IT is this day Ordered by the Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the severall Members of this House, doe forthwith give their Attendance upon the publique Service of this Commonwealth with which they are entrusted by their Countreys. And the Sheriffs of the seve­rall Counties of this Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales are required to give Notice of this Order unto all such Members of the House of Commons as are within their respective Counties; and speedily to make returne of such their doings, unto the Speaker of that House: And all such as shall not make their personall apperance by the sixteenth day of this instant Iune, in the House of Com­mons, shall each one forfeit One hundred pounds, to be disposed of to the Warrs in Ireland, and undergo such further censure and pu­nishment as the said House shall thinke fit for so great neglect of their duty in a time that so necessarily requires their assistance.

Provided alwayes, That all such as are specially imployed by this House, are to remaine in such imployments, untill they shall have particular Directions for their returne.

Ordered that it be forthwith Printed.

H. Elsynge Cler: Parl: D: Com'.

Printed for Ioseph Hunscott. 1642.

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