The unanimous Vote and Resolution of Both Houses of Parliament, presented by them to the Kings most Excellent Majesty.

WE the Lords and Commons doe humbly tender our acknow­ledgments and thanks unto your Majesty, for that free and gracious Communication of your Resolution to marry with the Infanta of Portugall, which we conceive to be of so high concernment to this Nation, as that we conceive it with great joy and satisfaction: And doe with all earnestnesse beg a blessing upon and a speedy accomplishment of it: And we cannot but expresse our own unani­mous Resolutions, which we are confident will have a general influence up­on the hearts of all your Subjects, that we shall upon all occasions be ready to assist your Majesty in the pursuance of those your intensions against all oppositions whatsoever:

REsolved upon the question, By the Commons House of Parli­ament, That this House doth concurr with the House of Peers in this Vote and Resolution, And that the Speaker of this House being accompanied by all the Members thereof, doe with the House of Peers wait upon His Majesty in the Ban­queting-House at White-Hall, at four of the clock this afternoon accor­ding to His Majesties appointment, to present this the unanimous Vote and Resolution of both Houses.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Hodgkinson, living in Thames-Street over-against Baynards-Castle, An. Dom. 1661.

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