VOTES OF THE Honorable House of COMMONS Against Protections.

INformation being given of a Great Scandal and Reflection upon the Honor and Justice of this House, by several Persons, Shop-keepers, Tradesmen, and others, sheltring themselves under the colour of Pro­tections of Parliament-Priviledge, against the due Course of Law, to evade satisfaction of their Just Debts;

Resolved, &c.

THat no Members of this House do grant any Protection to any, but such onely as are their Menial Servants: And that all Protections already granted to any other Persons, besides Menial Servants, be forthwith withdrawn and called in.

Resolved, &c.

THat all Protections and Written Certificates of the Members of this House, be declared Void in Law, and be forthwith withdrawn and called in, and that none be granted for the future; and that the Priviledge of Members for their Menial Servants be observed according to Law: And that if any Menial Servant shall be Arrested and Detained contrary to Priviledge (he shall upon Complaint thereof made) be discharged by Order from the Speaker of this House.


THat these Votes against Protections, be Printed and Published; and that the same be set up at the Exchanges, Westminster-Hall-Gate, Guildhal-Gate, the Compters, and other Publick Places, That all Persons concerned may take notice hereof.

Wil. Goldesbrough Cler. Dom. Com.

In the SAVOY, Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1670.

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