Ord of y e Lords.⟩

THe Lords in Parliament assembled, having considered of a Paper sent unto them from the House of Commons, for burning of the Instrument or Writing, called, The Solemn League or Covenant by the hands of the common Hang­man; Do Order that the said instrument or writing called, The Solemn League and Covenant, be burned by the hand of the Common Hangman in the New Palace at Westmin­ster, in Cheapside, and before the Old Exchange on Wednes­day the Twenty second of this instant May. And that the said Covenant be forthwith taken off the Record in the House of Peers, and in all other Courts and places where the same is recorded; And that all Copies thereof be taken down out of all Churches, Chappels, and other publick places in England and Wales, and in the Town of Barwick upon Tweede where the same are set up.

JO. BROWNE Cleric. Parliamentorum.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament Assembled, That this Order be forthwith Prin­ted and Published.

JO. BROWNE Cleric. Parliamentorum.

London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent MAJESTY, 1661.

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