IT is this day Ordered by the Commons in Parliament Assembled, That the severall and respective Ministers in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Parishes within the Bills of Mortali­ty, doe on the next Lords day, take notice of the great blessing of God in preserving the Towne of Lyme, and raising the Siege, and returne him humble and hearty Thankes for the manifestation of his great goodnesse and blessing herein.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

WHereas by reason of the long and cruell Siege of the Towne of Lyme by Prince Maurice, and his whole Army, for full two moneths, great numbers of miserable poore People, have lost their Houses and Goods by fire, other their Husbands, Children, and other Friends by the Sword, so that they are left utterly, destitute and desolate, in the midst of a plundered and wasted Coun­try. It is Ordered that every Godly Minister bee desired the next Lords day, effectu­ally to stirre up his Congregation to commiserate their great extremities, and to re­lieve their hunger and nakednesse, with a charitable contribution; And to deliver it to such as shall bee authorized to receive it by the Committee of Lords and Com­mons, for Plymouth, Lyme and Poole.

And my Lord Major is hereby desired to advance this so pious and charitable work by dispersing this Order to all the Parishes within the Cities of London and Westminster, and within the Lines of Communication and Bills of Mortality.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Ordered to bee Printed.

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