Englands Triumph and Londons Glory, Or, the Royal Proceedings to the CORONATION OF The Most High and Mighty KING CHARLES the Second, upon Tuesday the 23th of April, And also the day before the Coronation, through the City of London, as it was Settled by his Sacred Majesty, March 4. 1661.

Proceedings to the Coronation of his Royal Majesty the day before His Coronation, April 22.

  • THe Duke of York's Horse-guard.
  • Messengers of the Chamber.
  • Knight Harbinger, Sergeant Porter.
  • Sewers of the Chamber.
  • Quarter Wayters.
  • Gentlemen Ushers in Ordinary.
  • The Six Clarkes of the Chancery.
  • Clarkes,
    • Of the Signet.
    • Privy-Seale,
    • Council,
    • Parliament.
    • Crowne.
  • Chaplains having Dignities ten in number.
  • Aldermen of London.
  • The Kings Advocate, and Remembrancer.
  • Masters of the Chancery.
  • Kings [...] Sergeants.
  • Kings Atturney and Solicitor,
  • Kings Eldest Sergeants.
  • Kings Batchelors.
  • Secretary of the French and Latine Tongues.
  • Esquires of the Body.
  • Sewers, Carvers, and Chaplains in Ordinary.
  • Masters of standing Offices, being no Counsel­lors, viz. Of the Tents, Revels, Ceremo­nies, Armory, Wardrobe, Ordinance.
  • Masters of Requests.
  • Chamberlain of the Exchequer.
  • Barons of the Exchequer & Judges of the Law.
  • Lord Chief Baron, and Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
  • Mr. of the Rolls, Chief Justice.
  • Trumpets.
  • Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber.
  • Knights of the Bath.
  • Knights that have been Lord Embassadours,
  • Lord Presidents.
  • Lord Deputies.
  • Knight Marshall, Treasurer of the Chamber,
  • Master of the Jewel-house.
  • The Dean of the Kings Chappel.
  • Barons younger Sons.
  • Viscounts younger Sons.
  • Knights of the Privy Councill.
  • Knight. of the Garter.
  • Barons Eldest Sons.
  • Earls youngest Sons.
  • Viscounts eldest Sons.
  • Barons.
  • Mr. Atturney to consider the Act of Parliament.
  • Bishops.
  • Marquesses younger Sons.
  • Earls Eldest Sons.
  • Viscounts.
  • Dukes younger Sons.
  • Marquesses Eldest Sons.
  • Earles.
  • Lord Stewards and Lord Chamberlaine if not otherwise employed.
  • Dukes eldest Sons.
  • Marquesses.
  • Dukes.
  • Ser. at Arms.
    • Clare [...]ceax and Norroy.
    • L. Treasurer L. Chancellor.
    • Representing the Dukes of Normandy & Aquitaine.
    • Gent. Ush, Garter, L. Mayor
  • The Constable or Marshal on the left. The Sword borne by,
  • Lord great Chamberlaine on the right.
  • The King under his Canopy.
  • Borne by Gentlemen of the Privy-Chamber.
  • Equerries and Foot-men next his Ma­jesty.
  • Gentlemen and Penrioners [...] them,
  • The Master of the Horse leading a [...] Horse.
  • The Vice Chamberlaine [...],
  • Captain of the Pentioners,
  • Capt. of the Guard.
  • The Guard.
  • The Kings Horse-guard.
  • The Generrls [...]-guard.

Proceedings the Second day to the Coronation of his Royal Majesty, being the 23 of April▪

  • ALdermen of London,
  • Chaplains having Dignities.
  • The Kings younger Sergeants.
  • The Kings Atturney and Solicitor.
  • The Kings ancientest Sergeants.
  • Master of the Requests.
  • Baron of the Exchequer and other Judges in their Order.
  • Two Pursevants of Arms.
  • The Master of the Jewel-house,
  • Knights of the Privy-Council.
  • The Sergeant Porter.
  • The Sergeant of the Vestry.
  • In their Copes.
    • Gent. of the Kings Chappel. and
    • Prebends of Westminster.
  • Two Heralds.
  • Barons in their Robes, according to their Creation.
  • Bishops, according to their Dignities and Consecration.
  • Two Heralds.
  • Viscounts in their Robes, according to their Creation.
  • Two Heralds.
  • Earles, according to their Creations, with their Cap and Coronet in their hands.
  • According [...] Crea­tion.
    • Marquesses
    • Dukes.
  • Norroy and Clarence [...] Kings of Armes.
  • The Lord Treasurer.
  • The Lord Chancellour.
  • The Lords Arch-bishops.
  • The Spurs born by—
  • St. Edwards Scepter born by—
  • The Lord Major with his Mace, Garter K. of Armes.
  • A Gentleman Usher.
  • The Lord Chamberlain of Eng­land alone.
  • Sergeants of Armes.
  • The Lord Constable with his Mace on the right hand.
  • The Sword in the Scabbord born by the E. Marshall of England on the left hand.
  • The Rod with the Dove born by
  • The Crown born by
  • The Orbe born by
  • Patina born by the Bishop of
  • Regale born by the Bishop of
  • Barons of the Cinque Ports to carry the Canopy.
  • Gent. Pentioners with their Axes.
  • The Kings Majesty under his Canopy supported by the Bishop of and
  • Two Gent. of the [...]amber to be near his Majesty, viz.
  • His Majesties Train born by Lord PERCY. and
  • Capt. of the Pentioners.
  • Capt. of the Guard.
  • The Guard.


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