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester do constantly precede the residue of the Bishops, who take their places according to the seniority of their Consecrations.)

The Barons are 65. Fourty four whereof are hereafter named, and their Coats Blazon'd, the other Twen­ty one are,

  • [Page 27] Hen. Howard, L. Mowbray, (bears the Title of E. of Arundel.)
  • Geo. Nevil, E. Abergaveny.
  • Tho. Parker, L. Morley and L. Mont­eagle.
  • Tho. Cromwel▪ L. Cromwel (and E. of Arglas in Ireland.)
  • Fra. Howard, L. Howard of Effing­ham.
  • James Bruggs, L. Chandos.
  • Rob. Carey, L. Hunsdon.
  • Chris. Roper, L. Tenham.
  • Fulk Grevil, L. Brook.
  • Edw. Mountague, L. Mountague of Boughton.
  • John Paulet, L. Paulet.
  • Wm. Maynard, L. Maynard, &c.
  • Rich. Vaughan, L. Vaughan (& E. of Carbery in Ireland.)
  • Wm. Widdrington, L. Widdrington.
  • Cha. Hen. Kirkhoven, L. Wotton, &c.
  • Fra. Holles, L. Holles.
  • Rich. Butler, L. Butler of Weston, &c.
  • [Page 28] Edw. Noel, L. Noel.
  • Rich. Lumley, L. Lumley, &c.
  • Geo. Carteret, L. Carteret.
  • Conyers Darcie, L. Darcie.

The Baronnesses are 3. viz.

  • Frances (Lady Ward) Baroness Dud­ley, Grand Daughter and sole Heir to Edw. Sutton, L. Dudly, Relict of Hum­ble L. Ward, and Mother of Edward L. Ward.

  • 2. Catherine (O Brien) Baroness of Clifton, (Daughter of the L. Geo▪ Stu­art, call'd L. D' Aubignie; Sister and sole Heir to Charles late Duke of Rich­mond and Lenox, and thereby sole Heir to the Lady Catherine her Grand-Mo­ther, Daughter and Heir to Gervase L. Clifton,) first married to Hen. L. O Brien, and since his death to Sir Jos. Williamson Kt.

  • 3. Susan (Lady Bellassyse) Baroness Bellassyse of Osgodby, (Daughter and Co-heir to Sir Wm. Armine of Osgodby [Page 29] in Lincolnshire, Bar. Relict of Sir Hen▪ Bellassyse Kt. of the Bath. Son and Heir to John L. Bellassyse) for Life.

Viscounts of England.
Devereux Leicest.
Visc. Hereford, &c. Ar. a Fess, G. in chief 3 Torte­auxes.
Brown Fr.
Viscount Montacute bears S. 3 Lions Pas. in a Bend double cotized, Ar.
Fiennes Wm.
Visc. and Baron Say and Seal bears Az. 3 Lions Ramp. O.
Noel Bap­tist.
Visc. Campden, &c. bears O. Fretty▪ G. Canton, Er.
Bellasis Tho
Visc. and Baron Stafford G. a Bend betwixt 6 Croslets fitchy, Ar. a Cress.
Howard Wm.
Visc. Fauconberg, &c. bears Ar. a Cheveron G. between 3 Flower-de-lis, Az.
[Page 30]Mordant Cha.
Visc. Mordant, &c. bears Ar. a Cheveron, betw. 3 Estoils, S. a Cresc. diff.
Newport Fra.
Visc. Newport, &c. bears Ar. a Cheveron, G. betw. 3 Leopards heads, S.

The Paternal Coats of Arms of divers of the Barons of England, Blazon'd.

Touchet J.
LAudleigh, &c. bears Ermin a Cheveron, G.
West Cha.
E. de la Ware, bears Ar. a Fess Dancette, S.
Shirley Ro.
L. Ferrers, bears Paly of 6. O. and Az a Canton, Ermin.
Darcy Cog­niers.
L. Darcy and Maynel, bears Az. semy of Croslets, and 3 cinque foils, Ar.
Mildmay Ben.
L. Fitz Walter Essex, bears Ar. 3 Lyons Ramp. Az.
Yelverton Henry.
L. Grey bears Ar. 3 Lyons Ramp. a chief, G.
[Page 32]Windsor T. ( [...]al. Hick­man)
L. Windsor of Bradenham bears Per pale indented Ar. and Az.
Wharton P.
L. Wharton, bears S. a Manch, Ar. within a border, O. an Orle of Lyons paws in Saltier, G.
Willough­by Tho.
L. Willoughby of Parham, bears O. a fret of 8 pieces Az.
Paget Wil.
L. Paget of Beaudesert, bears S. on a cross engrail'd beeween 4 Eagles displayd Ar. 5 Lyoncels Pas. of the first.
North Cha.
L. North of Catlidg, &c. bears Az. a Lyon Pas O. be­tween 3 flower de liz. Ar.
Bertie Jam.
L. Norreys, &c. bears Ar. 3 battering Rams barways in pale, Az. garnished, O.
Petre Wil.
L. Petre, &c. bears G. a bend inter 2 Escallops O.
Gerrard Digby.
L. Gerard, &c. bears Ar. a Saltier G. a crescent, dif.
Arundel H.
L. Arundel of Warder, he [Page 33] bears S. 6 Swallows, Ar. 3. 2. and 1.
Grey Ford.
L. Grey of Wark, bears G. a Lyon Ramp within a border engrail'd, Ar.
Lovelace J.
L. Lovelace of Hurly, bears G. on a chief indented, S. 3 martlets, O. a Mullet dif.
Mohun Ch.
L. Mohun, &c. bears O. a Cross engrail'd ▪
Howard W.
L. Howard of Escrick, bears G. a bend between 6 Croslets fitchy, Ar. a Mullet and Marlets for dif.
Hatton Chr.
L. Hatton, &c. bears Az. a cheveron between 3 Garbs. O.
Ward Ed.
L. Ward, &c. bears Az. a Cross patonte O.
Lucas Cha.
L. Lucas bears Ar. a Fess, inter 6 Anulets, G.
Bellasis Jo.
L. Bellasis, &c. bears Ar. a Cheveron, G. between 3 Flower de liz. Az. a crescent dif.
[Page 34]Sutton Ro.
L. Lexington, &c. bears Ar. a quarter, S.
Berkley Ch.
L. Berkley, &c. bears Ar. a cheveron Ermine between 10 Crosses pattee, 6. and 4. Ar.
Cornwallis Charles.
L. Cornwallis, &c. bears S. Guttee on a Fess, Ar. three Cornish Choughs proper.
Booth Geo.
L. De la Mere, &c. bears Ar. 3 boars heads e­rected, and erased, S. armed, O.
Townsend Horatio.
L. Townsend, &c. bears Az. a cheveron, Ermine be­tween 3 Escallops, Ar.
Crew Tho.
L. Crew, &c. bears Az. a Lyon Ramp. Ar.
Arundel Ri.
L. Arundel of Trevice, bears Az. 6 Swallows, Ar. 3. 2. and 1.
Clifford Hu.
L. Clifford, &c. bears checkie O. and Az. a Fess, G. a crescent within a crescent.
Butler Ja.
L. Butler of More Park, [Page 35] &c. and E. of Ossory in Ire­land, bears O. a chief inden­ted, Az. a label of 3 points.
Langdale Marmaduke
L. Langdale of Holme, bears S. a cheveron between 3 Estoils Ar.
Watson Ed.
L. Rockingham bears Ar. on a cheveron engrail'd Az. between 3 martlets, S. as ma­ny crescents O
Astley Jac.
L. Astley of Reading, bears Az. a cinquefoil Ermine, a bor­der engrail'd O.
Culpepper Thomas.
L. Culpepper, &c. bears Ar. a bend engrail'd, S. a crescent dif.
Smith Fra.
L. Carington, &c. bears Ar. a cross, G. between 4 Peacocks, Az.
Byron Wil.
L. Byron of Rochdale, bears Ar. 3 bendlets in the sinister chief, G.
Leigh Tho.
L. Leigh, &c. bears G. a cross engrail'd, in the first [Page 36] quarter a Lozenge, O. a cres­cent dif.
Herbert H.
L. Herbert of Cherbury. &c. bears Parted per pale, Az. and G. 3 Lyons Ramp. Ar. a crescent difference.
Coventry J.
L. Coventry of Alesbor­ough, bears S. a Fess Ermine between 3 crescents O.
S ourton Wil.
L. Stourton bears S. a bend O. inter 6. fountains pro­per.
Sandys He.
L. Sandys bears Ar. a cross raguled and trunked, S.
Eure Ralph.
Baron Eure of Witton, bears Quarterly O. and G. on a bend, S. 3 Escallops, Ar.


TGETHER With the ARMS of the Two Ʋni­versities, and of all the Colledges IN OXFORD & CAMBRIDGE.

AND OF THE Several Inns of COURT, and other Houses of LAW, IN LONDON.

With a short Historical Account Of their several Founders.

The Coats of Arms of the Archiepiscopal and Epis­copal Sees of England.

The Province of Canter­bury.

  • A. B. of Can­terbury.
    • THE Field Saphyr, an Episcopal Staff in pale, Topaz, and ensign'd with a Cross patee Pearl, surmount­ed of a Pall of the last charg­ed with 4 Crosses, Formed, Fitched, Diamond Edged and Fringed as the second.

    • —Sanctitatis radiis in orbe refulsit.

    • [Page 40]

      Of this See there have been 77 Archbishops, the present is William Sancroft, consecr. Jan. 27 1677.

  • St. Asaph.
    • Sable 2 Keys in Saltier Argent.
    • Of this See there hath been 40 Bishops, the present is Isaac Barrow, translated from Sodor in the Isle of Man March 21, 1670.

  • Bangor.
    • Gules a Bend, Or. Gutty de poix between Two Mullets, Arg.
    • Of this See there have been 50 Bishops, the present is Humphrey Lloyd, consecr. 1673.

  • Bath and Wells.
    • Azure, a Saltier quarter­ly quartered, Or. and Ar.
    • Of this See there have been [Page 41] 58 Bishops, the present is Peter Mew, consecr. Feb. 9, 1672.

  • Bristol.
    • Sable, 3 Ducal Crowns, in Pale Or.

    • Of this See there have been 16 Bishops, the present is William Gulston consecr. Feb. 9, 1678.

  • Chichester.
    • Az. a Presbyter John, sit­ting on a Tombstone, in his Left Hand a mound, his Right Hand extended, Or. with a a linnen Mitre on his Head, and in his Mouth a Sword; all proper.
    • Of this See there have been 76 Bishops, the present is Guy Charlton, removed from Bristol, Jan. 18. 1678.

  • Coventry & Lichfield.
    • [Page 42] Party per Pale, G. and Ar. a cross potent and quadrat in the Center, between 4 Croslets patee, of the second, and O.
    • Of this See there have been 77 Bishops, the present is Thomas Wood consecrated July 2, 1671.

  • St. Davids.
    • Sable, on a cross, Or. 5 Cinque Foils of the first.
    • Of this See there have been 94 Bishops, the pre­sent is William Thomas conse­crated Jan. 27. 1677.

  • Ely.
    • Gules, 2 Ducal Crowns, Or.
    • Of this See there have been 42 Bishops, the present is Peter Gunning, translated from Chichester, 1675.

  • Exeter.
    • [Page 43] Gules, a Sword in pale, Blade and Hilt proper. 2 Keys in Saltire, O.
    • Of this See there have been 45 Bishops, the present is Thomas Lamplugh, consecr. Nov. 12, 1676.

  • Glocester.
    • Azure, 2 Keys in Saltire, Or.
    • This See hath had 13 Bishops, the present is John Prichard, consecr. Nov. 3. 1672.

  • Hereford.
    • Gules, 3 Leopards Heads revers'd, swallowing as many Flower-de luces, Or.
    • This See hath had 79 Bi­shops, the present is Herbert Croft, consecr. 1661.

  • Llandaff.
    • Sable, 2 Crosiers in Saltire, [Page 44] Or. & Ar. in a chief Az. 3 Mi­tres with Labels of the second.
    • This See hath had 77 Bi­shops, the present is William Beaw, consecr. June, 22. 1679.

  • Lincoln.
    • Gules, 2 Lyons pass. gard. Or. in a chief Az. our Lady sitting with her Babe. Crown and Scepter of the second.
    • This See hath had 68 Bi­shops, the present is Thomas Barlow, consecr. June 27, 1675.

  • London.
    • Gules, 2 Swords in Saltier Ar. the Pomels Or.
    • This See hath had 92 Bi­shops, the present is Henry Compton, translated from Ox­ford, 1675.

  • Norwich.
    • Azure, 3 Mitres with their Labels, Or.
    • [Page 45]

      This See hath had 70 Bishops, the present is An­thony Sparrow transl. from Exeter, Nov. 12. 1676.

  • Oxford.
    • Sable, afess Ar. in chief, 3 Ladies heads arrayed and vailed, Ar. and Crowned Or. and in base, an Ox of the 2d Pas. over aford proper.
    • This See hath had 18 Bishops, the present is John Fell, consecr. Feb. 6. 1675.

  • Peterburgh
    • Gules, 2 Keys in saltier, between 4 cross Croslets fitchy O.
    • There have been 12 Bish­ops of this See, the present is William Lloyd translated from Llandaff 1679.

  • Rochester.
    • Ar. on a saltier Gules, an Escallop Shell, Or.
    • [Page 46]

      There have been 83 Bish­ops of this See, the present is Jo. Dolben; consecra. Nov. 15. 1666.

  • Salisbury.
    • Az. our Lady with her Babe in her right Arm, and a Scep­ter in the left, all Or.
    • This See hath had 75 Bish­ops, the present is Seth Ward, transl. from Exeter, 1667.

  • Westminst.
    • Chancellor of the Garter.
    • The Bishop and Abbots formerly, now Dean of West­minster.

    • Arms of St. Edw. the Con­fessor in a chief, Or. between 2 Roses Gules: The Arms of K. Edw. 3d.

    • There have been hereof since 1539. 1 Bishop, 2 Abbots, and 11 Deans, the present Dean is John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester.

  • Winchest.
    • [Page 47] G. 2. Keys indors'd in bend, the uppermost Ar. the other O. a Sword interposed between them, in bend sinister, of the Second. Pomels and hilts of the 3d. There have been 72 Bi­shops of this See, the present is George Morley, Translated from Worcester, (Prelate of the Garter.) 1662.
  • Worcester
    • Argent 10 Torteauxes. Of this See, there have been 89. Bishops, the present is James Fleetwood, Consecrated, Aug. 29. 1675.

The Province of York.

  • A. B. of York.
    • Ruby, 2 Keys in Saltire, Pearl, in Chief a Crown Royal Topaz. Altior quo splendi­dor. Of this See there have been 72 Arch-Bishops, the present is Richard Stern, Translated from Carlile 1664.
  • [Page 48]Carlile.
    • Argent, on a Cross Sable, Mi­ter with Labels Or.
    • This See hath had 42 Bi­shops the present is Edward Rainbow, consecrated, 1664.

  • Chester.
    • Gules, 3 Mitres with their Labels, Or.
    • This See hath had 16 Bishops, the present is John Pearson, consecrated, Feb. 9. 1672.

  • Durham.
    • Azure, a Cross between 4 Lyons Ramp. Or.
    • There have been 70 Bi­shops of this See, the present is Nathan Crew. Translated from Oxford, 1674.

  • Man.
    • Ʋpon 3 Ascents the Virgin Mary standing with her Arms distended between 2 Pillars, on the dexter, whereof a Church in base, the Ancient Arms of Man.
    • There have been 28 Bi­shops [Page 49] hereof, the present Hen­ry Bridgman, consecrated Bi­shop of Sodor at Chester, Octob. 2d. 1671. These Bishops of Man, Entituled Sodorenses, are nominated to the King by the Stanlys, and after his assent, sent to the Arch-Bi­shop of York for consecration; which is the reason why the Bishop of Man is not a Lord in Parliament, because not of the Kings disposition.

The Arms of the several Col­ledges in Oxford and Cambridge.

The Academy of Oxford was founded in the Year 872. and beareth the field A­zure a Book open proper with seaven Seals Or, on the leaves (between 3 Crowns Or,) with [Page 50] these two words, Sapientia feli­citas.

University Colledge.
Founded by K. Alfred, bears the field Azure, a cross patonce, between 4 Martlets Or.
Baliol Colledge.
Founded by John Baliol, An. 1263. bears the field Gules an Orl Arg.
Martin Colledge.
Founded by Walt. Martin 1274. bears Or 3 Cheveronels, Party Az. and Gules.
Exeter Colledg.

1316. impaileth the Foun­ders Coats that are joyn'd toge­ther like Man and Wife, the first is Stapleton Bish of Exeter, who bears 2 Bendlets waved within a border of Keys, indorsed and united in the Rings, the 2d. is Sir Will. Peter Kt. bears Ruby on a Bend between two Escallops Topaz, a Cornish Chough proper between 2 Cin­quefoils, Saphire, and in a chief, of the 2d. a Rose be­tween [Page 51] 2 Demy Flowers de lis, of the first.

Orial Colledg.
Founded by K. Edward the 2d. 1327. and bears the Arms of Eng. within a bor­dure engrail'd Silver in Gem­me.
Queens Colledg.
Founded by Rob. Eagles­field, and by him call'd Queens Hall, bears Or, 3 Eaglets dis­play'd Gules, and thus flying a­gainst the Sun.
New Col­ledg.
Founded 1379. by Will. Wickham B. of Winchester, beareth Pearl 2 Cheveronels Diamond between 3 Roses Ruby.
Lincoln Colledg.

Founded 1420 by R. Flem­ing Bishop of Lincoln, and T. Rotheram B. of the same See, was as a 2d. Founder, 1479. beareth the Arms of the See of Lincoln, ensigned with a Mitre, and Labels, and in the [Page 52] first Part that of the first Foun­der, which is Barry of 6 pieces Pearl and Saphire in chief, 3 Lozenges Ruby, and in the last Part, Emrauld 3 Stags Topaz.

All-Souls Colledg.
1437. Founded by Henry Chichley, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, beareth Topaz a Cheveron between 3 Cinque­foils, Ruby.
Magdalen Colledg.
Founded 1459. by Wil­liam Wainfleet Bishop of Winchester, bears Lozengee, Christal and Diamond, by the first of the first, and on a chief of the 2d. 3 Lillys slipped Pearl, by the 3d. of the 1st.
Brazen Nose.

Foundation laid 1513. by William Smith Bishop of Lin­coln, whose See is in the midst between his own Arms in the first, viz. Pearl, a Cheveron Diamond between 3 Roses [Page 53] proper, and the Coat of Rich. Sutton of Chester, who finished the same, and bore Quarterly the first Pearl a Cheveron between 3 Bugle Horns stringed Diamond, and 2ly, a Cheveron between 3 Cro­slets, the 3d. as the 2d, the 4th as the 1st.

Corpus Christi.
Founded by Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, 1516. bears the See of Winchester as before described, between 1st. Saphire and Pelican, with Wings disclosed, unlued, and feeding her Young, and the Arms of H. Oldham Bishop of Exeter, who bore Diamond a Cheveron between 3 Owls, and in a chief Pearl 3 Roses Ruby.
Christ Church.

Founded by Cardinal Wol­sey, 1546. bears Diamond on a Cross ingrailed Pearl, a [Page 54] Lyon Pas, Ruby between 4 Leopards heads Saphire, in a chief topaz a Rose Ruby bard­ed Emrauld, inter 2 Cor­nish choughs proper.

In this one Example you have all the common Co­lours in Heraldry, and ac­cidents either of lines or things charged with, or in­terposed by ordinaries or ordinary charges.
Trinity Colledg.
Founded by Thomas Hat­field Bishop of Durham, in the time of Edward the 3d. calling it Durham Colledg; but after its suppression re­stored by Sir Thomas Pope, 1559. and Dedicated to the H. Trinity, beareth party per pale topaz and Saphyre on a Cheveron (between 3 Grif­fons heads erased) 4 Flower de lis's, all counter-charged.
[Page 55]
Here you may observe how to Blazon, 1st, what or­dinary lies next the field, then what charge is next the field, before you name the or­dinary charge, the Ordinary is charged with the Griffons head erased.
St. Jonas
At the first Foundation called Bernards Colledge. Founded by Henry Chichley, after rebuilt by Sir Thomas White, who bore Ruby in a border Diamond entoire of Stars topaz, and on a Canton Christal, a Lyon Ramp. of the 2d an Annulet difference.
Jesus Col­ledg.
Founded by Queen Eliza­beth, because Dr. H. Price gave 600l. in Buildings, his Arms are born for this So­ciety, viz. Saphyre 3 Stags tripping Pearl.

Founded by Richard Wad­ham, and Dorothy his Wife, [Page 56] whose Arms are joyned. Ru­by a Cheveron between 3 Roses Pearl for the man, and she bears Ruby a Bend between 2 Escallop-shells topaz.

The Halls of this Ʋniversity are
Hall Founded 1004.
S. Albans.
Hart Hall
Founded 1316.
New Inn.
St. Mary Hall.
Founded 1327.
Hall Founded 1459.

The Ʋniversity of Cam­bridge bears the field Gules on a Cross Ermin, between 4 Lyons pas. Gard. Or, a Book clasped, of the field garnished Gold. Having thus blazoned the Arms of this Ʋniversity in Colours, I shall now give [Page 57] it you in planetary Blazon, viz. Mars on a Cross (Ermin between 4 Lyons pas. gard. Sol) a Bible clasp'd of the first, garnished of the 3d.

Peter-House Colledg.
Erected out of 2 Ancient Hostels by Hugh Balsham, 1256. in planetary blazon, bears Sol 4 pallets within a bordure of Mars, charged with entoire of 8 Coronets.
Clare Hall
Built by Richard Badow, 1326. and call'd Ʋniversity Hall, inlarged by Gualter Thansteed, and resign'd to Eliz. La-Clare, and she accounted Foundress, 1347. she was Widow of the Earl of Ʋlster, bears 2 Coats impailed with­in a border Gutty, the first is Sol 3 Cheveronels Mars, and the other Sol a Cross Mars.
Pembroke Hall.

Founded by Mary of Va­lencia, Wife to the Earl of [Page 58] Pembroke, 1343. the Ensign thereof is per pale Semi baron & Feme, the first is the half part of Valences Coat, who bore barry Luna and Jove, an Orle of Martlets Mars, joyn'd with half the Coat Guyde Castilian Father to Ma­ry of Valencia, who bore Varry 3 pallets Mars, in a chief Sol, a file of 3 Labels.

This was an ancient way of impailing Coats, by tak­ing the one half of the Hus­bands and Wifes.
Corpus Christi.
Founded An. 1351. by the Al­dermen & Guild of Corpus Chri­sti in Cambridge, bears Saturn a Pelican with her wings expan­ded, Luna vulnerating her breast for her young, and stand­ing in a Nest, and quarter­ed with Jupiter, 3 Lillies slipped proper, the 3d as the 2d, the 4th as the first.
[Page 59]Trinity Hall.
Bears Saturn a Crescent with­in a border Ermin.
Gonvil & Caius.
Founded by the help of Mony left by Edmund de Gonvil, 1348. and Dr. John Caius became a second Foun­der, 1557. bears 2 Coats im­pailed within a border gobbo­nated Luna and Saturn, the first is Luna on a plain Che­veron between 2 couple closes indented. Saturn 3 Escalops of the first, and 2ly Sol, in a field Semi of Oaken Leaves, 2 Serpents respecting each o­ther issuant out of a hole, and erected, having a Flower slip­ped, all proper, with a Book clasped between them Saturn, the Crest being a Dove.
Kings Colledg.
Begun by Henry the 6th. 1441. who gave it this Coat under his Great Seal, viz. [Page 60] Jupiter a Flower de lis Sol, and Mars a Lyon pas. Gard. of the same, it was finished by K. Henry 7th.
Queens Colledg.
Founded 1441. bears Sa­turn, an Episcopal Staff, Lu­na, ensign'd with a cross patee Sol, and Crosier in Saltire, in like manner over all a Boars head couped of Gold.
St. Kathe­rins Hall.
Bears Saturn, a Katharine Wheel Sol, founded 1475. by Dr. Robert Woodlark, 3d. Provost of Kings, and Chan­cellor of the University.
Jesus Col­ledg.

Bears the field Luna, a Fess between 3 Cocks heads erased, Saturn crested, and jolloped, Mars, all within a border en­toire of 8 Coronets Sol, their Crest being a Cock on a Crown. It was first a Nunnery, and converted into a Colledge by the procurement of John Al­cock, [Page 61] L. L. D. Dean of St. Stephens Westminster, Bishop of Rochester, after of Worcest. and then of Ely, Lord Chan­cellor of England, 1497.

Christs Colledg.

Founded by Mary Countess of Richmond, Daughter and Heir of John Beanford Dean of Somerset, Mother of King Henry 7th. 1505. bears for Arms the Coat of the said John Beanford, viz. Quarter­ly France and England within a Border Gobonated Arg. and Azure.

St. Johns Colledg.
Erected by the same Lady on the Ruins of an ancient Hospital 1508. and bears the same Arms.
Magdalen Colledg.

Was first a Hall call'd Monks Hall, and after new founded 1542. by Thomas Audley, Chancellor of England, and finished by Sir Chr. Wray, Ch. [Page 62] Justice of the Kings Bench, it bears the Ensign of the last Founder, quarterly per pale in­dented, Sol and Jupiter, in the 2d and 3d quarter the Bird of Jove displayed, and on a Bend of the same, a Fret between 2 Martlets of the Sun; other­wise in plain Blazon, it is Quar­terly per pale indented Or and Azure, in the 2d and 3d quar­ter an Eagle displayed of the first metal, on a Bend of the 2d colour, a fret between 2 Martlets Gold.

Trinity Colledg.

Is 3 Colledges united into one, viz. Kings-Hall, Michael-House, and Phiswick Hostel, made into one Structure 1546. and Dedicated to the H. and undivided Trinity, bears Lu­na a Cheveron between 3 Roses Mars, in a chief of the 2d. a Lyon pas. Gard. between 2 Bi­bles [Page 63] clasped Sol; founded by King Henry the 8th.

Emanuel Colledg.

Bears the field Luna, a Lyon Ramp. Jupiter, hold­ing in the dexter Paw a Law­rel Crown triumphal, ensign'd over head with the word EMANUEL, in a Scroll Sol; founded by Sir Wal­ter Mildmay, 1584.

Sidney Sussex Colledg.
Founded by Frances, Wi­dow of the Earl of Sussex, who bore impailed Baron and Feme, the first Sol, a Pheon Jupiter, for the Man; and Luna, a Bend ingrailed Saturn.
Philosop. School.
The Ʋniversity at their own charges founded the Phi­losophy School, An. 1136.
Divinity School. School of Arts. New Li­brary▪

Anno 1400. finished by Sir V. Thorp, out of the Ruines of the old School; their Gates and Walks [Page 64] built by Thomas Rotheram, A. B. of York, 1470.

The Arms of the Twenty several Houses of Law in the City of London; and first of the four Inns of Court, viz. Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincolns Inn, and Grays-Inn.

Inner Temple.
Bears Azure, a Pegasus saliant Or.
Milddle Temple.
Bears Arg. on a plain Cross Gules, the Holy Lamb Or; these two Societies took their Original about the year 1118.
Grayes Inn.
Bears Sable, a Gryphon Ramp. Or.
Lincolns Inn.
Bears Or, a Lyon Ramp. purpure.
Serjeants Inn in Fleetstreet
Bears 2 Garbs in Saltire Or, banded Azure.
[Page 65]Serj. Inn in Chance­ry Lane.
Bears a Pelta, charged with Or, an Ibis proper; these are the Lodgings of the Judges.
Thavies Inn.
Bears Az. on a bend Gules, two garbes Or, and in a chief Sable, the Letter Tau Arg. this House is accounted the Principal of the Inferiour Courts or Inns of Chancery, which are 8 in number.
Furnivals Inn.
Bears Arg. a Bend between 6 Martlets within a border Azure.
Bernards Inn.
Bears Party per pale inden­ted Ermins, and Sable a Che­veron Gules, fretty Or.
Staple Inn.
Bears Vert, a Woolpack Arg.
Cliffords Inn.
Bears Checky Or and Azure, a fess and border Gules, entoire of Besants.
Clements Inn.
Bears the field Arg. an An­chor without a Stock in pale proper, entertaining into the body thereof the letter C.
[Page 66]New Inn.
Or our Ladys Inn, bears Vert, a Flower-pot Arg. main­taining Gilly-Flowers Gules.
Lions Inn.
Consists most of Devonshire and Cornwall men, the Arms are Checky Or and Arg. a Ly­on Ramp. Sable, armed and langued Gules.
Chest. or Stroud Inn
Bore Az. on a bend, within a border Gules, 3 Garbs Or; this Inn was turn'd into a House for the Duke of So­merset in the Year 1549.
Kedermin­sters Inn.
Bears Az. on 2 Chevero­nels Or, (between 3 Plates) 8 Gunstones; this is a Society of the Gentlemen of the Six Clarks Office.
Cursitors Inn.
Bears the field Gules, on a Cheveron Arg. 2 Mullets Sa­ble, within a border compony Or and Az.
Doctors Commons

Bears the Arms of Henry Harvey L. L. D. who at his [Page 67] cost appointed that House or Colledge for the Company of Professors of the Imperial Law, and the Coat is thus blazoned, Gules on a Bend Arg. 3 trefoils within a bordure, Vert.

Gresham Colledg.
Provided by Sir Thomas Gresham, who bore Arg. a Cheveron Ermine between 3 Mullets Sable, he ordained 7 Lectures to be publickly read only in Term time, viz. Divinity, Civil Law, Phisick, Geometry, Astronomy, Rheto­rick and Musick.
Staffords Inn.
Bears Or, a Cheveron Gules, and a Canton Ermin, within a border compony, Arg. and Az. this was the Office of the Re­membrancers of the Exche­quer.
St. Katha­rine.

Bears Party per fesse, Gules and Az. in chief, a Sword bar­wise [Page 68] proper in base, a Demi-Katherin Wheel Or, this House was founded by Queen Ma­tilda, Wife to King Stephen; enlarged by Queen Elinor, VVife to Edward the First, (and afterward Philippa, VVife to Edward the Third, founded there a Chancery) and hath been a free Chap­pel or Hospital for poor Si­sters.


THE COATS of ARMS Of divers GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND, BLAZON'D; Some in Colours, O­thers with Planetary Blazon.

LONDON, Printed for L. Curtis, and Tho. Simmons.


A Collection of the Coats of Arms of di­vers Gentlemen Bla­zon'd.

Allen and Hide.
ARgent 3 Lozenges Sa­ble.
Herefordshire, Sable 5 Stars 2, 1, 2, Argent.
Suffolk, Azure, 10 Stars Or, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Staff. Azure 6 Martlets Or.
Sable, a Martlet Argent.
1 Cheshire, Per Cheveron Arg. and Sable. 2 Chesh. and Lanc. Arg. one Mullet sable.
Lancashire, Gules, 3 Falcons Arg. Armed, Jesled, and Bel­led, Or.
Gules a Lyon Ramp. double queve Argent.
[Page 72]Alleyn.
Bedf. Sable a Cross potent Or.
Nottingh. Pally of 6 Arg. and Az. over all a Bend Gules.
Barry of 6 Arg. and Gules, a bendlet Sable.
1 Kent, Ermin a cross Sa­ble. 2 Essex, Ermin on a cross sable, a Crescent Silver.
1 Arg. 2 Cheverons sable. 2 Devon. Esse, or Ash. Ar. 2 Cheverons Sa. on each Cheveron a trefoile Or.
Arg. a pile Sable, over all a Fess ingrailed Ermin.
B. 3 Bars Ar. Besants in chief.
Gules, a Fret Or.
Essex, Arg. a plain cross sa­ble, between 4. Cornish choughs proper.
A. B. of Canterbury, bears Ruby a Cheveron between 3 Pears Topaz (by the 5th of the 2d, and the 3d of the first.)
[Page 73]Aderly.
Kent. Arg. on a bend Az. 3 Mascles of the field.
Gules, 3 dexter Arms vam­braced, the hands proper.
Luna, on a pale ingrail'd Saturn, 3 Crescents Sol, ( by the 3d of the 2d, and 4th of the first.)
Derby and Leicester-shires. Arg. 10 Torteauxes 4, 3, 2, 1. a file of 3 points Azure.
Baret. Party Y. chief indented, Ar­gent and Gules.
Of Grimstone Hall, parted per Fesse 4 nebulae, 2 Azure and Or, 3 Martlets counter­charged.
Sable, 6 Martlets Or.
Suffolk, Gules, and a Cre­scent Ermin between 8 Mart­lets Or, 3, 2, 2, 1.
York, Sable, a Flower de lis between 8 Martlets Sable 3. 2. 3.
[Page 74]Barlow.
Lanc. Sable, an Eagle di­splay'd Argent, Armed Or, standing on a limb of a Tree raguled Argent.
Barton. Arg. 3 Boars-heads couped Gules.
Hampshire, Vert, 3 Boars heads couped Argent.
Blaney. Shropsh. Sable, three Nags heads erased Arg.
Heylyn Hereford.
Gough Shropsh.
1 Paleways of 6 Or & Gules, 2 Gyronney of 8 Or and Gules, 3 Or. 3 Piles Gules, and a Can­ton Ermin.
1 London, Or, 3 Crescents surmounted by as many Stars Gules, 2 Sable, 6 Lioncels cou­chant Arg. 3. 2. 1.
Arg. a reremouse displayed Sable.
Suffolk, Ermin, an Eagle displayed Gules.
[Page 75]Bell.
Per Cheveron, Gules and Or, a Crescent counterchanged.
Heref. Barry nebul. 6 Or, and Sable.
Gules, 3 Trefoils Or.
Azure, a dexter-hand ex­tended in pale Arg.

1 Parted per Bend, Sable and Argent, 3 Mascles coun­terchanged.

2 Azure, an Eagle display­ed with 2 heads Arg.

Lond. Sable, a Goshawk Arg. Arms Jessed, and Bells Or.
Oxf. Or, 3 Bulls-heads ca­bossed Gules.
Baldwin and Caven­ham.
Argent, a Saltire Sable.
Suffolk, Gules, in a Chief Arg. 2 Mullets Sable.
Suffolk, Azure, 2 Swords in Saltire, blades Arg. and hilts within a border ingrail­ed, Or.
[Page 76]Barnar­diston.
Suffolk, Azure, a Fess Er­min betw. 6 Cross Croslets Arg.
London, B. 2 Lyons pas. gard. Arg.
Somerset. Arg. a Fess Lo­zengie, 3 Mascules in Chief B. border B. besantie.
Er. on a fess counterbattele Sa. 3 Escalops Arg.
Sussex, Arg. a Castle be­tween 3 Keys B.
Or, on an Escucheon of pre­tence, Arg. a Lyon Ramp. Gules.
Quarterly Ar. Sa. in the first Quarter an Eagle display'd of the second.
Sable, a Cross ingrailed Arg.
Lancashire, Arg. 2 Bend­lets sable.
St. Edm. Bury, Sa. a Fess Ar. between 3 Escalops Or.
Or, three Piles Azure.
Bentley Arg. on a Bend Azure, 3 Anulets Or, by the 4. 2. and 2. 1.
[Page 77]Chapman.
York, Per Cheveron, Arg. and Gules, a crescent counter­chang.

1 Azure, 3 Swans Argent.

2 Or, a Lyon Ramp. Gules.


1 Sable, 3 Plates, Somer­set-shire.

2 Or, a Bend ingrailed A­zure, a Mullet for difference, York-shire.

3 Barry of 4 vert. and Gules 3 plates.

Gules, 3 Cocks Arg. armed, crested and jelloped Or.
Arg. a Pellican in her Nest unlued and disclosed Sable.
Suffolk, Arg. a Cock Gules.
Derby-shire, Arg. 3 Cocks Gules, armed, crested and jel­loped Sable.
Suff. Arg. 3 Coots proper.

1 Lincoln-shire, Or, three Rooks Sab. or proper.

2 Or, 2 Ravons in pale proper.

[Page 78]3 Or, 3 Ravons proper, de VVatelshorn.

Azure, a Lyon Ramp. Arg.
Pally of 6 pieces, Or and Sable, a Bend counterchanged.
Gules, an Inescocheon Arg. within an Orle of Cinquefoils, Or.
Or, 3 Cheveronels Ermins.
Arg. on a Cheveron Sable, five Horse-Shooes, Or.
Quarterly Ar. and Gu. in the 2d and 3d quarter, Apheon Ar. Sussex.
London, Ar. upon a pale Sa. 3 Crosses formee, within a bordure engrailed Sa.

1 Arg. 3 bars Azure, 3 A­nulets Gules in chief.

2 Arg. 3 bars Sable in chief, 3 Anulets Gules.

Arg. on a Bend Sable, three Mullets of the first.
Per Cheveron, Or and A­zure, [Page 79] 3 Mullets counterchang­ed.
Per Cheveron, crenelle, Gules and Or, 3 Mullets coun­terchanged.
Dean. Arg. a Lyon Ramp. Purpure.
York-shire, Or, 3 Cinque­foils Sable.
Rutland-shire, Az. a Flower de lis Arg.
Bark-shire, Az. 6 Garbs, 3. 2. 1. Or.
Vert. 3 Fishes Haurient Argent.
A Fesse waved between the 2 Pole-Stars Artick and An­tartick.
Azure, a Wolf Salient Arg. armed and langued Gules.
Gu. 4 Bends Or, on a chief parted per fess Ar. and Erm. 3 lis gu. in the Chief.
[Page 80]Duke.
Party per Cheveron Ar. and B. 3 Chaplets counterchanged.
Or, a Fess varrie Arg. and Az. entre 3 Cinquefoils gu.
Devon-shire, Or on a Fess wavy, 3 Lozenges of the first.
Arg. on a Bend wavie A­zure, 3 Swans Ar.
Eagles­field. Arg. 3 Eaglets displayed Gules.
Ellis. Gules 6 plates, 3. 2. and 1.
Sab. 3 Piles waved Arg.
Surry, Azure, a Fess Or.
Az. a Cross patee fitchee Or, in a Chief of the 2d 3 Spheres. of the first.
Luna, on a chief Mars, three Mullets of the first.
Lancashire, Gules, 3 Cinque­foils Arg.
York-shire, Arg. 3 Oak-Leaves vert.
[Page 81]Filfed.
Or, a Waterbudget Azure.
Arg. 3 Falcons Gules, arm­ed Or, in Chief 3 Pellets.
Sable, a Lyon pas. Or.
Or, a Lyon Saliant Gules.
Northamp. Azure, 3 Lo­zenges Arg.
Or, a Kings Fisher proper.
Cornw. Ermin, a Crosse Moline.
Ar. a Chev. vert. ent. three Bugles Horns with Strings Sa. Crescent Gu.
Glocester-shire, Quarterly Or, and Az. in the first quar­ter a Hawks Lure Or.
Vert. a Gryphon Passant & a Chief Or,
Northamp. Sablea Gry­phon, segriant Argent.

1 Azure, 3 Storks rising Arg.

2 Azure, Storks rising pro­per.

[Page 82]Glanvil.
Per chief indented Az. and Arg.
Kent, Arg. 2 Swords in their Scabbards sab. hilts and chapes Or, disposed in Saltire.
London, Sa. a Cheveron, Er. entre 3 crescents Ar. Bor­der Or.
Sussex, Arg. on a bend ra­gule gu. a Lyon Pas. Ar.
Oxford, Azure, 3 Bucks pas. Or, a Mullet difference.
Green Suff. Or, a cross ingrailed Gules.
Hamp-shire, Or, 5 Crescents Az. 1. 3. 1.
Devon. Sable 3 cresc. Arg.
London. Gu. 2 bars Erm. in chief a Lyon Pas. Or.
Middlesex, B. on a chief Ermin, a Lyon pas. gard. B.
London, Arg. a fesse var­rie Or, and gu.
[Page 83]Heyward.
Norfolk, Ar. on a pale Sa. 3 Cresc. Ar.
London, Or, 2 Cres. Sa. on a canton Sa. a Crown Or.
London, Gules, a fesse wa­vy between 3 Flowers de lis Or.
Sa. on a fess Or, a Cinquefoil gu. between 2 Cheverons Ar. a border Erm.
Leicester, Sa. a Cheveron entre 3 Otters pas. Ar.
Kent, Ar. a cross engrail'd gu. between 12 Billets gu.
Surry, Ar. a bend wavy between 2 Falcons proper, bells Or.
Gules, 3 Cheveronels Or.
Vert, a Saltire Or.
Parted per pale Jupiter, and Mars, 3 Lyons Ramp. Lu­na.
Jenkins York bears Or, a Lyon R. Regardant Sable.
Price. Carnarv.
[Page 84]Inglebey
York, Sable, a Star Argent.
Arg. 6 Ostriches Feathers Sable, 3, 2, 1.
Azure, 9 Lozenges 3, 3, and 3 Gules.
Lancashire, Gules, 6 Flower de lis, 3, 2, 1, Argent.

1 Essex, Ar. Cheveron Sa. entre 3 Mill Roins traverst.

2 Somerset, Sa. a Dolphin, entre 3 Croslets Or, confirm.

London, Gu. on Bend engr. Ar. 3 Roses Gu.
G. 3 Spear-heads Ar. 2, 1, chief Er.
London, Or, Cinquefoil Gu. entre 3 Pheons Sa.
London, B. on plain Cross Or, 5 estoils Gu. entre 4 Pheons Or.
A. B. of Canterb. bears To­paz, a Cross Ruby between four black Boys-heads couped at Shoulders.
[Page 85]Kempe.
Norfolk, Gules, 3 Garbs Or.
Devon. Arg. 3 Cats in pale sable.
Parted per fesse, Or, and Gules, one Lozenge counter­changed.
Sa. in fess 3 Fishes hau­rient Arg. a chief 2, 2, Or.

1 Arg. a Bend vert.

2. Per fesse indented Or, and Gules.

Arg. 5 Pallets Sable.
London, Sa. on a Cheveron Or, 3 Escallops Sable between 3 Croslets Or.
Nottingham, Argent two Bars and a Canton Gules.

1 Hamp-shire, Vert, a Bend Lozengy Or.

2 Northampton-shire Ar­gent 3 bends Gu. on a Canton B. a Spur with leathers Or.

Surry, Quarterly Ermin & pally of 60r and Gu. on a bend B. a Caunce Or.
[Page 86]Krog.
Azure, a Plow in fess Argent.
Jupiter, a cross recercel di­sioint seme of Croslets Sol.

Leicester and Yorksh. Arg. 6 Gun-stones, 3, 2, 1.

2 Cornwal, Azure 3 Shove­lers heads erased Argent.

3 Lincoln, Or, a Lyon Ramp. purpure.

Gules, a Shoveler Argent.
Arg. 3 Bears heads erased, Sable, Musselled Or, supported in a Shield by a Bear, whose Head appears in the place of the Crest.

1 York-shire, Paleways of 6 Arg. and vert.

2 London, Ar. a fesse Sa. in chief three Gun-stones.

Lancash. Arg. an Eagle with two heads displayed vert.
Sable, 6 Annulets Or, 3, 2, 1.

Gules a chief Arg. on the lower part thereof a Cloud, the [Page 87] Suns resplendent Rays there­on issuing proper, Northamp­tonshire.

Essex, Ermin, a Lyon Ramp. Gules.

1 Chesh. Arg. a Lyon Ramp, Gules.

2 Mars, a Cross ingrailed, and in the first quarter a Lo­zenge Luna.


1 Durham, Arg. 3 Wa­terbudgets Sable.

2 Sable, 3 Lozenges Argent.

Northampton-shire, Barry ne bule of six Or, and Gules.
Gules, 2 Wolves pas. Arg.
Devon. Sable, three Oaken Leaves Arg.
Party per chief Arg. and Gules, 3 Roses slipped, their Stalks, Blades, and Seeds Arg.
Northamp. Party per pale Azure and Gules, 3 Saltires Arg.
[Page 88]Langhorn.
Bedfordsh. Sa. plain Cross Ar. on chief Ar. 3 Bugle horns Sa. the strings Gu.
Lancash. Arg. a Cross ra­guled Gu.
Kent, Arg. a Cheveron Gules between 3 Beavers tails pro­per.
Southamp. Arg. 3 Bars Gu. in chief 3 Lyons-heads e­rased Gu.
Devon. Ermin, on a chief indented Jupiter, 3 Crowns Sol.
Kent, B. a fesse dansie en­tre 3 Crowns Mural Or.
Ermin, three Wolves-heads couped, proper.
Lozengy Barry Ar. and B. on chief 3 Croslets Or.
Bucks. Erm. on a Bend Sa. 3 Right-hands Arg.

1 Gules, 3 round Buckles Or.

2 Somerset. Az. 3 Escallops Or.

[Page 89]Marten.
Buckingh. Sable, 3 round Buckles Argent.
Arg. a Gryphonsegriant Sa­ble armed Gules.
Arg. a Saltire ingrailed Sa­ble.

1 Arg. an Eagle display'd Sable, armed Azure.

2 Or, 3 Martlets Gules.


1 Lancash. Vert, ten Tre­foils 4, 3, 2, 1, Argent.

2 Azure, 3 Leopards-heads Or.

Moorton Arg. 3 Lyons-heads erased Sa.
Arg. a Flower de lis Gules.

1 Gules, a Pellican in her Nest, with Wings disclosed, unlued, and feeding her young ones Or.

2 Heref. Arg. a Lyon Ramp. Sable, Crowned Or.

3 Wales, Or, a Gryphon se­griant Sable.

[Page 90]Marshal.
Yorksh. Ar. Chev. entre 2 Cheveronels Sa. between 3 Bucks-heads caboshed Gu.
Sable, a Bend imbatteled counter-batteled Argent.
Barry of 10 Ar. and vert. over all 6 Escucheons Gu. 3, 2, 1.
Nevill Azure, a Lyon Ramp. Or.
Gules, 6 Anulets Or, 3, 2, 1.
Azure, three Besants.
Vert. a Lyon Ramp. Or.
Nells Gules, a Lyon pas. Arg.

1 Ermin, a Lyon Ramp. Gu. entre 3 Right-hands Gu.

2 Or, a Lyon Ramp. purpure.

Norfolk, B. Cheveron wa­vie Or, entre 3 Gryphons sa­liant Or.
Arg. a Cross formie and Flowry entre 12 Billets Sa.
London, Or, 2 Bars G. on chief Azure, a Scutcheon Erm.
Chesh. Erm. a Cross in­grail'd Gu.
[Page 91]Owen.
Arg. a Lyon Ramp. with a Canton Sable.

1 Lincoln, Or, on a Pile vert. 3 Garbs Or.

2 London, Or, on a Pile en­grail'd B. 3 garbs Arg. the Bands Gu.

Berks, Vert. 3 Cross for­mies Or, on a chief Ar. three Boars-heads couped Sa.
Berks, Per Salter Or, Er. a Cross humet over all Gu.

1 Warw. Gules, 5 Cinque­foils 2, 1, 2, Arg. pierced in the middle.

2 Essex, Gules, 3 Escallops Or.

Arg. a Cross Erm. between 4 Roe-Bucks proper.
Lanc. Arg. 3 Heath-cocks proper.
Azure, 3 Pellicans Or, un­lued proper.
Devonshire, Arg. 3 Cornish Choughs proper.
[Page 92]Petit.
Cornw. Arg. a Lyon saliant Gu.
Palgrave Azure, a Lyon Pas. Arg.
Essex, Sab. a Lyon Ramp. Arg.
Devonsh. Parted per fesse crenelle Gu. and Az. 3 Suns proper.
Glocestersh. Gules, 5 Mar­lions Wings, 2, 1, 2, Argent.
Lincolnsh. Or, 3 Garbs Gules.
Gules, a Flower de lis Or.
Arg. 6 Roses Gules 3, 2, 1.
Somersetsh. Or, a Flower de lis Az.
Or, a Lyon Ramp. regardant Sable.
Warw. Az. on a fess Arg. 3 Ogresses between 3 Pellicans Or, pecking their Breasts Gules.
Per fesse battel B. and Gu. 3 Suns Or.

Sussex, Gu. 2 Bars Ar. on [Page 93] a Canton B. a Dolphin Or.

Or, a Fesse Dauncette A­zure.
Gules, a Fesse Dauncette Arg.
Quarterly Gu. and Erm. per fesse indented.
Lancash. Arg. a Cross pa­tonce voided Sable.
Dorset. Sa. fess Chev. Ar. B. ent. 3 Besants.
London, Ar. frettie Sa. on each Frett a Plate.
Per pale Or, and Sab. a Saltire ingrailed counterchang­ed.
Shropsh. Arg. a chief Or, and a Lyon Ramp. Jesant Gules.
Arg. a Cheveron Sab. be­tween 3 Lozenges Azure.
Arg. a fesse between 3 Lo­zenges Sa.
Glenham. Arg. a Cheveron between 3 Torteauxes.
[Page 94]Querlton.
Arg. a Lyon pas. gardant Gules.
Az. 6 Plates Arg. 3, 2, 1.
Chesh. Sa. 3 Mullets and a chief indented Ermin.

1 Az. a Gryphon Segriant Or.

2 London, Gu. a Cheve­ron Or, between three lis, two in chief Or, and one in base Ar.

Randolph Gules, a Swan Arg.
Rich. Sable, a Falcon rising Or.
Azure, 3 Phesants Cocks Or.
Rider. Azure, 3 Crescents Or.
Devonsh. Sab. a paire of Wings conjoyned and elivated Argent.
Ar. a Bull pas. Gu. on a Mount vert.

1 Or, 3 Waterbudgets Sa­ble.

2 Az. 3 Waterbudgets Or.

[Page 95]3. Gules, 3 Waterbudgets Arg.

4. Gules, 3 Waterbudgets Or.

Middles. Gu. a Quarter­foil Or.
Lancash. Arg. 2 Bendlets ingrailed.
Heref. Arg. a Pheon Gu. 3 Boars-heads erased, Sable.
Arg. a Cheveron checque Gules and Az. between three Croslets fitch. of the first.

1. Vert, on a Cheveron be­tween 3 Roe-Bucks tripping Or, 3 Trefoils Gules.

2. Northumb. Vert, on a Cheveron Or, 3 Lozenges Gu. entre 3 Bucks passant Or.


1. Leic. Per pale Ar. and Gu. a Lyon Ramp. Sa.

2. Cornw. B. on a Cheve­ron Ar. 3 Mullets pierced Sa.


Northamp. Gules a Lyon Saliant Arg.


1. Sable, 3 Salmons, haurient Arg.

2. Gules, 3 Salmons in Fess haurient proper.

Party per Cheveron Sab. and Arg. 3 Elephants-heads e­rased counterchanged.
Northamp. Ermin, three Increscents Gules.
Simpson Arg. 3 Mullets Sable.
Per Cheveron, Sab. and Er­min in chief 2 Mullets Arg.
Vert, 3 Mullets of 6 points pierced Or.

1. Essex, Ermin 3 Pomeys.

2. Berks, parted per Cheve­ron Arg. and Sab. 3 Anvils counterchanged.

3. Kent, Or, 3 Bars Sa. in chief 3 Crosses formies fitchie Sa.

4. Gloc. Or, on Fess Gu. 3 lis Ar. entre 3 Saltires Sa.

5. Lond. Arg a fess vert en­tre 3 Ogresses.

[Page 97]6. a Cross Gules between four Peacocks Az.

Vert, 3 Quarterfoils slipped Or.
Devon. Azure, 3 Pears Or.
Springs. Yorksh. Arg. a Lyon Ramp. vert.

1. Azure, an Orle Argent.

2. Suffolk, Arg. a Cheveron engrail'd Gu. entre 3 Mascles Gu.


1. Somerset. Sab. 8 Mart­lets Arg. 3, 2, 2, 1.

2. Varrie Sa. Ar.

Chesh. Arg. a Stork Sa­ble, membred Gules.
Arg. a Lyon Ramp. doub. queve purple.
Symonds Sable, a Dolphin naiant, devouring a Fish, proper.
Essex, Arg. a Lyon Ramp. purpure.
York, Arg. a Lyon Ramp. Sable.
Or, a Lyon Ramp. doub. queve vert.
[Page 98]Shelton.
Norf. Azure, a Cross Or.
Beareth Pearl, a Cross ra­guled Diamond.
Or in Planetary Blazon, Luna, a Cross raguled Saturn.
Erm. a Saltire ingrailed Az.

1. Gules on a Saltire, Or.

2. Per fesse indented, Or and Az.

Checque, Or and vert, a Bend Ermin.
Pally of 6 Or and Gu. a chief Sab.
Parted per pale indented Arg. and Sable, a Saltire counterchanged.
Norfolk. Parted per fesse Argent and Sable, a pale be­tween 3 Trefoils counterchang­ed.

1. Norfolk, Arg. on a chief indented, Gu. 3 Pollaxes Or.

2. Bucks, Gu. 3 Pollaxes [Page 99] in fess Or, chief Er.

York, Per Chev. Sa. Or, 2 Eagles in chief Or, crescent Ar.
Kent. Gu. a Bend engr. Or, between two Bulls-heads erased Or.
Gu. fess engr. Ar. entre 3 Birds Ar. beak and legs Sa.
Bucks, Sa. a Cross voided entre 4 Mullets Or.
Wiltsh. B. an inescutcheon Ar. ent. 8 Croslets fitchie Or.
Kent, B. a Griffin pas. Or, between 3 Estoils Ar.
Glocestersh. Per Chever. Az. and Arg. 2 Eagles volant in chief Or.
Or, a fess Az. entre Wolves heads erased Sa.
Lincolnsh. Arg. 2 Bars Gu. in chief a Mullet pierced Sa.

Checkie Or, and Gu. over [Page 100] all a Lyon Ramp. Erm. a Can­ton B.

Az. 3 Libards Faces in pale Or.
Suff. Az. fretty Gules, sup­pressing 3 Sturgeons in pale Or.
Lond. Or, on a pale B. three Escallops Or.
Lond. Gules on a chief Or, 2 Swallows volant proper.
Kent. B. a fess wavy entre 3 Goats-heads erased Or.
Arg. a fesse Gules.
Pally of 6 Or, and Az. a Bend Gules.

1. Sab. a Lyon passant Arg.

2. Bedf. B. a Saltire voided Or, entre 4 Bucks-heads ca­boshed Or.

Arg. a Leopards head Jes­sant, a Flower de lis Gules.

1. Kent, Party per pale Or and Arg. an Eagle displayed Gules.

[Page 101]2. Bucks. Or, a Lyon pas. Az.

3. Lincoln, Az. a Lyon pas. gard. Or.

Essex, Arg. 3 Eaglets dis­played vert.

1. Lincolnsh. Az. an Estoil Or, between 3 Crescents Arg.

2. Yorksh. Az. 3 Cresc. Arg.


1. Paleways, of 6 Sab. and Arg.

2. Cambr. Bendy, of 6 Arg. and Gules.

Kent and Suss. Paleways of 10 pieces Or, and Gules.
Tuke. Parted per Cross Arg. and Az.
Per chief Gules and Or.
Turpin Bendy, of 6 Arg. and A­zure.
Hertf. Ar. Bend fusilee, Sa. a Torteaux in the Sinister point.
[Page 102]Tirrey.
London, Ar. on a pile Gu. a Leopards Face swallowing a Flower de lis Or.
Kent, Gu. a Cheveron Or, ent▪ 3 Horse-heads erased Or, bridled Sa.

1. Or, a fess dauncette Sab. between 3 Cornish Choughs pro­per.

2. London, Ar. a Chev. Cheq. Or and Sa. entre three Fowls Sa.

Arg. 3 Lozenges in fess Sab.
Norf. Or, 5 Mascules in Cross Gu. chief dented Gu.
Gu. 5 Croslets fitchie in Sal­tire Or, between 4 Escallops Or.
Per pale vert and Gu. a Cross Moline Or.

1. Surry, Parted per fess Arg. and Sab. a pale between 3 Trefoils counterchanged.

[Page 103]2. Essex, Erminees on a Cross quatervoided Ar. four Milroins Sa.

Vaughan Shrop. Arg. a Lyon Ramp. Sa.
Per chief vert and Or.
Per chief Sab. and Arg.
Or, a Cinquefoil Gules.
Surry and Northamp Az. 3 quarter­foils Arg.
Sable, a Cross Moline Arg.
Dorcetsh. Arg. a Cross Moline Gu.
Gu. 3 Flower de lis Arg.
Gu. 3 Flower de lis Stalks and slipped Arg.
Walden Arg. 3 Leopards-heads Sa­ble.
Walgrave Essex, Per pale Arg. and Gules.
Walling­ton Or, a Lyon Ramp. vert.
[Page 104]Ward.
Sa. 3 Crescents surmounted by 3 Stars Gules.
Chesh. Checkie Or and Az.
Worc. and Somers. Az. 6 Mullets 3, 2, 1, Or.
Gloc. Az. one Mullet Or.
Arg. 3 Mullets pierced Sab.
Linc. Az. 3 Mullets pier­ced Or.
Lond. Az. a Bezant be­tween 3 Cresc. Arg.
York, Barry of 6 Erm. and Gules, 3 Cresc. Sable.

1. Vert, 3 Fountains proper.

2. Hampsh. Arg. 3 Foun­tains proper.

Staff. Or, an Eagle dis­played Sab. Armed Gules.
Gu, an Eagle displayed Erm.
Durham, Arg. 3 Cocks­heads erased Sab. Membred and Jelloped Gules.
Winter. Ermin, a Lyon pas. Sable.

1. Devon. Or, on a Mount in base, an Oke Acorn'd proper.

2. Midd. Ar. a Wolf pas. Sab. chief Gules.

3. Gloc. Arg. a Cheveron engrailed entre 3 lis Gu.

Staff. Vert, 5 Oaken Leaves Or, 2, 1, 2.
Gules, 3 Martlets Arg.
Per pale indented Arg. and Sab. 6 Martlets counterchang­ed.

1. Devonsh. Vert, a Sal­tire waved Erm.

2. Ar. on a plain Cross Sa. a Crown B. within the Sun Or.

Northamp. Erm. on a chief Gu. a Bezant between 2 Billets Or.
Devon. Party per pale Er. and Or, a Lyon Saliant Gu. out of a Crown Or, a calvary Crescent, 2 Wings Ar.
[Page 106]Walgrave.
Suff. Per pale Arg. and Gules.
Az. a Bend imbatteled counter-batteled Argent.
Gules, a fesse Ermin.
Warw. Or, a Saltire vary.
Wallop Hamp. Arg. a Bend wa­vey Sable.
Burton York.
Norf. Vert, a Cross in­grail'd Or.
Water▪ house
Bucks, Or, a pile engrail­ed Sab.
Vert, frettee Or.

Lond. Az. in a chief Arg. 3 Martlets Gules.

Arg. a fesse Dauncette Sa­ble.
Sable, a Manch Arg.
Kent, Gu. a fesse varrie Arg. and Az. entre 3 Ʋnicorns pas. Ar. horn and main Or.
Linc. Or, a Cheveron Gu. entre 3 Trefoils Sa.
Lond. Ar. 3 Mullets pier­ced Sa.
[Page 107]Willough­by.
Kent, Or, Fretty Azure.
Arg. a Cross raguled Sab.
Arg. a Cross voided Az.
Sable, a Cross voided Arg.
Chesh. Arg. a Cross void­ed Sa.
Salop, Arg. 3 Roses Gules.
Arg. a Saltire Azure.
Yetton Or, a Bend Sable.
Gules, 10 Bezants 4, 3, 2, 1.

To make this Book more compleat, here are added Forty Eight Crests, [well engraven] of divers sorts, and having given the Crests, it was thought proper also to Blazon the Coats. The first Plate con­tains the Crests of these following Gentlemen, whose Coats are.

VErt, a Fesse Dauncette Ermin, in chief a Cre­scent Or.
Or, between two Cheverons Sable, a Trefoil slipped of the second.
Argent, a Leg couped at the Thigh, Sable.
[Page 109]Deane.
Arg. on a Cheveron Gules, entre 3 Ravens proper, three Crosses pattee Or.
Or, a Kings Fisher proper.
Or, 3 Martlets Sable, on a chief Azure, a Ton of the second.
Ermin, on a Canton Gules, a Buck tripant Or.
Arg. on a fesse Azure, be­tween 3 Pellets, each charg'd with a Lyons-head erased, of the first; a Gryphon passant en­tre 2 Escallops Or.
Ermin, a Cheveron between 3 Cocks Gules.
Per fess Arg. and Gules, 3 Ʋnicorns counterchang'd.
Azure, a fesse Argent en­tre 3 Talbots-heads erased Or.
Arg. on a pale Azure, three Flower-Deluces of the first.
The Second Plate contains these.
Gules, 7 Lozenges wayre.
Gules, 4 Escallops in Cross entre 5 Croslets in Saltire fitchee Or.
Gules, 5 Mullets of six points Or, entre 2 Flanches Cheque Arg. and Sable.
Gules, 3 Palaxes in fesse Or, a chief Ermin.
Ermin, on a chief Gules a Bezant between 2 Billets Or.
Argent, a Cheveron be­tween 3 Ferdimolines Bar­ways, Sable.
Or, on a pale Gules a Sword erected proper, on a chief Azure 3 Bezants.
Or, 3 Half-Moons Sable, on a Canton of the 2d a Coro­net of the first.
[depiction of crest of Somers]
[depiction of crest of Greeke]
[depiction of crest of Gilman]
[depiction of crest of Deane]
[depiction of crest of Fisher]
[depiction of crest of Merewether]
[depiction of crest of Maycotte]
[depiction of crest of Greve]
[depiction of crest of Coghill]
[depiction of crest of Commolin]
[depiction of crest of Burton]
[depiction of crest of Cranfield]
[depiction of crest of Guy]
[depiction of crest of Tounſon]
[depiction of crest of Dabbins]
[depiction of crest of Sheperd]
[depiction of crest of Watts]
[depiction of crest of Iames]
[depiction of crest of Bargrave]
[depiction of crest of Hodges]
[depiction of crest of Bennet]
[depiction of crest of Sommerset]
[depiction of crest of Bamburgh]
[depiction of crest of Baker]
[depiction of crest of Godard]
[depiction of crest of Midlemore]
[depiction of crest of Henley]
[depiction of crest of Kerle]
[depiction of crest of Nevill]
[depiction of crest of Franklin]
[depiction of crest of Scudamore]
[depiction of crest of Arden]
[depiction of crest of Nichols]
[depiction of crest of Armnie]
[depiction of crest of Litleton]
[depiction of crest of Wiſeman]
[depiction of crest of Corbet]
[depiction of crest of Chaloner]
[depiction of crest of Booth]
[depiction of crest of Buck]
[depiction of crest of Bilingsley]
[depiction of crest of Broughton]
[depiction of crest of Hampton]
[depiction of crest of Digby]
[depiction of crest of Nicholls]
[depiction of crest of Rudeyard]
[depiction of crest of Blagrave]
[depiction of crest of Gerrard]
Azure, on a fesse Or, between 3 Demy Lyons Argent, a Cul­verin of the first, between two Pellets.
Argent, Semy deluces Sa­ble, a Castle triple-towered of the second.
Azure, a Pheon Sable, on a chief of the 2d, a Lyon pas­sant of the first.
Azure, on a fesse entre 3 Swans-necks erased, gorged, with a Crown Gules, 3 Cin­quefoils of the last.
The Third Plate.
Gules, a Cheveron vayre between 3 Half-Moons Ar­gent.
Parted per Cheveron Arg. and Sable in chief two Heath-Cocks proper.

Paly, Bendy Azure and [Page 112] Gules, over all eight Martlets Or.

Vert, a Cheveron between 3 Flower-Deluces Or.
Gules, a Saltire Argent, charg'd with a Rose of the first.
Azure, a Dolphin Naiant Argent, a chief Or.
Gules, 3 Stirrups Leathered Or.
Ermin, a fesse Cheque Or, and Azure.
Sable, 3 Pheons Argent, a Canton Or.
Ermin, a Saltire ingrailed Gules, on a chief of the 2d a Lyon passant Or.
Argent, a Cheveron be­tween three Escallops Sable.
Sable, a Cheveron between 3 Coronels of tilt Spears Ar­gent.
The Fourth Plate.
Or, a Raven Sable.
Argent, a Cross flory Sable, between 4 Cornish Choughs proper.
Argent, 3 Boars-heads e­rased and erected Sable.
Parted per fesse Argent and Sable, 3 Bucks scalps coun­terchanged.
Gules, a Flower-Deluce Or, a Canton of the second.
Argent, 2 Bars Gules, on a Canton of the second, a Cross of the first.
Argent, three Hemp-Brakes Sable.
Azure, a Flower-Deluce Argent.
Sable, a Pheon Argent.
Argent, Fretty of six pieces Sable, a Canton of the second.
[Page 114]Blagrave.
Or, on a Bend Sable three Legs couped at the Thigh, armed proper.
Azure, a Cheveron ingrail­ed Ermin.


Of all the Names contained in this Book, for the more ready finding any Coat of Arms.

Note, that all the Pages in a Parenthesis thus, () refer to those Pages in the engraven Coats, and those Pages figured with Let­ter figures refer to the Introducti­on, and those with a C to the figure in a Crotchet, thus, [c] re­fer to the Crests, and the rest of the figures to the Printed Bla­zoning of Coats.

  • Abbot 72
  • Achilles (16)
  • Adam 71
  • Aderley 73
  • Allen (6.) 71, 72
  • All-Souls Colledg 52
  • Alston 71
  • Alfred 1
  • Amory 72
  • Andrews (10)
  • Annesly 9. 72
  • Anderson 71
  • Appleby 71
  • [Page] Arches (28)
  • Archer 72
  • Arden [c 3] XV. 112
  • Armstrong 73
  • Armine [c 3] 112
  • Arundell 32. 34
  • Aston (9) 71
  • Ashe 72
  • Ashmole (20)
  • Askew (24)
  • S. Asaph 40
  • Athelstane 2
  • Astley 35
  • Ashton 72
  • Ashley 73
  • Atterton (26)
  • Atherton 71
  • Atwood 71
  • Atkins 72
  • Audley 72
  • Awbrey (25)
  • Aylmer 27
  • S. Albons Hall 56
  • Bath 40
  • Bangor 40
  • Babington 73
  • Bacon 75
  • Baker (25) [c 2] 111, 76
  • Baliol 50
  • Bartram (6)
  • Barington (17)
  • Barnard (20)
  • Bargrave [c 2) 110
  • Barwick (20)
  • Baronets VIII
  • Basterdy XI
  • Bamburg [c 2] 111
  • Baskervile (29) X
  • Baynham (24)
  • Barty (31)
  • Baret 73
  • Barker 73
  • Barlow 74
  • Barton 74
  • Basset 74
  • Bateman 74
  • Baxter 74
  • Baldwin 75
  • Barnardiston 76
  • Barnes 76
  • Bennet (19) [c 2] 10 111
  • Bendish (24)
  • [Page] Bevill (25)
  • Beverley (28) 93
  • Berkley 11. 34. XI
  • Bernards Inn 65
  • Beauclaire 12
  • Bertee 16. 32
  • Bellasis 28, 29. 33
  • Beyfraud 73
  • Beddingfield 74
  • Bell 75
  • Bentley 76
  • Billingsly [c 4] 113
  • Bish (28)
  • Bird 76
  • Blunt (15) 17
  • Blount 75
  • Blaney 74
  • Blagrave [c 4] 114
  • Blomer 76
  • Boyle (11,) 12
  • Bowyer (14)
  • Bargoine (22)
  • Booth (23) [c4] 105
  • Boles (23)
  • Bolowre (26)
  • Bowes (31)
  • Bohun 73
  • Borely 74
  • Booth [c4] 113. 34
  • Box 75
  • Bolton 75
  • Bourges 76
  • Bruce (15) 9
  • Bromfield (17)
  • Broadstone (29)
  • Bridger (30)
  • Broughton [c 4] 113 XV
  • Brudenell 12
  • Brazen-nose Col. 52
  • Browne 29. 75, 76
  • Brighlen 73
  • Brigham 73
  • Broadgate-hall 56
  • Broom 75
  • Bristol 41
  • Brand 75
  • Bradford 76
  • Bradshaw 76
  • Bright 76
  • Bryan 76
  • Bray 101
  • Brandenburgh Elec 24
  • Bruggs 27
  • Brograve 103
  • Butler (14) 11. 27. 34
  • [Page] Burton (22) 106 [c 1] 109
  • Bull 75
  • Burcetre 89
  • Bye (27)
  • Byron 35
  • O Brien 28
  • Buck [c 4] 113
  • Cadwallader (6)
  • Carlisle 48
  • Camell (22)
  • Carlton (21)
  • Carey 27
  • Carslack (24)
  • Canhanser (25)
  • Capenhurst (26)
  • Cavill (31)
  • Canterbury 24. 39
  • Carlow (33)
  • Canutus 2
  • Cavendish 14. 17
  • Capell 14
  • Cambridge 56
  • Cavenham 75
  • Cantrell 77
  • Carteret 28
  • Calvert 77
  • Cecill 15. 20
  • Charls K. of Sweden 24
  • Church (18)
  • Child (24)
  • Chester 48
  • Chorley (30)
  • Chichester 41
  • Chapman 77
  • Charlton 77
  • Cheke 77
  • Chaloner [c 4] 113
  • Christ Church 53
  • Chamberlaine 78
  • Christs Colledg 61
  • Chitwood 87
  • Clifford 34
  • Cliffords Inn 65
  • Clarke 77
  • Clements Inn. 65
  • Clare 78
  • Clare-hall 57
  • Cock (11) (26) 77
  • Colepepper (13) 35
  • Corke (19)
  • Courtney (21)
  • Cottingham (23)
  • [Page] Compton (29) 18
  • Corbet (27)
  • Commolin [c 1] 109
  • Conway 13
  • Cooper 21
  • Cornwallis 34. XIII
  • Coghill [c 1] 109
  • Coventry 36. 42
  • Cokain 77
  • Corbet [c 4] 113. 77
  • Cote 77
  • Corbet 26
  • Corpus Christi Colledg 53. 58
  • Cowper 78
  • Cooke 78
  • Cranfield [c 1] 109
  • Croke (27)
  • Cromer (31)
  • Cromwell 27
  • Craven 13
  • Crew 34, 77
  • Crisp 78
  • Crowch 78
  • Cutler (28)
  • Curcye 80
  • Cursitors Inn 66
  • Dawne (20)
  • Dand (27)
  • Danvers (30)
  • Darcy 28. 31
  • Davies 78
  • Day 78
  • Dabbins [c 2] 110
  • Dawes 79
  • Dacres 26
  • S. Davids 42
  • De-la-mare (14)
  • Deureux 15. 29
  • De-vere 18
  • Dean [c 1] 108. 79
  • K. Denmark 24
  • Dickinson (18)
  • Digby (20) [c 4] 114
  • Dimock (32)
  • Digby 79. 11
  • Dike 79
  • Dormer 12
  • Dolman 79
  • Dodd 79
  • Donne 79
  • Doctors Commons 66
  • Drake (27) 79
  • Draper 79
  • [Page] Duckensfield (11)
  • Dudly (15)
  • Ducy (17) 79
  • Duras 15
  • Duke 79
  • Duck 79
  • Durham 48
  • Dyer 79
  • Eaglesfield 80
  • Ecleston 80
  • Edward 1st. 1
  • S.—2d. 2
  • 3d. 3
  • 4th 4
  • Edmund 3
  • Edmond-hall 56
  • Egerton 11
  • Egbert 1
  • Ellis (21) (28) 80
  • Elfinston (25)
  • Eliot 80
  • Eldred 80
  • Ely 42
  • Emme (19) VII
  • Emanuel Colledg 63
  • Ent (29)
  • Ernley (24) IV
  • Ettrick (17)
  • Ethelbald 1
  • Evelyn (26)
  • Eure 36
  • Everard 80
  • Exeter 43
  • Exeter Colledg 50
  • Farrington (22) X. 8
  • Farmer (19)
  • Fane 22
  • Faulknor 81
  • Fairfax (19) V
  • Fellbrige (17) 81
  • Fitz-Hugh (17)
  • Fitz-James (20)
  • Fitz-Roy 15. 17. 18. 21
  • Fitz-Charls 19
  • Fitz-Roger 79
  • Fitz-Symond 101
  • Fitz-Zymond 101
  • Fielding 14
  • Fiennes 16, 29
  • Finch 18
  • Filfid 81
  • [Page] Field 81
  • Fisher [c 1] 109. 81
  • Fletcher 81
  • Foley (21) IV
  • Fowles 80
  • Foster 81
  • Fowler 81
  • Frampton (19)
  • Freake (30) V
  • Freeman 81
  • Franklyn [c 3] 112
  • Furnivals Inn 65
  • Gardiner 81
  • Gerrard [c 4] 114. 16. 32.
  • Gellibrand 82
  • Gilstand (23)
  • Gibbs (28)
  • Gibson 81
  • Gilman [c 1] 108
  • Glegg (16)
  • Glanvill 82
  • Glover 82
  • Glenham 93
  • Glocester 43
  • Glocester-hall 56
  • Govis (18)
  • Gore (24)
  • Gotley (25)
  • Goodred (32)
  • Gough 74
  • Goodwin 82
  • Gotham 107
  • Godard [c 3] 111
  • Grill (8)
  • Greenvile 10
  • Grey 16. 21. 33
  • Griffin 81
  • Green 82
  • Grevill 27
  • Grayes Inn 64
  • Gresham Colledg 67
  • Greeke [c 1] 108
  • Greve [c 1] 109
  • Gunvill &c. Col. 59
  • Guy [c 2] 110
  • Gway (16)
  • Genealogie 5
  • Hawly (10)
  • Harthill (22)
  • [Page] Harling (23)
  • Harman (24)
  • Harlewin (28)
  • Harrington (29)
  • Hastings 16
  • Hatton 33
  • Haringworth 80
  • Hamond 82
  • Harris 82
  • Hall 82
  • Hales 83
  • Hartop 83
  • Hardicnute 2
  • Harold 2
  • Hampton [c 4] 113
  • Herbert (2) 18. 36. 83
  • Henly (18) [c 3] 111
  • Heylyn 74
  • Herich 82
  • Heyward 83
  • Heath 83
  • Henry 2d 3
  • 4th 3
  • 6th 3
  • 7th 4
  • Heiress IX
  • Hereford 43
  • Hert hall 56
  • Hinchly (10)
  • High-Lord (13)
  • Hill (21) 82
  • Hide 13. 71
  • Hickman 32
  • Hicks 83
  • Hollis (9) 13. 27
  • Hocknell (24)
  • Hooke (30)
  • Hoskins (19) II
  • Holford (21)
  • Howard 10, 11, 12. 18. 22. 33. 29. 27
  • Hobbs 83
  • Horne 83
  • Hodges [c 2] 110. XV 83.
  • Hungerford (15) IV
  • Hunt (10) 83
  • Hulghton 90
  • Hyde (20)
  • Jarvis 84
  • Jay 84
  • James [c 2] 110. 84
  • K. James 4. X
  • Jesus Colledg 55. 60
  • Jermin 9
  • [Page] Jenkins 83
  • Inwine (32)
  • Ingham 82
  • Ingleby 84
  • Inward Temple 64
  • Jones (12) (16) (22) 84.
  • St. John 12
  • Jordan 84
  • Johnson 84
  • Jolls 84
  • S. Johns Col. 55. 61
  • Ireland 84
  • Juxon 84
  • Kadrad (22)
  • S. Katharins-hall 60
  • S. Katharins 67
  • Kederminster Inn 66
  • Kemp 85
  • Kerle [c 3] 111
  • Keat (23) 85
  • Kendall 85
  • Kendrick 85
  • Kirk XII 85
  • Kitson 85
  • King 85
  • Kirby 85
  • Kirkhoven 27
  • Kings Colledge 59
  • Knollys 10
  • Knolls 86
  • Knight 85
  • Knightley 85
  • Krog 86
  • Lawrence (9) 88
  • Langdale 35
  • Lacy 86
  • Langford 86
  • Langham 86
  • Langley 86
  • Langton 86
  • Lane 87
  • Langhorn 88
  • L Landaff 43
  • Lewis (21) 88
  • Leigh (31) 35. 87
  • Leveson (32)
  • Lee 16
  • Ley 17
  • Lenos 19
  • Leak 20. 86
  • L conar 22
  • [Page] Leson 86
  • Legatt 87
  • Leach 88
  • Leigham 94
  • Litleton [c 3] 112
  • Lind 82
  • Lilb urn 87
  • Lichfield 42
  • Lincoln 44
  • Lincolns Inn 64
  • Lincoln Colledg 51
  • Long (18)
  • Low (21) 87
  • Lovell (23) 87
  • Lovis de Queronalle 19
  • Lovelace 33
  • L Loyd 74
  • Lower 87
  • Love 88
  • London 44
  • Lutterell (28)
  • Lucas 33. 87
  • Lumly 28
  • Lyons Inn 66
  • Lydown 103
  • Lyndown 103
  • Lyband 92
  • Mallory (18)
  • Markham (19) VI
  • Mabb (19)
  • Marsh (24)
  • Mallet (30) 88
  • Maroley (33)
  • Maitland 15
  • Mannors 20
  • May 88
  • Maine 88
  • Marten 89
  • Mansfield 89
  • Marshall 90
  • Maston 90
  • Mawley 107
  • Maynard 27
  • Maiden VIII
  • Maycotte [c 1] 109 XV
  • Man 48
  • Martins Colledg [...]50
  • Magdalen Col. 52. 61
  • Magdalen Hall 56
  • S. Mary Hall 56
  • Merewether [c 1] 109
  • Meredith (17) 90
  • Meverell 89
  • [Page] Miniet (28)
  • Mildmay 31
  • Middlemore [c 3] 111
  • Milner 88
  • Midleton 89
  • Millington 89
  • Middle Temple 64
  • Mills 90
  • Mohun (7) 33. III
  • Montagne (14) 17 20. 27. III
  • Morton (18)
  • Monk (18) 10. 103
  • Morley (20)
  • Moile (25)
  • Mordant 19, 30
  • Mountain 88
  • Moore 89
  • Moorton 89
  • Morden 89
  • Morgan 89, 103
  • Morland 94
  • Moling 96
  • Mullineux (12)
  • Musterton (23)
  • Nansolyn 90
  • Newdigate (18)
  • Nevill (26) [c 3] 112
  • Newport 30. 90
  • Nells 90
  • Neal 90
  • Newman 90
  • New Inn 56. 66
  • New Colledg 51
  • Nicholls [c 3] [c 4] 112. 114.
  • Noell 28, 29
  • North 32
  • Norton 90
  • Norris 90
  • Norwood 90
  • Norwick 44
  • D. of Norfolk XII
  • Nuttall (20)
  • Nevil 27. 90
  • Oldfield 90
  • Oneslow (26)
  • Oldcastle (33)
  • Orpwood 90
  • Organ 90
  • Oriall Colledg 51
  • P. of Orange 24
  • [Page] Osborn 14
  • Owen 90
  • Oxford 45. 49
  • Palmer (21) (33) 90.
  • Pawne (27)
  • Paulet (33) 22. 27
  • Paston 23
  • Paget 32
  • Parkhurst 90
  • Palgrave 90
  • Palford 90
  • Palton 90
  • Panton 90
  • Papworth 91
  • Parker 27
  • Parry 91
  • Pal. of Rhine 24
  • Parker 91
  • Penruddock (31)
  • Petre 32
  • Peiton 90
  • Pelham 90
  • Peniston 90
  • Petit 90
  • Pears 90
  • Peirson 90
  • Penington 91
  • Peck 94
  • Peterborough 45
  • Peter-house 57
  • Pembroke-hall 57
  • Pierpoint (1) 14
  • Pine (31)
  • Piercy 18
  • Pierson 90
  • Pilkinton 91
  • Pitt 91
  • Platt (30) 91
  • Plank 90
  • Plotimore 103
  • Porter (29) 90
  • Portman 90
  • Pole 91
  • Powell 91
  • Prescott (27)
  • Preston 29. 90
  • Prelate (30)
  • Pr. Rupert 13. 24
  • Price 83. 90
  • Purslow 91
  • [Page 127] QUeronalle 19.
  • Querlton 94.
  • Queens Col. 51, 60.
  • RAinsford (11.)
  • Rayce (33.)
  • Ramsey 94.
  • Randall 94.
  • Randolph 94.
  • Radcliff 95.
  • Restwold (12.)
  • Redingfield (25)
  • Read (26) 94.
  • Retowre (32.)
  • Rede, 94.
  • Reading 95.
  • Reinolds 95.
  • Rigmaiden (22.)
  • Richardson (20.)
  • Rich 16, 22, 94.
  • Rider 94.
  • Rither 94.
  • Ridgway 94.
  • Ridley 94.
  • Rouch (16)
  • Robertson (23)
  • Rowe (24) 95.
  • Rowden (32)
  • Roberts 19, 95.
  • Roger 79.
  • Rosse 94.
  • Rogers 97.
  • Robinson 95.
  • Roper 27.
  • Rochester 45.
  • Le-Roche XII.
  • Russel (17) 11, V.
  • Rudyerd [c. 4] 114.
  • Ruthen 11.
  • SAmford (14) III.
  • Savil (27) 15.
  • Sackvil 14.
  • Savage 20.
  • Sandys 36.
  • Salisbury 46, 95.
  • Salmon 96.
  • Saunders 96, 98.
  • Sands 98.
  • Sacker 99.
  • Sayer 99.
  • Sampson 102.
  • Scot 98.
  • [Page 128] Scarlet 99.
  • Scudamore [c 3] 112.
  • Scroop (12)
  • Scotland VIII.
  • Seymour (25) 21.
  • Serjeants Inn 64, 65.
  • Selby 96.
  • Seal 99.
  • Shelton 98.
  • Shelly (22) (31) 98.
  • Shepheard 98.
  • Shute 99.
  • Shuter 99.
  • Short 99.
  • Sheperd [c. 2] 110.
  • Shandos (9)
  • Sheppard (31) III.
  • Sheffield 17.
  • Shirley 31.
  • Sherrard 93.
  • Sidney 16.
  • Simpson 96.
  • Simmons 97.
  • Sidley 100.
  • Sidney Sussex Col. 63.
  • Smith 35. 96.
  • Snigg 100.
  • Somery 17.
  • Somerset [c. 2] III. 23.
  • Somers [c. 1] 108.
  • Sollers 100.
  • Solers 100.
  • South 99.
  • Spark 98.
  • Spiller 99.
  • Speed 100.
  • Spenser 22.
  • Spurstow 96.
  • Spratt 97.
  • Springs 97.
  • Spring 97.
  • Stafford, (15)
  • Stapleton (16) (32) 97
  • Strood (23)
  • Stamp (25)
  • Sturton (28)
  • Stukly (33) 97
  • Stanhop 13.
  • Stanley 14.
  • Stourton 36.
  • Stokely 76.
  • Stanton 97.
  • Starky 97.
  • Storey 97.
  • Staple Inn 65.
  • Stroud Inn 66.
  • [Page 129] Staffords Inn 67.
  • K. Stephen 3.
  • Stephens 99.
  • Sturgion 100.
  • Stone 100.
  • Sutton 34, 97.
  • Surcester 73.
  • Swallow (27)
  • K. of Sweeden 24.
  • Swinford 74.
  • Synsward 101.
  • Symmes 96.
  • Symon 98.
  • Symons 98.
  • Symonds 97.
  • Succession 5.
  • TAlbot 21.
  • Taylor 100.
  • Taverner 101.
  • Tenton (28)
  • Terril 100.
  • Thynne (15) V.
  • Thomson 100.
  • Thorpe 101.
  • Threle 101.
  • Thomas 102.
  • Thorne 102.
  • Thavies Inn 65.
  • Tirrey 102.
  • Tindal 102.
  • Touchet 31.
  • Townsend 34.
  • Touke 101.
  • Tonson 102.
  • Tounson [c. 2] 110.
  • Trowtback (21)
  • Trewarthen (23)
  • Tripp 102.
  • Traitor XII.
  • Trinity Col. 54, 62.
  • Trinity Hall 59.
  • Tufton 22.
  • Tuke 101.
  • Turpin 101.
  • Turner 102.
  • Tyson (17)
  • VAughan (19) 27, XIII, 103.
  • Veal (25)
  • De Vere 18.
  • Verney 103.
  • Velaine 103.
  • [Page 130] Vernon 103.
  • Vincint 103.
  • Villiers 12, 13.
  • Ulster VIII.
  • University Col. 50.
  • Undall 103.
  • Upton 103.
  • Usher (18)
  • WAlgrave (10) 103, 106.
  • Wallop (12) 106.
  • Ward (13) 27, 33, 104.
  • Wallies (13) 106.
  • Watton (26)
  • Watson 35.
  • Walton 97.
  • Wadsworth 103.
  • Walden 103.
  • Wallington 103.
  • Warren 104, 106.
  • Watterton 104.
  • Waney 104.
  • Wakeman 105.
  • Watts [c. 2] III, 105.
  • Walles 106.
  • Warner 106.
  • Waterhous 106.
  • Wast boam 107.
  • Walsham 107.
  • Wadham Col. 55.
  • Westlemore 76.
  • Westminster 46.
  • Wells 104.
  • West 31, 106.
  • Webb 106.
  • Weele (26)
  • Wentworth (29) 22.
  • Weston 19, 104.
  • Welsh 104.
  • Welche 104.
  • Winchister Col. (20)
  • Williamson (21) 106.
  • Winne (24)
  • Wild (26)
  • Wiseman (28) [c. 3] 112.
  • Whitmore (29) 106.
  • Wharton 32, 106.
  • Whittington 104.
  • White 104.
  • Winchester 47.
  • Widdow VIII.
  • Widdrington 27.
  • [Page 131] William Conq. 3, 6.
  • Willoughby 32, 107.
  • Wilkinson 106.
  • Willington 106.
  • Withie 105.
  • Wither 105.
  • Wilmot 20.
  • Windsor 32.
  • Wisemale 103.
  • VVinter 105.
  • VVoodnoth (8) 107.
  • VVorksley (14)
  • VVoolaston 104, 106.
  • VVood 105.
  • VVoodward 105.
  • VVooton 105.
  • VVorth 107.
  • Marq. of VVorcester X.
  • VVorcester 47.
  • VVren (19) 105.
  • VVroth (18)
  • VVray (27) 104.
  • VVycomb (16)
  • YArmouth (29)
  • Yeo 27.
  • Yetton 107.
  • D. of York 24.
  • York 24, 47, 107.
  • Young 107.
  • Yelverton 31.
  • ZOuch 107.
  • Zusco (10)
  • Zurich (11)
  • Zymon 101.

A Catalogue of some Books lately Print­ed for, and sold by Tho. Simmons at the Prince's Arms in Ludgate-street.

1. MEmorabilia: or the most remarkable Passages and Counsels collected out of the several Declarations and Speeches that have been made by the King, His L. Chan­cellors and Keepers, and the Speakers of the Honourable House of Commons in Parlia­ment, since His Majesty's happy Restaurati­en, Anno 1660, till the end of the last Par­liament 1680. Reduced under 4. Heads. viz. 1. Of the Protestant Religion. 2. Of Popery. 3. Of Liberty and Property, &c. 4. Of Parliaments. By Edward Cook of the Middle Temple, Esq; Prince 3s.

2. Mr. Read's Case: Published for pre­vention of Scandal to his Brethren and Peo­ple, for Encouragement to suffering Prote­stant Dissenters, for a Rebuke to their lawless Adversaries: Being a Leading Case how to deal with such Men; and a practical Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet, and others, who object against the Non-conformists. VVhy will ye not do what ye confess to be lawful? Humbly presented to our Governours in hopes of their [Page] Forbearance towards Us, in such things as we account sinful. Price 6d.

3. A Genealogy of the Successions of the Kings of England from William the Conqueror, with all their Atchievements truly Blazoned.

4. An Historical account of the wonderful Cures wrought by Scarborough-Spaw, on se­veral Persons afflicted with the Scurvey, Stone, Jaundice, Dropsie, &c. Together with an Account of many strange Rarities of Nature found at Scarbrough. Price 1s.

5. An Account of the late Reverend and worthy Dr. George Seignior, Fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. In Remarks on the material Passages of his Life and Death. Written by James Fawket, M. A. Price 8d.

6. De Analogia, sive Arte Latinae Linguae, Commentariolus, in quo omnia, etiam recondi­tioris Grammaticae, Elementa, ratione novâ tractantur, & ad brevissimos Canones redigun­tur. In usum provectioris Adolescentiae. Operâ VVilhelmi Baxteri Philistoris. Price 1s. 6d.

7. England's Improvement by Sea and Land. The second Part. Containing, 1. An account of its Scituation▪ and the Growths and Manfactures thereof. 2. The benefit and necessity of a Voluntary Register. 3. A Method for improving the Royal Navy, les­sening [Page] the growing power of France and ob­taining the Fishery. 4. Proposals for fortify­ing and securing Tangier, so that no Enemy shall be able to attaque it. 5. Advantageous Proposals for the City of London, for the pre­venting of Fires and Massacres therein; and for lessening the great Charge occasioned by the keeping up of the Trained Bands. 6. The way to make New-Haven in Sussex fit to re­ceive Ships of Burthen. 7. Seasonable Dis­courses of the Tinn, Iron, Linnen and Wool­len Trades; With advantageous Proposals for improving them all. Illustrated with se­ven large Copper-Plates. By Andrew Yar­ranton. Price 4s.

8. Patriarcha non Monarcha. The Patri­arch Unmonarch'd: Being Observations on a late Treatise and divers other Miscellanies, Published under the name of Sir Robert Fil­mer Baronet. In which the falseness of those Opinions that would make Monarchy Ju­re Divino are laid open: And the true Principles of Government and Property (espe­cially in our Kingdom) asserted. By a Lover of Truth and of his Country. Price 2s. 6d.


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