Christians you doe understand,
That we have many Foes within our Land,
And 'tis a reall truth you need not doubt it,
As we have many in, we have more without it.
Witness that
Sultan that in Pride declares
Hee is 'bove our highest, the Sun, the Moone and Stars,
And in the heighth of his ambitious pride
Speakes against CHRIST, that for poor sinners dy'd.
Mabomet, a piece of Clay
To him that made the World, and springs the Day;
And boldly sayes, his Sepulcher or Tower,
Is by his potent strength now in his power:
Alcaron, and all the Cheats he hath,
He thunders out, to weaken our strong Faith.
Bashaws and his
Ianizaries too,
Confirmes his haughty language to be true.
Vizier his saucy Generall,
Sweares what he sayes, is all Canonicall,
And vowes by
Mahomet, now they have power
They will all
Christians in the world devoure.
But let these Catiffes dominere and sweare,
And by your leave build castles in the ayre:
Wee have a Saviour, though they count him small
With one word of his mouth ruines 'em all:
And when by them, JEHOVAH'S worke is done,
Hee'l make his pale three Moones, to kiss his Son;
For if his wrath once throughly kindled be,
Hee'l pay 'em home for all their Blasphemie.
In the meane time let every Christian Prince
Act in his spheare to lower his insolence;
And stand not now on trifles, wise men see
Tends not to Peace, to Love, nor Unity.
And really thorow Faith implore his ayd,
That has the Universall fabricke made:
Then you shall see what will become of those
That are our SAVIOURS, and his Servants foes.
And though the Church of
Rome we know must downe,
Being 'gainst CHRIST, his Scepter and his Crowne.
Yet peace and joy will Coronize each one
That doth detest the Whore of
The house of
Austria, that all along
Hath done
Messiah and his servants wrong,
His plumes will now be pluckt to let him know
They shall be safe when he shall not be so.
And when the
Turke on them has his desire,
He'le burne in Tophet for to make a fire.
To reach all
Rabshakeh; how they proclaime,
Decrees 'gainst
Christ, and a true Christians name;
And as the people of
Israell heretofore,
VVe're threat'ned by those that now dare threat no more,
Even so these Uipers they shall understand,
They fight against a Power that shall Command.
For if the Lord of hosts doth once out-brave 'em,
Their three and Thirty Kingdoms, will not save 'em.
And though
New Hausell, lately surrendred bee
To the Giant
Turke their greatest Enemy,
Before hee goes much further hee may know,
That his owne Slaues may worke his owne overthrow.
For those poore Captives, that for many yeares,
Has serv'd him 'gainst their will with sighs and teares,
And in his Gallyes taken uncessant paines,
Rowing along their coasts in Iron Chaines,
In luring many a blow upon their back.
When their sad hearts were ready for to crack;
And with their Bastinadoes on their feet,
Blow after blow most cruelly doth meer.
Their Prayers and tears ere long will sore on high,
To ruine him and his Conspiracy.
Now I could wish you that drinke Wine in boules,
For to survey the misery of these soules;
And you that lye upon your beds of Downe,
And your soft heads with Roses seems to Crowne,
Sits downe to eat, and rises up to play,
And with vaine sports do droll your time away;
Although that lenity a while forbeares
These cases might be ours as well as theirs,
England be not too secure for feare,
Though God has blest and spar'd us many a yeere,
If we too long rebell, against his Crowne,
Iustice at length, will fairely cut us downe.
Which is not only the hope, but also the beliefe of one that wishes well to all the Protestants in the Christian world.