THREE ORDINANCES OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in Parliament. Containing the names of divers Knights and Gentlemen, to be added to the Committees in the Counties of Kent and Sussex, for the weekly assessements, and for the leizing and sequestration of Papists estates, and other notorions Delinquens, for the use of the Parliament. Also, another Ordinance of both Houses, concerning some Voluntiers lately sent from the Associate Counties of Essex, Suffolke, Norfolke, Cam­bridge, &c. which Forces are to be maintained with the money raised upon the late Ordinance for assessing in the said Counties.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament, that these Ordinances shalbe forthwith prin­ted and published.

Io. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily, May 19. 1643.

Die Jovis, 18 Maii. 1643.

IT is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons, that Sir Edward Patricke, Sir Norton Knachebull, Sir Thomas Peyton, Sir Francis Barnham be added so the Committees named in the Ordinances for the weekely assessements, for sequestrati­ons, and for assessing such as have not con­tributed, or not in proportion to their estates, in the County of Kent, and that they shall have as full and ample power to all intents and purpose, as the other Committees, named in the said Ordinances, have, might, or ought to have; and that the said persons be enjoyned forthwith to goe downe into the County of Kent, to put the said Ordi­nances in execution.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Jovis 18. Maii. 1643.

WHereas in the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, for the seizing and sequestring of the estates of certaine kinds of notorious Delinquents, for the maintenance of the Army raised by the Parliament; The Names of divers Persons were omitted to be a Committee for the County of Sus­sex, viz. Sir John Chapman Knight, Anthony Fowle, Lawrence Ashburnham, Thomas Middleton, Peter Farn­den. Sir William Culpepper Baronet, William Mi­chelbourne, John Busbridge, Stephen Humphrey, Tho­mas Collins, Captain Carleton, Captaine Everden, Edward Higgons, William Cawley, and Robert Spence. Be it therefore Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the parties before na­med shall be added to the said Committee for sequestring Malignants Estates in the said County of Sussex, and that they shall have as full and ample power to all in­tents as the other Committees named in the said Or­dinance have, might, or ought to have.

John Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Jovis 18. Maii 1643.

IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Sir William Go­ring Baronet, Sir Thomas Parker, Sir Thomas Henley, Sir Thomas Eversfield Knights, Iohn Alford, Henry Goring, Thomas Sherley, Edward Goring, Tho­mas Challoner, Henry Shelley, Henry Peck, Francis Sellwyn, Herbert Board, Nicholas Gildrege, Iohn Board, George Churcher, William Hay, Henry Bridger, Tho­mas Anscombe, William Marlot, Thomas Ieffery, Wil­liam Thomas Esquires, be added to the Committees named in the Ordinances for the weekly Assessements, and for seizing and sequestring the Estates of Papists, notorious Delinquents, &c. in the County of Sussex; and that they shall have as full and ample power to all Intents, as the other Committees named in the said Ordinances, have, might, or ought to have.

Io. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Jovis, 18 Maii. 1643.

WHereas the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament have made an Ordinance for the speedy raising and leavying of money throughout the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, for the reliefe of the Common­wealth, by taxing such as have not at all contributed or lent, or not according to their estates and abilities: And whereas the Associate-Counties of Essex, Suffolke, Nor­folke, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Hertford, and County of the City of Norwich, out of their good and ready affections have lately sent Forces with Armes Powder, Bullet, and o­ther Ammunition out of their several Coun­ties, for the defence of the King, Parliament, and Kingdome, which they have paid with all the Officers belonging to the said Forces, for two moneths, but having many charges lying upon them, cannot pay the said Forces [Page] and Officers any longer without their great impoverishment: The said Lords and Commons doe therefore ordaine, that such summe and summes of money as are and shall be assessed upon such person and persons as are of ability and have not con­tributed and lent, and have contributed and lent, yet not according to their abilities by vertue of the said Ordinance in the said re­spective Counties, shall be imploied to the use and for the maintaining of the said Forces sent out of the said Counties re­spectively: And that all such summes of mo­ney so assessed and rated as aforesaid, as shall be received by the Collectors nominated for that purpose shall be paid by the said Col­lectors to such Treasurers as shall be ap­pointed by the Committees named in the said Ordinance in their respective Counties, or any three or more of them, And that the said Treasurers shall dispose of the same to the use aforesaid upon warrant directed to them under the hands of the Lieutenant or Deputy-Lieutenants of the said respective Counties, or any two or more of them.

Io. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

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